Talk is cheap.
Gas isn't.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Talk is cheap.
Gas isn't.
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McCain is going to start promoting the building of nuclear power plants again.
If you think wind power is an answer you're living in a fantasy world. Their output is nearly trivial, plus the damn things are an eye sore.
Here's the situation with getting to a hydrogen economy. It's the only thing that will fix the oil addiction and the green problem at the same time. It requires nuclear power to get there.
Hey, isnt that the guy who refused to testify to the 9/11 commission?
Who also lied about WMD's?
You see, scientists have 100% proof that the 9/11 attacks were indeed conducted by bush-co and related media networks spewing the same 9/11 false information.
Have you ever seen a cast iron stove transform into "flowing lava" before?
Why are there no body parts on the pentagon lawn Mr. Bush?
Why did 700 tons of WTC steel decking turn into fine powder Mr. Bush? (hint: it's called thermite)
Why did you testify to the 9/11 commission only if you were NOT under oath?
Why did you plant your own special people in the US military, 9/11 Investigation Panel, CIA and FBI mr. Bush?
Why did you ignor the foreign and UN warnings of invading Iraq?
Why did you black mail, send anthrax, fire and murder others who exposed your fake terror campaigns, false WMD information and sloppy 9/11 attacks?
Why Mr Bush? Why?
Why did you invade the middle east knowing that it would raise the price of oil in America Mr. Bush?
Why did you spend $2 trillion dollars in US tax payers money to create such a disaster?
Why did you award multi-billion dollar illegal war contracts only the your friends?
How is it that your best friend from Texas (Ken Lay of Enron)became the world's largest con-artist, who then vanishes before he is sent to prison?
Why do you kill, injure and torture other humans Mr. Bush?
Why did you create conditions for massive bank failures, loss of jobs, high gas prices and housing fraud Mr. Bush?
Why Mr. Bush, why?????????????
I hate the sight and thought of Bushco-Cheneyburton too with a passion.
What does this topic have to do with Housing Panic?
How about sticking to the point and regular daily updates instead of Bush-Oil bullshit?
Here's Bush in 2006 talking about America's addiction to oil. And yet since then, WE'VE DONE NOTHING while gas prices soared even higher
You do realize that since 2006 the Democrats have controlled by house and senate by large majorities? Can you please point to what legislation they have debated and passed and sent to Bush to lower oil prices (as by the US Constitution, the president can only sign or veto legislation that originated in the congress).
With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress and its failure to stand up to Republican big oil and gas company cronies. Americans this week are paying $2.91 a gallon on average for regular gasoline – 33 cents higher than last month, and double the price than when President Bush first came to office.
“With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.
“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.”
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi - April 24th, 200
Energy: The average price for regular gas hit $4 a gallon over the weekend. Gas prices have risen 75% since Nancy Pelosi took over. Where’s the energy independence Democrats promised two years ago?
It’s a problem driven by domestic supply restrictions imposed by the Democratic Congress in the face of growing worldwide demand. The Democrats preach energy independence while they do everything in their power to prevent it. If the American people truly want change, this would be it.
The Western U.S. is estimated to have reserves of a trillion barrels (yes, that’s the real number) trapped in porous shale rock, an amount three times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. On May 15, 2008, the Senate Appropriations Committee in a 15-14 party line vote rejected an amendment by Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., to allow oil shale drilling and overturn the Udall moratorium.
The U.S. Congress has voted consistently to keep 85% of America’s offshore oil and gas off-limits, while China and Cuba drill 60 miles from Key West, Fla. The U.S. Minerals Management Service says that the restricted areas contain 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
This country is so fvcked up.
Another day another buried news story of massive importance:
Dennis Kucinich Delivers Articles of Impeachment on George W Bush
Did any of you hear about this on the major news networks?
Y'know there used to be a time when impeachment and president were a BIG F*CKING DEAL!!!
What does the piece of sh#t media give us??! More blather and bluster and meaningless bullsh$t on Obama and McCain.
When are you dipsh*ts going to turn off your TVs and stop eating up this two party system, corporate media controlled paradigm poop salad.
It's time to vote with your wallets and leave the mainstream media behind.
I know we like to blame Bush for all of our problems on here, but it seems to me we've been addicted to foreign oil for alot longer than he has been in office. Yes, it also seems to me that we have a political party, called the Democrats, who won't let us drill for F***ing oil in our own country for fear of disturbing the polar bears 700 miles away!
Gee, wonder why Clinton never gets blamed for anything like this!
Well, there was a levee break along the Wabash river and,
Bush will get blamed.....again!
