Who do you trust the LEAST?
1) The government
2) Businesses
3) Your fellow citizens
4) Religious leaders
5) realtors
March 04, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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6) All of the above
- realtors - that's easy.
More difficult is to see when your interests are aligned with the interest of one of the entieties. If they are, I trust those people to do their job; if not, I do, too, so I don't expect them to work for me.
Make sure you click on the headline link
Poor realtors. It must suck to be the least trusted, lowest prestige position in America
Have they no shame?
There are three occupations that are perceived by one-quarter or more of adults to have "hardly any prestige at all." These include union leaders (25%), real estate brokers (32%) and actors (37%).
Union leaders and actors have as little prestige as Realtors? That MUST be from 30 years of fascist propaganda. Aren't all actors liberal, like Clint Eastwood, Arnold, etc.
Ohhh, beware of Socialism... (booga booga!) wouldn't want to end up like a country with a high standard of living and basic services for all its citizens.
No, we have to keep the sheep attacking each other so they can't unite to fight the real enemy.
I trust and love the government when it is run by liberals. Bill Clinton was the greatest man ever to walk the earth.
These include union leaders (25%), real estate brokers (32%) and actors (37%).
Union leaders are corrupt and power hungry. Realtors like actors are just morons.
"Ohhh, beware of Socialism... (booga booga!) wouldn't want to end up like a country with a high standard of living and basic services for all its citizens."
Yeah standard of living in the US is downright 3rd World. It's so bad that welfare recipients have to settle for only basic cable these days. The horror of it all.
Name a "basic service" that isn't available to all citizens? Health care? WRONG. Anyone, including non citizens can go get free health care at county hospitals. What else? Education? Everyone, including non citizens gets a free education for 12 years and then a heavily subsidized college education if they so choose. Public transportation? Practically free as it is subsidized by the 95% that don't use it. And even then if you are truly "poor" it's subsidized even more through discounts. Free food? You fucking bet. Just go and sign up for food stamps or WIC, takes about 5 minutes.
Take the poorest American and he/she is still in the top 10% of wealthiest people on earth.
We are Sheeple and must do as we're told.
That is an easy one. My number one choice is REALTORS, closely followed by MegaCorp Homebuilder "businesses".
I agree that actors/actresses are an ignorant lot. But, even as ignorant as a lot of them are, I would say that the actors are the ones that should be ticked off. They got tied into the same sentence with a "realtor". That is the biggest insult of all.
All are equally worthless.
1. Imbecile morons posting on this joke of a blog
2. Monkeys working in an IT job
3. Shit hole renting water heads
4. Butt ugly Jesus freaks
5. Fat women
6. Hairy Bitches
Now he floating an idea for lender to reduce the principal on mortgages for those who can't afford the payments. He is an idiot.
>> Bill Clinton was the greatest man ever to walk the earth.
Q: How many women does it take to satisfy Bill Clinton?
A: It takes a village.
The government, "neocon" based governments in particular. I think they're policies (all, but especially economic) have nothing but a track record of lies. Realtors is a stupid answer because you use your head and not get into a situation where they can impact you. They can't directly hurt you if you don't let them. The government on the other hand, when it turns corrupt, can hurt you no matter what you do to try and avoid it. Believe me the quagmire in this country right now is going to negatively impact us all for a generation even though some of us did our best to minimize the impact it's had on us.
Good poll Keith.
I would definitely have to say "My Fellow Citizens".
But, then again, I sleep with a copy of 'Atlas Shrugged' under my pillow.
"This year, farmers were included on the list of occupations for the first time. Just over one-third of adults (36%) say that farming is an occupation of very great prestige, while 15 percent say it has hardly any prestige at all."
So food is of little or no importance to 15% of respondents. These must be the same geniuses who still think shrub is doing a good job. Only in Amerika.
Your 401K Investment Plan!!!!
Is it safe?
I thought mine was...I've been ignoring it because I'm in the "Capital Preservation" category (Fixed Income). Well I checked the fund's investments...25% Commercial MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities), 22% Residential MBS...Bank of America, USB, AIG...WTF...Check your funds!!!
