Jail time awaits.
But in the meantime, enjoy the show. Who do you think will take the fifth first?
A) Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Toxic Mortgage
B) Charlie Prince of Citigroup
C) Stanley O'Neal of Merrill Lynch
Mortgage Millionaires to Answer to Congress - Three CEOs Behind the Subprime Market Face Inquiry About Their Pay Packages
Three CEOs who made millions of dollars off the housing market -- even as homeowners and their companies started to suffer -- are expected to testify before Congress Friday about why they deserved such large compensation packages.
Countrywide Financial Corp. chairman and chief executive officer Angelo Mozilo, former Merrill Lynch CEO E. Stanley O'Neal and Charles Prince, former chairman and CEO of Citigroup, have all been asked to tell Congress whether they believe their pay was justified.
March 06, 2008
Tomorrow the scum of the earth of the REIC will go in front of Congress and testify about their obscene pay packages and insider trading
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I think Roger Clemens is going to jail, he is the real criminal!
just for kicks
here is Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo home number for their beach house in Montecito, CA ( just south of Santa Barbara. CA
I wonder if Angelo will be there this weekend Catching up on his tan.. You know he wants to look his best for Congress next week
Annnnd Congress is playing make believe to fool the sheep.
We're getting into FUBAR mode.
I wonder which one will be Al Gore's cellmate?
Found these great photos on Flicker of the countrywide trio in Jail bird costumes..Goooooo Angelo
Who else?
I can hear it now "5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th"
Thank you for your help
"What harm could one man possibly do to us"?
This kind of "inquisition" is for nothing more than to pacify the public, as though something is really gonna be done.
Nothing is gonna be done.
Who just bought a year worth of Filet Mignon with their Short Financials and Short Real Estate ETFs this week?
It's all for show, keith. I'm sure you know that.
just for kicks
here is Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo home number for their beach house in Montecito, CA ( just south of Santa Barbara. CA
LMAO!! We should give Tangelo a call, about 4 a. m. local time, and tell him to get his lazy ass out of bed, because we want to apply for a liar loan!
I hope they lay down some plastic on the seating or Tangelo Mozilla will leave a nasty orange stain on that pretty furniture in Congress.
Tangzilo of course
One of them will escape. Hint: an orange man in an orange jump suit against an orange prison wall is invisible.
We should give Tangelo a call, about 4 a. m. local time, and tell him to get his lazy ass out of bed, because we want to apply for a liar loan!
Gosh, it would be a shame if he was treated like his collection agents treat families in financial hardship. After calling, they demand money. When he objects, they scream obscenities at him, tell him they're going to ruin his credit, and hang up the phone. They call back about half an hour later threatening more lawsuits.
They also call ceaselessly at work and call friends, neighbors and relatives. Even after certified letters under the FDCA are sent to them, telling them to stop calling, they continue their illegal telephone harassment.
It happened to a colleague of mine, who is trying to pick up his financial pieces after a financially destructive divorce proceeding.
Mozillo and his colleagues are SCUM.
Pro surfers got caught in the housing panic in Hawaii. This things tentacles are amazing...
Ever seen the original movie version of "Day of the Jackal"? I'm thinking of that scene where French Intelligence is questioning the captured bank robber... The bigwigs in suits ask the questions and when they don't like the answer a little nod the invisible man with the switch to the genital electrodes and voila, a refreshed memory. Forget the fifth, that's the kind of pleading I'm looking for.
Cops are too busy beating up 13 yr old skateboarders, and planting crack bags on minorities.
"just for kicks
here is Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo home number for their beach house in Montecito, CA ( just south of Santa Barbara. CA
Remember the old Demon Dialers from back in the day? Boy would it be fun to set one of those to call him about every 10 minutes, and then stagger to every 30 or 60 min. Just when he thinks the calls have stopped, then they come again. Weee. I am sure after half the net finishes calling him tonight, tomorrow and over the weekend, that number will be disconnected. It also will probably make the news somewhere as well....
This just keeps getting more interesting....
As far as tomorrow, well, that will be fodder for the TV junkies, but a lot of hands will go up just like Skilling and Lay, but nothing will come of it. Yet. Wait until things get worse, and there is a flunky to be had. Kenn Starr might even be resurrected for this one....
Anon 1:46 AM said:
Gosh, it would be a shame if he was treated like his collection agents treat families in financial hardship. After calling, they demand money. When he objects, they scream obscenities at him, tell him they're going to ruin his credit, and hang up the phone. They call back about half an hour later threatening more lawsuits.
Is that actually what these FB's are dealing with? :{
You've heard the expression "two drunks holding each other up."
Ambac, the bond insurer, couldn't even find another drunk to go along with a bailout plan. So instead, the company decided to sell stock - and not very much stock at that.
Well, get me in on that deal! Google-like profits on the way?
Seriously, the whole stock market has rallied every time this alleged bailout has been mentioned on a cable station that'll go unnamed, even though Ambac's problems are just a teeny-weenie fraction of the current credit problem faced by our country.
So I'm wondering how the credit rating agencies that recently affirmed Ambac's AAA-rating feel now that the bailout hasn't taken hold.
Probably feeling as sick as CNBC - oh, I've named it - which carried an awful lot of incorrect stories about the Ambac deal.
This is all very dangerous stuff.
Maggots, grubs, and scum.
But since this is what comprises our "ruling class"...don't expect anything except..."oops, we're sorry".
And the response..."ahem, well yes, let that be a lesson to you, you may go now".
"just for kicks
here is Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo home number for their beach house in Montecito, CA ( just south of Santa Barbara. CA
LMAO!! We should give Tangelo a call, about 4 a. m. local time, and tell him to get his lazy ass out of bed, because we want to apply for a liar loan!
March 06, 2008 10:42 PM
Blowback's gonna be a bitch for these crooks.
Angelo...BABE...You are darker than Stan O'Neal--
Probably time to back off the spray tans for a while....
Stan is pulling the Grandfather was a slave card. and the 911 card .. Nice strategy
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