A bit paranoid maybe? Or is it because REALTOR isn´t a real profession?
Enjoy... And no, you don´t have to be nice...
Yeah right ... blame it on the REALTOR's for bring the house prices down ... Blame the economy on the REALTOR's too for that matter. You have to be a real IDIOT to think and say such a statment ... blaming it on REALTORs ... give me a break.If your going to say such stupid comments first educate yourself on the topics first.
We REALTORs do a service like in any other profession. Whether you want to use our service is up to you ... just like in any other service.
Example .. how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same. It's a service that you pay for because YOUR lazy ass does not want to get off the couch and do it yourself. If you do get up and do it yourself ... than great.
To generalize ... is to be an ignarant idiot.
May 31, 2008
Funny REALTOR comment of the day
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Labels: REALTORS are kinda weird
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In addition to the numerous grammatical and spelling errors, I think it's hilarious (and telling!) that both "REALTOR" and "IDIOT" are in caps...
More importantly, why can't Realtors TM spell? The comment above is one example of this phenomenon. I can't tell you how many listings I've seen for properties that are supposed to be the height of luxury and say things like "simply spectular."
All of the "services" that this person compared to realty only charge flat fees for their services
Yea but if I was to have my house painted I don't have to give the painter x% of the entire value of the house.
Socalapppraiser here, where do I start? I'm no English professor but "than" instead of "then" and "ignarant" says it all. An old work buddy of mine from Texas used to say it best when talking about useless people - they're like tits on a bull. No phrase is more appropriate when talking about REALTORS. There's another blog (BMIT) that highlights all the good these individuals have done over the past few years. Every one highlighted must have thought they were Donald Trump. 5 and 6 foreclosures on one street of 40 homes, 4 of them owned (loose term) by these highly skilled professionals. Except for a few in highly specialized markets they will go the way of Fotomat and travel agents - godspeed!
Cheers and keep up the great work.
how hard is it to SPELL and PUNCTUATE correctly? Try no apostrophe in REALTORs. Unless you are using the possessive, as in "This is your REALTOR's brain on drugs."
More confirmation that most of these people are poorly educated, and you would be very foolish to listen to their theories on the direction of your local housing market, which is an economic question requiring and little knowledge and thoughtful analysis.
Was that an intentional typo in the final line? Otherwise it's too funny.
To generalize ... is to be an ignarant idiot.
To be a realtor is to be in a dead end job -- like horse washer in 1910. Where do you find these tools, Keith?
Do not liken your ilk with that of a real profession. A prep class and a soft ball state registration exam does not a profession make. Professions such as law, medicine, pharmacy etc all require significant and expensive educational undertaking layered on top of a bachelors degree combined with very burdensome exams, a code of ethics that are strictly enforced and continuing professional education requirements. Your profession does not even require a high school diploma. My undergrad college roommate failed out of pre-med, stole my organic chemistry notes/papers and book just so he could get a "D" his second time around taking the class to salvage getting a degree. This inability to think and realize that stealing the intellectual product of someone else does not translate into them actually learning anything prepared him for his life after school endeavor, being a REALTWHORE. He took a prep class at the local community college, paid his fee took his registration exam and got his license. Big whoop!!
PS - The reason why people do not sell more homes on their own is because they cannot afford to spend all the time and energy attempting to breach the monopolistic wall of business practices the entrenched parasite REALTWHORES have in place. However, the internet and this housing debacle will be your "profession's" undoing. I recommend you move on to the profession you are truly suited for and I will take fries with that please.
"Example .. how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same. It's a service that you pay for because YOUR lazy ass does not want to get off the couch and do it yourself."
Sure, but REALTORs are in effect charging 10 times more per hour of work, than are auto mechanics, plumbers or painters.
I really wouldn't mind hiring a REALTOR for say $40 or maybe even $60 per hour - but paying more $10k is like some sick joke.
Calling others "ignarant." That is actually ironic, ON YOUR WEDDIN' DAY!
