Hillary Clinton is a would-be price-fixing central planning communist who thinks contracts are unimportant, and that honest taxpayers should bail out the dishonest ones. Amazing.
Watch this CNBC video from Kudlow's show - you'll be shocked at what he has to say. And if Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, she'll get trounced by any of the Republican candidates (or Bloomberg). She doesn't get it and she'll say anything to get elected.
She may think policies like a 90-day freeze on foreclosures and a 5-year interest rate freeze for housing gamblers is popular, but for the 90% of us that didn't break the law, didn't commit mortgage fraud, didn't buy homes we couldn't afford and weren't stupid enough to take out teaser rate mortgages, her proposals ARE INFURIATING and dangerous for America.
I hope her and Bill get trounced on Tuesday. I'm sick of her already.
February 02, 2008
When it comes to housing and the mortgage mess, Hillary Clinton just doesn't get it
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"for the 90% of us that didn't break the law"
You just summed up Hillary/Obama's entire platform - promise free sh*t to the lazy & dishonest, at the expense of those who work for a living.
And make no mistake - Hillary and Obama are the same. As was Edwards. Never before in a presidential primary has a party run multiple candidates with identical platforms.
Well even without her stupidity, the government seems to be doing everything in its power to keep housing prices unaffordable.
Hmmm..no, I've gotten bad news to all Republican warmongers: Hillary will run with Obama as Vice President. You guys are f*cked. You heard it here first. Nobody will beat those two running together. Sorry guys, check mate.
However, I wish you guys had spent the same amount of energy bitching when the president you voted for twice devastated the country in the last 8 years. The first 4 years wasn't destructive and inflationary enough for you geniuses, so you had to vote for Bush again?
Now Hillary is the worst? You voted twice for two oil men who invented a phony war just to steal taxpayer money for their cronies, created this bubble, and bankrupted the country. And all you have to bitch about is what Hillary might do, which still depends on Congress to accomplish it? Let me guess, you geniuses prefer the warmongers McCain or Rommey to continue Bush's work, just for party loyalty.
Oh, and one more thing, If you, "big shot" Frank, hate the liberals so much, why did you move from your conservative AZ (McCain's nest) to the most liberal state in the country, California? Certainly it wasn't by force as you always brag here how you're the sh!t.
So tell us your excuse, Frank, why you didn't move to a state that fits more your conservative taste, like Alabama, TN, SC, NC, or any other POS red state? Are you a hypocrite, Frank?
The liberals built the state of California (6th largest GDP in the World) and there comes Frank sneaking in to make a living and still bitch about liberals, after getting his arse whipped financially in his own RED STATE of AZ. Frank, if you hate liberals so much, move out of the most liberal state in the US. Can't make a living in a POS red state, huh big shot?
I say it again, if you voted for Bush/Cheney twice, you have no business telling others who to vote for. You have as much credibility as Mike Norman.
Calm down. You should have seen enough presidential campaigns by now to know how this works. In the primaries, the candidates run as far to the extreme as possible in order to get their party's nomination. Then in the general election, suddenly they're both a hell of a lot more centrist. Hillary is no exception to this principle.
Are you a hypocrite, Frank?
That was a rhetorical question, right?
Anonymous said...
Calm down. You should have seen enough presidential campaigns by now to know how this works. In the primaries, the candidates run as far to the extreme as possible in order to get their party's nomination. Then in the general election, suddenly they're both a hell of a lot more centrist. Hillary is no exception to this principle.
That is sooooo true. During the primaries EVERY candidate is the greatest, most original, most creative, most independent individual who ever lived. Everyman(or woman)promising to achieve everything for everybody!
Elected, they soon blend into the fold!
I don't know if the USA is going down with a bang or a whimper, but ether way we are going down hard!
Mrs. Clinton's answers to solving problems are the old dated and proven false ways of socialism. You cannot equalize humanity. One reason is that intelligence cannot be made equal despite all Socialist efforts to dumb down education. There will always be someone smarter and the strong take the weak but the smart take the strong, it's just a fact of life.
The second is Greed. You can't equal humanity economically because incentives for production need to be present. Marx was tried everywhere and the result was "you pretend to pay us and we pretend to work"
If you think you can make a nation of slaves and restore a world of aristocracy being supported by a larger class of idiots, forget it! Revolution will be at your door. Riots, looting and burning.
Please give up this liberal dream! It has been proven to be ridiculous.
Health care. I cannot imagine excellent intelligent people entering health care fields if they become socialized. Where is the incentive to do well? Is not one Doctor better than another? Let's forget the politics of the past, the 60's, etc. and move on!
