I've gotta give it up for West Virgina. Now THAT'S an interesting state...
May 14, 2008
And the results from West Virgina are in...
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
I've gotta give it up for West Virgina. Now THAT'S an interesting state...
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Drop them pants, boy!
I wonder if thats how Clinton (Bill & Hillary) would govern?
Hitlery WON WEST VIRGINIA! The hillbillys have spoken!
Woo Hoo!
Back to the swap, Hitlery. You Are DONE.
Squeel like a pig...
That cow just won't go away!
Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia?
Everyone there has the same DNA.
BO semssl like pig now, natinally too. Look at polls. Lag majority of clinton voters will not vote for him. I hope 100% ofthem will not vote for him. Time to teach a lesson to pigs that manipulate caucuses (only 4% of democrats vote in caucuses) you moron.
Hill Billys are much better people compared to f'n racists like you and Obama.
Squeal like a pig!
gonna be fun when she drags THAT trophy into the Democratic National Convention and waves it around...
sortta like when fluffy catches a half-dead rat and drops it at yuor feet to show her affection...
gonna be fun when she drags THAT trophy into the Democratic National Convention and waves it around...
sortta like when fluffy catches a half-dead rat and drops it at yuor feet to show her affection...
Love your blog, but have to go on record as being a little annoyed with your "Deliverance = WV" bit. Normally I am indifferent to jokes about my home state, and yes, it sucks that they voted for Hillary. However, in relation to the housing boom (and bust), I have found great pride in my WV roots. Let me elaborate: My wife and I moved to New England about seven years ago and have lived in Greenwich, CT for the last five, and while the educated,wealthy yuppies around us have sworn by the notion that you could never go wrong buying around here during the boom, my wife and I have relied on our common (WV) sense to determine that someone spending 800k-1 mil. on a 2 BR, 1 Bath ranch with vinyl floors and no garage was an absolute DUMBASS who either got their money from a trust fund or had way too much faith in the "bigger fool" principal. (Mind you, the idea has been relayed more than once that "We just didn't understand Greenwich". Definition: we were a couple of "hicks from the sticks" who were too dumb to understand this tony, affluent area).In the meantime, my family and I have lived within our means (ie: rented) and now think it is hilarious to see all these suckers who overspent attending seminars to avoid foreclosure as the prices have dropped and their interest rates have skyrocketed. Doesn't sound too bad to be from WV after all now, does it? Keep up the good work, and take it easy on WV.
the beast lives keith....break out the wooden stakes.....she lives.....
bush warning that we should not leave iraq. said we might get attacked again. oh really mr bush....i am telling you, unless ron paul is elected and returns constitutional government to the united states, we will never leave iraq...never....
43% of WV voters polled think Obama is Muslim.
98% of WV voters polled think West Virginia is one word.
The second poster (anonymous) is as misogynistic as the West Virginians are apparently racist. Pick your poison.
Time for change!!!
Si se puede!!!
What the f##k has Hillary got to do with Housing Panic..
What's the f###ing difference between her and your big Obama?
You guys need to get a life.. the only comment on here that made any sense was the one about caucus manipulation..
I thought it was supposed to democratic?
This is a Housing Panic website.. where you set the country into a panicked frenzy as a result of your fearmongering.
Talk about housing, not bitching about Hillary.
On the subject of fearmongering.. waht about the fact that the Republican's are gonna sweep the floor with Obama in the fall.
4 more years of Republican just because you guys were so quick to shout "racism"!
Lots of good, honest, moral, hard-working folks from West Virginia and that part of the world. Seriously.
But damn, now we know there's a ton of ignorant ones too. Like there are all over the US, but a higher share in WV evidently.
The one thing I hate the most in this world is ignorance. With all the information available to people now that used to be hard to find (thank you internets), ignorance is now a chosen way of life - you have to actually work at being ignorant. Or let Fox News do it for you.
The information and truth is out there. Some choose not to seek it, or to reject it when they're confronted with it (i.e. evolution, big bang, global warming, the fact that bush sucks, the housing bubble, should I go on?). So be it.
But ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance does not make for a better community or better world. And ignornace of financial matters makes you poor and bankrupt as we're seeing now.
Bush and Rove and the GOP exploited the 'ignorance vote' in 2000 and 2004. Clinton is exploiting it now. But I think the ignorant community is getting smaller and smaller (thank you internets) and less relevant. Based on Bush's record-low approval rating, you can see that people who supported him based on blind ignorance have finally woken up.
All of the option ARM bubble areas support Obama. That shows you their IQ. When the shit hits the fan, the people in the sticks won't skip a beat while the metrosexuals will be jumping out of their big city apartments
The one thing I hate the most in this world is ignorance.
Me too. That's why I'm glad the people of WV voted against someone who ignorantly called them "typical white people" and also insulted their faith and ownership of guns.
Seriously now ... ignorant? As someone who sees Obama as pure evil, keep in mind that I formed this opinion from ... not Fox News ... not Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly ... but from OBAMA'S OWN WEBSITE.
I read every word of his agenda and I went to bed afraid. Very afraid.
All I ask of anyone is to read Obama's platform, then read The Communist Manifesto, and see for yourself that they're the same. If you still want to vote for him, it simply means you're a communist and you're voting your heart, which is fine because voting your heart is admirable. But if you're voting for him because Keith and CNN tell you to, then that's bad.
"What's this all about?"
What's it all about, Alfie?
Is it just for the moment we live?
What's it all about
When you sort it out, Alfie?
Are we meant to take more
Than we give
Or are we meant to be kind?
And if only fools are kind, Alfie,
Then I guess it's wise to be cruel.
And if life belongs
Only to the strong, Alfie,
What will you lend
On an old golden rule?
Although the movie takes place in the South (Georgia, not W. VA) and the characters are all upper middle class professionals, why let a good old fashioned Southern Man bashing. As we all know everyone south of the Mason-Dixon is a hillbilly.
But why would I expect any less from an Obama supporter?
Keith for the 100th time....not voting for Obama does not equal ignorance and/or racism.
Its ironic someone preaching about ignorance believing Big Bang. The theory with so many holes in it it makes cartoon cheese look restrained. [http://metaresearch.org/cosmology/BB-top-30.asp]
And global warming is a scam to tax the developed world and prevent the undeveloped world from developing. Any moron that believes the crap that CO2 is the devil incarnate instead of plant food needs some sense beating into them. (Research tip: Find out the most prevalent and potent greenhouse gas in the Earths atmosphere. Then ask why we arent hysterically trying to reduce that. Oh, because its a substance even more vital to life than CO2. Bummer)
It was Georgia, btw.
"You sure got a purdy mouth."
The most frightening line in cinematic history.
"The one thing I hate the most in this world is ignorance. With all the information available to people now that used to be hard to find."
'Deliverance' was based largely in Georgia along the Chattooga River renamed as the fictional Cahulawassee River in the movie.
Not only was the movie based in northeast Georgia and northwest South Carolina but was filmed there as well.
"The information and truth is out there. Some choose not to seek it, or to reject it when they're confronted with it"
Keith, regarding ignorance, please follow your own advice.
Why do birds fly upside down over West Virginia?
....because there is nothing worth sh*tting on! lol
It would be a lot easier to accept that racism had nothing to do with it if they didn't keep electing that Grand Kleagle of the KKK as their Senator.
(Thanks so much, WV, for doing that, and putting him third in line for the presidency. Really.)
Tomato / Tomato
Georgia is pulling ahead Keith
Awww, dem just sum good ole boyz havin fun, dey don meen nutton.
Poor ignorant bastard Hillary supporters
bitter guy, shut yo' mouth! ;)
Trust me, you want all these Yankees thinking that the South is full of hicks, idiotic, inbred, etc. You want them to be terrified of moving there.
We have too many "escapees" from NY/NJ/Michigan/Illinois, etc., in Florida. I swear to God, sometimes all I hear are Masshole accents in parts of Central Florida.