Another ignoRANT pathetic REALTOR who has to go back to his/her previous job as a bartender or stripper.
You sorry ass bitches were NEVER worth 6%. Enjoy the die off of your so called profession thanks to the internet (hello Redfin) and the recession. Good riddance.
I think I have a new slogan for the NAR:
"REALTOR's: Because ignarance is bliss!"
Not that this REALTARD has a valid point or a working knowledge of spellcheck but blaming the REALTARDS for the housing bubble is like blaming the cheerleaders because the football team lost.
That does not excuse the NAR and the RIC that wrote all of their Rah-Rah cheers.
If the REALTARDS were as smart as they think they are they would be calling for Larry Yun's head on a platter because Larry and the NAR have helped to killer the REALTARDS so-called profession.
Going from 6% to $6 an hour has got to suck. Why are they mad at us and not Larry? Stockhausen Syndrome?
This person makes a great point.
You are an idiot Keith.
Help me out here...
R = Ramein
E = Eating
A = ?
L = Lying
T = ?
O = ?
R = ?
Have fun with it. :)
sellers made a lot of money during the upswing, then when the market turned they blame everyone but themselves. If you were stupid enough to be convinced by a REALTOR to buy a house where the mortgage is three plus times what the house will rent for... your have only yourself to blame!!!
To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.
Selling someone a house they can't afford is neither of those.
I recently bought a house using a realtor. She showed me the houses I wanted to look at, helped me fill out the offer, ironed out a few problems during escrow and then we closed. Whats the big deal? I picked the house and the price in my offer. She didn't. Am I missing something? Are other buyers letting their agents decide what to buy and at what price?
"To generalize ... is to be an ignarant idiot."
Apparently to be a REALTOR is to be a poor speller!
After all what is ya? IGNRINT?
REALTOR's are basically DUMB.
plain and simple.
Most sales people are. They may be slick and smooth talking but when push comes to shove...STOOOPID.
Mom, I know you're there.
"...I can’t tell you, Mom, how my heart fell when I saw the photo that accompanied the response. It was your Realtor’s headshot, the one on your business card..."
Yeah right ... blame it on the ASSHOLE's for bring the house prices down ... Blame the economy on the ASSHOLE's too for that matter. You have to be a real IDIOT to think and say such a statment ... blaming it on ASSHOLEs ... give me a break.If your going to say such stupid comments first educate yourself on the topics first.
We ASSHOLEs do a service like in any other profession. Whether you want to use our service is up to you ... just like in any other service.
Example .. how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same. It's a service that you pay for because YOUR lazy ass does not want to get off the couch and do it yourself. If you do get up and do it yourself ... than great.
To generalize ... is to be an ignarant idiot.
Somebody is not happy that they can not afford ramen noodles anymore!!!
This guy is definitely a realtor because he passed the real estate exam ... he graduated from 3rd grade as evidenced by his spelling and grammar. Damn! I guess that makes me a realtor too! And makes my wife one. And I'll be darned, I just realized by 9 year old son is also a qualified realtor - ad my 11 year old daughter. And jees - my 9 year old cocker spaniel qualifies as well. What a dignified profession this fellow must be so proud to be a part of.
Socal - I grew up around both cattle and hogs...our preferred quip was 'tits on a boar'.
"fish said...
After all what is ya? IGNRINT?"
One of my absolute favorite movies, s/b viewed by every investor..."turn those machines back on!"
I tell people that if you want to do the work of finding the houses and figuring out what comparables sell for, but are not familiar with contracts, the only thing you need to do is hire a real estate attorney for a few hours to review the contract and close at the title company. You won't even spend $1000 to do it. If you suck at negotiating, then you can probably find an attorney to do that too, which is only a few hundred bucks more. Where I live, that's less than 0.5% of a home's purchase price.
The one challenge is looking at houses that don't have open houses. Then you need some realtor schmuck to open up the house for you to look in. This is yet another way to keep their monopolistic practices in place, by acting as the gatekeepers for entry.