Who do you trust the LEAST?
1) The government
2) Businesses
3) Your fellow citizens
4) Religious leaders
5) realtors
1 and 2. They're pretty much the same people. These are a critical part of the problem.
3. They are disappointing and need some discipline but they are not a threat if you take away their easy money.
4. Despite the hype they are more entertaining than dangerous.
5. I will trust them when they are wearing chains and picking produce.
Realtors first followed by anyone from the government but politicians in particular.
More evidence for ranking realtors first is provided from this story on Boston.com about realtors inflating the size of homes and condos. Check out these quotes, they are priceless:
Jon Ufland, the sales manager at Prudential Unlimited, told me that in both cases [overstated square footage in condo units], "The feedback the agent was getting is that the unit felt larger than the stated square footage." So the listing was adjusted upward.
"It's a tough thing because there's a balancing act between helping our sellers get the highest price and not giving off inaccurate information," Ufland said.
Apparently Mr. Ufland is unaware of the terms liar and fraud.
Here is the link... Keith you should link as its so eggregious.
I only get to choose one? I say Government is the least trustworthy nowadays. But I trust people in general less and less each day. :)
6) Lawyers
Nobody else has the right to use violence against you.
Check out one of the great novels of the Western Canon - "City of God" by St Augustine. The chapter titled"the pirate" says it all.
Written over 1500 years ago, just goes to show "the more things cahnge the more they stay the same"
Da Gub ment!
my vote is on the msm...haven't your read today's headline on cnn money? best time to buy in 4 years! bastards
Now he floating an idea for lender to reduce the principal on mortgages for those who can't afford the payments. He is an idiot.
If a lender wants to take the hit, I have no problem with it. I have a problem with it if my tax dollars make up the shortfall.
The government first, and realtors second.
For all you business haters, how about we eliminate all business then tell me who's going to write your paycheck?
"Ohhh, beware of Socialism... (booga booga!) wouldn't want to end up like a country with a high standard of living and basic services for all its citizens."
Oh you mean those countries with 90% tax rates? Yeah, great idea.
Who do you trust the LEAST?
1) The government
2) Businesses
3) Your fellow citizens
4) Religious leaders
5) realtors
All of them.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ohhh, beware of Socialism... (booga booga!) wouldn't want to end up like a country with a high standard of living and basic services for all its citizens.
Yeah, that would be a real horror story to all those Libertarians running this Country.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Your 401K Investment Plan!!!!
Is it safe?
I thought mine was...I've been ignoring it because I'm in the "Capital Preservation" category (Fixed Income). Well I checked the fund's investments...25% Commercial MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities), 22% Residential MBS...Bank of America, USB, AIG...WTF...Check your funds!!!
March 04, 2008 4:07 PM
Let me guess. Your employer parked your plan with Merrill Lynch?
6) Americans who voted for Bush/Cheney.
They're not just dumb, but also evil people. Funny how they feel "outraged" now when oil prices hit $103 / barrel, or refuse to believe that the Iraq war or War of Terror were a scam to steal money from taxpayers.
Now a lot of them are being stupid again by voting for Obama. This country is in the toilette because of "Americans" like that.
Oh you mean those countries with 90% tax rates? Yeah, great idea.
Hey Frank-wannabe businessman who begged for asylum in a Blue State after getting the arse kicked in Red Arizona, thanks for subsidizing my student loan. Got 30k @ 2.6% fix for a ton of years, and invested all for a ROI of 26%.
Gosh, I just love when Republicans subsidize my lifestyle. I especially like the Republican wannabes on my luxurious oceanfront condo who subsidize my A/C, Cable, Gym, Heated Pool, Private Beach, etc, all included in the pathetic rent amount of $950. And the kicker is that none of those Republicans use any of the premises, ever. Gym full of the latest machines is always empty, sauna empty, pool empty, hot tub empty, etc.
My central A/C stays on 24/7 and those Republicans who come here to spend only a month on vacation help to pay for my A/C bill the entire year.
Gotta love subsidies from Republicans like Frank. I stick to these freaks anytime I can.
