Here's 35 minutes of good uncensored interviews with both candidates. I've got a feeling we're going to see a decent, thoughtful and respectful race this fall between these two (now that the cynical power-hungry nut Hillary is gone).
McCain will end up losing with honor. And I think that's OK with him - I don't think at his age that he has the fire in the belly to be president. This run is about his "legacy", not about winning. And why does he seem like he's on the verge of snapping every interview I see?
Check out the links I have under "Politics" on the right and let me know any other good ones I should add. And enjoy the interviews. This campaign between Obama and McCain is gonna be a good one.
May 11, 2008
Full interviews with Obama and McCain for your enjoyment
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Obama-Promises the world-Check
McCain-Promises the world-Check
Obama-Panders to Isreal?-DoubleCheck
Good MouthPiece?Obama-TurboCheck
Obama By a Landslide because if you can't Bullshit like a pro Carsalesman you lose.
Don't Vote ,Seriously.
Sorry Keith, but you couldn't be more wrong on this one.
First, I must say I'm not in love with McCain. (I voted for Ron Paul in the CA primary).
But given the choice between an untested soundbite like Obama and a man with the credentials and history of McCain, America will do the right thing. I'm not thrilled about it, but he's the only choice now.
By the way HP'ers, I'm just telling you how it's going to go down.
I told you Obama would win the nomination, and got flamed.
I'm telling you he's going to swamp McCain in the general, and I'm getting flamed.
But that's ok. Just remember where you heard it first come November...
RE: " that the cynical power-hungry nut Hillary is gone..."
I just remembered an important 40th anniversary that is coming up soon:
"The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, a United States Senator and brother of assassinated President John F. Kennedy, took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968 following celebrations of a successful campaign in the Californian primary elections while seeking the Democratic nomination for President of the United States."
Will history repeat itself?
Only time will tell.
You also told us to "Be very Afraid" about 1 month ago because of the 1 month T bill or some such thing. The market is up about 15% since then.
Obama can't win unless McCain does or says something really stupid. And that is entirely possible.
I am not a McCain lover either. But I watched these clips and thought McCain came across calm and collected. He was passionate at times but mostly because that idiot ORielly fool kept INTERRUPTING. Can that blow hard gas bag ever shut up and no interrupt people.
That is why I don't have cable TV any longer and although I am extremely conservative, I HATE FOX.
Obama can't win hispanics or most whites. He is the next Dukakis. A guy who was supposed to slam GHW Bush but lost. His only support were left wing nuts and elite whites. Same with Obama.
Obama's 20 year priest hates America.
Obama's wife hates America.
Obama befriends domestic terrorists.
Obama befriends Iran (enemy) but criticizes Pakistan (allay),
Not good qualities for the leader of the free world.
I think Hillary was right to finally say what the Dems don't want to hear. Reagan democrats are going to determine the winner here with a little help from Hispanics. Where they go, the winner will be.
Both will support McCain over Obama.
Remember, if Democrats ran their primary using ELECTORAL vote counting methods, Hillary would have wrapped this up around super Tuesday.
The General election will be won using ELECTORAL vote counting. That means you have to win the big states.
Hillary is trouncing Obama if you count the votes the way the General will be counted.
This is the Best America has to offer????????
Obama can't win hispanics or most whites. He is the next Dukakis. A guy who was supposed to slam GHW Bush but lost. His only support were left wing nuts and elite whites. Same with Obama.
That is exactly correct. Obama had this thing in his pocket until he opened up his mouth and started bashing on guns, religionists, "typical white people" etc.
Obama foolishly believes he can do that and win the election on carrying extreme blue states like CA, NY, NJ, Mass, WA, etc., but at the end of the day most Americans are still white conservative gun-toting bible thumpers. This includes the blue-collar working class union Democrats who, in every poll out there, say they will not vote for Obama in a million years.
Having said all that, McCain sucks, but this is about choosing the lesser of two evils, much like 2004.
Barack the Magic Negro!
The US voter has, for 2 decades now, voted for the better looking, more charasmatic, candidate.
In 1988 that was GWB.
In 1992 that was WJC.
In 2000 that was GHB.
In 2008 that will be BHO.
McCain will end up like Bob Dole in 1996. He doesn't stand a chance.
Wow Keith, one good call and suddenly you're Carnac the Magnificent.
Neither of these candidates comes off as genuine as Mrs. Clinton. This is clearly demonstrated in her video and it's only fair to include it:
My family and friends will never vote for Obama. If you need to cling to the race card because of our choice, we don't give a f*ck either.
Keith, how about showing some history of what McCain has actually passed in his career. You're no different than the rest of the bullshit media if all you play is them bs'ing us again and never call them out and hold their feet to the fire.
McCain (from memory): McCain-Feingold, McCain-(Ted) Kennedy, Sarbanes Oxley, No Child Left Behind, IRAQ, Crap like that.
McCain never met a government program he didn't love. What about flip flopping on home bailouts after ONE MONTH?
He's a big government hack.
I'm a long time registered Democrat who recently changed to Independent after the Democratic party was taken over by ultraliberals like Obama and his puppet master Ted Kennedy. Don't count with my vote for Obama. I was going to vote for Ron Paul, then Hillary. Now I'm voting for McCain or just staying home. The only reason I was going to vote for McCain was to have veto power over the ultraliberals, a way to enforce checks and balances.