All I know is that the plumber and the house painter don't have to waste my precious time bloviating about how they add "value" to my house by filling out a few forms.
R - Ramen
E- Rating
A - Always
L - Lying
T - Terminally
O - Optimistic
R - Retards
That needs to go on a plaque, Keith. Truly hysterical.
Amidst the copious grammatical and punctuation errors, the poor sentence structure, that imbecile even finished it off by spelling "ignorant" wrong!
Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R = Ramein
E = Eating
A = A-Hole
L = Lying
T = Teller
O = Of
R = "Reality"
"how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same."
Answer: A lot harder than selling a house. Which is why you should be paid LESS per hour.
I've sold 8 houses/properties. I only used a Realtor for one.
It was a 2005 bubble house that I was embarrased by the amount of money the market at the time said it was worth. I let a Realtor sell it for a stupid amount. They sold it to another Realtor. I paid a big commision but I feel good the Realtor is holding the bag if the law suits start flying over inflated values.
Please visit this site and get involved. We really need this.
Good Time Charlie
I could never become a realtor....nor would I want to!
I could never lie, con or force anyone into a situation beyond their means.
Realtors forget that a home sells itself, not by anything they did!
I have Ethics, that is something your born and raised with, not taught at a weekend seminar!
Schadenfraude alert.
I was talking to this really cute girl in Providence last night. She has been in property management since graduating from college a few years ago. 70% of her income is from commissions.
She said the job was easy and well-paid when she started and she thought that was normal. She has made $0 in commissions in the past year.
The more she talked about her prospects the sadder she became. I felt like a parasite, feeding and growing strong on her self-pity.
She said that even her father, a 'successful man', is suffering from this downturn.
I had been contemplating hooking up with her up to this point but would have been unable to perform: I lost my load in my pants when she told me her father is a REALTOR.
Anon 2:31am
Here it goes,
R - Ramen
E - Eating
A - Atrocious
L - Lying
T - Trolls
O - Of
R - Real Estate
Anger and irritability are both common symptoms of low blood sugar and high-blood pressure. This is just textbook proof that REALTORS really do need more than just high-sodium ramen noodles to eat.
The Mexican...
To spell ignorant wrong… is to be an ignarant idiot.
REALTOR is spelled in capitols to draw attention.
Deception by the dominating appearance as it were.
That equals more business.
The commissioned real estate sales people crossed the line when they became conspirators in fraud and misrepresentation during the housing bubble . It doesn't matter if the crooked loan officers down the street could get the liar loan by some loan committee ,and the banks were stupid enough not to double check loan applications .Do you steal from a liquor store just because the clerk went to the bathroom?
I could write a big long list of foul play by the real estate sales people during the boom ,but the borrowers were willing to buy property they could not afford based on the fake lure of easy money.People should of been laughing at what the Realtors, advertisers,lenders and corporations were chanting during the boom .
Why the borrowers did not say "no" to the set ups of the corrupt real estate industry is beyond me .Why borrowers didn't say ,"No way man ,I ain't going to buy some box for 700 thousand that I can't
afford",is beyond me .
Do borrowers really think it's believable that they didn't know that they were gambling when they bought a 700 thousand dollar house on a 60 thousand a year income ? Do you really think that the borrower didn't know that the commissioned sales people were crooks ? These borrowers just felt they wanted to get into the action .
If the Realtors and lenders were professional and law and Realtor Code abiding ,they would not of took people to houses they could not afford and the housing bubble would of gone flat in 2002 or 2003.
In fact ,many Realtor codes make it a duty to conduct business honestly .I don't think threatening appraisers to cut them off if they don't go along is a professional and honest activity .
The so-called professionals just thought that all the rah rah cheer leading would keep the Ponzi-
scheme going .The commissioned sales people knew the lending was fraudulent and faulty .
