May 12, 2008

Glen Beck gives some plug - and shows OUTRAGE against Bernanke, Paulson and Frank bailing out housing gamblers

Renters, home OWNERS and people who didn't gamble on housing are getting heard now. And yes, we're the VAST, VAST majority of voters in America.

Here comes the OUTRAGE against what Bush, Paulson, Bernanke, Dodd, Clinton, Frank and the other monkeys in DC are doing.



Anonymous said...

Where's the outrage from against the bailouts of speculators and Wall Street? come one liberals, let your voices be heard. Do you support bailing out Goldman Sachs and Countrywide?

Frank R said...

It's nice to hear someone actually use the word "borrower". I'm so goddamn sick and tired of these no-down, no-doc losers being called "homeowners."

Frank R said...

Where's the outrage from against the bailouts of speculators and Wall Street?

You won't hear any outrage because:

1. Their mission is to get Messiah Obama elected and to agree with all his commie policies along the way
2. Half of them are probably liar loan scum themselves

Anonymous said...



Qweefie and DailyKook says Glenn Beck is a right wing crazy person. How can he possibly be a good guy too?

Me so confused.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck?


Anonymous said...

Just STFU and go back to your overconsuming ways. Because, as a gifted writer, you deserve to live in opulence and luxury!

Now log off and gaze lovingly at that framed poster of McCain hanging on the wall of your living room.

-The Management

Anonymous said...

That's ok Frankie, we know you conservative slugs secretly worship the housing shysters. You people worship anyone who makes a buttload of money. Doesn't matter to you how they did it.

See, conservatives would eat their mothers if they thought they'd shit money. it's all that matters to them. The conservatives here are just filled with envy that they didn't find a way to make lots of cash off the housing bubble.

Anonymous said...

Here comes the OUTRAGE against what Bush, Paulson, Bernanke, Dodd, Clinton, Frank and the other monkeys in DC are doing.

Hmmmm - no mention of Obama. Why is that? He is a sitting senator, a prez candidate and is ALL FOR THIS BAILOUT.

Frank R said...

See, conservatives would eat their mothers if they thought they'd shit money. it's all that matters to them. The conservatives here are just filled with envy that they didn't find a way to make lots of cash off the housing bubble.

This is exactly the kind of ignorance and envy against anyone who makes money that causes the sheeple masses to vote for Obama, the Messiah who will exact his Holy Revenge against the "evil rich."

Metroplexual said...

Yeah while Beck has this one right he is almost always a weenie!

Anonymous said...

I told you many times before that the only programs worth to watch these days are Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs. The rest is a pile of sh!t, especially the corrupt Keith
Olbermann and his always angry lesbian communist sidekick.

Olbermann is so scared that a Republican loses the election because the premise of his pathetic program is about bashing Republicans. That's why he keeps pushing Obama until he loses to a Republican. He knew that Hillary was a stronger candidate to beat McCain, as the polls have been indicating for months. It's all about ratings and Olbermann knows that he could not keep ratings up if Obama wins. What is he going to do, start bashing Obama after all the fake endorsement?

I had been harsh to Glen Beck before, when he was hanging out with types like Rev Sharpton and selling neocon Kool-Aid. I don't give a f*ck if he's changed his message for ratings. He's bashing everyone and every party now, taking no prisoners, just like Dobbs.

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck (still an a-hole):

"You get up hard, you work every day"

He's just another loudmouth with a podium piling on to the trend of being a know-it-all in hindsight.

Anonymous said...

Get up hard... hehe.