A total and complete failure.
The only people more concerning are the 19% who amazingly still support him.
History will not be kind. And I expect he will be hounded, mocked, ridiculed and blamed for the rest of his days on earth.
In the end, the main blame for the housing bubble and crash should rest with the home "buyers". And the main blame for the Bush debacle shouldn't be Bush himself, but instead should rest with the 50,460,110 people who stupidly voted him into office in 2000, and the even greater fools, the 62,040,610 who re-elected him in 2004. Plus the millions and millions who didn't even show up to vote.
March 15, 2008
So what do you think this little fella's approval rating will be as he slithers away from office in 2009?
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Labels: the worst president in the history of the united states
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I can't wait until obama gets in and gives us all a free house, free car, free doctor visits. He will cure cancer too in hi spare time.
Only a true simpleton blames or praises a president. Bush bad Clinton/Obama good. Keep telling yourselves this as the counrty turns into a communist shithole.
Higher than Nancy Pelosi's.
History may not be kind, but Bush'll never know it because he doesn't read the papers or watch the news.
Bush's life will be spent behind big walls with the world's rich and famous. And when he does go out in public, he'll get a standing ovation everywhere he goes just like every other former president, including Carter.
Bush will forever be insulated from the anger and devastation of his horrific, inept, shortsighted, evil, misguided, and profoundly evil reign.
He'll benefit from his Paraguay real estate investment, it will be his own luxury prison. He'll never be able to show his face again in public again since he won't be able to have absolute control over the people around him again.
Higher than Nancy Pelosi's?!??! The only way he can pull that off is with another major terrorist attack. Even with that, he'll need fuzzy video of Nancy herself planning it to feed the 19% who need something, anything.
Obama is a socialist. How to you go from Ron Paul to Obama.
Blood for Oil!
Long live Bush!
God Bless America!
2 not 2% but two as in mommy and daddy. I am not so sure about dad he was able to at least not lose in Iraq. So maybe 1 and one half.
Burn Baby Burn
You can't blame everything on Bush. Bush saved America from the horrors of 9/11. Or did all of you HP'ers forget that 9/11 ever happened? Bush stood up to the Islamo-Fascist terrorists and fought back. If it were a democrat, all of us would be praying five times a day, facing Mecca and reading a Quran.
There are still enough hardcore Republican's and right wing fascists that will stick by this loser to the very end. Just listen to those right wing fascist radio hosts. Thankfully they are in the minority although you wouldn't think so given that talk radio is just all right wing fascist warmongering and hate spewing bile these days. Even Dennis Miller gets in on the act when he's allegedly a comedian (although I can't recall ever laughing at one of his jokes).
The last time I listened to talk radio was when Medved called Ron Paul a Nazi. That was it for me. That little warmongering, zionist butt-licker with the girlish voice calling Ron Paul a Nazi??!! That was the final straw.
I expect Bush will retain his already abysmal approval rating because those hardcore, lizard brain, and zionist fascists will never change.
George W. made the most outlandish statement on Thu, when, referring to our economy, he said the "...foundation was solid."
The foundation, which includes our currency and Wall Street, are ROTTEN TO THE CORE!
God, or someone, help us in what's coming...
Inside he knows the awful truth of disgraced and doomed Bushco Family.
He will crawl inside a bottle and wail like a banshee on full moon nights. He will slither like a fat wet slimy gutter rat on his knees to kiss the hands and serve his oil masters. His wife will divorce him and move in with a dangerous brute from the outskirts of Dallas and his daughters will spit in his face when they realize the permanent damage their father is directly responsible for and how their father sold their generation into permanent debt slavery. The girls children will claim no grandfather. They will say he is dead, which in a way, is true...
His former VP 'Shotgun' Dick will move to Dubai and blame it all on George and his zealous religious belief that he was "Right"...
George W. Bush is such a complete and total failure that he is not worthy of having a 'legacy' of any kind whatsoever.
Our Generations Judas Goat...
Alfred E. Newman on steroids...
He will live out the rest of his miserable life as a national joke, constantly under a cloud of derision and humiliation.
A living reminder of failure, a huge stain on recent American history.
How embarrassing to be a Repulican today.Shame on all his enablers.
It doesn't matter. There will be a coup before November and he won't need anybody's approval.
His CNBC interview with Kudlow was so horrific!!
When he makes statements like "Things will be ok, because we predicted this downturn..and have put in place a ROBUST stimulus package to fix it"....
