The good news? The GOP brand is mortally wounded thanks to the incompetence and arrogance of Bush and Cheney. "Republican" may be even lower than "realtor" in the American lexicon today. The voters are rightly pissed, and they're going to take it out on the party of Bush something fierce in November.
The bad news? That leaves the incompetent, big-government, high-tax Democratic party.
God help us all.
So, what to do in November? Vote against EVERY incumbent except Ron Paul. Start over. Send a message to our elected officials that the voters are awake again, and that they answer to us.
Or not and just continue on into the abyss...
Wall Street Journal: The Republican Panic
If there is such a thing as a useful election defeat, then Tuesday's Republican loss in a special House election in Mississippi would qualify. Maybe this thumping in a heretofore safe GOP seat will finally scare the Members straight, or at least less crooked.
Democrats won with 54% of the vote in a district that a Republican won with 66% in 2006 and that President Bush carried in 2004 by 25 points. It was the GOP's third special election loss this year, and it has Democrats predicting that November will be another rout of 2006 proportions.
Oklahoma's Tom Cole, who runs the National Republican Congressional Committee, captured the GOP reaction when he declared that "There is no district that is safe for Republican candidates."
May 30, 2008
And now we have RepublicanPANIC
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Labels: george bush the worst president ever, gop destruction, I see dead elephants, obama landslide
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Sure, the Democrats have their problems. But the Republicans make them look like brilliant angels.
The problem with the GOP is that is was taken over by Southerners and Texans for whom reversing the effects of the Civil War are the predominant occupation.
True conservatism, meaning Midwest, or Mountain West conservatism was merely given lip service to build a large enough coalition.
Limited government was never the goal of the Bushes; Aristocratic despotism was. Eisenhower tried to warn us about what he was seeing at the top (Nixon was his VP) but the typical white male felt that blacks, feminists and gays were more of a threat than a MIC which was predominantly white male and that provided the primary source of employment for dull white men after the factories were shipped overseas.
8 years of Bush and the borders are still wide open so that the southerners and Texans can have their brown-skinned plantation slaves.
8 years of Bush and government is large and more intrusive than ever with a debt burden approaching Weimar status;but hey, Weimar wasn't a bad thing for Nazis, now was it?
Wakeup to the American Nazi menace before it is too late; true Republicans, we welcome your return.
Your mesiah is the head of the Demo high tax party. He is the furthest left of Demos. He is further to the left than Kennedy for crying out loud.
And yet you drool whenever you see his name.
Did you just have a brain fart Keith? Are you another freaking O'Reilly or something?
What the hell is wrong with you. It seems that the War in Iraq (Trillions), Tax cuts for the rich (Trillions) and in the FACE of Americans who could do NOTHING, etc, the destruction of the US (trillions) is not enough for you. Limited government my a**. Conservatism my a**, with all those gay republicans in congress trying to rape interns and the religious dude that was caught with his hands on it. You guys make me sick. You are no different than any democrat. Republicans want to "appear" more descent and are a bunch of white collar hoodlums.
Why are Republicans so hard headed?
Yes, democrats are also a bunch of idiots, but like the first poster said, Republicans make democrats look like brilliant angels.
Well duh, perhaps even the brain-dead republiturds can learn something. Let me see, John McCain loves working with Ted Kennedy on legislation, is in love with illegal immigration.
Definitely a conservative. NOT. I'm voting third party and couldn't care less what happens to the democrat wannabes known as republicans. Maybe they'll stand for something instead of trying to out-democrat the democrats. I didn't leave the republican party it left me.
Revoke their passports, seize their assets and freeze their benefits.
War Crimes, Treason will due for starters.
Worst Men ever born, period.
The Republicans are still living in their "US vs the terrorists", "George Bush the cowboy as savior from the terrorists" mentality. To them no cost is too great as long as they can kill some muslims to feel safer from "terror".
I laughed like I hadn't in a long time yesterday when some dumbass, fake conservative boot-licker called up the Dennis Miller show and said he thought Bush should be president for life because he was doing such a great job!!
Can you believe the DENIAL of these people??!
Dennis Miller himself is a real piece of work. I hear that he was funny once but these days he makes the most obscure references to movies from the 40's and 50's and somehow thinks that equates to comedy. When he's not doing that he's recalling some joke that one of his famous comedian buddies made 20 years ago. Then it's on to telling us how we need to kill all the Muslims because they hate America. The level propaganda is astounding!
Poor, poor Dennis Miller. I say, anybody who is still voting Republican should be drafted into the military and sent to Iraq and Iran immediately. Let them go and save the Western world from Muslims if they really feel so strongly about this "clash of civilizations". I wonder if any of these fake conservatives have met a Muslim in their entire life. Astounding!