Obama, Obama, Obama! Si Se Puede!
If you trust any of these groups, you're an idiot. Plain and simple.
Frank in Scottsdale makes some good points about too much bashing business (except Countrywide and Mozillo of course). . .although this blog doesn't have an "official" political orthodoxy, I would think many of us are free-market people, and support letting the market take its toll. . .we hate bailouts by governments, printing money by the Fed, and feel that housing should be a home, not an ATM. I guess with the success of Housingpanic, we are no longer a little club of Ayn Rand and Ron Paul fans (I speak for myself and a few others), but we have picked up the usual "I hate everybody" crowd. . .Maybe Keith should publish a list of advocacy points again for this blog.
7) Just about every talking head on CNBC.
Every man for himself-trust no one!
You can combine 1 & 2, they are the same. I vote for that combination.
Anyone that stands between me and my money, I tend to distrust -although some have won me over. (I trust my credit union - where my savings account and home loan are -for instance)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Your 401K Investment Plan!!!!
Is it safe?
I thought mine was...I've been ignoring it because I'm in the "Capital Preservation" category (Fixed Income). Well I checked the fund's investments...25% Commercial MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities), 22% Residential MBS...Bank of America, USB, AIG...WTF...Check your funds!!!
March 04, 2008 4:07 PM
Let me guess. Your employer parked your plan with Merrill Lynch?
March 04, 2008 5:57 PM
Citigroup is exactly the same. I believe they all are. That is where they are hiding the crap, believing (rightfully so) that we won't need it for awhile and that buys them time. Better get your money out.
"They're not just dumb, but also evil people. Funny how they feel "outraged" now when oil prices hit $103 / barrel, or refuse to believe that the Iraq war or War of Terror were a scam to steal money from taxpayers."
Adjusted for inflation oil was at $103 during Carter's time. And gold was about $2500. But since Democrats can never be blamed, it must have been Ford's fault.
anon 6:43 is the epitome of the imbecile liberal who preaches tolerance and diversity yet hates anyone who thinks even the slightest bit differently
Obama is your ideal candidate...an empty suit speaking gibbersih
So good at being hypocrites, nobody even knows.
Buyer's Agents.
Treason is virtue for buyer's agents. If there was a spy as disloyal as a buyer's agent, they would have been hanged. If there was a soldier as disloyal as a buyer's agent, they would have been shot.
A buyer's agent however receives 3% for their duplicity, plus cash bonuses if they are willing to become even more treacherous.
On that note:
BusinessWeek -- Gen Y: Really All That Narcissistic?
A study says so, but Tammy Erickson thinks it's really more about the younger generation having healthy self-esteem
It's popular today to point out that Gen Ys as children often received trophies for simple participation and extensive praise for just about any idea. Detractors criticize Y's (individuals born between 1980 and 2000) as products of a misguided movement in parenting and education designed to buffer children from the negative effects of competition and build self-esteem -- an approach, they argue, that has filled them with false self-confidence. Some claim that self-esteem without achievement to back it up has produced an unmotivated and self-aggrandizing generation. Ouch!
Dr. Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at the University of San Diego, goes on to conclude that Ys are narcissistic: focused only on themselves and incapable of acknowledging or appreciating others' points of view or circumstances. Twenge's conclusions are based on her analysis of the data from a standardized narcissistic personality inventory, in which respondents score themselves against statements such as "I think I am a special person." Analyzing data from published reports, Twenge concluded that the average college student is 30 percent more narcissistic in 2006 than was the average student in 1982.
These Gen Y's are indeed a bunch of obnoxious idiots...the Obama voters. They really think they are hot sh!t.
Since Corporations are out for themselves ,and Government entities don't seem to be making decisions that are fair and just ,and your everyday folk can't be trusted because they bought over-priced housing ,and authority figures lie to the public ,you can't trust anybody .
Maybe you can trust yourself to look after your own best interests. I am willing to look after my own best interest ,but the part that I hate is the faulty data .
It is a hard choice when you were raised to distrust everyone including yourself. Humanity as a whole has not one good quality.
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