If we had spent the same amount of dollars on oil alternatives in the USA as we've spent on "getting out of IRAQ", we'd be "out of IRAQ".
"That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard that.” -George Bush, The Worst President Ever, responding to reports that gas prices were hitting $4 plus, February 2008"
Gosh Keith, won't it be nice to actually have a President that has a clue about the PEOPLE HE GOVERNS and the WORLD AROUND HIM!
Just think, for eight years this dolt has been COMMANDER IN CHIEF, was supposed to APPOINT JUDGES, select leaders to help aid or mitigate natural disasters (Katrina, Rita etc.) and PROTECT OUR NATIONAL SECURITY. I am actually surprised things are not worse. Thank goodness we are a Democratic government with some checks and balances, because if this was a dictatorship, we would all be living under (crumbling) bridges.
For all you GOP idiots who think that Bush was the messiah and to not blame him for the current sad state of the Country, just take the above quote and digest it for a little bit. This is an OIL MAN that has NO CLUE about the price of gas. Amazing.
Keith, what's wrong with sticking to real estate stories? You can try to make an indirect relationship between the cost of crude and a Housing Bubble, but I feel you are diluting yourself. You know a lot more about the Housing Bubble than you do crude oil (and rice) -- same goes for your readers / commentors. The title of your blog is beginning to falsely represent what you spend the majority of your posts on these days. My two cents-
Giant Calif. land partnership files for Chapter 11
Monday June 9, 7:44 pm ET
By Alex Veiga, AP Business Writer
15,000-acre Calif. real estate business files for Chapter 11; public pension is big investor
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The outlook for housing was still rosy a little more than a year ago when the nation's largest public employees pension fund invested almost $1 billion in LandSource Communities Development LLC, a real estate project that includes the last major tract of undeveloped land in Los Angeles County.
But falling land values forced that venture into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection over the weekend, raising questions as to whether investors will ever recoup their money, including the California Public Employees' Retirement System, a pension fund that provides health care and retirement services for about 1.5 million public employees.
LandSource said late Sunday it was seeking bankruptcy protection in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware after trying for months to restructure a $1.24 billion debt.
If you don't understand how the housing bubble and current oilPANIC are related, then you don't understand much of anything
Anyone want to help the clueless?
Is he still here?
It is pay-back big time for the occupants of the Land of the Snapper Turtle. Driving the honker Ford F250 down the dirt road, singing honkey-tonk trash lyrics, and running down the cow !!!
What will it take to restore the Americano nation AKA the land of the Snapper Turtle to its former hoity-toity posture, prosperity and security ?
Probably not in Dubya's lifetime.
The necessary correction will be extremely severe and painful. Joe6Pack + JaneZinfandel will have to lose at least 100 pounds each in their filthy bodily fat, retrain in their piggy food consumption habit and practice restraint in their hog-fun reproductive orgy. Can it be done ? Yes, but bitterly and painfully the exercise will be.
And if there is even little shred of Dubya's worshipping residing in Joe6Pack's + JaneZinfandel's ass brain, then all bets are off.
Why ? The simple equation next will prove that the Americano is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a green Chinese bamboo stick, sizzling nicely, fat popping, juices smokeing, dripping aromatically on a bed of red hot charcoal, as long as Dubya is still sitting in the John's Throne.
BUSHY = Real-Public-Cuunnt !
So, are we roasted yet ? Is it done nicely already ? How will the Americano survive with an Escalade and $5.00/gallon gasoline price ? How is the Hicks family coming along ? How is uncle Cracker Nuthead doing out there up in HillBilly's land with the sheeps and the goats ? Is the Americano going Albusto yet ???
If you don't understand how the housing bubble and current oilPANIC are related, then you don't understand much of anything
Anyone want to help the clueless?
This whole blog is about helping the clueless. I try to inform with every post and link I send but if the morons don't want to follow up and do the research themselves then there's not much we can do.
I'm also tired of carefully explaining things to morons (especially the fake conservatives around here) who then come back to simply call me a stupid liberal when I'm not even a freaking liberal!!!
We try to help these morons too much. They need to learn about individual responsibility. That means stop eating up the sh!t salad of propaganda that the media and government feeds you and doing some research on your own to get to the truth.
If these morons have their heads so firmly and deeply implanted in their own asses that they still think the Iraq war was justified and that WMDs still exist in Iraq then what can you do?
What can you do with a moron that holds his allegiance to his stupid political party higher than allegiance to the truth and his country?
Ya can't do sh*t but ignore them.
@ bickerer
I have two cousins who work in the wind industry; I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. The tech is improving and there are many areas (i.e., West Texas) where it is feasible and profitable. But it needs to be a part of an overall, Manhattan Project-like approach.
