"The policy of my government is a strong-dollar policy"
- George Bush 2004
"We believe in a strong dollar policy"
- George Bush 2008
You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time.
- PT Barnum 1891
March 01, 2008
The United States of America is run by a bald-faced liar, and a complete and total failure
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Run into the ground more like it
Damn it I stubbed my toe this morning. Must be Bush's fault. Just like it's Bush's fault Americans bought $700K homes on $20K salaries. Just like it's Bush's fault Americans drive 11 MPG SUVs for their 40 mile one way commute. He put a gun to Americans to borrow, spend, borrow, spend, borrow spend. He forced Walmart to build a store in every town and fill it with Chinese shit which Americans gladly consume.
Yep it's all his fault.
Bush = The king of lies, mass-deception, theft, 9/11 cover-ups and reckless endangerment.
His BEST friend from Texas is (was)the biggest corporate criminal on record: Kenny Boy Lay.
Bush Should NOT BE FREE MAN. (nor cheney)
I demand that they should be arrested ASAP! Impeachment is NOT enough!
For the love of GOD! Wake up sheeple!
We've been flim-flamed!
Fvcked in the ass!
How long will our elected criminals be running our country into the ground? When will they be stopped? When will justice be served? When will Washington DC be raided with mass arrests?
How much longer America?
How much longer?
We are soooo doomed. Even the courts, judges and cops want to see America burn in hell. They actually enjoy watching the bush-co government criminals get away with murder, reckless managemet, war profiteering and mass destruction.
How much longer?
Never listen to what they say. Watch what they do.
Listen all of you HP'ers, the Dollar is still the world's reserve currency. The world still believes in America and in our economy. The world still has trillions of dollars in reserve so it is in their best interest to support the dollar.
We might hit a rough patch. But we won't enter into a deep depression. Our nation is a wealthy nation that can weather this storm. Besides, we can always borrow more money and then default on it and the world will still forgive our debt because no one else is more credible. The world needs us.
Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to
the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.
The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went
out to the forest, and started catching them. The man bought thousands at
$10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort.
He then announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts
of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started
going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of
monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let
alone catch it!
; The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50!
However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant
would now buy on behalf of him.
In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers.
"Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I
will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can
sell them to him for $50 each."
The villagers rounded up with all their savings and bought all
the monkeys. Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys
Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market
You have to go back to how the GOP went from perennial also-rans to generational dominance: by adding the Dixiecrats.
Was the south ever known for its industrial/economic savvy? They are known for plantation-style economics, racism and good ol' boy politics.
Well that's what we got!
This election will vex many because we will elect a "black" man and the south will return to its rump status.
This is great news for Ron Paul Republicans because our faction lost out most to the Nixon Southern Strategy. Ina realignment we have a chance to drive the bus.
you people need to start listening to Michael Savage.
Read his books:
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
The Enemy Within
then, every night, you can listen to him. besides 400 AM stations, you can listen to him on his home station at 910knew.com and click on listen live from 6-9pm Eastern Standard time
I have a few of those dollars. They are grean and pretty. They aren't very useful though. I pot plants with them.
Barnum was wrong.
Everyone in America was fooled all the time having an illiterate jackass in the Out/White House for 8 years.
The Bush Family has killed America.
Enjoy your Beer and NASCAR.
And don't forget - "there is no recession". . .Bush has been saying that for the past few weeks. . .This was the week the world realized that the game in the USA was over - the exit from the dollar and US stocks has started. . .hyperinflation has arrives - bread will double - gas by summer will be $4, and housing will continue to fall - I was amazed that housing fell 3.4% in one month here in SD (Case-Shiller). . .it that continues for even the next 6 months, that will be another 20% on top of the already 20% down - 40%!!! even I didn't think it would get this bad. . .
Abraham Lincoln
He's a fairy isn't he?
This administration has done the exact opposite of everything they have publicly stated. They are completely discredited.
sayin it don't make it so.
"Enjoy your Beer and NASCAR"
Beer is made with grain (up some 110% in price levels since 2004) and NASCAR requires burning oil based fuels (up 1000% since 2000). Actually, beer is now cheaper than gasoline so you could stay home and watch TV with a cold one instead of going to work.