How is Hillary worse than McCain? McCain has painted himself into a corner with his no time tables, keep the troops there forever stance. We are already bankrupt and McCain would keep pouring billions upon billions into Iraq and probably even escalate things over there.
So Clinton does some US bailouts and spends billions, McCain spends even more to keep feeding the military industrial complex.
I'll pick the lesser of the two evils, wasting money domestically instead of in Iraq.
"Hmmm..no, I've gotten bad news to all Republican warmongers"
If Sen. Joe Lieberman signs on as a VP candidate with Romney or McCain, it may change the cards for a potential Hillary/Obama win. He is acceptable to Republicans, Democrats and Independents.
Personally, I'm sick of Presidents with the last name Clinton or Bush.
RE: (Hillary) doesn't get it and she'll say anything to get elected.
Suppose we forget that "President" George Bush was appointed by the Supreme Court for his first tour of duty and "elected" under highly-suspicious circumstances to his second tour of duty.
Even after these two phony elections, there are still people who actually believe that this country is being ruled by its president.
Yes, I'm talking about the same president who sat staring into space for seven minutes -- while holding a book about a pet goat -- after he had been told that THE SECOND World Trade Center tower had also been hit by a commercial aircraft.
President Bush is obviously a puppet.
And the Hillary/Obama campaign is nothing more than a puppet show.
If people would look beyond these dancing marionettes, they could see who is pulling their strings.
.....and when it comes to everything else, she still doesn't get it!
Look long and hard at that photo.
Is that the face you want to see everyday for years and years?
Life's a BITCH,
Don't vote for one!
She's more of a Runt!
I guess I misspelled that!
Sorry. me bad?
Hillary Clinton is a would-be price-fixing central planning communist who thinks contracts are unimportant, and that honest taxpayers should bail out the dishonest ones. Amazing.
all talk. she's just trying to wooo some black votes away from Blacak....
Sorry to disagree but the Republicans have no match againts Hillary or Obama.
It is sad that they are counting on an old dinasaur to represent them
If Hillary is the nominee, forget about Bloomberg. He is a Jew. That is what doomed Al Gore's bid. He had a Jew on his ticket.
Sorry but that is how it is!
the result was "you pretend to pay us and we pretend to work"
sounds like government work!
If Sen. Joe Lieberman signs on as a VP candidate with Romney or McCain,
Wasn't LIEberman Gore's VP candid in 2000???????
I suspect 99.9999999% of the electorate will see thru that and NOT vote Repug.
The Clintons are a two fer. You get two presidents for the price of one. Bill said as much when he was in office. If she gets in there I am seriously digging my bunker.
buzz saw, you can have the one I've been in for the past 7 years. :)
McCain is still worse. He will amnesty the 30 million illegals and make them full citizens within the end of his first term. With full rights they will collect social services like never before and it will be the end of America.
Hillary's socialist plan to save the banks will fail in the end because the illegal FED bank has already pumped too much money into the economy. In the end it will result in stagflation, a weak dollar, and no economic recovery.
The idiots with ARMS will be unable to make even the cheap payments.
Sad that it comes down to McCain/Romney versus Clinton/Obama. I guess we're screwed no matter who of these geniuses will win. Sickening!
I consider Hillary to be as dangerous as Bushco. She is a "politician" in the very worst sense of the word. She is a Bilderberger so she is not accountable to the common good of the American people. And she represents a Bush/Clinton dynastic pattern that America is being sleezed into.
So in 2008 we get Jeb and in 2012...Chelsea?
Of every candidate (Dem or Rep), she is the LAST one I would vote for.
She WILL be the Democratic candidate as with Bilderbergers everything is predetermined. And as such she will win if for no other reason than what we have seen in Florida and Ohio...."we have "late breaking news....what looked like a win for [fill in the blank] now looks like a win for Hillary Clinton..."
This is all a show....the winner has already been selected.
Wall Street and the City of Lomdon are also oppossed to any freeze.
This crap about price fixing and loyalty to the contract is also bull poop. The level of manipulation in this housing crash is without precedent.
I go along with the idea of bakrupting the speculators(Wall Street and the City of London) and saving the home owners.
"Wasn't LIEberman Gore's VP candid in 2000???????" "I suspect 99.9999999% of the electorate will see thru that and NOT vote Repug".
See through what?
In 2006, Senator Lieberman was elected to a fourth term as an Independent, not Democrat. He won the general election by more than 100,000 votes getting support from Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Just the facts.