I think this short video explains a lot about the level of ignorance in the USA:
Why Americans Know So Little About The World
So, what to do in November? Vote against EVERY incumbent except Ron Paul. Start over. Send a message to our elected officials that the voters are awake again, and that they answer to us.
never happen. like i have said before, politicians are like lawyers, everyone hates politicians except the ones that directly represent them. so, they will vote their reps back into office.
Tax cuts for the rich (Trillions)
oh stop it. it was tax cuts for anyone who paid taxes. but i guess that is the neoliberal definition of rich "someone who makes enough to pay taxes"
you know, the funny thing is, even with the republican incompetence, the dems are not going to take the white house this year. they will manage to nominate the one candidate that won't be able to beat McLoser.
May I ask seriously...
My understanding, (or misunderstanding ) of Libertarians is of free market capitalism where anything goes.
1) Would Mr. Paul approve of the mechanics that led to today's bubble(s)?
2) Does Mr. Paul support the waves of illegal immigrants taking jobs away from Americans, effectively skirting labor laws and rights that Americans suffered and died for?
Just asking...
1) Would Mr. Paul approve of the mechanics that led to today's bubble(s)?
2) Does Mr. Paul support the waves of illegal immigrants taking jobs away from Americans, effectively skirting labor laws and rights that Americans suffered and died for?
Just asking...
All of this and a lot more is covered in his book "The Revolution: A Manifesto" and the many speeches and interviews of his that are freely available on the web. It's very easy to do this kind of research on your own without asking the rest of the world to explain it for you. But I know Americans have become slovenly and lazy and aren't very good at The Internets.
Let me summarize for you because I know you're too lazy to research things on your own:
1) He's been speaking out against government intervention in the housing market which greatly contributed to the bubble for at least 10 years. You can check the congressional record on that. One of his major platforms is to end the Federal Reserve and fiat currencies which lead to these bubbles in the first place. In a truly free market this ridiculous housing bubble would not have occured because the banks would have been far more careful with their loan requirements (like they have been in the past until the government created Fannie Freddie FHA etc etc and Bush pushed for his "Ownership Society").
2) Ron Paul wants to remove the incentives for illegal immigrants to come here. This is another major platform of his. He's probably stronger on illegal immigration than any other candidate.
Please do your research lazy American.
Great. Under one party Democrat rule the Federal government will be run like the government of New Jersey. We're doomed.
1) Would Mr. Paul approve of the mechanics that led to today's bubble(s)?
Ron Paul supports a return to the Gold Standard. This would doubtless bring its share of problems (especially with liquidity, at least as I understand this) but there certainly wouldn't be any issue with banks virtually throwing money at people, since the days of currency as toilet paper would be over.
I know Ron Paul has also talked about terminating the Federal Reserve, and I'm guessing he's opposed to things like the FDIC. As I understand it, banks that lend like drunken sailors at a strip club would be allowed to go under, and depositors would in fact lose their money.
In sum, I'm not sure a "hard currency" policy would be enough to prohibit a bubble in real estate, stocks or anything else, but at a minimum things would sure look different...regulatory oversight of banks, commercial banks, etc., would be just about nil in a US run on Ron Paul principles. But, without the power of the printing press behind them, I'm not sure how "bubblicious" things could get.
I voted for Ron Paul in my local primary, but while I like the man and most of what he stands for, I am decidedly unsure about a lot of the flotsam trailing in his wake: jew-haters, "white nationalists" (whatever the hell that is), the gubbimint did 9/11 konspiracy kooks, etc. I wish Paul had been much more forthright in distancing himself from these people. Especially since I see no evidence he actually believes any of this.
2) Does Mr. Paul support the waves of illegal immigrants taking jobs away from Americans, effectively skirting labor laws and rights that Americans suffered and died for?
He supports border controls, and opposes any amnesty type program.
But labor laws? Nah, that he'd eviserate, as a good small "l" libertarian.
up to and including withdrawing from NAFTA and I believe the UN. However, labor laws would pretty much be toast
"Dennis Miller himself is a real piece of work. I hear that he was funny once but these days he makes the most obscure references to movies from the 40's and 50's and somehow thinks that equates to comedy. When he's not doing that he's recalling some joke that one of his famous comedian buddies made 20 years ago."
Miller is on AM radio as a spokwesman selling kitchen remodeling in the SF Bay Area...
Who listens (or takes seriously) what former comedian and blah blah blah time-filler man Dennis Miller says about ANYTHING, except maybe new toilets and bathtubs...