Call me crazy but I'm going to kind of miss Bush. At least with him we knew he was mildly retarded and had criminals in his staff that were looting the taxpayer funds.
With Obama as president the sheeple on the left will be as stupid as the sheeple on the right were in the early years of Bush Co. Obama will not change a thing except maybe the gratuity that KBR has from the taxpayer. How he says he will end corporate loopholes and reform healthcare when the entire govt. is run by corporate America is a joke.
I always thought the 'Strong Dollar policy' quote was the best example of the Bush doctrine.
The Bush admin talks about a strong dollar, but not only do they not do anything to support a strong dollar.. their budget and tax policies directly work toward weakening the dollar. Surplus to trillions in deficit. He's the grand flipper of all.... he fliped our ecconomy.
Actually the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency for the world....3 weeks ago the chinese yuan exceeded 50% of world usage. that in my mind means the us dollar is S.O.L. Wheat last year was $5 a bushell...this year $25. Gold sky high...silver following and a Fed that will cut to 2 pts....this is a manufactured crash to bring in the North American Union....Cursed is the man who lives in uninteresting times....Chinese Proverb...we must be truly blessed.
I used to listen to Savage,
He had some very good insights,
But I now believe he is a raving Frisco lunatic Berkeley Wackjob!
He rants and raves, cuts people off, doesn't let them finish a point, belittles,
and is an authority on 'everything', he even says so!
He has even raved, "I'm A Genius I tell ya, A Genius"!
He bitches about Rush talking about his cat,
and all he talks about is Teddy!
"But I'm only one man, one voice"
What! Blame Bush? How could you, he has been a great leader, (negate the mistake about the WMDs), still all in all, he has lead our country to a strong dollar (it must be those Dems, They've been narrowly in charge of Congress for almost 2 of my 8 years!) It has nothing to do with deregulation to an absurd fault, or my looking the other way while my banking buddies gave a whole new meaning to the word "greed". Then the bankruptcy law was supposed to protect the credit card companies (that I adore so much), and last but not least, there is absolutely no evidence that rich got richer and the poor got poorer on my watch. That data is just propaganda. So how could i be responsible for this? And by the way, make the tax cuts permanent. I will be Vindicated! signed, George Bush.
amercian pat:
You can not be so blind,a troll I say!!
The world does not believe anymore!!
Can't lie and steal forever.
The sales of US Bonds are doing what??
Whom is buying the US fast and cheap?
They want to unload the greenback,can't spend it anywhere.
Buy something in the US with the stuff,they like it!!
Wish this was NOT the case,it's surely going to hurt and SUCK!!
A little "being accountable" would go a long way right now.
Old chart, USDX at 73 and change. Next week 71.
Ed said...
Damn it I stubbed my toe this morning. Must be Bush's fault. Just like it's Bush's fault Americans bought $700K homes on $20K salaries. Just like it's Bush's fault Americans drive 11 MPG SUVs for their 40 mile one way commute. He put a gun to Americans to borrow, spend, borrow, spend, borrow spend. He forced Walmart to build a store in every town and fill it with Chinese shit which Americans gladly consume.
Yep it's all his fault.
Well, Americans just followed their leader didn't they?
Yes it is HIS fault. Too bad we are so easily bribed in America. Voted for the little Pet Goat reading worm did ya? The spanky little lip biting son of a bitch. Feelin a little duped these days? Gettin harder to convince yourself that tax breaks for the wealthy were a good idea? Or, starting a war AND giving tax breaks to the wealthy was an even better idea?
Have you seen the recipients of these tax breaks driving their little million dollar submarines around off the coast? It was on Discovery Channel. The submarines were bought with your tax dollars. Transferred straight out of your pocket into theirs as tax breaks so that they could buy a LOT more than SUV's and Chinese crap at Walmart. The lip biter calls these worthless wastes of oxygen "His Base".
Boy, they sure created a lot of jobs didn't they? Wow.
Your ilk has had 8 years. It is sooooo fucking over. Once America feels the sharp jab in the wallet it will wake up, because that is the ONLY thing that wakes America up. Nation full of retards we are. At that point the greedy hordes will get up off the couch and want a refund.