Oh, and one more thing, If you, "big shot" Frank, hate the liberals so much, why did you move from your conservative AZ (McCain's nest) to the most liberal state in the country, California? Certainly it wasn't by force as you always brag here how you're the sh!t.
What are you saying? The current governor of California is a born and raised NAZI. Frank wanted to move closer to his "bum buddy" so he left AZ for California.
Frank wants to "pump you up".
Well even without her stupidity, the government seems to be doing everything in its power to keep housing prices unaffordable.
February 02, 2008 10:11 AM
How is the Government keeping house prices unaffordable? You need to learn how the Free Market works. Spiraling real estate prices have been a "private affair" from start to finish. Remember the baby boomers got rid of the government years ago. They wanted to run their love fest unfettered and un interrupted.
what problem do you JACKASSES have with Obama? The guy is the best chance this country has!
"Sad that it comes down to McCain/Romney versus Clinton/Obama. I guess we're screwed no matter who of these geniuses will win".
Former Gov. Romney (R) succeeded in getting a "universal health care bill" through the MA. state legislature (overwhelmingly Dem.) in April,2006.
Hillary's 5 year freeze is just a way for her to drum up the Hispanic vote. We all know it will NEVER happen.
I've thought about which candidate I would vote for if Ron Paul is out of the picture, and between McCain and Hillary, I am going with Hillary.
She is far less dangerous than McCain. I can't stand that man. He is Bush in disguise, people. A vote for McCain is a vote for Bush.
With Obama on Hillary's ticket, I agree, it is OVER for the GOP.
Who do you want then?
John McCain? The one who says we should be in Iraq for hundred years.
The one who says Economy is not his strongest suit, and he is starting his economics 101 by reading Alan Greenspan's book?
Ron Paul is not winning the nomination.
So if I read correctly, Barack Obama is your candidate of choice. The guy looks clean because he just does'nt have a record.
He is a good speaker. He inspires hope.
But hope does not solve economic problems. Hope does not feed the hungry. Hope does not create employment. Hope does not get us out of credit card debt and toxic mortgages.
Hope can inspire you to start something new, by borrowing money to invest in the future.
But you know, we have maxed out our credit cards. Banks are not lending money. To make things worse they take away our houses if we cannot pay the mortgage.
Our problems today cannot be solved by anyone. But at least listen to someone who wants to mitigate the effects. It is in the interest of the country, that every body who is part of the problem, to be involved in a dialogue to do something to help mitigate it.
Do banks and investors want to get at least get some of their money back?
Else they can just take the foreclosed homes and cry over their failed loans and investments.
Good Luck with that!
Obama is even worse. He has called for a direct taxpayer bailout of the debtors/bankers. He wants to create a taxpayer-funded bailout fund that would pay the mortgage for anyone who cannot afford their pimp-my-crib flipper lifestyle. Of course all of this taxpayer money will end up in the pockets of the bankers like tAngelo Mozilo
You DemoRat crybabies are pathetic sore losers. When your cretins win elections, then it is fair. When your cretins lose elections, then it was fraudulent and stolen and you fools stomp your feets and cry about it for years. Grow up. If there was ever an election stolen, it was when 50,000 dead people in Chicago voted for Kennedy.
I hate to bring this to your attention, but Hillary is also a warmonger! Check for yourself, she voted for the war and has backed Bushco most of the way. She especially backed them in the beginning. Hillary has also voted to support the war effort!
In some ways she is worse than Bushco! Bushco never hid their warmongering ways and has not been duplicitous about it!
What do you JACKASSES like about Obama? He has accomplished NOTHING in his career.
Wow, so anyone who opposes a bailout for Wall Street is now a right-wing warmonger according to the Hitlary supporters. Well, sign me up as a right-wing warmonger, even though I oppose the war. I would rather vote for that idiot Bush for a third term than vote for anyone who wants a bailout for the pigmen of Wall Street. So Clinton and Obama automatically lose my vote even though I lean to the left socially. Their bailout of Wall Street will only lead to more dangerous speculation and suffering for the middle class.
Frankly, because of stands on various issues, none of the candidates except Ron Paul are acceptable.
That said, in a closed system like we have, we have to make a choice given our limited options.
Considering who is still left with a shot, I want to see Obama vs. Bloomberg vs. Romney
And we'll see how that goes.
However, I fear Clinton vs. McCain, and Bloomberg doesn't run. That would be a worst-case scenario.
Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for America, but thankfully will lose to the GOP nominee whoever it is. She is hated, she's wrong on housing, wrong on Iraq and wrong wrong wrong. And she's the damn wife of a president. Unacceptable.
