China is run by an evil and corrupt government, even more evil and more corrupt than our own, who will not change until they feel it in their secret bank accounts.
Every time you buy a Made In China product, you are contributing to evil.
And remember, these same people who kill monks, kill babies and imprison their people are the same people who caused the US housing bubble - by manipulating their currency, creating a massive trade surplus with the US, and buying up US debt and mortgages to keep our interest rates too low for too long.
I hope to see a few hundred million Chinese take to the streets soon, and I hope they hang their rulers from the lamp poles as they welcome the world to their Olympics.
And I hope to see them lose hundreds and hundreds of billions on their bad US investments.
Stay out of Wal-Mart. Boycott China. Join a local protest. And bring down these bitches.
(Note - HousingPANIC cannot be viewed in mainland China)
March 16, 2008
Boycott China and their main US agent Wal-Mart. You'll help take housing prices down even faster, and help free Tibet
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Labels: china ain't gettin' paid, made in china
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I buy all of my ammo at Wal-Mart but it's proudly made in the USA.
Walmart used the flag to sucker people in (remember their "Made in America" marketing in the 90's?), and then they did the ol' bait and switch, and now you'd be hard pressed to find anything there "made in America".
Here's a good read from 1997, when the switch-a-roo was being made:
Wal-Mart is the only retailer in the country with "Buy American" as a central feature of its marketing program. The reason others don't is that they are afraid of being caught in a lie. Wal-Mart, the Arkansas-based mass merchandiser, is different. Wal-Mart officials don't care. They just continue to repeat patriotic slogans while they scour the world for ever cheaper sources of cheap, exploited labor.
With annual sales of more than $100 billion, this retail behemoth still has American flags hanging strategically all over its stores and posts a large photograph trimmed in red, white and blue of workers from a U.S. company where Wal-Mart claims it created 30 jobs. Its "Bring It Home to the USA" slogan can be found looking down on aisles full of imported products. If it were a sincere program, our union, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1444, and its members would be praising Wal-Mart instead of criticizing the company. So would workers everywhere in this country, because what America needs desperately are more and better-paying jobs.
Hey, Frank, keep checking those prices. Out here in Oregon our local Wall-wort no longer has the lowest prices in town on ammo. One of the big box outdoor stores, Sportsman's Warehouse, is lower.
"If it were a sincere program, our union, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1444, and its members would be praising Wal-Mart instead of criticizing the company."
How about having your members go out and get better educations so they can command higher wages - oh wait - if they did that, they wouldnt need unions in the first place. Either way, the Unions day in the sun is over, and this country is better off for it.
I'm with you Keith, 100%, but what ISN'T made in China these days?
Don't boycott China. You will likely only hurt the people, not the corrupt government. Making the people richer by buying goods they produce will give them more leverage against their government. A boycott would put them in an even worse state that they are in.
"China is run by an evil and corrupt government, even more evil and more corrupt than our own, who will not change until they feel it in their secret bank accounts."
NO government is more evil or corrupt than America.
America is Dead.
You said "And remember, these same people who kill monks, kill babies and imprison their people are the same people who caused the US housing bubble - by manipulating their currency, creating a massive trade surplus with the US, and buying up US debt and mortgages to keep our interest rates too low for too long."
The bubble was cause by people in the market agreeing to pay too much for a house that they couldn't afford. Not a single person who payed too much or who took out a loan they couldn't afford was forced to do so. It was fear and greed, not the Chinese.
How do you ~not~ buy things made in China? Seriously, what isn't made in China now?
How to not buy cheap chinease crap:
Buy old, used things on e-bay. Buy anything made of metal pre-1990. Even if you buy used things on e-bay that were made in china, you are recycling, not creating new demand. I havn't bought my kids new clothes in 4 years, and am proud of that. Also, take your savings from buying cheap, and go buy some old USA money; SILVER. Buy 1964 JFK coins. These are beutiful, have lasting value, and reflect the spirit of what USA used to be. Give them to your loved ones when times get tough. Remind them about JFK, what we once were, and can be again. Also, promote the stigma that shopping at china-mart, buying to big a house, and acting like a rich asswhole deserve. Frugality and savings are in. Can do is in. Watching TV and mcmansions are out.
Peace, Matt C
With exception to a few specialty items here and there(like maybe ammo), I challenge you to find items anywhere that you buy them, that are not made in China. I have made several tries at this myself. Items from my local grocery stores as well as the craft shops downtown are ALL MADE IN CHINA. Soon, when the crap hits the fan with even more force, cash poor Americans will only be able to afford Chinese items. It is an inevitable circular process.
Keith said...
And remember, these same people who kill monks, kill babies and imprison their people are the same people who caused the US housing bubble - by manipulating their currency.