There is no longer any difference between the two political parties.
Regardless of who is elected, they are going to inherit one hell of a mess from Bushco.
They can either choose to make problems worse for the country, or start taking steps to repair the mess in a sensible manner, one that doesn't involve taxing the middle-class to death.
If taxation (without representation) is chosen again, we'll just be pushed into a deeper hole then we're already in.
the Repubs have no one to blame but themselves for following the Neo-cons. now that the Dems are in power, look for AIPAC to rev up recruitment within that party and promote hawkish rhetoric from the left.
Anon 4:08,
I'm not Dr. Paul, but Ron Paul does have answers to the two questions that you posed:
1. Ron Paul would have done away with the FNM and FRE. If the loan originators had nobody to offload their bad loans, they would not have underwritten those loans to begin with. More importantly, Ron Paul wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, and make the US go back to the Constitutionally designated money: precious metal specie. Without the FED's massive monetary expansion early this decade, there wouldn't be the housing speculation bubble to begin with, or the stock market bubble last decade.
2. Without the FED printing money, there would be much less incentive for foreigners to come to the US to begin with (the mechanism is similar to Up-state NY youth migrating to NYC, or people following gold rushes in the 19th century: people and goods go to where money is literally made. NYC, the seat of New York Federal Reserve Bank, to which all the other 9 Federal Reserve Banks have to coordinate money supply, is the fountain of worldwide liquidity, i.e. the biggest "gold mine" in the world as far as newly minted money is concerned).
Ron Paul also advocates the removal of free social services, which obviously would be yet one less incentive for foreigners to come to the US unless they can render productive service and earn their keep.
The removal of FED and removal of free social services will be much more effective than wasting more tax money hiring hundreds of thousands of border enforcers . . . although Ron Paul has not made a clear stand against the jack-boot boon-dongle on the borders either. He is against national ID system on the ground of protecting privacy and civil liberty for citizens.
What happened to your endorsement of Obama?
p.s. I liked him until I got to know him. Now I think he's just another phony baloney politico.
RE: Start over...Or not and just continue on into the abyss...
We can't start over.
For example, we are well aware that the Bush Administration's war in Iraq was not started to protect the US from terrorism. The illegal invasion of Iraq was specifically designed to loot the US treasury and enrich war profiteers.
Can we resurrect the 4000 US service men and women who have died in this senseless war? Can we resurrect the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children who have been murdered by US armed forces?
The US is now bankrupt and hated by most of the world. Electing a bunch of new cheerleaders will not reverse the downward spiral which will ultimately destroy the country.
We have reached the point of no return. Throughout history, civilizations have collapsed and the US will be no exception.
Continuing toward the abyss is our only option.
I say why is it that Bush (who is white)distroyed this country (and it's gonna get worse, check out no one blames him because he is white, but will say a black man OBAMA will distroy this country because he is black and will not say the same with the other white folks in office and what did they do for you exactly. That is what I am having a problem with. Blame ruining the country on Bush because he is white. (white privilege) LOL What did a white man ever do for you except let you live in a fantasy world that you are better because you are white, well the rest of the world is getting sick of tired of taking a back seat to white people and their absolute arrogance. Sometimes I think that is what terrorist are really thinking they are sick of white people touting they deserve the best because they are white. And they want to distroy the fantasy through terror and if they can't blow up the United States they will financially break it until that is worse than war.
I still think killing Saddam was a big mistake no one really knows how mad that made a lot of those middle eastern people. I know that he sure kept them under control no matter how bad the tactics. I think that has much to do with the anger of alot of those countries towards the USA. How the big bad white people come in started a war, kill our leaders take over our oil and enslave our people. That is why the first Bush had a problem with Ghaddafi. Why don't they go into Africa and take over, start a war (they seem to not have a problem with letting people die from illnesses, disease and hunger and who's to say alot of the fighting doesn't have alot to do with the USA in order to clean out the people to get to the resources) and steal the resources. They would truly get slaughtered showing up in force. I still say there is plenty of oil in Africa but the way WHITE folks treat black folks that will never be tapped.
Hey the priest Pfleger (think that is his name)was so right about Hillary. I am white I deserve this not a NIG, NIGG, black person. When the rug is pulled out from under white people everyone is going to pay, bye bye Mexicans and black people don't even expect to find a job anywhere. We get ours before you will ever expect to get yours. That is going to be the topic of the next sermon coming out of Obama's church.
