Wages flat to declining
Real inflation (not the government's BS number) out of control
Home prices tanking while property taxes remain the same
Dollar in freefall
Jobs going away
Gas prices soaring
Basic food prices at record levels
Thank you George Bush. Thank you Ben Bernanke. And for the 50 million Americans who voted for this idiot - twice - because you hate the fags, are afraid of the bogeyman and were worried about flag burning - you got hoodwinked, you got suckered.
Nice job.
March 17, 2008
Do you see now how screwed the poor and middle classes are, thanks to Bush and Bernanke?
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Labels: the worst president ever
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They'll still hate the fags as the Sheriff comes to kick them out of their houses
Don't forget abortions. Because the world will end if the gays are allowed to marry and woman and can have abortions. White baby jesus told Dubya... meh.
Great post. Through out history when a civilization does not separate religion from politics it fails. You can live at your church if you want to....just don't let it mix with your politics.
It is no coincidence that the more people allow religious beliefs to influence their votes, the worse their lot in life becomes.
But the funny thing is, the people claiming to be from the more "religious" party never were. Even a brief look at Bush's, Cheney's, Limbaugh, and Rove's pasts would have shown anyone with a brain that they were fakes.
Not only did people allow religion to taint their votes, but they did not even support truly religious people anyway.
Preach it Keith!
Yes, Keith
Things are bad in America, as you say: Inflation, plummeting house prices, soaring gas prices, illegal invaders everywhere, dollar in freefall, jobs going away, and food prices are record levels.
But isnt it worse in Europe?
Dont they have Muslims there? Muuuuuslimmms, I tell you, Muuuuuslimmms, I tell YOU!!!!
Muuuuuslimmms, I tell you, Muuuuuslimmms, I tell YOU!!!!
Perfectly summed up. I so wish I could gtfo of here, but I don't even know where to start. :(
Thursday, March 13, 2008
LAST NIGHTS SESSION WAS ONLY THE FOURTH TIME IN 176 YEARS THAT CONGRESS CLOSED ITS DOORS TO THE PUBLIC. Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives.
Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they also discussed:
* the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,
* the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,
* the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,
* advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" likely to move against the government,
* The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the USA,
* the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,
* the location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest
* the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),
* the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.
Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed. Several are so furious and concerned about the future of the contry, they have begun leaking info. More details coming later today and over the weekend. SPREAD THE WORD!!!
I think the problem here is that as a country, we've been in a bubble for so long, we've forgotten what living in a non-bubble world was like. Think about it. First the Internet bubble of the late 90s, then the housing bubble since. You have to go back to the early 90s to be in a non bubble time.
At 37, I remember the early 90s, the 80s and a bit of the 70s. People weren't running around in SUVs or buying and selling real estate to make money. People were working....and we were much more HUMBLE as a country because of it.
Reversion to the mean is always painful, but not only is it an economic reality, but something that will hopeful get this country to wake up.
Have you found Jesus? He's handing out loafs and fishes, and maybe a mortgage bailout. Oh, and for you muslims and islamists, Mohammed is standing beside him handing out the same.
Bush and the WHOLE Republican party is full of idiots. I mean, there are alot of Democrat idiots out there too, but they don't even compare by a long shot.
Bush and his team are the most incompetent, thieves, blood sucking, oil hungry, war hawks, etc, etc.
Why is it, that it is hard for middle America to understand that. Why is it that you always vote the idiotic Republican party on the pretenses that they are "conservative". What a bunch of loosers.
Those 50 million deserve it (especially those who voted for Gore the first time and Bush the second time). The rest of us don't.
You know how right before a tornado hits,the atmosphere turns a chartruese like color, the air becomes deathly still, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? We are at this point in this crisis. The natives over by Sri Lanka (some island over there, I forgot which) call the tsunami "the wave that eats people". Tsunamis come in all kinds of ways.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. -H.L. Mencken
'Have you found Jesus? He's handing out loafs and fishes, and maybe a mortgage bailout.'
not funny
Isn't it obvious? Either we give up thes god shit or we're doomed to the fate of those who are guided by superstition rather than by rationality. Pure and simple. Choose A or choose B. Mankind survives or mankind dies out.
I know it's fun for you to put up provocative threads, but get some perspective, Kieth.
The church whose picketing you pictured, while unfortunately based only 70 miles from where I live (Topeka, KS vs the Kansas City area) has less than 50 members, almost all of whom are related to one nutjob. I am guessing they are either brainwashed by him or cowed by fear.
