Or is it more like a bad horror movie, where just when you think...
Come on Ohio - pull your head out of your a*s just long enough to do the right thing. You F'd up in 2004, leading to the deaths of thousands, an economic collapse, and trillions more in debt.
Come on Ohio! I know you're the home of "The Ohio State University", not known for intellectual capacity (go blue), but this one's pretty easy.
End the Hillary Clinton farce tonight.
Thanks mike for doing the vid
March 04, 2008
Is tonight the end of the Hillary Clinton farce?
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She will probably win Ohio and Texas will be a virtual tie. Remember it is not winner take all so if you win 51/49 or lose 51/49 the difference in delegates is practically non-existent.
I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that the MESSIAH OBAMA is an empty suit and giving her another look. Plus I can see a lot of Republicans crossing over to vote for her just to keep this soap opera going and get to a brokered convention a la 1968.
And it's the Clintons. They will not go down without putting up one hell of a fight.
End of the road for her tonight? Not a chance.
Notice Hillary's fingers crossed during the pledge, a sign of doing it under force.
Freddy Mercury is so apropos; Highlander anyone?
For HPers who are Ron Paul supporters on the whole; remember that this is a generational struggle. The next Ron Paul won't be a clone of the current Ron Paul (if we make it that far).
I support Obama because he is a decent guy and because the other two are absolute monsters. Could it be anymore clear? I hear talk about socialism and foreign policy; hey you're stuck with socialism but you can at least prevent the world from careening towards an apocalyptic war.
And it isn't just Ohio, WTF is wrong with Indiana? To many redneck "blue collar" racists. Obama's dad was a phd in economics, while most of the haters drool for a living. The irony of alleged superiority...
As an Ohio State grad I must take umbrage with being called an intellectual inferior. While it may be true it still hurts. O-H-I-O!
I knew there was I reason I liked you so much! I was born with Maize and Blue blood. I am hoping that this sudden shift in the narrative will get the Obama supporters to double down their efforts to turn the tide. Remember, Rush wants Hillary to win because the Repubs can beat her. Heck Hillary has even said that McCain is stronger than Obama. Come on Ohio, what has Rush done for you?
Clinton is the Bilderberger candidate. And their candidate always wins....even if it means putting the kabosh on recounts or allegations of fraud.
I predict Hillary will win...a disaster for America.
My choices:
Ron Paul
Anyone Else
Hillary (anti-American Bilderberger butt kisser)
God. Hitlery is beginning to resemble a Frankenstein monster. Pretty soon she will be as ugly as Bella Lugosi Pelosi! Perfect for a New York grandma from Queens.
Think of this dilemma:
Bill and Hitlery walking across street in middle of a marked crosswalk, you driving towards them.
Accelerate or Brake?
Bye Bye you little blue-eyed monster. Your gig is up tonight. You will be whipped like a water-sucking dog.
You will wish you were run over and killed by a Buick when you were seven years old after today, homie.
Thanks for posting the video. The new software makes a world of difference compared with my earlier videos.
Its important Hillary and Obama do not win.
I don't want to pay universal healthcare and have 15% of the economy nationalized.
Just say NO to B.O.
Keith the real election is over. Ron Paul was axed. All the other candidates are EXACTLY the same. It's downhill from here either way.
Unlike lunatic=fringe abortion-banning gay-bashing gold bug Ron Paul, senile endless Iraq War touting John McCain, and puffed-up "nice guy" empty-suit plagiarizer Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton's got the experience and the wisdom America needs to get through this crisis.
The only people who "hate" her are moronic dittohead Republicans who cannot think for themselves -- and they gave us 8 years of Bush, the Iraq War, the 40 cent dollar, 50 trillion in liabilities, 9 trillion in national debt, and $500 billion annual deficits, so who gives a flying F*** what they think anyway.
She'll win Ohio and Rhode Island and Obama will take Texas and Vermont. She won't quit but in the weeks leading up to Pennsylvania and after more super delegates flock to the party leaders are going to force her to quit. They're not going to let her take it to the convention.