@ mark:
You hit the nail on the head.
My disclaimer: haven't voted for President since 1996 because every choice sucked. I don't like Bush's handling of...well, nearly everything.
But Dems have had ample time to enact policy; let's all tell the truth: BOTH parties enjoy and profit from the status quo, ergo, NOTHING will be done about the situation(s). It is about to be time for the people to step up to the plate.
Hey, isnt that the guy who refused to testify to the 9/11 commission?
Who also lied about WMD's?
You see, scientists have 100% proof that the 9/11 attacks were indeed conducted by bush-co and related media networks spewing the same 9/11 false information.
Have you ever seen a cast iron stove transform into "flowing lava" before?
I really wish more people would take the time to look into 9/11 instead of continuing to believe the lies of the already discredited media and Bush Administration. The evidence is overwhelming and the official explanation of the collapse of the THREE World Trade Centers simply defies logic and physics. Not to mention that the collapses have not yet been explained except in the most cursory manner. The pancake theory has been thoroughly discredited - it doesn't account for the solid core of 47 steel columns and doesn't explain the explosive power of the collapse and the freefall speed of the collapse.
NIST IS STILL WORKING on an explanation of the collapse of WTC 7. It's been 7 years and they still can't explain it in the context of official version of events!!
How about all the testimony and evidence of explosions in the buildings?
How can you people ignore this evidence? Do you just dismiss it in your minds? How can you turn away from the most important event this century?
People!! At the very least watch this:
911 Mysteries
it's the dollar stupid.
want to "fix" oil prices?
raise interest rates...allot.
Anon 6:26 PM,
You're referencing company/industry pr aimed at making employees feel they're working on something really important. This translates into 'your work' is really important and by extension 'you' are really important.
All large companies do this as a tool to to keep their employees happy and working hard.
mark, your ignorance is astounding. Read a newspaper. Learn some facts before you run off at the mouth.
"You do realize that since 2006 the Democrats have controlled by house and senate by large majorities?"
The Democrats did not take power until 2007 and as for those large majorities? How about you put up your house. Bet on that piece of bullshit.
Learn, mark. Stop listening to the damn radio and letting right wing morons on TV fill you up with lies.
What is killing this country is stupid people.
Learn. You'll be glad you did.
An oil man with no clue about the price of gas?
Mission Accomplished.
Die GOP. Die.
"The Western U.S. is estimated to have reserves of a trillion barrels (yes, that’s the real number) trapped in porous shale rock, an amount three times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia"
It doesn't matter if there's gazillion of barrels out there. The problem is they can't be produced with a net energy again, similar to Ethanol. The high grade reserves in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, etc. can be produced with a huge net energy gain. Difficult deposits like the Gulf or tar sands can be produced with a modest net energy gain.
To get at the oil shale you would need to build massiv amounts of coal/nuclear/solar/whatever power plants to get at the stuff. Why bother? You might as well use that energy directly instead of squandering it to get at the oil trapped in shale.
"You do realize that since 2006 the Democrats have controlled by house and senate by large majorities?"
The Republicans in the Senate can filibuster any piece of legislation they don't like from coming to a vote. It only takes 40 Senators to incapacitate Congress. When Democrats did this it was a huge news story etc. in the last two years the Republicans are using it in record numbers without a peep.
That's because the dems won't let him do anything. They control both houses and can override Bush but are f*cking us all just to make him look bad for the election.
Anon 6:32pm,
I saw the video and I'm an Engineer by training. I would have to strongly agree that many points raised in the video are not adequately explained by the 'official story' of the WTC collapse. It really bears further public scrutiny and I'm so surprised there isn't more demand from the public to get to the bottom of this!
BushCo wasn't satisfied with having airliners (probably flown by remote control) crash into the WTC. He had them dynamited too. Even WTC 7 which wasn't hit was dynamited. Why? Why the overkill? Wasn't an airplane crash enough to damage them and start a war?
WTC 7 was his way of thumbing his nose at you. It doesn't make sense that it would fall. It didn't need to fall to accomplish BushCo objectives. The fact that it fell only serves to raise questions. But they blew it up anyway just to mess with you.
I saw the video and I'm an Engineer by training. I would have to strongly agree that many points raised in the video are not adequately explained by the 'official story' of the WTC collapse. It really bears further public scrutiny and I'm so surprised there isn't more demand from the public to get to the bottom of this!
Thank you sir!! Finally somebody bothered to watch one of the videos I posted. :) There appears to be a HUGE cognitive dissonance with this topic. So huge that people can not even bring themselves to at least look at the evidence that has been raised.
