The housing crash and meltdown is starting to feel a bit like Katrina 2 about now, eh?
When America needed competent leadership, we got a monkey.
June 27, 2008
My name is George W. Bush. I'm still the President of the United States. But I've completely lost control now. God help you all.
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The housing crash and meltdown is starting to feel a bit like Katrina 2 about now, eh?
Just wait until the marxist policies of obama start to take affect...
Please place the following abovethe picture:
and below: FOR MURDER
Just trying to help.
Is it just me or does he look a little Howdy Doody-ish? (dating myself probably)
Just wait until the marxist policies of obama start to take affect...
Oh I know McCain is one heck of a choice to run this mess...He will die trying, just from the stress.
I like the pic over at Huffpost where he has the bone in his nose better.
This late in the term, every president became irrelevant (except for foreign political emergencies). That doesn't change my estimate that he was one of the worst.
Poor George. If we had only listened, we would just now be starting to sip from the ANWAR cup, and oil would be in free fall. Give me a Hummer(tm) or give me... well, I'd be good with a hummer.
Of course, that would be the end of that oil, never to be seen again.
I have been waiting for the implosion for months, and it looks like nothing can stop the economic carnage now. Banks - done. Energy - out of control (check natural gas!). Inflation - raging. Infrastructure - in tatters. Got food?
What I want to know is who are these 30% who still approve of Shrub?
In their own words:
George Bush - "I've got political capital, and I'm gonna spend it"
Dick Cheney - "Deficits don't matter"
George Bush - "Mission accomplished"
This is what you get when you raise your way below average kid with too much self confidence. Forrest Freaking Gump.
You can do no wrong Forrest. Now get out there and ruin the country. That a boy.
God help us all indeed.
28 Years of Bushes & Clinton's and here we are...Robbed blind and in the beginning of the great depression #2.
One was a Elephant & the other a Donkey...
Wake up people ...both parties suck and are out to steal from the sheeple. Your local dentist would make a better President than either of the yahoo's up for election.
They hanged the wrong man in Baghdad.....
My name is George W. Bush. I'm going to invade Iraq and then mis-manage the war for way too long. After the US and Irai peoples have suffered far too much, and we're on the brink of a socialist election landslide, I will pull my head out of my ass and finally get it right. Democracy will succeed in the middle east and millions of people will forever live in freedom rather than under a dictator.
I wonder how it feels to send over 4000 americans to their deaths.Don't see how you can sleep at night myself.Where is bin laden?
It was an inside job you dummies.
Bush and his band of robber baron elitist scumbags are war criminals.
Can't you tell the difference between a controlled demolition and a collapse of a steel structured building? No you can't because there HAS NEVER BEFORE BEEN a collapse of a steel structured building. Funny how all three WTC towers that fell on 9/11 all were explosive, rapid free fall vertical collapses!! And there were multiple eyewitness accounts (and video recordings mind you!) of explosives in the buildings. How dumb are you people?!!
When an object falls at freefall speed it means there is nothing supporting it. It means the support structure of those buildings had to vaporize in an instant. The only way that can happen is with demolition explosives. Learn some physics!!
Can't you dummies tell when there is no evidence of a 60 tonne 757 at the Pentagon? Can't you see that in the four frames of video released that were supposed to show the impact of the 757 with the Pentagon that THERE IS NO FREAKING TRACE OF A PLANE in those frames??!!
How freaking dumb do you people have to be??!!
Here's just one video that gives you proof. There are many more under 9/11 on the same site:
Kevin Ryan - fired from NIST for questioning official story
In an information-packed presentation of 58 minutes Kevin Ryan delivers a damning indictment of the official investigations of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7. Ryan’s solid scholarship and application of the scientific method stands in stark contrast to the official investigations, whose dishonesty and corrupt anti-scientific methods Ryan exposes in abundance.
Open up your eyes you dummies!!
It's just a "conspiracy theory" blah blah blah...
Well if it's just a "conspiracy theory" explain the above. Come on! Put up people! Make a freaking stand!
And we elected that monkey TWICE....God save us!!! Get the freakin monkey off our BACK!!
Mark, even a Marxist could not do more damage to the US than has already been done by the grinning moron known as Bush.
Just wait until the marxist policies of obama start to take affect...
Toss in an attack on Iran and $200 oil, and we'll really be on our knees.
Tough love is what Amurca needs, and it's coming.
"Obama the Marxist" should join the long line of neocon hick miths that should have been put to bed long ago.
Anyone who thinks he is a "Marxist" (really? Do you know what that actually means) is instantly placed in that precious category: "low information voter."
He's far from a Marxist friend. Believe me, I know the difference. You might not agree with him, and that's your right. But try -- just try, attempt -- to devise a more coherent critique. You're just using taglines now. It reeks of desperation.
Typical politics though. I fall prey to it as well. Guilty. But calling any major politician (let alone an American candidate) a "Marxist" is a misstep that can't be ignore. Grow up and join the adult table.
RE: George Bush, pathetic clown...
Here are a few Bushisms to help break the monotony:
"We understand the fright that can come when you're worried about a rocket landing on top of your home."
"I'm a commander guy."
"All of us in America want there to be fairness when it comes to justice."
"I feel strongly that there ought to be fair justice."
"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."
"What I'm telling you is that there's too many junk lawsuits suing too many doctors."
"My concern, David, is several."
"All I can tell you is when the governor calls, I answer his phone."