I suppose you could count me as a religous nut since I voted for GWB in 2000 largely because he was supposedly prolife, and could not bring myself to vote for Kerry in 04 because he declared himself to be a poodle of the "Abortion rights, any gestation point, any reason, any method" lobby. I would have voted for Kerry if he had been a little less extreme on the issue. (I voted third party).
Kerry probably would have won if he had stood up for banning partial birth abortions (a ban supported by 90% of the US public). He would have picked up a few folks like me, and the hardline pro abortion folk (all 3% of them) would hardly have anywhere to go.
I am not an economic imbecile, though. GWB had not proven how idiotic he was. His reaction to 9/11 made a positive impression on us, and Iraq hadn't proven to be total debacle yet. The housing bubble was just starting to worrisome to a few bloggers and other watchers (were there any housing blogs in 2004?), and was totally off the radar to anyone else.
I think you will find that less than one in 100 people will knowingly vote for a candidate that will trash the country economically just to align with a prolife or anti gay rights platform. Most of those people, of course, are insane.
Australia got the convicts.
America got the devout religious nutjobs extremists (Puritans, Quakers, Calvinists, Huguenots, etc.)
What do you want?
Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris,and Christopher Hitchens all showed up on the scene 400 years too late.
grandma pkk here--
Have to agree...
I wonder how many people know that megachurches invited political speakers in and told their members not to talk about it, during 1980's and early 1990's. I worked with a woman who was so excited about what they'd been told (is that a right wing conspiracy by definition? ) I was aghast. Very anti UN (going to take over the world), anti abortion. The speaker warned against an attempt at One World Government...All the while pumping the idea of seeding contributions for your own wealth. Don't tell me this thinking hasn't contributed to everyone's wild desire to get rich without saving..
The middle class screwed itself starting in the 60s when they decided that it was better to beggar themselves than share the wealth with blacks etc.
They're still doing it in 2008 as seen in the anti-Obama frenzy.
Old habits die hard, but they do die.
That looks like an HP rally with a bunch of old loser hippie dinsaurs waiting to drop dead. Hey hey, ho ho, hippie dinosaurs have gots to go
Through out history when a civilization does not separate religion from politics it fails.
It's the other way around you moron. Every great civilization has started with religion, from the Greeks to the Romans to the Egyptians. What civilization has lasted without religion?
The land of the Americano is slowly decaying away like a putrid carcass of a rotten whale washing up on a crowded beach for all the world eyes to see, view, commentate on the state of the once almighty nation, the land of the Snapper Turtle.
Who can we blame on this retro-deed except ourselves ? The mentality of the current Americano is just amazing if not stupefying. Empty of feeling, obligation, morality, duty, honor, sense of self-worthiness, the only way to go for the Americano is to be roasted slowly skewered from mouth to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick, all sizzling nicely, fat popping, juices dripping over a bed of white hot charcoal.
Such is the fate of the fat-ass Americano. What a lowdown shame for such a great nation once !
George Washington is feeling real bad right now in his tomb...
But hey, SHRUB's lovers, you got what you asked for. Satisfaction guarantee from the land of the SHRUBs !!!
Do you honestly believe we would have been any better off with Gore or Kerry at the helm? We've been heading down the road to bankruptcy for many years now, probably since Bretton Woods II. If we hadn't spend money on Afghanistan and Iraq, it would probably have been socialized medicine or some other liberal social debacle.
Christians are not to blame for this mess. In fact, the ones who really believe what the Bible says believe in:
1) Hard work
2) Contentment (not greed)
3) Honesty
4) Voluntarily helping our neighbors rather than being forced to by government
5) Loving the sinner while hating the sin (and that doesn't include holding up signs that say "God Hates Fags")
Bush said a lot of things and did others. What's that make him? A politician.
The real blame goes to those who want the government to do everything for them, whether that be pay for their lung cancer they got from smoking cigarettes, or paying for their lost equity on their Scottsdale McMansion. There might even be a little blame that should go to the terrorists, who killed 3,000 of our civilians and probably would have bankrupted the airlines and a bunch of other industries without some kind of intervention. (How the government tried to fix things was probably stupid, but people didn't have to go into debt and "consume" as a result.)
I get a little tired of all the bigotry against Christians on these web discussion boards.
Anon: 3:59- not funny
I wasn't trying to BE funny. This is precisely the problem with you religious zealots. You don't think. You don't think because you don't want to think. You want to be told what to think. It takes much less effort to be a follower. Jesus thought and acted. If jesus came back today he would be branded a terrorist. The government of Jesus' time called him exactly that- a terrorist. They killed him for his beliefs.