Look what happened in Florida vs. the rest of the South. Your property values aren't tanking like Miami's, now, are they? Sure, they're down, but not that bad. No way.
'Nuff said.
Remember, they aren't scared of hurricanes and the early bird special. They'll just bitch that there "ain't any good Eyetalian joints". Yankees will try to flip your entire neighborhood, filling it with pergraniteel, because it attracts other Yankees/Europeans to buy at outrageous prices. If they are allowed to, they'll clog whatever coast your state has with "luxury" condos.
They are scared of "Deliverance", the KKK and guys named Bubba who drive General Lee lookalike cars (or big ol' rusty pickups with "The South Will Rise Again" bumper stickers plastered all over them.)
Trust me, once they come, they never leave. Let 'em think whatever they want as long as it keeps them out. You'll be much better off.
its not that interesting or difficult to understand.
97% of the electorate in WV is not black and they dont have many urban white elitists there either. Those demographics dictate that Obama gets trounced.
Its also why McCain is gonna clean Obama's clock in the general election.
Wait a minute. I thought all the hillbilly racists and rednecks where in the Republican party? Don't think senator Robert Bryd was a big war supporter.
It does not matter. I'm not voting for Obama. Don't attach all the liberal crap to the war. After all, that is why Kerry lost. Looks like their doing it again! Hey, this time its a black man.
Don't forget Barney Frank is a dem. So, don't get confused by the dem vs. rep charade.
Poor white, working class idiots. I guess if Obama gets the nod they'll defect to McCain. They didn't learn their lesson from being "reagan democrats" and now they're all folding clothes at WalMart instead of working well-paying union jobs.
Fuck em. Let them vote republican, lose more economic ground, more health care coverage and more dignity. When the stupid white bohunks are living in tents like some South American underclass, they might shuck their racism and ignorance and become liberals.
I laugh when I hear about plant closings and suffering blue collar idiots. Let the angry white male starve.
“Obama pure evil” - stop the melodramatics. The fact is the capitalistic pendulum has swung too far in favor of the super-rich. Now we need a leader that recognizes this to bring things back in line. Yes, those changes will look populist, but in reality they are just moving in that direction because things are so far the other way.
By the way, I usually ignore you posts, as I find them irritating. Nice to see they still are - keep up the "great" work. And, please keep talking about how much money you're making in your business; sure we all miss that. Do you *any* friends?
Like people of WV really like Hillary,they just felt really uncomfortable with a black guy with a foreign name. Move along. I think Keith was going for Appalachia in general,but one thing I learned during my rotation is that guys just never think that they could get raped..A societal blind spot that in reality occurs more than people realize, and just isn't taught to boys. 1 in 6 in WV on food stamps,worst dental care in the country...I have met some nice people from there, and I can say the same from the people I met in Detroit,but as a hub of tolerance and new ideas.. not.
Frank said: "voting your heart is admirable"
How about voting with your brain? Can we give that a try for a change?
Keith don't be a self-hating White person.
keith said...
Tomato / Tomato
May 14, 2008 2:09 PM
LOL. Alabama/Georgia. OK. Kentucky/WVA OK. Georgia and WVA? Not even close, not by a long shot. You obviously have never been to either nor do you know much about the history, demographics or politics of either to make such a ridiculous statement.
Please, pretty please with sugar on top stick to housing. You make a fool of yourself every time you get off topic.
where is the attack video of the 90% of "less-cultured" blacks that voted for BHO??
Why do you make a stink when 65% of whites vote for a white person, but not when ***90%*** of blacks for their own??
So you gotta give to: California, Nevada, MA, NY, NJ, NH, PA, FL, MI, NM, OH, KY, PR, etc.
Are you saying that West Virginia is a blip, an anomaly, if all those above states voted the exactly same way? Oops, there's a difference, there are no Hispanics and Asians in West Virginia, which also detest Mr. Empty Suit Obama.