1. A year ago, the FED Chairman and everyone in your admin. said there was "no housing bubble about to burst"
2. 6 months ago, Bernanke famously said--"No fear of contagion, Subprime is contained"
KUDLOW!! I fault YOU for being so timid during that "interview"--I have never seen so many opportunities to call him out on his LIES and FANTASIES go unanswered!!
You threw the softest of softballs at him, one after another.....Bubble Gum journalism at it's FINEST!!
This country's financial system is on the brink of complete collapse, and America deserves answers, not more white wash!!
I can't believe I agree with Bush!! from this morning's radio address:
"Many young couples trying to buy their first home have been priced out of the market because of inflated prices," the president said. "The market now is in the process of correcting itself, and delaying that correction would only prolong the problem."
BUSH IS READING HP!!!! There is hope for the world!
Idiot Bush screwed everything up to the point that we want(ed)a racist ultra liberal for a president. After hearing the views of Obama's pastor I think it's time to purchase some kind of defense just in case... gun, mace ... anything. 20 years of listening to that racist pastor and he doesn't recall "Ever hearing those words"? Whatever. Actual domestic terrorism might be coming to your city/neighborhood and might be perpetrated by actual Christian Americans. Nice. You can blame this one on Bush too ... I know I am. I don't know what's worse ..... a Pure Evil Bush or a Racist Obama.
Idiot Bush screwed everything up to the point that we want(ed)a racist ultra liberal for a president. After hearing the views of Obama's pastor I think it's time to purchase some kind of defense just in case... gun, mace ... anything. 20 years of listening to that racist pastor and he doesn't recall "Ever hearing those words"? Whatever. Actual domestic terrorism might be coming to your city/neighborhood and might be perpetrated by actual Christian Americans. Nice. You can blame this one on Bush too ... I know I am. I don't know what's worse ..... a Pure Evil Bush or a Racist Obama.
I didn't vote for him either time but you have to admit his stance on the foreclosure prevention act and anti-government rescue program is a very HP point of view. Sadly he will likely end up rallying something that will only help the bankers and lenders and not the struggling homeowners - but for once I thought he actually said something sensible. But he will still go down as the worst President ever
Is it possible to have negative approval rating? If so then he deserves it and that should be his presidential legacy in addition to a destroyed economy, 10 trillion in debt and the blood of thens of thousand of innocents and military personnel!!
Idiot Bush created the war on terror. Obama might be the catalyst for actual domestic terrorism right in your neighborhood/city committed by Christian Americans. After hearing his pastors racist views I'm getting a weapon ... a gun, mace ... something. 20 years of listening to that racist rant and he doesn't recall "Ever hearing those words". Lol. Get ready America. Btw ... I blame Bush for America even wanting to elect a racist ultra liberal.
Thanx for the dart board poster.....
And yes...worst seat warmer in White House ever.
I cannot bring myself to call this human garbage a "president".
At least half of the American people are such hopeless fools that we are all damned to suffer the ministrations of the idiots they vote for. "I just like that Bush guy. I'd rather have a beer with him than that wonky snob Gore." All things intellectual, like knowing what's going on in the world or knowing the details about anything at all, is held in such low esteem at this time in our country that only fools have ballot box appeal. On the one recent occasion that we actually got a president who knew some details he turned out to be unable to keep his dick under control and fell prey to the vicious political bastards who would rather see their country attacked by terrorists than ignore the semen stained dress and the damp cigar. Fools voting for fools will reap a crop of foolishness.
Bad news: 8 years of The Chimp
Good News: this time next year he'll be gone.
Better News: once he becomes a 'normal' citizen, he and his cronies can be prosecuted for the 100's of $uck-ups they've made over the last 8 years.
dude already owns land in paraguay. after the demo job is done here he's outta here.
Gee Dubs is a symptom of a much larger problem. Changing presidents accomplishes next to nothing.
Bush will leave a legacy of great sacrifice for the good of his supporters.
He sacrificed the financial future of this and future generations for the good of his crony network of fraudsters.
He gets a black eye for selling out the country - and they guarantee his family financial security forever while walking away with trillion$ in ill-gotten gains.
Plutocracy in the name of democracy
Legalized theft.
GWB,Cheney and their henchmen/handlers/benefactors should all be imprisoned and stripped of any/all ill-gotten gains.
People still believe this stuff:
You can't blame everything on Bush. Bush saved America from the horrors of 9/11. Or did all of you HP'ers forget that 9/11 ever happened? Bush stood up to the Islamo-Fascist terrorists and fought back. If it were a democrat, all of us would be praying five times a day, facing Mecca and reading a Quran.
