I've been away for a bit, but saw a piece in the paper yesterday on the train about the REIC scum who found his way onto the Obama campaign - the ex CEO of Fannie Mae who just LOVED corrupting other companies and robbing their shareholders when sitting on their comp committees, while also taking obvious personal bribes from FREAKING ANGELO MOZILO!
So I was gonna do a scathing post today flaming James Johnson, and also Obama for being stupid enough to associate himself with yet another piece of should-be-in-jail REIC trash.
And then I read right now that this problem has been dealt with and the dude is gone today.
Man, that was quick.
I think Obama screwed up in such an obvious way - I mean seriously, having the former CEO of freaking FANNIE MAE on your team during the biggest housing crash in world history? Stupid, stupid, stupid. But what really grossed me out about this guy is his OK'ing of lavish CEO pay packages as he sat on the board of companies like United Health, where he green-lighted giving the CEO $1.2 BILLION in stock options.
Come on Obama. What the f*ck were you thinking? Especially since YOU'RE THE ONE WHO INTRODUCED LEGISLATION TO CUT BACK ON LAVISH CEO PAY PACKAGES!!
Anyway, nice to see this dude get tossed on his ass today. I hope President Obama will be a nice change from Bush - who when he made a mistake denied it, and kept digging, and digging, and digging some more. Obama makes a stupid mistake and POW, fixes it within hours.
Former Fannie Mae chairman quits Obama’s VP search team
Obama's failure to vet the vetter
Vetting a Vetter: Obama’s Pick Fuels G.O.P. Criticism
June 13, 2008
HousingPANIC calls on Barack Obama to dump REIC-scum ex-Fannie-Mae CEO James Johnson from VP search team. WHOOPS! Looks like that just got done...
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Labels: angelo mozilo is satan, corrupt ceo's, james johnson, obama 2008, the stench from fannie mae is everywhere
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Only because he got caught...
Slightly off topic, but education is probably one of the most important issues.
>[Obama's] advisers run the gamut on education policies, and his solution depends in part on what month it is.
>Back in October 2005, Obama gave a phenomenal education speech in which he seemed to ally with the reformers. Then, as the campaign heated up, he shifted over to pure union orthodoxy, ripping into accountability and testing in a speech in New Hampshire in a way that essentially gutted the reformist case.
From David Brooks current article
When you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, then move on. When you can't do that as President, you wind up putting the country in this massive train wreck that we're in today.
And I'm sorry, McCain supports much of the Bush agenda.
The Bush hole that we're in is so deep we lost sight of the sun a long time ago. But McCain wants to keep digging.
For a guy with no experience whose only selling point is the people he will surround himself with who do have experience, I'm seriously wondering about the annointed one.
Let's see:
On the issue of housing, let's get someone who was part of the problem. (Johnson)
On Domestic security, a terrorist. (Ayers)
On civil rights and ending hurtful racism, a racist. (Wright)
On Ethics, a convict. (Rezko)
On family values and patriotism, someone who got advantages that many NEVER see, who just found her national pride when her hubby got one over on America and actually got a nomination. (Mrs. Obama)
On the Middle East he has made it clear that he wants to consult a total whack job and a terrorist to boot. (Ahmadinejad)
That is some Mother F-ing change I can get behind. I would also suggest the following for what may be the clown-in-chief.
On military issues maybe he can get Jane Fonda
If only there was a way to get Clyde Barrows or Willie Sutton back from beyond, there would be two perfect economic advisors.
On Children's issues, maybe Michael Jackson or David Westerfield.
On drug enforcement, Tommy Chong circa 1970's
On border enforcement he only has to go to a Home Depot with a pick-up truck and he'll find a pannel to discuss the problem.
Maybe Hugo Chavez will consult with him on the Oil situation.
I can't believe how many people have been duped into voting for this guy to become the most powerful person in the world. The saddest indictment that people can still be influenced striclty on appearance. Sure, Barry looks good, until you see his friends. He sounds good..., until you start listening to him.
This DID NOT happen in hours. This has been at least a week or more that the new media and talk shows have been harping on it. The MSM tries to ignore the real issues plaguig Obamessiah as long as possible until the AP finally has to pick these stories up (re: Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc. etc.). It's just laughable how you switch from one extreme to the other (RP to B. Hussein O.); whatever's the latest fad eh?