Hey, I voted for Hillary today. At least she is more clear than Obama about how she will pay for her socialist programs. I read Obama's whole web site and he uses "savings from ending the war in Iraq" way too many times as his source of funds for his programs. Of course everyone knows that the war is paid for with emergency spending and is not even part of the budget. So basically he says he will take all that emergency spending and make it permenant. Good bye $400mil deficit hello $600mil deficit.
Anonymous said...
Its important Hillary and Obama do not win.
I don't want to pay universal healthcare and have 15% of the economy nationalized.
March 04, 2008 4:12 PM
Ohhh you are going to pay. think: slave reparations.
I guess Ohio will end up with the president it deserves, again.
"I support Obama because he is a decent guy "
Yeah, those Chicago politicians are all such decent, upstanding citizens.
Yes, Keith: GO BLUE!!!
Voted for RON PAUL today IN Ohio!
Why when he has no chance?
To make a political statement!
I wish John Edwards was still in the race.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I guess Ohio will end up with the president it deserves, again.
March 04, 2008 5:34 PM
No. They will end up with the one that Diebold selects for them.
Keith is afraid of the Clintons. Just another pussy Republican. I hope Hillary wins.
Hillary will win RI (+5) and Ohio (+5). Obama will blow her out in VT (20+) and, in texas' primary/caucus will win by a substantial margin. overall, Obama nets 20 delegates
Hillary and McCain are the war candidates so I'd vote for Obama over either of those dead-enders.
Love Hillary's housing "fix" - interest rate freeze/mortgage moratorium. Yah right - Solutions for America. OR put honorable McCain in as he was so principled during the S&L crisis.
Go Obama!
By the time the next president gets in the US won't have the money to worry about healthcare, we'll be worrying about jobs, bankrupties (personal and business and counties) and food/energy inflation. Get real folks.
Go Hillary!
Hillary FTW.
Everybody talks shit and NOBODY wants to bet me.
ed, it's 1:37 Mountain Time. I've got $300 that says Obama wins Texas and another $50 that says you are just a wanker.
Congratulations on the messiah, empty suit talking points. I'll bet you buy your clothes at K-Mart too. Just cheap crap made for morons.
You won't get this message in time to bet me, but you didn't have the balls to bet me in the first place, admit it to yourself, K-Mart boy.
Just heave a sigh of relief that you just saved yourself $300. And blow me.
"Voted for RON PAUL today IN Ohio!
Why when he has no chance?
To make a political statement!"
I agree. I am not voting, to make a statement!
(sarcasm off)
Winners are for Hillary
All I can say, Keith, is "Hail to the Victors!" in Ohio and Texas.
Go Blue!
ok anon 8:39 i'll bet you..i'll bet you $1 you are as much of a jackoff tomorrow as you are today...look I won already
Now be a good little liberal imbecile and go have one more Obamagasm before the day is done.
If its a tie, its going to be hilarious watching the democrats count their own votes. Moreover, whine about super delegates. Might look like Florida.
" The only people who "hate" her are moronic dittohead Republicans who cannot think for themselves -- "
what about the 50% of the democratic party who is voting for barack
F Blu! Go BUX!
Hillary is like the Arnold Schwarzenegger character in the first Terminator movie. No matter how many time it is "killed" that damn red eye keeps relighting. The Clintons will destroy the Democrat party. Might as well get ready for a President John McCain. On the plus side, the Republicans will catch 100% of the blame for Bernanke's hyperinflationary depression.
"So basically he says he will take all that emergency spending and make it permenant. Good bye $400mil deficit hello $600mil deficit."
Wether it is in the budget or not, it is still being spent. Obama is just saying let us spend it on something useful instead.
By the time the next president gets in the US won't have the money to worry about healthcare, we'll be worrying about jobs, bankrupties (personal and business and counties) and food/energy inflation. Get real folks.
How can the entire country miss this point? We just can't wrap our widdle heads around this being broke thing can we?