It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
PS-The fascists won.
Remember when ex-prez Nixon wasn't allowed to buy into the condo in New York? Even his base there wouldn't support him when it came to their HOA. That's why Dubya will live out his days on his ranch in Crawford and be buried under some mesquite bush with no fanfare.
history will not be kind but the next guy/gal in office when this whole thing implodes will really be in a rough spot and will have rating even lower.
People still believe this stuff:
You can't blame everything on Bush. Bush saved America from the horrors of 9/11. Or did all of you HP'ers forget that 9/11 ever happened? Bush stood up to the Islamo-Fascist terrorists and fought back. If it were a democrat, all of us would be praying five times a day, facing Mecca and reading a Quran.
It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
can't believe you believe what you believe. What do you think the towel heads would have done if we hadn't taken the battle to them in Afghanistan? Never attach us again? WTF? We took the war to them and they are now struggling to plan and execute another attack? it has been nearly 8 years since 9/11 without another attack against the US. This is the longest time without an attack ever. Why do you think that is? It is because we are hunting them and they are holed up in some cave or border town, afraid to do anything that might draw our attention and bring down a hellfire missile on them.
Sure, we haven't caught the head honcho, yet. But we sure have rendered them impotent against US homeland targets.
No one's talking about the pan-american national highway which will be going through Texas (first check point stop @ Kansas City, MO.). Why do you think the US Supremes determined the most recent eminent domain case???? It will require alot of PRIVATE land holdings to build that thing -- which will be 6 lanes in EACH direction!! No one's talking about the coming Amero. Why do you suppose the dollar is in a nosedive the way it is????? #43 is a GLOBALIST, intent on destroying our national sovreignty and identity. No one is talking about this administration ORDERING the State of Texas to ACCEPT the International Court at the Hague's opinion to grant that Mexican national on death row a NEW TRIAL (b/c he didn't get the 'opportunity' to consult with his counsulate prior to making incriminating statements!!! WTF???). No one is talking about how THIS ADMINISTRATION IS ACCEPTING INTERNATIONAL, FOREIGN COURTS' DECISIONS interpreting our laws. (Google Ted Olsen - former Bush Administration Solicitor General's comments & speeches on this topic & how the US Supreme Court is accepting freakin' Lybia's opinions as 'persuasive' authority!). I watched the Naomi Wolf video posted on this blog. Agree with the blueprint on how to destroy a democracy. It works very effectively & has obviously been perfected over the course of the 20th century. It appears the plan is to destroy our national identity, creating an Amero Union. How 'convenient' our financial system on the brink of collapse. BTW, #41 was a New World Order Globalist, too. Check out the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). They're all CRF members (NO -- I DON'T have black helicopters following me - at least not yet). The CFR is our 'shadow government'. Members include John Kerry, the Bushes, Rick Warren (yeah, that's right -- the 'Purpose Driven Life' Saddleback Church guy - W's new buddy!!) Reagan stated he would NEVER have a member of the CFR on his ticket. Who was his VP??? #41. Within months of his inaugeration, what happened? Assassination attempt. We blindly accepted that as some looney tune who needed attention. Very interesting times, indeed.
RE: The George W. Bush legacy:
President George W. Bush will be honored for liberating the people of Iraq from the sadistic rule of Sadam Hussein -- a man who had no ties to al-Qaida, no weapons of mass destruction and who posed no threat to the United States.
Sadam Hussein's sadistic rule of Iraq has been replaced by the sadistic rule of the United States. The liberated people of Iraq are greatly indebted to their savior, George W. Bush.
Expect Marshall law as broke Americans line up for housing vouchers. With the country in such a state, Bush will vote himself president for life.
Rise up or die.
This is a man who in 7+ years has never learned how to construct and speak one complete English sentence in an impromptu forum much less get the pronunciation (maybe even the meaning of many words) correct. Without his father's connections, "W" would have been little more than another statistic of head count in America.
"Bush saved America from the horrors of 9/11"
SAVED US!? Really? Saved, like in it never happend or what? He ruined this country by lying to the world and starting an illegal war in Iraq. He ruined this country by running up the deficit while giving tax breaks. He ruined us by turning most of the world against us.
The housing bubble however was not his idea. One of the few things that wasn't his fault.
Sure, we haven't caught the head honcho, yet. But we sure have rendered them impotent against US homeland targets.
In case you haven't noticed, the US is about to be destroyed. The terrorists have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
George Bush hates America. I don't think he'll care one bit about what he did.