Just don't ever tell me that the commissioned sales people did not play a big foul play role in this fraudulent and inflated real estate market that is crashing. They all should be ashamed of themselves and repent.
f*** em. who needs em. realtwhores are a dying breed in a dying business model. the days of real estate glory are over now. why don't you punks go and get jobs that you are good at, like door men at cosco's....
Re; Example .. how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same. It's a service that you pay for because YOUR lazy ass does not want to get off the couch and do it yourself. If you do get up and do it yourself ... than great.
To generalize ... is to be an ignarant idiot
Mr ignarant idiot;It is not the same as paying EZ lube 23 bucks to change your oil, or a 50 dollar plumbers visit, a hourly paid accountant..IT IS A SERVICE BUT YOUR ASKING FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR WHAT????
I mean if I can pay a realtor say a couple hundred bucks for listing it on a database website aka MLS and some flyers then it would be worth the trouble.
I sold a home myself on craigslist in 2006. I drew up a sales contract and then a title company took over. I paid a total of 1,300 for escrow on a 260K home and NO COMMISION!
Re; Example .. how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same. It's a service that you pay for because YOUR lazy ass does not want to get off the couch and do it yourself. If you do get up and do it yourself ... than great.
To generalize ... is to be an ignarant idiot.
-Is it just me or does this almost sound like Dubya Shrub speaking?
I had been contemplating hooking up with her up to this point but would have been unable to perform: I lost my load in my pants when she told me her father is a REALTOR.
June 01, 2008 9:42 PM
Translation: I was shot down by a realtor's daughter.
This realtor speaks like Yoda...
I just recently sold my home. Took roughly 24 hours worth of work and 6 weeks of patience.
People were knocking down my door because i cut 4% out of the asking price, which i received, and made 2% more then i would have if i used a REALTOR.
Newspaper classified ads are a hell of a thing.
So, let me get this straight.
A Realtor's job is easy. A Realtor gets vastly overpaid to do that job. During the housing boom, Realtors made money hand-over-fist. Now, they are returning to the jobs they would have had anyway, albeit with the thousands of dollars they made during the hot market.
You all spend your time on the internet bitching about it. You did not get into real estate and make money hand-over-fist. You are still in your same jobs making the same money.
To summarize: The Realtors got rich and got out. You sat on your ass and complained.
Who's smarter?
REALTOR said...
Example .. how hard is it to do paint a house, change a pipe in the kitchen, change the oil in your car, add numbers and subtract managing a store ... it's the same. It's a service that you pay for because YOUR lazy ass does not want to get off the couch and do it yourself
Yeah, but I don't have to pay Jiffy Lube 6% of the value of my car to get the oil changed.
I don't have to pay the painter a percentage of the value of house for the service.
They charge a reasonable rate based on the amount of work they do. It's a set fee, not a percentage.
You rip people off and your job is heading the way of the travel agent or buggy whip salesman.
Why capitalize REALTOR? Because they're a plague on society, like AIDS.
i only have my real estate license to save 3 percent on the purchase of a house....
none of you fools know that most realtors make UP TO 3% on a transaction and not 6% because most transactions have 2 agents sharing 6%.
Mortgage Bankers are just as responsible for the mess we have as the Real Estaters are. They were, of course in cahoots to hoodwink the buying public. However, we still must realize that one simply cant work at McDonnies or Buger Kink and affored a $300,000.00 home which was in some cases the deal. The best gift for a wedding is a $19.95 Texas Insturments calculator, and a couple of hours spent learning to use it. Let's see--I bring home this much----soooo, I can pay this much for a house payment-----yeah I got this much left over---NOT!!!!!
Common Sense
REALTOR in all capital letters is a trademark of the NAR. If you want to use it in your advertising it has to be in all caps.
She would have wanted you to shoot your load and hopefully fertilize her and her future with your money!
She and dad would have literally wanted your head as bad as things are for them!