You will want to bring guns to the party Ed and be sure to wear blue and don't say a word about voting for Spanky's Gang.
It's fun listening to goopers like Ed defend Bush. You can almost hear the death rattle in their whines. In reality, they know that the game is over for the GOP for at least 8 years. Remember, the president can invade some country on a trumped up intelligence (WMD my ass), subsequently get a lot of people maimed and killed, and American voters really won't care (it's no skin off their noses).
But, hey, if the President lets the price of gas and food spiral out of control, well, that's a whole different story. When joe6pk has trouble scraping up gas money for the commute, the party occupying the white house is f*k'd.
McCain = George McGovern. I'm not even sure McCain will win Arizona.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a Chinese bamboo stick from mouth to ass all sizzling, sputtering, roasting nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
So, tell me, does the average Americano take it enough in the rear orifice yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
"BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig is swallowing, roosting, snouting, chomping at the maggot feed trough.
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshipped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. The ancient snapper turtle probably have more brain cell than you and your children combined together. Are you sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and swoon for DUBYA ? Do you, do you, do you ???
The villagers rounded up with all their savings and bought all
the monkeys. Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!
Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works.
LMAO on that one!!! Sooooo true!!
I thought "andrew hac" would be all over this one by now.
Hac, where is ya' and all that "dubya shrub" and skewered armadillo over hot coals, etc.
Mildy retarded?
Look at his picture.
Think about what he has done to your family.
Time for payback.
Not that i support Bush or his policies, but Bush doesn't control the dollar, the Fed does. Neither Bush nor Congress controls the Fed.
Shares of the Fed are owned by US banks. The fed makes a profit and pays shareholders dividends. The Fed only needs to testify to congress and justify what it is doing.
Bush's lying is just appetizer. Wait for main course, your favorite Mr BO (Barak Obama - boy does he stink) to get elected. He's the liar of all time. He's promising everything to everyone. All dreams come true under his rule. All you have to do is dream. He'll put the final nail in USA by promising everything to everyone.
This nation and most of its citizens, residents, dwellers, occupants have no ethic, no moral, no responsibility, no duty, no honor, and last but not least, no brain. What it has in plenty is greed, self-centerness, ignorance, pompousness.
The housing bubble is a shiny mirror in which the Americano can look at itself and ponder upon what may the future brings upon this land of the Snapper Turtle.
A nation that mostly comprises of pigs feeding, tearing, roosting, chomping at the trough.
A nation with most of its dwellers obese, fat, diabetic, and plain ugly like a chimpanzee. An excellent display of this specimen is "BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig and his fat-ass wify, rotten-teeth, maggot-smelly redneck kids...
A nation where a Walmart cashier can buy a house for $500K.
A nation in which its citizen's brain IQ is lower than a snapper turtle.
A nation which rules by turkeys, skunks, and rats.
This Americano nation is as toasted as a roasted armadillo skewered from mouth to ass sizzling, popping, oozing with melted golden fat over a bed of white hot charcoal.
"Must be Bush's fault."
I thought it was all Clinton's fault.
Next year half of the middle class will be living in card board boxes under the local freeway overpass. But it's OK. At least them queers can't marry each other.
He's a mealy-mouthed twerp as well. I can't stand to listen to him choke on words that sound like silver coming from an eighth grader.
And where does he get the anger?
Alcoholism is a mental illness. Sure, people can recover, but they should never be the one with their finger on the button.
The FED only knows one solution to all that ails the economy....INFLATE!!!
And in doing so, ruining the lives of all but the uber-rich.
The system is unsustainable....it must be torn down, burned, and a new system designed and installed.
Our financial system is a complete and udder failure.
Enough of blaming Bush and Greenspan. I did my share relenlessly for the past 10 years. Just now I decided to change my mind. Ultimately its the people that are responsible for this. Nobody is forcing people to buy and participate in this mania. Time to put the blame where it belongs. Individual responsibility. Bush and Greenspan are easy targets.
I guess that policy is a nice word for DREAM.
Think about, We believe in a Strong Dollar DREAM.
They can say whatever they want, but the bottom line is that what the US is doing (war, rates, etc) is a WEAK DOLLAR POLICY.