To everyone who thinks Obama is an empty suit, he had reservations about running for president based on the same arguments you have. He was asked to do it, he said he was to young, they told him it's okay, he said he wasn't ready they told him "PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF THE OLD TIME POLITICIANS THEY WANT SOMEONE NEW AND FRESH" after much hashing it out, HIS WIFE DIDN'T WANT HIM TO RUN AT ALL he agreed to do it. Now you fuck faces have the nerve to try to say he is MESSIAH OBAMA, and every evil vile racist thing you can think of and he was ASKED to do it, he didn't just decide to do it. Do you think he was able to get all that money and no one ever heard of him without the people who backed him thinking he was not going to win. NO WONDER NO ONE WANTS TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT. I WOULDN'T HAVE MADE IT PERIOD. I COULDN'T TAKE IT. PEOPLE CALLING YOU NAMES AND HUNTING IN EVERY CORNER OF YOUR LIFE. I WOULDN'T HAVE MADE IT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL BEFORE I WOULD HAVE HAD ALL SORT OF NEGATIVE STUFF SURFACE. You people are sick. Hillary Clinton is not sqeeking clean she's no better. She and her husband screwed up so much in office and you will never admit it to yourselves. AND IF IT WERE NOT FOR OBAMA NO ONE WOULD HAVE GONE OUT TO VOTE, admit that anyway, I WOULDN'T HAVE BECAUSE I AM SICK OF HILLARY CLINTON. SO THAT IS WHAT SHE WAS HOPING FOR AND YOU ARE GIVING IT TO HER. You know deep in your heart her husband would be running the country and you aren't going to get a health care plan, you aren't going to get a revisit on NAFTA or China being most favored nation notice no one reminded you of that, you aren't going to have a president order a war (didn't the first twin towers bombing happen during Clinton and he did nothing that is why they came in for a second shot but Bush was crazier than Clinton he wasn't having it)
you aren't going to have a president with any back bone no matter what she said (wasn't Clinton in office when the war ship was bombed in the middle east and then the bombing at the marine barracks and nothing was done by either Clinton) why isn't she bragging about cutting off welfare of which people will need during this depression. Clinton did nothing when the people were being slaughtered in Rwanda, this is a call to character. The people of Mogodishu ran America out and they haven't been back. Come on please with sticks and stones and few stolen Russian made weapons. Clinton closed the military bases because he had no plans to go to war so they weren't important. Bush did and now there are people who don't understand the importance of military bases for the economy and country security. You people need to quit with the racist attacks this is why the rest of the world hates you. People in other countries don't think like you FRANCE hates you because they realize how horrible you are, they call you ugly americans. Fight him on the issues but quit attacking him based on your racism because he is a Black Man trying to fight his way through a WHITE WORLD. SICKOS
Be afraid Keith, corrupt MSM, and Republican warmongers. Be very afraid. Don't count the Clintons out!
Bwahahahahaha...are you sweating Keith? What, did you really think that all voters in America were stupid MTV pot smoker college idiots, welfare parasites from the ghetto, or back stabbing fags? Or that all voters in the US were rappers and Hollywood celebs who don't even know the price of gas or milk? Wrong!
The people who actually work hard for a living in this country want Hillary and Bill back in the White House. That's what you're seeing tonight. Enjoy, Keith.
Rush Keith, go surf the web to find a desperate and cheap video bashing Hillary. You seem soooo desperate with your cheap videos and threads bashing Hillary, just like the corrupt MSM's been doing from the getgo. bwahahahahaha
Go Hillary, kick their a$$es. Go Bill!
PS: Florida and Michigan delegates are in the bag for Hillary. Enjoy.
what about the 50% of the democratic party who is voting for barack
In your dreams. Hillary's carrying all the major states, including CA, NV, FL, MI, OH, NY, NJ, etc...All the states that really matter to beat McCain. The Clintons will turn this Obama bull$hit around.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Go Hillary!!!
"Voted for RON PAUL today IN Ohio!
Why when he has no chance?
To make a political statement!"
Statement to whom, fool? Nobody gives a damn about your pathetic Ron Paul vote.
That's right Clintons, make the idiots sweat. bwahahahaha
Hey Keith, is that bet still open?