BusinessWeek -- Ike Obasi Wants to Sell You a House
But like many other Realtors the Nigerian immigrant is now supplementing his income in other ways.
At the peak of the boom in 2006, Obasi was selling $20 million a year worth of properties. His income had quadrupled. "Everyone I knew bought a home," he says. "Uncles, cousins, my friends from SBC. If you married my cousin, you bought a home."
"Now it's so hard for people to qualify for loans."
Obasi, now 37, has become an expert in how to arrange financing for clients. He tells home buyers to put their parents, siblings, and other family members on the mortgage application to boost the income and credit scores needed to qualify for loans.
In 2004 he bought an empty five-unit building in Los Angeles' gritty Compton neighborhood for $515,000. Obasi didn't know what he was getting into. "I bought my first gun when I bought my first property," Obasi says. But two years later he sold the building for $889,000.
"There's still a lot of opportunity," Obasi says. "Even in the worst areas [of Los Angeles], a two-bedroom apartment still rents for $1,200 a month. Everybody wants to live here. Rents are going to keep going up and up."
Obasi has since joined Crews in a new venture, Ecrews Enterprises. On a recent Thursday night in mid-May the pair were in an L.A. hotel conference room trying to drum up business for the company, which sells advice on how to improve personal credit scores and purchase investment property. Obasi, who serves as chief financial officer of Ecrews
Don't you worry Obasi because your pal Obama and the new DNC will bail you out if you ever fail in your housing gambling adventures in America. Plus, they will issue visas and amnesty to your entire country, since it's part of the 20 points of his church. You'll be able to sell and make loans to everyone from Nigeria then, and if anything goes wrong, the taxpayers will bail you all out, according to Obama and the DNC orders. We the honest taxpayers and renters are glad to help and vote for your pal Obama. How cute, you even have matching names. Have fun in America, Obasi.
What annoys me to no end is the emphasis on "TOR" every time they say it. realTOR
the REALTORAWHORE is extinct. there was a very recent court victory that opens the mls listings to the public, no longer the exclusive domain of REALAWHORES!
The all caps thingy is kind of amusing, upon reflection. When Mussolini was dictator of Italy there was a requirement that IL DUCE always appear that way. So mebee today's realtor's should take a lesson from this, given how his corpse wound up hung by its heels by an angry mob.
"...none of you fools know that most realtors make UP TO 3% on a transaction and not 6% because most transactions have 2 agents sharing 6%."
*Neither* do we realize that half of that 3% comes off the top to the house; as do miscellaneous expenses, etc...
Leaving the agent with around 1+%.
How right you are.
"We" don't even know the basic fee structure.
From Anonymous-
So, let me get this straight.
A Realtor's job is easy. A Realtor gets vastly overpaid to do that job. During the housing boom, Realtors made money hand-over-fist. Now, they are returning to the jobs they would have had anyway, albeit with the thousands of dollars they made during the hot market.
You all spend your time on the internet bitching about it. You did not get into real estate and make money hand-over-fist. You are still in your same jobs making the same money.
To summarize: The Realtors got rich and got out. You sat on your ass and complained.
Who's smarter?
June 02, 2008 3:53 PM
Perhaps you should have read what Paul E. Math wrote,
“She has been in property management...70% of her income is from commissions...She has made $0 in commissions in the past year.
She said that even her father, a 'successful man', is suffering from this downturn“. (i.e. a realtor TM)
Few, if any, of the real estate sales people SAVED any of their commission checks, most doubled down and bought houses themselves for resale. With the real estate market tanking the houses are not selling and the wannabe Trumps are losing their shirts.
Check out
read up on Carl Cole and all of the millions of dollars and the properties he has lost as this bubble has deflated. Cole isn't the only real estate seller who lost it all.
Finally, considering how the following real estate seller put together his paragraphs with spelling and grammatical errors abound, how well do you think he/she handled their money? How well do you think the majority of Real estate sellers handled their money? We don’t call them ramen eaters for nothing.
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