No Ed,Bush did not force americans to make the stupid choices that led our country to this point.We all have free choice,however choices can be manipulated by policy.As president Bush was Largely responsible for federal policy.The largest surplus in our history is gone.This has been replaced by what is looking like the largest deficit.Most of this money went to the top 5% of americans at the same time we were selling our debt overseas.Actually you might say we owe the 30k millionaires our gratitude for making the bad decisions that exposed this fool before he had time to leave office.BTW Ed who did you vote for ?
Anonymous said...
Not that i support Bush or his policies, but Bush doesn't control the dollar, the Fed does. Neither Bush nor Congress controls the Fed.
Not totally true. The Fed owns monetary policy. The President/Congress owns fiscal policy.
The decline in the dollar can be tied to both. Monetary policy effects the short term value of the dollar relative to other currencies. Fiscal policy affects the long term value.
If you listen to Ben's testomony, he always refers account and trade deficits as the cause of the dollar's decline.
It's the unrestrained spending (5 trillion on the wars) and huge 2 trillion tax cuts which are killing the dollar. We're spending more than we make (tax). We either need to spend less... or tax more.
Wait a minute. I thought it was Bernanke's fault. No wait it's Mozillo's fault. No wait it's Greenspan's fault. No wait, it's China's fault. No wait it's the NAR's fault. No wait it's soccer moms' fault. It's Suzanne's fault. No it's Gregg Swan's fault. No wait it's SUV drivers' fault.
Every day it's someone else's fault. Make up your minds people.
As for tax cuts it's one of the few things I agree with Bush on. I pay more in taxes than most Americans gross every year. You're damn right I want tax cuts.
Now be good little DailyKoos and go have an Obamagasm.
Lesson in taxes for the idiot socialists here who think the "rich" got too much in tax cuts.
Every day, ten men go out for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men, the poorest pay nothing. The fifth pays $1, the sixth pay $3, the seventh $7, the eighth $12, the ninth $18, and the tenth man -- the richest -- pays $59.
One day, the owner says "since you are all such good customers I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20." So now dinner for the ten only cost $80. The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still eat for free.
But what about the other six -- the paying customers? How could they divvy up the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his "fair share?"
The six men realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would end up being *paid* to eat their meal.
So the restaurant owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so the fifth man paid nothing, the sixth pitched in $2, the seventh paid $5, the eighth paid $9, the ninth paid $12, leaving the tenth man with a bill of $52 instead of his earlier $59. Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to eat for free.
But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth. "But he got $7!" "Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got seven times more than me!"
"That's true!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $7 back when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!"
"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night he didn't show up for dinner, so the nine sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They were $52 short!
And that is how federal taxes work. The top 10% pays 70% of taxes. Any tax cut will by definition mean the top 10% gets most of the tax cuts. Anyone with an IQ of 50 or higher can figure that out. Leftists can't. Go figure.
George bush in that photo: 'I just shit my pants, I'll eat it for dinner'.
yeah, if they let queers marry, there wouldna been a house bubble or any other bad stuff
Ed said...
Lesson in taxes for the idiot socialists here who think the "rich" got too much in tax cuts.
We all live in a Yellow Submarine,
Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine
Except you Ed. You can't afford it.
Wait a minute. I thought it was Bernanke's fault. No wait it's Mozillo's fault. No wait it's Greenspan's fault. No wait, it's China's fault. No wait it's the NAR's fault. No wait it's soccer moms' fault. It's Suzanne's fault. No it's Gregg Swan's fault. No wait it's SUV drivers' fault.
Every day it's someone else's fault. Make up your minds people.
As for tax cuts it's one of the few things I agree with Bush on. I pay more in taxes than most Americans gross every year. You're damn right I want tax cuts.
It's confusing for you because they are all to blame. One man--even an exceptionally stupid man--cannot cause this much damage on his own. A bad leader needs people foolish/greedy enough to follow him down the road to ruin. Tax cuts are a great idea, the problem is when GWB couples tax cuts with runaway spending of borrowed money on ill-conceived money-sucking boondoggles, e.g. impossible foreign wars, expansion of gov't, worthless economic stimulus package.
If you want to reduce your tax burden you should buy a house-- it's a tax shelter. Now is a great time to buy!
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