"I can press when there needs to be pressed; I can hold hands when there needs to be -- hold hands."
Disclaimer: I voted for Bush twice.
I realized this about how arrogant Bush is....he is President of the of the United States. He pronouces the word "nu-cu-lar." Now as President, I am sure someone, at some point, has let him know that the proper pronunciation is "Nu-cle-ar." Other members of his staff pull out Webster's, reiterate and confirm the point. The arrogance goes as far as "Screw it, I'm the President,I say nu-cu-lar, its freakin nu-cu-lar, tell Webster's that."
It's a small point in the larger scheme of things. But a nice insight into the man's personality.
In his mind, is doesn't matter what the reality is, what the TRUTH is, what is best. Whatever he believes is right- is right. And that is the problem. The man had been wrong is other areas besides "nu-cu-lar." But he doesn't believe it. That's his problem.
And McCain is no different. He is wrong on Iraq. He will always be wrong on it. But if we elect him, he will continue down that path regardless of reality.
All of the "conservatives" out there, stop listening to Hannity and Rush, they are wrong. The Republicans have left you, they don't represent you anymore. Obama isn't the radical, the NeoCons are. The "radicals" on the Supreme Court? 2 of them were put on there by the true conservative, the true Republican, Ronald Reagan. The other was nominated by the most underated President, Gerald Ford. 3 of the 5 of Hannity's "radicals" were nominated by Republicans, 2 of them were nominated by the true savior, Reagan. The other 4, Hannity's "non-radicals?" All nominated by the great Neo-Con Nazi-facist regime monarchy known as BUSH.
Research Goebbels and his tactics in Germany. A majority of the people in a country are not evil. They are led to evil by a belief they aren't serving an evil cause. What is truth? Ask an independent voice, ask a Swede. How do we know that we aren't being led to evil by a propoganda machine? Is it so hard to believe in a controlled media in this country? How would we know?
Research Goebbels and his tactics in Germany. A majority of the people in a country are not evil. They are led to evil by a belief they aren't serving an evil cause. What is truth? Ask an independent voice, ask a Swede. How do we know that we aren't being led to evil by a propoganda machine? Is it so hard to believe in a controlled media in this country? How would we know?
You're completely correct. We are constantly bombarded by Goebbels style propaganda and diversions. Actually, scratch that, we are constantly bombarded with 1984 style propaganda. Our Eurasia is the Middle East even though there is no real enemy threat.
People, you don't know how bad this really is. You are led to believe in a fairy tale, a myth that is 9/11. A myth that does not hold up to scientific scrutiny.
The sham is up. We know that 9/11 was an inside job. The evidence is overwhelming. The only obstacle to realizing this and making the population at large aware of this is breaking through the media establishment embargo. All you have to do is inform yourself with the many excellent research that has been conducted on 9/11. These are not "conspiracy theorists". They are scholars, engineers, physicists, architects, government intelligence officials etc.. etc..
The only obstacle to bringing justice to the victims of 9/11 is you. Including you Keith. Is it so hard to just watch a video so that you can at least be presented with the very clear evidence that contradicts the official myth?
Maybe you just like believing in fantasy - that the Hollywood style production of 9/11 with the evil men in turbans attacking America's freedom is the real deal.
How much do you really know about the details of 9/11? Can you honestly say that you know the details, that you have investigated them yourself? Or do you completely trust what you're told by the media?
The Myth and Reality of 9/11
Geez, seems to be a primate theme this morning, eh?
I think that putting GWBush down is very wrong -- he is no moron, even if his way of expressing himself is a bit unconventional.
He is a bright guy with a tough character and very few scruples who had an agenda and he has managed to implement most of his agenda.
The people he cares about, his sponsors, have been huge winners in the past decade, and the rest have been screwed, which from his point of view is probably almost as good.
He was elected by Republicans voters, for the benefit of Republican campaign donors, and he has served his constituency very, very well, with ruthless effectiveness.
Even the continued stall on the Iraq situation may have been (unconfessable) policy, but perhaps more from Cheney.
To the 48% who voted for Bush in 2000, especially those in Florida....
here's another classic rant
too bad the Dems weren't an effective opposition party.
impeachment should have been on the table from day 1
There you go again....insulting monkeys.
Look up PSYCHOPATH, Keith. Forget about the monkey theme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK?????
Just wait till we attack Iran! ....Suckers.........
If the measure passes, it would rename [San Francisco's] Oceanside Treatment Plant as the George W. Bush Sewage Plant...
The voter will get wat he voted for (or what Diebold got him anyway).
Peter T said...
"That doesn't change my estimate that he was one of the worst."
Get your head out-of-your ass sheeple. This is THE Villan.
Punish the GUILTY.
The financial turmoil that you are witnessing is the real-life version of the Beverly Hillbillies loading up the last bit of furniture on top of the truck before they go back to Texas.
> Just wait until the marxist policies of obama start to take affect...
Affect... Effect... Blah, blah, blah... it's all the same for illiterate republicans.
"When America needed competent leadership, we got a monkey."
If I was a monkey I would be insulted. And I wish foreigners would stop saying the voter's elected this chimp. His daddie's cronies on the Supreme Court put him in office, and the people counting the votes at Diebold kept him there.
I've never understood this idiotic mentality of blaming everything on George Bush. It's just stupid and it's getting really old.
I've never understood this idiotic mentality of blaming everything on George Bush. It's just stupid and it's getting really old.
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