The problem with politicans (the reason blacks really don't vote)they are all full of shit, liars, and self serving, and are looking for the next paycheck from lobbyist. White people are already rich so they aren't worried about money just self interest (usually to hold someone of another race down except ASIANS who have even more money)and eventually all this racism will finally boil down to a severely divided country (as if it could get worse)once again (think the Yankees and the Confederates)and we will explode from with in without help from Bin Laden and he has the last laugh. Make the elections more representive of the country and not the ones who control the country and America will find it's way back to the top. Meaning get all these white people out of office and try something new, a mexican here, a chinese there, an Indian then and again, maybe a Filipino no not them don't like em period, there are others not just white people.(corruption being the reason not to vote, all of em are corrupt). Clean up the politicians and you clean up the USA.
Tax cuts for the rich (Trillions) and in the FACE of Americans who could do NOTHING
Wow, people are still spewing this totally ignorant and discredited argument?
Do you realize the bottom 50% of Americans pay ZERO taxes?
Democrats definition of "the rich" is any household making over $40k/year. Yeah, that's "rich."
The world according to demoidiots:
tax cuts for the rich means tax cuts for anyone making over $50K...the only people who actually pay anything in taxes to begin with
10% of people pay 70% of taxes. Any tax cut will always go disproportion ally to a few people because they pay the taxes.
This is such a simple concept and yet for some reason democrats can't understand.
Your mesiah is the head of the Demo high tax party. He is the furthest left of Demos. He is further to the left than Kennedy for crying out loud.
And yet you drool whenever you see his name."
I will still take him any day of the week instead of the moron in office now. I don't think that is drooling, I think it is relief. I don't care if our next leader is so left that when he walks in a room he looks like the leaning tower of pizza - a monkey could not screw things up any more than the moron administration. At least Obama can speak, has some brain cells and has at least the illusion of a vision...I would rather have higher taxes and a leader, than a moron and crook and low taxes for 2% of the populous. I am middle class, so that means currently most of us are in the lowest tax bracket - unemployed thanks to the jackoff and killjoy adminstration. At least if we could get a thinker instead of a stinker in the Whitehouse, maybe there is the possiblity I will be able to pay taxes again because I would have income to pay taxes on...
Oh and it may be a good idea to remember that currently your "low taxes" are going to Iraq so our young can die. At least higher taxes may be used at home for things like infrastructure buildout (remember Minnesota), health care (75% of the population does not have it), science and technology funding (the only TRUE road to independence from oil), maybe some policies that make us worthwhile in the world again, so bubbles and busts can stop being our primary export to the world, oh and lets not forget about funding some real education reform so we don't go from the Greatest Generation (my dad) to the stupidist generation (all our kids) in less than a century.
So how about you take your dopey, retard of a president and his cronies which have bankrupted the nation and screwed up just about every challenge that has come their way, and I will take my chances with the "mesiah".
The Neoconservatives will just jump back to their old party, that of Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Johnson.
And we'll be f'ked - again.
I'll be voting for Ron Paul unless he endorses someone (like Barr).
BTW: I've been getting infinitely more political "surveys" and donation requests since I donated $2000 to Dr Paul.
Both of McCain's I chucked in the trash without opening. I've twice received a fund raiser/propaganda letter disguised as a survey from the Senate Republican Committee, and it's just laughable. They're so far out from the grass roots it's pathetic.
"penguindev said...
Both of McCain's I chucked in the trash without opening. I've twice received a fund raiser/propaganda letter disguised as a survey from the Senate Republican Committee, and it's just laughable. They're so far out from the grass roots it's pathetic."
I get these from McShitstain and Hitlery too. They are nice enough to include postage-paid return envelopes for 'donation'. My first impulse is to burn them, but I have devised a rather expensive (to the sender) plan that I suggest you all copy..
Go to the park and fill up the envelopes with sand and rocks and a litle dogshit for effect. Make that envelope as heavy and offensive as possible.
At least we will burn them with additional postage costs...
Dr. Mengele was RIGHT...
What did a white man ever do for you except let you live in a fantasy world that you are better because you are white, well the rest of the world is getting sick of tired of taking a back seat to white people and their absolute arrogance.
Oh really? Here's what blacks do to their own people when they're in charge:
They wanted so badly to be in charge. So there, they're in charge now. Looking pretty, eh? I bet you'll have some lame excuse to blame the "white man" for that mess, right? Stop whining and at least pick up the trash in your own neighborhoods. And stop breeding like flies.
Just watch it.
"Where wings take Dream"
"Human being and fish can coexist peacefully"
Start Drinking Heavily, Joe and Jane 6 pack. The jig is UP.