The American people caused their housing bubble with their never ending greed and keeping up with the Jones's. They also contributed to their own impoverishment by voting twice for thieves, war and "Jesus wants us to own a house".
Stop blaming others for the problems we have created for ourselves single handedly.
Anybody who shops at Wal-Mart hates America!
You can buy virtually anything today that is NOT Made in China.
My family has had a buy NO China policy for over 3 years and it doable.
But as Andrew Hac notes, the average Americano is lazy,obese and stupid. Add to that uneducated,selfish and downright white trash scum.
What other nation,s citizens would of had elected Bush as President, twice??!!??
This country is fooked.
(Note - HousingPANIC cannot be viewed in mainland China)
Not unless you use a proxy site, I've done it in the past.
Their social situation is quite fragile. Many rural people have been deliberately displaced from their farmland in orer to provide that large desperate workforce for the factories. If you have ever read "The Jungle" you have an idea of what's going on over there and yes, the party members are generally corrupt and harmfull.
Anon said:
"How about having your members go out and get better educations so they can command higher wages - oh wait - if they did that, they wouldnt need unions in the first place. Either way, the Unions day in the sun is over, and this country is better off for it.
March 16, 2008 1:26 PM"
I recieved an education in computer programming. After graduating I thought I had an IT job lined up, but weeks went by and I finally heard they decided to outsource the work to India or somewhere. I'm working in a plumbers union as an apprentice now. Sure glad I have those student loans.
Boycotting Wal*Mart or China will not affect home prices.
In fact, shrewd investors like you, Keith, may want to start looking at WalMart (and COST and BJ) as long plays before year's end.
Did I make you wealthy with the DBA and GLD tips last year?
The bad news is, that party's got maybe another 9 mos, tops, left and you don't want to be one of the suckers left at the punch bowl when the lights go off.
> How do you ~not~ buy things made in China? Seriously, what isn't made in China now?
The only things I buy at Walmart are the only American things they still sell- propane and handgun ammunition.
Well, okay, I buy the big jugs of motor oil there, too, and I don't know where Mobil 1 is made.
But it's always a painful visit- I feel like I'm an extra in Idocracy- obese and stupid (and proud if it!) people who all drive monster trucks, standing in the middle of the aisle blocking everybody else, as out of control kids run around...
You want flied lice with that?
I'm for Tibet independece; however, a race riot (similar to what we had in LA in 1992) isn't exactly something that we lovers of private property rights should support.
With Chinese economy getting unglued in the coming months, I'm afraid their currency will get even cheaper.
Why pick on just Wal-Mart when all the other stores sell made in China stuff too? Target is just as big an offender as Wal-Mart. So is 99c Stores, K-Mart, Sears, and all the rest. I never understand why Wal-Mart is singled out for persecution when all the others are just as bad about selling Chinese crap. Could it be that people just don't like that they are not unionized? Well, neither are any of the other stores.
Wake up people, it isn't just Wal-Mart (although they are the biggest) that's taking the country down. Quit buying stuff you don't need, period. Doesn't matter where it's made, China, India, Kalamazoo!
Anonymous said...
Don't boycott China. You will likely only hurt the people, not the corrupt government. Making the people richer by buying goods they produce will give them more leverage against their government. A boycott would put them in an even worse state that they are in.
Whether one buys Chinese made products or not does not change the fact that the oppressor of the people in China is the Chinese Government.
Our choice is simple. As potential consumers of these products we can choose to support this oppression by purchasing Chinese products or refuse to support the oppression of the Chinese people.
The assertion that we must continue to support the oppressors so that things do not get worse for the oppressed is an absurd moral justification in a attempt to make the purchaser feel good about what they know is an immoral act.
Nobody has any obligation to save the "people" of China except for every individual Chinese man and woman who has to decide if they want to live as oxen tied to the yoke of slavery or as free men and women.
They are both either or propositions:
For us-oppress the Chinese or not.
For them-Submit to oppression or not.
It is as simple as that. There is no choice at the end of a gun. If you buy Chinese made products you support the side that is holding the gun.
Just look at the label on the box!!
Made in Mexico, Canada, Japan, Peru, USA, China, etc.
Get it?
What we need NOW is a import tax to kick-start sales of American made products (back in 1972) oops.
Now they wake-up. Detroit is in panic. They just ousted all the families that made good wages - anotherwords - :backwards"
The US gov MADE this "price imbalance" in the RETAIL MARKETPLACE happen, not China.
They don't make many Tibetan flags
in Han China. Maybe we can pump
them out by the zillions and sell them to the Han at top-cheap USD.
Then they can use them for fuel
to get them out of circulation.
Before you critize another government, how about we clean up the mess in the U.S. Who's more evil? A country who cracks down hard on revolts or a country who has contributed to hundred of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq in the last few years? Stop the protectionist bullshit. It just shows how biased and a sheep you are yes.. Yes, you guys call people sheep so damn much you can'[t believe that you are sheep yourself.