That being said the movement behind what is called 9/11 truth is also huge and growing larger by the day. Millions of people know that the official story is a lie because it really is just so obvious once you look at the evidence AND the evasion of the media and government agencies. They have done everything they can to limit the investigation into 9/11 and discredit anyone that raises questions as a kook.
It's very similar to the situation with the USS Liberty which we are finding out now was a DELIBERATE attack on a US naval ship by Israel that was allowed to happen by US high command. 40 years ago at the time of the USS Liberty incident there was the same evasion on the part of the US government and a media blackout but of course now new evidence has been released and we know that it was a deliberate attack and not an accident. Even though it was patently obvious to anybody with half a brain that it was not an accident in the first place.
Phil Tourney - USS Liberty Survivor
All we can do is try to present the evidence in an intelligent way and hope that people will look at it. The evidence really does speak for itself.
WTC 7 was his way of thumbing his nose at you. It doesn't make sense that it would fall. It didn't need to fall to accomplish BushCo objectives. The fact that it fell only serves to raise questions. But they blew it up anyway just to mess with you.
Well we don't know that for sure. Maybe there was good reason why WTC7 was brought down in the fracas because it held the offices of the CIA, Social Security etc etc..
But I don't like to get into the speculation of the motives behind 9/11 or even who is responsible. That just leads to further cognitive dissonance by people who do not want to look into all of the evidence that shows those three towers were brought down by controlled demolition. That is the important point that is backed up by substantial evidence.
Whether Bushco, the Israelis, Al CIAda, or some combination did it -I don't know. I do know that controlled demolition brought those towers down and I do know that we're being lied to.
There are 100 Senators.
How many of them are Democrats?
There are 2 Independents, including Joe Lieberman (CT) who loves the Iraq War and John McCain. The 2 Independents caucus with the Democrats, giving them a majority.
How many Senators are Republicans?
This "blame the Democrats" argument is not going to fly.
Well, except that it has already worked, hasn't it? All the lunkheads are writing in with the same lying bullshit.
And may I add that getting the Democrats all together to agree on anything is like herding cats. That's why the Republicans have held such sway lately.
(Sorry for wasting the time of those who read the newspaper. Obviously some here don't.)
"That's because the dems won't let him do anything. They control both houses and can override Bush but are f*cking us all just to make him look bad for the election."
Thank God, we would be WORSE off if they did. Frank, go back to hating Scottsdale and writing self help books and leave matters of reality to those of us without an agenda. -K-. The congress does not need to help Bush look bad, he has done a superb job of that on his own. He is probably the most out of touch and moronic President the US has ever known. That was clearly demonstrated recently when he was on the podium and a REPORTER had to inform him of the predicted and current price of gas! The congress did not do that - and he is an OIL MAN! And what about Katrina? Did the congress appoint a MORON and then PAT THAT MORON ON THE BACK ON NATIONAL TV FOR A GOOD JOB when CLEARLY it was bungled to typical Bush proportions? Or how about the WMD explanations that were sold to the people? I will admit that ALL of congress with few exceptions voted for the war, and for that they will have to answer, however the Bushies CERTAINLY screwed up the intelligence royally and filled in any gaps with their spin. You can blame the intelligence agencies to some extent, BUT WHO WAS THE PERSON ULITMATELY IN CHARGE, and still sending Billions in BORROWED money to fund this fiasco - Yes it was and is Bush. Another example of fine leadership. And then what about the Department of Homeland Insecurity? Whose great idea was that money draining operation to frisk old ladies and let real bad guys walk right on through, and allow private security guards to administer security. Yes, you guessed it, Bush again. You realize that a lot of those hired were convicted FELONS. Talk about the Fox guarding the Henhouse. So, don't blame anyone but the source of the stupidity for stupid. And I am not even a Democrat, I just want a candidate that has a functioning brain stem in the Whitehouse and is capable of LEADING a nation that used to be on top and now is getting lower by the day. Say what you will about Clinton, but I am sure many Americans look fondly at the 90's as the time when we ruled the world in technology, and folks actually had a job with REAL wage increases. Venture out from your Beach front oasis and drive down to LA and ask some real working people (if you can find them, they are rare these days) if they are better off now than 8 years ago (to quote a GOOD president from the past)? I am sure you already know the answer to that one. And just think, if Obama gets elected and cuts taxes for middle class folks, you can make more money on your books.....
i can't even stand to look at that pathetic liar. how the hell did this idiot ever get to be president? are we as a nation really just that stupid? i guess we are, aren't we?
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