There once was a man whose ass was on fire. He kept praying to God to help him put it out. God sent rain , and a puddle formed by the man.Still he prayed for God to put out the fire. God sent more rain, and now a stream of water flowed past the man. The man said to God "oh Lord, my ass is on fire and I am being rained on, and I will surely drown from all the water that is coming, please put out the fire so that I can leave this place. God thought to himself "Why doesn't the dummy just sit down in the water?" But, God can not interfere with free will. So He did the only thing He could do to make the man sit down. He struck him with a lightning bolt.
God ALWAYS answers out prayers. We just don't recognize that He has.
For ANYONE who thinks I am trying to be funny. I'm not. Do not put your faith in men- for men make mistakes. Trust in yourself,and you will be guided in the right direction. If you are being hit by lightning bolts, maybe you need to take a look at what you are doing(or NOT doing).
Daphne64 said...
I suppose you could count me as a religous nut since I voted for GWB in 2000 largely because he was supposedly prolife, and could not bring myself to vote for Kerry in 04 because he declared himself to be a poodle of the "Abortion rights, any gestation point, any reason, any method" lobby. I would have voted for Kerry if he had been a little less extreme on the issue. (I voted third party).
Well Daph, now you know what happens when you vote for someone based on a moral issue. The government is not here for "moral issues". We watched John Adams on HBO last nite. Terrific program produced by Tom Hanks. Brings tears to the eyes to see what these brave people went through to give us the freedom that we have enjoyed until we squandered it by voting for the Preznit that talks to God. Thanks Daph.
The government's job according to our forefathers is to manage some very specific things such as infrastructure, some regulation (to keep things from getting out of hand) a positive environment for commerce and national defense.
Teri Schiavo is not a government issue, abortion is not a government issue, homosexuality is not a government issue. These are moral issues best handled by the church, and never intended to be handled by the government (just ask Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson or George Washington). If you have a problem with these issues, take it to church and pray for these sinners to be struck down by lightening and burn forever in hell, for offending your Protestant version of "morality"
All of you who desire to make government responsible for the morality of the citizenry, instead of the solvency and proper economic management of the government and our defense, are getting exactly what you deserve.
And after all this you want to Vote for McCain. I would rather vote for Mr. Wuss or Mrs. Pussy. I mean Obama or Clinton, Who don't have any time to talk against what is happening in the country. They have their own problems and don't want to talk anything about Inflation, falling dollar or Bailouts.
I am a product of stem cell research so you know I am pissed. We DEMO'S tried to tell you.
oh for crying out loud just relax. only people hurting are whiny assholes who vote for Democrats to give them freebies. Oh no, gas is $3 a gallon. What will I ever do? Give it up man, you people sound ridiculous.
Do you have an account at Corus Bank? Shorts anyone?
SFBJ -- Chicago bank's condo woes grow
Corus Bank doesn't have a single Florida employee, but the Chicago-based bank has more than $2 billion on the line in the form of nearly 6,400 condo units it has funded in South Florida. The performance of these projects is pivotal to the future of the bank, which has nearly $8.8 billion in assets.
Corus (NASDAQ: CORS) has nearly $4.4 billion in loans, with 90 percent of them due for maturity or repricing in three months or less, according to fourth quarter data reported to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Corus is counting on payments from some of the most prominent condo projects in South Florida: Jade Ocean Condominiums in Miami, the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Fort Lauderdale and Edge Condominium in West Palm Beach.
Corus could be under heavy regulatory scrutiny for investing so much of its portfolio into the condo market in one geographic area, said Tony Argiz, managing partner of Miami-based accounting and consulting firm Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra LLP. He said such a strategy is risky, especially with the real estate market currently down.
"To have $2 billion of condo loans in South Florida at the time you made those loans, you should have had an idea that something could possibly not make sense," Argiz said.
Corus officials declined to comment on the bank's local loans.
According to its fourth quarter public filings, Corus had 23 condo construction and conversion loans worth nearly $2 billion in South Florida (including a few counties outside Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach) at year-end. Three of those were in non-current status, representing $64.2 million.
It had $282.8 million in non-current loans (6.46 percent of its total loans) as of Dec. 31, up from $199.9 million (4.93 percent of total loans) on Sept. 30. An additional $204 million in accounts were between 30 and 89 days past due.
Isn't it funny how we don't hear any of this info on the Iraq war from ex-soldiers themselves in our media:
The same media that downplays every ounce of bad information about the economy.