Hu Jintao hates you. And me. And Tibet, apparently.
You're out to lunch on this one in one aspect, Keith. China is not to blame for the housing debacle in the US. That's is the most absurd statement I've ever heard. The greedy "want it all now" mindset in the US is to blame. The Chinese simply facilitated the willing self-destruction.
The Chinese will hurt and lose big-time, so don't worry. Their trillions in bond holdings are going to be worth squat after write-downs and currency losses.
Don't bad-mouth the Chinese. If (when) the Asians stop sending their dollars back into US bonds, the whole house of cards blows over as long bond yields go through the roof. Who's going to buy those bonds if not the Asians? Americans? Hah! From what savings?
It makes me laugh with contempt when Bush and others on national TV say the Chinese/Arab money coming back to the US is "OUR money anyway". Uh, if you go to the store and buy something, paying money for it, is that money still yours after making the purchase? How absurd! The Asians are listening, and I guarantee they don't like what they hear.
Sure, the Chinese communist party is evil in many other respects (human rights, etc), but don't bad mouth the Chinese for giving the US exactly what it wants (cheap product and dollar recycling), and what it's still begging for! Unlike the "me me me, no work no work no work" American attitude, the Chinese all work exceptionally hard and barely spend anything. Lessons Americans will have to learn all over again (as our great grand-parents did).
I'm proud to announce that I have never ever put my foot in a Wal-Mart. Funny how when you take business classes at college, there's always trolling of Wal-Mart in the textbooks. They're trying to brainwash the students.
I never believed in that evil company and never will, especially after I watched an expose of how Wal-Mart would force the American mfrers to close their plants here, lay-off all American workers, to start producing in China in order to save a few bucks. Wal-Mart is destroying the USA.
Plus, by forcing our American mfring to move to China, Wal-Mart has contributed immensely to global warming. Now we have to bring all the merchandise from China, when it used to be produced right here inside our country.
I'll shop anyplace offering lower price. Period. Keep jumping out of your pants, Keith. I don't care.
Damn f**ken Chinese. Stop stealing people's land. How about us attacking their ugly ass citizens any where on this planet. Indoniesia, Thailand, the Philipine, Cuba, Malyasia, Mongolia, South America, Australia, Canada, and see what the f**k the damn Chinese gov't will do about it.
What is needed is tax on gasoline. Gasoline should be $10/gallon. This will solve the trade deficit by reducing consumption of oil and is very good for the long term economic healtth of USA. No need to add any import tariffs. Tariffs don't work because other coutries will do the same to US.
Try to have the "minorities" riot on the street of LA, burn cars, kill cops. Then you will see the true color of the "democracy" in the US.
In fact, given the thesis of this site, that day may not be too far.
Watch it, Sucker. Dubya and Penis Shooter are gonna invade Red China next like they did in Iraq. Except this time it is not about WMD, it will be about "Too much Wonton Soup. It is not good for the world's peace !!!". Haaaa, haaaa, haaaa...
What an idiot leading a whole nation of idiots down the pig trough...
This Americano nation and its citizens, occupants, dwellers are low, pitiful, pathetic and all at once despicable !!!
How can you call yourself the greatest nation on Earth when dishonor, divorce, immorality, greed, cheat is every day's code of conduct, the way to conduct business in the land of the Snapper Turtle ???
Look around you: What do you see ? Fat-ass Americano male and female driving that chicken-coop, pig-raising SUV or F350, for what I may ask ? So you can feel big and powerful, huh !!!. Here is a suggestion if you want to feel all almighty, big, and powerful: Go and invade Red China, right now, at this minute, and see what the result may turn out to be.
As I have stated over and over again: This land of the Fat-Ass Americano Homosexual Erectus is a cesspool of sewage now. And to add insult to that, the Americano is being slowly roasted nicely over a bed of white hot charcoal, skewered from mouth to ass like a Snapper Turtle, juice dripping down, fat oozing, sputtering, succulent flesh aromatically wafting hungryly in the air.
Americano Homosexual Erectus == Roasted Snapper Turtle !!!
How can you propose in one section that inflation is out of control, and then in another section discourage your readers from buying low cost products? Those are very conflicting viewpoints.
It's called "comparative advantage". Chinese labor costs less per hour, so the market favors Chinese-manufactured products. Wal-Mart has done more to help the lower class dollar go further, than our welfare programs.
trying to buy more stuff made in the USA or Canada (especially anything that goes on the skin or in the mouth) since it's probably safer, better for the environment, and better for the local economy to reward humane treatment of local employees. we vote with every purchase.
avoiding stuff that lists a US distributor, but fails to say where it was made.
hope states make label requirements more strict in terms of having to disclose where things originate
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