Keith, please rip away on this one:
Sens. Dodd, Conrad tied to special mortgage deals
I can't believe this Washington scum...what's wrong with these people?
By comparison, Bush selected the CEO of an oil company/military contractor to vet his VP choices, then chose that vetter as his VP, then promptly lied the country into an invasion of an oil-rich country.
If Obama were Bush, he would select Johnson as his VP candidate then promptly unveil the largest government bailout in history.
So, isn't it better that Obama fired him instead? Wouldn't this country be better off if Bush had fired Cheney instead?
Why is the Democratic platform best represented by a Arabic/Black candidate. Unless Hillary is his vice president, then Obama has no chance. The United States has serious financial issues and has no time for this sick social experiment and phony messiah. I do not believe anything Obama has to say because his church of 20 years says it all: Black Power and Reverse Discrimination. I am amazed that white people do not understand black rage. Paybacks are a bitch. It is the same reason the German gentile had no problem getting rid of his German jewish neighbor. Class conflict. I would have voted for Hillary but I cannot vote for Obama, but I will vote for McCain, someone I can trust. R. NH. PA.
Some anonymous moron wrote that Obama would get his advice "On drug enforcement, Tommy Chong circa 1970's".
This moron is just making things up, which is fine, this is America, you can believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster if you like, but...
then he writes, "I can't believe how many people have been duped into voting for this guy to become the most powerful person in the world," as if he had made a valid point, as if we all lived in his alternative reality.
This is political discourse in America.
If the smarter people do not make the effort to retrieve the reigns of power from the morons, we are well and truly fucked.
Come Keith, don't be so hard on Obama.
it is a difficult line he is walking.
the line of saying you are going to change things and simultaneously reassuring those in power that things won't really change. He is bound to slip once in a while.
By comparison, Bush selected the CEO of an oil company/military contractor to vet his VP choices, then chose that vetter as his VP, then promptly lied the country into an invasion of an oil-rich country.
yea, but you weren't surprised bush did this and you expect it from him.
when obama does it should be ripped on because it runs opposite to the image obama has created.
Come on Obama. What the f*ck were you thinking? Especially since YOU'RE THE ONE WHO INTRODUCED LEGISLATION TO CUT BACK ON LAVISH CEO PAY PACKAGES!!
Why can't we include movie actors, trail lawyers and sports players who get paid obscene amounts (and produce nothing for society to boot)...
(oh - they support democrats so we can't talk about it)
a preview of his administration
the next 4 years will be hell on earth
"yea, but you weren't surprised bush did this and you expect it from him.
when obama does it should be ripped on because it runs opposite to the image obama has created."
Uh, actually, what would run opposite to Obama's image is if he would choose Johnson as his VP and unveil the largest government bailout in history.
Anyways, thsi is all silly. This election is about two things: Iraq and the US economy. Both of these things are inextricably linked, and the first is having an incredibly destructive effect on the second.
One candidate wants to fix the problem: Obama.
One candidate wants to keep with the status quo: McCain.
One can argue til their blue in the face about the correct way to fix the problem, but there are only two choices in this election: to try to fix the problem or not to.
I, along with most of the country, will be choosing to try to fix the problem come November, regardless of any of the stupid smear jobs and mindless chatter about Rezko, Johnson, Wright, or Ayers, blah blah blah.
Tit for tat,
Bush did this,
Obama did that.
Can't you see that they're both
funded and sponsored by the same bunch that are ripping this country off?
The real shame is that people think they are making a choice, but the items on the menu have been carefully screened and tailored for our 'special' diet, one of ignorance and misunderstanding.
The choice of either one will give us more of the same.
That is a guarantee.
4 more years, if we don't starve.
Only because media and public opinion pressure were growing. Amazing how you naively give credit to Hussein. I guess you didn't see him defending this crook Johnson on TV a day before, telling everyone that it was ok to have a mortgage from Mozillo. You need to wake up.
People who live in glass realities shouldn't throw stones.