Well, people of Ohio, say goodbye to even more jobs you dumb uneducated sheep. Her Husband SIGNED the goddam NAFTA treaty that has cost you so dear, and yet you never ever, ever learn. First you give us four more years of the worst president in the history of the United States, and now you compound your error by voting for Hillary "Scary Eyes" Clinton. Well, you'll get whats coming to you, nice one, congrats!
she aint dead yet!
"savings from ending the war in Iraq" way too many times as his source of funds for his programs. Of course everyone knows that the war is paid for with emergency spending and is not even part of the budget. So basically he says he will take all that emergency spending and make it permenant. Good bye $400mil deficit hello $600mil deficit.
March 04, 2008 5:20 PM
F-in A. Bingo. That is why all teh candidates are the same. Obama nd Hillary will keep the spending, but towards bailouts / health care / welfare. Mccain will keep spending and stay in Iraq.
Ron Paul was this country's only hope and Keith stabbed him in the back.
Hillary won CA, OH, NV, NM, FL, NY, NJ, RI, MI, TX...major, major, major win! The Clintons can negotiate ANYTHING with these major wins. Obama's full of hot air speeches are getting old, and voters are noticing that he's full of it. Obama's doomed!
Oh, a little suggestion to the Clintons: Put all the Blacks, Gays, and Gen Y in your sh!t list. Hillary, once you win, you burn those back stabbers good. Let them burn. Don't pass one single bill to benefit those back stabbers. Don't hire them either. Veto them all. And Bill, close your office in Harlem, too. Give the finger to these ungrateful Blacks and Gays. If there's another Katrina event, you go Bush on their arses. Let them sink.
Go Hillary!
Go Obama!
Go Hillary!
Go Obama!
Hey Democrats and Independents, Obama cannot win a presidency only with those small states. He lost big time in CA, OH, FL, MI, NY, NJ, MA, RI, TX. All major states to win a presidency. No way Obama can win without carrying Ohio and CA, no freaking way.
BTW, the Clintons put a little squeeze on Obama for only a week and he folded like a little bitch. Imagine when the Republican slime machine puts the hands on Obama, they will destroy him in a week, just like they did to Kerry and Dean.
Wait until the Republican slime machine and its corrupt MSM bootlickers (Chris Matthews, Anderson Cooper, Tim Russert, Wolf, Glen Beck) start bringing Obama's former drug dealers who used to sell blow to him in HI, or friends who used to do drugs with him. They will put them on the TV screen 24/7. Obama will be destroyed in a week. The Clintons have been tested against the Republican slime machine and came on top several times, victorious.
Don't count on Obama to be as tough because he already showed weakness this weak and there wasn't any negative ads involved.
Don't count the Clintons out, never. I hope that you learned the lesson, Keith.
Who the hell are these people from ohio?
They elected Bush when they were the swing state, and now they are going to foist yet another Clinton apon us, great going buckeye's.
In a way I hope Hillary wins the presidancy, because whoever wins will be utterly despised at the end of their term.
Bush dug us into such a hole that the next leader will have no chance from day one.
I dont understand the blind love for her though, it reminds me of the blind loyalty for Bush regardless of what he did.
The Republican and Democratic parties are cults, once you sign up, you stop thinking for yourselves.
At this point it doesn't matter who will get in the White House because the times will dictate the policies . No longer will the politicians have the luxury of bickering for 4 years and not getting anything done .
We will be in a serious recession by the time the New President takes office .
If I had to choose who would make the best President during emergency times ,I can only say that McCain has had more experience ,but I think he is a little old for the job .
But , whoever gets into the Oval office has to do whats right for America ,and forget about the fat cats . We will not have a America if a political party fails in making the right choices coming up . It's a very serious point in history in which the correct decisions have to be made and that means that everybody isn't going to be pleased . We no longer have the option to operate on idealism or allow special interest groups to rule the day . It's now or never to set this Country on the right course for it's own survival .
We also need to remember what made this Country strong and go back to those roots ,whatever that entails . God help us all .
anon 8:39 i'll take my $300 now...send it to
c/o fuck you
PO BOX 100
No. She'll kick corrupt/idiot Mr BO's butt.
You can add the collapse of Michigan Football to your daily "sky is falling" routine
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