The arrogant Obama camp and its MSM bootlicker will have a huge surprise coming November. I suggest to anyone thinking that Obama's victory in November is a done deal, to read this eye-opening article from Paul Krugman at NYT, the only objective and impartial voice these days:
I told you keith. the hillary clinton beast is alive. it!!!!!!
i told you, they are not going away, never. they will never quit. they will never give up. they will pull out every dirty trick they can. this will be a continuance of the politics of personal destruction and the only reason they haven't pulled that scheme out of the proverbial hat yet is because obamma is a black man. if he was white , the gloves would have already been off on this issue. the beast lives keith.....
According to a New Yorker report, the Colombians already flipped their vote to McCain, as they think that Hillary won't win. The rest of Hispanics will follow.
Contrary to popular belief, Hispanic voters don't want amnesty to illegals because that would create more job competition or depress their wages. The Hispanics you see marching in protest are illegals or paid day-labors by interest groups backed by corporations. I have many Hispanic friends and none of them want amnesty or open borders. Plus Hispanics and Asians have always been in a turf war with blacks. During the LA Riots, blacks targeted the business of Asians in LA, burning the buildings down or sacking their stores. Relations between these demographic groups are damaged forever. Obama Latte voters live in a bubble away from these realities.
Blogger keith said...
By the way HP'ers, I'm just telling you how it's going to go down.
I told you Obama would win the nomination, and got flamed.
I'm telling you he's going to swamp McCain in the general, and I'm getting flamed.
But that's ok. Just remember where you heard it first come November...
May 11, 2008 8:42 PM<<
not so fast there keith. do not count the clintons out. if you want dirty tricks, you just wait and watch the next few weeks....this race is far from over. Terry McAuliffe if on the clinton news network talking about it right now. the beast!!!!!!!
I am no fan of any of the 3 stooges. I am a Ron Paul supporter.
But, I would not under estimate McCain if this is an Obama vs. McCain match up.
McCain captures the old geezers, (and we all know they vote), Hispanics, Asians, true to the party Republicans, Bush supporters (and they are still out there), independents, bible thumpers, and a chunk of the working class.
And we have not even started on the Rove orchestated attack on Obama that will put doubt in a lot more voter's minds.
I believe that Hillary would be the toughest opponent against McCain.
If Obama is put up as the Dem nominee, my money is on McCain to take the White House.
God help us all as we endure a Bush third term.
Someone disagreeing with you does not mean you are getting flamed. Man you have skin about as thick as a 13 year old girl.
If you really think a black, quasi-Muslim, far left senator who's friends with the likes of Wright is going to win a general, you don't know much about politics. You and others out there forget that winning the demo primary and winning the general is not the same thing. McGovern, Dukakis, Mondale also won the primary. Means jack shit.
Oh and I apologize in advance if that hurt your feelings.
I don't really care who wins, but I hope these two won't engage in a "dirty" fight, like W and Clintons used to show.
Kweefer. I really thought you were more clued in than this. Hillary, McCain and Obama are all false choices. Have you bothered to read Ron Paul's bestseller "The Revolution: A Manifesto" yet. I don't see how anyone that reads it can have any hope for any of these clowns running for president.
Please read the damn book and gain some perspective.
It's the Constitution stupid!
BTW Kweefer, you're not doing anybody any favors by telling us how it's going to go down. We all know how it's going to go down despite which puppet becomes president. The problems with this government go far deeper than which fool is at the helm.
Please, I beg you people, if you really care about America, read Ron Paul's The Revolution and take an active role in the future direction of this nation!
I was going to be a Hillary voter. And I've been a life long democrat. I've never voted republican. Until this year at least.
I will cross the line and vote for McCain. No way am I voting for an unpatriotic, full of himself gas bag.
Sorry party, not this time.
Here's accurate political commentary from Pat Buchanan: Add it to the links if you like it.
Obama will be our next president. Americans are tired of the war and the economy, and both McCain and Hillary are more of the same of the past 8 years. Americans want "change" and will vote for it. Take that to the bank.
I think the Republican party is as evil as they come. I would vote for a rock before McCain....BUT....Obama has zero chance.
Every single state that voted for Bush in 2004 will go for McCain. This is a very racist the end people will simply not vote before voting for Obama.
Let McCain have this mess, then the Republicans can take full blame as they deserve. untested soundbite like Obama and a man with the credentials and history of McCain
Mc Cain's military skills got him captured and held prisoner for almost as many years as Obama has held public office.
There's 35 min I'll never get back!
West Virginia tells you alot.
It is 95% white, very working class. The coal miner, hard working, union type.
Hillary is going to kill Obama and thats with Democrats. Add the Republicans to that and Obama has no chance.
This race is McCains to lose.
1. McCain has dementia, when hes not prepared for these public outings hes a gibbering idiot.
2. Dont rule out Hillary, Obama could have an "accident" before November, best he avoids light aircraft.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow Keith, one good call and suddenly you're Carnac the Magnificent.
May 11, 2008 10:31 PM<<<
yeh he just thinks he is carnac. ha ha ha....
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