Thank you for you help Keith, the more you and the corrupt MSM bash Hillary and other demographics and social classes, the more you split the Democratic party.
Obama is toast!
WV means McCain will win!
When are you going to get it?
There are democrats like me that will not vote for Obama. That fact that he is black make is easier for us not to !
The Democrats are the majority in the Senate and Congress for about 2 years now. Has any of you observed any major improvement? They have voted with Bush on EVERYTHING, including funding the Iraq war.
California, an ultraliberal cesspool, is bankrupt, and what's the solution coming from the Democrats in that state? Slam taxes on iTunes, Sex Toys, $1.80 Tax on a six-pack of beer, etc. The same ultraliberals, who are shoving Obama down our throats, have been running California into despair for years and just look at the deplorable condition of that state: rotten educational system, high crime, huge inflation, housing mess, overpopulation, exploding illegal immigration, no real mass transit projects, pollution, financial chaos, and high unemployment coming up near you.
So are you going to ignore all the hard evidence? Do you really think that the ultraliberal Obama as president, promptly signing everything that comes from the incompetent ultraliberal Congress and Senate will help this country? Where are the checks and balances? No veto power whatsoever? Just look at California for evidence.
Oh, and btw, I'm a registered Democrat...changing to Independent, though. I once believed in all that bull$hit we hear in College, too. You better move to the middle because both extremes are nuts, corrupt, wasteful, and incompetent.
New HP rule - if you want to rip on McCain or Obama you need to have a user name
Unfortunately we've got the same Anon posting over and over
How can you tell you're in West Virginia?
There's 5 million people and 5 last names.
I have been sending her emails (on her website) repeatedly urging her to run as independent.
29% of democrats want Hillary to run as independent.
You are not going to get it. You are thick skulled and idiot, corrupt, racist like Obama. He talks for hours saying nothing. Your blog for hours like an idiot and say nothing of substance especially about politics. You should stick to Real Esate.
If Hillary runs as an independent she will win hands down. Women from both parties will vote for her in droves. Besides, if 29% of Democrats want her to run, there will be additional democrats that will consider after they look at the choice and will be motivated once she declars.
bunch of jack booted, rifle toting, beer drinking, wife beating, former Klan state yahoo hillbillies that were probably belching, farting and scratching their asses in the voting booth. I don't give much credence to their importance but that's the kind of people who vote for Hillary that's what she said. Glad they are so identifiable, betcha Hillary holds her nose when she around them and asked herself why can't I have the smart intelligent people vote for me, why do I have to have the loosers who vote by the color of the skin and not my past record with Bill, Nafta and incoming bombs. You know I must be desperate, even black people are too smart to vote for me and I have let everyone know I despise them that's why I sent Bill out to say stupid stuff. Who would have thought there were enough black people who weren't felons aren't in jail and registered to vote to put a well a black in office. Never in my wildest dreams before that 3a m phone call would I have ever thought that. Well sense they won't vote for me I will get all those hillbillies to vote for me because I will try to make them think they are smart. Oh bother. LOL
First the democrats lost the election because of Gay Marriage.
Now they will lose the election trying to put up a sneeky black power candidate.
I would have voted for Ms. Clinton, but never Obama.
Unless, Ms. Clinton is on the ticket, the democrats just lost.
That's why we have men paying $400 for a haircut and looking down at blue collars:
The typical metrosexual is a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis – because that's where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference. Particular professions, such as modeling, waiting tables, media, pop music and, nowadays, sport, seem to attract them but, truth be told, like male vanity products and herpes, they're pretty much everywhere.
For some time now, old-fashioned (re)productive, repressed, unmoisturized heterosexuality has been given the pink slip by consumer capitalism. The stoic, self-denying, modest straight male didn't shop enough (his role was to earn money for his wife to spend), and so he had to be replaced by a new kind of man, one less certain of his identity and much more interested in his image – that's to say, one who was much more interested in being looked at (because that's the only way you can be certain you actually exist). A man, in other words, who is an advertiser's walking wet dream.
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