It really sucks that the annointed one really isn't the saint that just over 50% of DEMOCRATS (based on popular vote), or 55% based on electoral vote, thought he was.
People use the term Conservative today as a pejorative and a synonym for Republican, and words like "neo-con" are related to Bush and his pals.
In less than two years, if his holy Obamaness gets the nod, people will do the same with Liberal.
You were right about one thing, smarter people do need to take the reigns. Put your money where your mouth is, and turn your computer over to someone who doesn't wet himself when he hears the name of He-who-must-not-be-challenged.
anonymous moron, you avoided the issue I raised. You lose.
Get used to it. You and yours are going to be doing a lot of it in the near future.
I guess the WSJ is also harping on the other guy on the veep vetting committee, so maybe he'll have to resign too. Caroline Kennedy will be the only one left. Personally though, I think she can do the job all by herself without those other two power-hungry frauds.
"Change" What change? "I don't know, but he makes me feel so good..."
Wake the **** up.
I have been saying from the beginning that this guy BO is very much like NASDAQ bubble and housing bubble. As we keeping peeling the onin, it keeps smelling worse by the day. First came dalliancess with extreme fringe hate groups like Farakhan, Al Sharpton, Wright and Ayers the bomb throwing domestic terrorist. Now comes financial stink, one by one. Illinois state scandals, Rezko real estate deals, the corrupt people that are managing his election. How long can you keep saying its not him but people around him. How can one person be involved with so many controversial figures ??? And the guy has been in politics such a short time ??? One of these days you are gonna have to swallow your pride and admit you made a mistake by supporting this guy just like the public that was carried away by housing bubble.
He didn't want to get rid of him, he was saying he shouldn't have to vet him, that the guy didn't work for him, all kinds of crap.
Now, what's he going to do about this guy:
Obama has appointed the 37-year-old Jason Furman, one of Wal-Mart's most prominent defenders, to head his economic team. On the campaign trail, Obama blasted Clinton for sitting on the Wal-Mart board and pledged: "I won't shop there.
Well, hey at least he's always been against the war, unlike Clinton.
Oh wait - not so much:
He is playing both sides of the abortion issue, gay rights, special interests and lobbyists,cuba, nafta, immigration, the patriot act, public financing of campaigns, and on and on.
we are stuck with two of the worst candidates ever. A neocon and now the equivilent on the other side - a neo liberal who will promise things and then turn and do the opposite. He's not getting rid of special interests, he was backed by them from the start. He's not getting us out of Iraq, and he's sure as hell not going to fix the economy. I can't help but think he's been put up as a scapegoat and he'll let all the crooks get away with what they've done to the country in the last 8 years.
He is playing both sides of the abortion issue, gay rights, special interests and lobbyists,cuba, nafta, immigration, the patriot act, public financing of campaigns, and on and on.
we are stuck with two of the worst candidates ever. A neocon and now the equivilent on the other side - a neo liberal who will promise things and then turn and do the opposite. He's not getting rid of special interests, he was backed by them from the start. He's not getting us out of Iraq, and he's sure as hell not going to fix the economy. I can't help but think he's been put up as a scapegoat and he'll let all the crooks get away with what they've done to the country in the last 8 years.
it stuns me how easily people let obama off the hook.
He doesn't need to vet his vp selection team? is the guy totally and idiot or does he thing we are? How is that an excuse for not firing a guy who clearly has some liability issues? Where does obama draw the line? convicted rapist ok but murder not so much? i mean, does rape or murder really affect ones ability to help select a VP? not really.
Obama is bad bad bad for america.
The only issue you brought up was a promise of smarter people taking control, and then you break your own promise and keep posting.
The real issue is that the anointed one is a sham, but because of so many "smarter" people he might wind up being a president. The real issue is, because of so many "smarter" people, selecting the most powerful man in the world needs no more qualifications than selecting the next American Idol.
You and your ilk have sat around bitching and whining that Bush did this and Bush did that, while hiding in your dark basements in your underwear, drinking Mountain Dew and eating Funions.
Democrats and Libs in general seem to believe that everybody deserves a piece of the pie. Only this time, with an Obama president, everybody will be forced to eat a really big, heaping helping of shit pie.
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