Oh really? Here's what blacks do to their own people when they're in charge:
They wanted so badly to be in charge. So there, they're in charge now. Looking pretty, eh? I bet you'll have some lame excuse to blame the "white man" for that mess, right? Stop whining and at least pick up the trash in your own neighborhoods. And stop breeding like flies.
Oh look, it's dumb and dumber arguing with each other about black vs white.
Hey idiots! It's not about:
Red vs Blue
Black vs White
Right vs Left
Donkey vs Elephant
It's about:
Freedom vs Tyranny
The Individual vs The Mob
Up vs Down
The Elite vs The People
Just watch it.
Hey! He's not an idiot. If you had done as much coke as our fake cowboy East Coast Establishment, silver-spoon fed, Yalie Skull and Bonesmen pres your speech would be pretty f*cked up too!
"Do you realize the bottom 50% of Americans pay ZERO taxes?"
Frank, with all do respect, thats just not true.
Sales tax, property tax etc. at local level.
At Federal level, every wage earner pays social security and medicare tax. The actual cost of these taxes for the wage earner is higher than they know, since their employer has to match with money which would probably otherwise increase their paycheck. Therefore, the government takes 30% of the poorest man's earnings with via social security tax alone.
On the other hand, Ross Perot was paying a scant 6% of his income in 1992 when he ran for President. John Paulson will pay only 15% of the $4 billion capital gains he made betting on the collapse of the mortgage industry.
When dickhead Clinton was in office everyone hated Democrats. The guy was a jagoff. The guy inherited an economy on the way up so he gets no credit. You can't tax yourself into prosperity. He raised taxes. The economy did well despite him. He tried to run Microsoft into the ground. If he succeeded do you know how many jobs he would have killed? When the Democrats take over and the country ends up in worse shape than it already is in people will hate that party. It goes back and forth forever.
Dr. Mengele:
Hmm, interesting. You gave me an idea. Maybe I'll just return those prepaid envelopes with some Ron Paul literature inside them.
Our so called leaders are utterly disgusting, I expected it from the democrats, but not from the republicans.
These last few years have been an absolute disaster, what the hell did they do following that overgrown frat boy into the abyss.
I'm not a republican anymore, conservative still, but now as an independent!
GOP, Democrats, keep fighting. Keep sheeple divided! Can't wait for Dems blow-out win - taxes ARE MY profits :-) :-) :-)
Keith, keep inflaming "them"!!! Good job!!! (I'm settin' a transaction centers to process Health Care claims, do you really think Gov't + "Blue Crosses" do it by themselves? They outsource it, goofs :-) :-) Just can't wait... I'm in LOVE with Dems!!! no McWhoever or sane Republicans or Ron Pauls, please. Read again O-B-A-M-A (and his wife)
Anon 12:11,
Social Security tax (+Medicare) is around 15% of the first $100k, not 30%. For a typical wage earner, half of it, or 7.5%, is paid by employer. More importantly, the way social security pays out however makes low-income people get far more money back per centage-wise than medium to high income brackets. After you pay 32 quarters into it, you get the same amount back after 65 regardless how much you paid into it. e.g. whether you made $10k a year therefore paid $1500 a year in those 8yrs (for a total $12k) or whether you made $90k a year and paid $13,500/yr over 30 years into it (for a total over $400k), you get the same monthly SS payment after turning 65. It's a welfare program for low-income families.
" penguindev said...
Dr. Mengele:
Hmm, interesting. You gave me an idea. Maybe I'll just return those prepaid envelopes with some Ron Paul literature inside them.
May 31, 2008 3:54 AM"
Beautiful. Hat Tip to you penguindev ! I wish I'd thought of that... Who says we Americans aren't ingenious? Good Day to you!
Dr. Mengele
Think about this!
An old white bearded man living in a cave brought down the United States of America. One single person has scared this country into collapse. He will be considered a economic wizard in the future. The title of his up coming book is " How to bring down a world power with 19 people!"
Frank from Newport thinks poor people don't pay taxes? Where do I apply to be exempt from sales and gas taxes?
Frank, you are a fucking moron.
"Where do I apply to be exempt from sales and gas taxes?"
Talk to your state government about suspending/rebating sales tax; that will actually a good thing. You can reduce road tax (the supposed purpose of gas tax) exposure by driving less, also a good thing. Income tax reduction can only reduce income tax, obviously.
Afterthought - I am a true Midwestern fiscal conservative and will never again vote for a Republican. I prefer 'tax and spend' over ' borrow and spend' any day.
I was kinda hoping that doofus Ron Paul would lose his seat in Congress. Then he can go back to being just another OBGYN.
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