All we hear is the endless BS about the islamo-extremist-fascist terrorist threat and the Goldilocks economy. The endless ranting and hate-filled bile from right-wing radio that proclaim how proud and patriotic they are.
These people are NOT Republicans!!!
They are traitors and liars!!
Prager, Medved, Miller, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Ingraham, Hewitt, Cavuto, Savage, Bush, Bernanke, Cheney, Paulson, Greenslime, McCain, Clinton.. etc, etc, etc.... Scum! Scum! Scum!!! The list goes on and on!!
I am so sick of this constant, overflowing stream of BS AND SO SHOULD *ALL* OF YOU PEOPLE!!!
Daphne64 and her repuke buddies should be made to assume the 8 trillion debt that BushCo created.
Forcing a PC gay agenda upon the children of Americans is not the way to get their votes.
Gays have won rights, but that is not enough. Now they want to get at the school kids, and "marriage", what next?
The far left radical militants and activists, such as gays, are responsible for dividing and defeating the Democrats.
Would not Kerry have gone to war? Your champion, Ron Paul, understands that the real culprits are the corrupt politicians and their corporate cronies.
It has been very disappointing to see the Democratic Party become infiltrated and divided, pushing life long Democrats to switch parties.
Please think about this. You are repeating the same rhetoric that led to Bush winning last time.
"Wages flat to declining
Real inflation (not the government's BS number) out of control"
-Don't forget cost of housing is crashing....
That means it is impossible to have "ROARING INFLATION".
You are an idiot.
Hey, I don't like fags either.
Hey Keith, you forgot one other reason this country is going down the toilet -- career criminals like myself, who in many cases have individually stolen millions of dollars, get off scot-free without even being charged with anything!! I love America! Sweet!!
And for the 50 million Americans who voted for this idiot - twice -
That's a lot words for "retarded citizens."
Anonymous said...
Please think about this. You are repeating the same rhetoric that led to Bush winning last time.
Forcing a PC gay agenda upon the children of Americans is not the way to get their votes.
Gays have won rights, but that is not enough. Now they want to get at the school kids, and "marriage", what next?
The far left radical militants and activists, such as gays, are responsible for dividing and defeating the Democrats.
Is this a threat from the far right? Are you telling Dems that if they don't vote in agreement with your moral issue that the far right will get together and vote in another Bush?
Do it. Go ahead vote in another Dry Drunk, talks to God, dim wit. He represents all of you moral busy bodies. Go ahead get even and vote for another dumb ass.
America is over because of you dim wits. I hope you eat oatmeal and eggs the rest of your life (and make sure that they are heterosexual eggs before you eat them and never eat fertilized eggs as that is murder).
You hayseeds have ruined our country. How dare you threaten us.
Teri Schiavo is not a government issue, abortion is not a government issue, homosexuality is not a government issue.
Then by extension, niether was slavery or segregation.
If the government's sole act is to be concerned with commerce, then eliminating the entire slave industry was an economic death blow for the states which depended on it. But morally... slavery was indefensible.
And so too with segregation later on. There were no economic reasons to stop segregation and actually having two parallel economies (one white one black) might be a good thing in case one fails. Again - a moral issue.
Heck... you can even go back to the revolution against British rule... a war is not really good for infrastructure, regulation and commerce is it?
As you can see... defining a very narrow range for government involvement is ridiculous. The government should enforce the will of the people - whatever that will may be.
What alot of you braniacs also fail to understand is that education is also enshrined in the constitution. The founding fathers realized that it wasn't religion which caused problems - but ignorance. Which is why a VERY well educated population is essential to a healthy republic and was a mandate in the constitution.
You may notice that before we had the patriot act, the removal of habeus corpus and right to counsel, spying on US citizens, torture and who knows what else... the first act of betrayal was the destruction of the education system.
Following that, the destruction of the rest of the constitution is easy.
So don't blame the religious zealots... blame the leaders who failed to educate them. The problems we face today are because the government is enforcing the will of an UNEDUCATED population which they themselves failed to educate.
Like it or not... GW is probably above average intelligence in the US today.
If you're asking WHY this happened - the problem is the culture. For a long time the US culture has been anti-intellectual. Just take a look at what Hollywood produces. When was the last time the media portrayed a university educated individual as intelligent, caring, good looking and someone you should aspire to be?
Right... never!
It didn't take much for the government to cut taxes to the one thing most people didn't really care about. After you cut the roots... it's only a matter of time before the tree dies and collapses in a stronger breeze.
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