Chuck says it best, above.
And folks: it's Martial Law, not Marshall Law.
And finally, those of you above who are so thick-minded as to think that more violence against the Middle East is going to SAVE US from terrorism, just wait.
Oil @ $110 and trillions of dollars swindled from taxpayers to secret society cronies like Blackwater and Halliburton.
Mission Accomplished!
"Bush saved America from the horrors of 9/11"
9-11 happened under Bush & Cheney's watch. They haven't saved anybody, but profited from it.
to the idiot who praised Bush:
Bush allowed 9/11 to happen, if not actually directed it himself
Anonymous corvinus said...
George Bush hates America. I don't think he'll care one bit about what he did.
Dry Drunks hate everyone. They accept no personal responsibility for anything that they have done, and they blame those around them for all of their failures, and when this doesn't work out for them they go to the corner and drink themselves stupid, while wallowing in self pity and anger.
Just the sight of this man makes me gag, and the fact that 1/2 of the U.S. voted for this piece of garbage makes me want to expatriate tomorrow.
speedingpullet said...
Bad news: 8 years of The Chimp
Good News: this time next year he'll be gone.
Better News: once he becomes a 'normal' citizen, he and his cronies can be prosecuted for the 100's of $uck-ups they've made over the last 8 years.
What makes you think they are going anywhere? How about clicking your back button twice and watching the video Keith put up front with Naomi Wolf. Go ahead, educate yourself.
This crowd has no intentions of going anywhere and there is not a god damn thing you can do about it now. The Clinton/Obama Spectacle is nothing but a distraction for the mindless masses. The Dem Dog & Pony Show.
This crowd will notleave until there is not a single red cent left to be put in their pockets, and that means that the US Treasury will be totally empty of anything besides worthless paper. It will only take another bank failure or 2 and the Fed will be unable to bail out anyone as they run out of T Bills to swap for securitized mortgages and really ratchet up the fake money machine.
Be smart. Act accordingly. Shut off the television and pay attention.
Bush legacy should be of his life in PRISON.
For the damage and destruction he has done to the; CONSTITUTION, BILL of RIGHTS, ECONOMY, IRAQ, MIDDLE CLASS.
An arrogant stupid and dangerous fool that should be brought to trial by an International Court of the Hague for crimes against humanity, found guilty as charged and disposed of incarceration for the remainder of his life.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a Chinese bamboo stick from mouth to ass all sizzling, sputtering, roasting nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
Gasoline is now at its lowest level in the history of the Americano. It is only $105.00 a barrel of oil and it will head to $150 Americano dollar currency in a blink. Cheap, ain't it ?
So, tell me, does the average Americano, Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel take it enough in the rear orifice yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
"BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig is swallowing, roosting, snouting, chomping at the maggot feed trough.
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshipped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. The ancient snapper turtle probably have more brain cell than you and your children combined together. Are you sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and blind, ignorant worshipping for DUBYA ? Do you, do you, do you ???
Nancy Pelosi is unpopular for taking impeachment off the table.
This election is easy. The party of peace and prosperity, or the other one.
Dont let Bush escape!
If you add up all the damage Bush has caused To America, Iraq and the rest of the word - that includes time lost from watching those terror warnings, 9/11 conversations with friends, watching the terror news, over spending,lost jobs, insurance claims, new military jets and bombs, gasoline wasted, increased energy costs, lost productivity, job layoffs, bancruptsies, housing bubble surge and lost sleep and strees medical exspences - I have estimated these total -$24.8 Trillion dollars.
That's $24,830,720,000,000!!!
Gone, wasted, stolen, spent.
And Bush and Cheney are laughing.
I think Bush and Cheney should pay for their mess before they leave!!!! Fvcking ass wipes.
9/11 was a 100% fake attack.
It was a tragic, massive lie operated by an underground oil group of dangerious chilling thugs with offices in Washington DC and Texas. The shit has hit the fan. Bush needs to be behind bars.
Like many who can't survive life without their adult equivalent of the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus GWB is a mythology enveloped sucker. Most people have needed these crutches since the days when we were painting on cave walls. The reality is just too grim for most to accept without the promise of "life everlasting". You're born, a lot of stuff happens, then you die. Tough pill to swallow without some sugar. Don't be too hard on the little fellow.
He's below 20% approval in some polls. But that still seems too high.
I can't even imagine who those people are.
Im sure Bush doesnt give a shit what you stupid Americans THINK. After he gets out of office, he'll be moving to Paragury for a few years.
Fuck yall.
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