Obama amnesty for 30 million illegal immigrants and 60 million of their family members. Same shit for Hitlary and McStain. Just visit East LA for a glimpse of America's future if any of these morons is elected. Case closed.
As disastrous as Bush has been, Clinton's plan would do more damage to America than anything Bush has done. Changing the terms of those contracts would be like Cuba or Venezuela seizing and nationalizing foreign investments. Most of that debt is owned by foreigners who expect to be paid at the rates determined in the contracts. Once the assets are seized, foreign investment dries up. Not only that, even Americans will not be willing to invest in America. They would rather invest in countries where contracts are not changed at the whims of the government. It will make the Great Depression look like a cakewalk.
Assume the position, folks. It's over. Hillary vs. Hillary-lite (Juan McAin't) is coming up. Get ready to experience the third-world way of living from personal experience.
"However, I fear Clinton vs. McCain, and Bloomberg doesn't run. That would be a worst-case scenario."
I think that is exactly you could end up with.
"Hillary Clinton would be a disaster for America, but thankfully will lose to the GOP nominee whoever it is."
I will take Hillary (or Obama) over McCain or any other Republican (except Ron Paul).
If it is Obama vs McCain. You can just put the entire South in the Republican column w/o holding any election.
But hopefully the economic problems will help the Dems win at least Ohio, if not also Florida.
Please no war mongers like McCain, who is also just starting his economics 101 by reading Alan Greenspan.
The very idiot who created this mess for us.
McCain needs to read HP!!!
"...but Hillary is also a warmonger!"
that's beside the point...you warmongering mongrel of a warlover.
She should have stuck to spanking bill.
"You can just put the entire South in the Republican column w/o holding any election"
Add the Middle as well
the most amazing thing I saw this past 48 hours was Kudlow supporting Obama and Ann Colter supporting Hillary over McCain
Cats sleeping with dogs, left is now right, right is now left, and the world spinning out of control
What fun!
I hope either Hillary or Obama wins.
I could give two shits which of them win. As long as that Dum as Republican is not in the white house, Im happy.
'...two oil men who invented a phony war just to steal taxpayer money for their cronies, created this bubble, and bankrupted the country.'
The truth.
Hey Wackos,
make note of this and remebember my words:
The next President of the US is Hillary Clinton and as well as both houses of Congress will be Democratic majorities.
If you don't accept it, the next 8 years and 9 months of your wasted pathetic lives will be even more miserable , so get used to it.
And, frank@scottsdalesucks, you couldn't make it or get laid in Scottsdale, AZ, America's biggest repository of human losers and easy twat, so quit the inane observations on the Democrats platform.
Hmmm..no, I've gotten bad news to all Republican warmongers: Hillary will run with Obama as Vice President. You guys are f*cked. You heard it here first. Nobody will beat those two running together. Sorry guys, check mate.
What difference does it make? They are both IDENTICAL. Either one can clone themselves and have the clone for a running mate.
The only difference is that Obama would be a more dangerous president, because he'd actually work to implement his vision of a Soviet-style communist regime.
Hillary, on the other hand, just wants to live in the White House again and fly around on Air Force One with our tax money and won't do sh*t, like her husband before her. Hell, she never shows up for work in the Senate so I doubt she'll be spending much time in the Oval Office either.
Hillary + Obama as VP ticket = takes women votes, Black votes, Hispanic votes, Independents votes, Liberal votes, Edwards' Union votes, and everyone out there who's sick of 8 years of Bushco and against the war.
And then Obama will be the Prez after Hillary cleans up the mess Buscho left.
You Republicans are toast for a long time. Better leave the country.
I don't know why anyone supports Clinton or Obama. Obama has been a senator for what, 3 years? And somehow he is qualified to be president? And what has Hillary done? She's been a senator for about 5 years and that qualifies her to be president too? These people haven't proven they can be successfull at anything. Do you guys remember Hillary Care back when Bill was in the white house? Do you want the government to determine what type of health care you receive? I just can't believe the Dems don't think about this, they're probably the same people who signed up for all the interest only and option arm loans the last couple of years.
Just because McCain and Romney are in the same party as Bush doesn't mean we are going to have another Bush presidency.
If BaCrock Osama is the solution, I don't know what the hell's the question. He's an empty suit for people with an empty skull. He's the typical style over substance kind of politician who would be popular with the sheeple these days. Can anyone tell me one thing that he has accomplished as a state or US senator? What important bills has he written or co-sponsored? Has he taken a stand against the Wall Street bailout? Has he taken a stand against pork barrel spending? How about corporate greed and corruption? If he is so hellbent opposed to the war, why hasn't he filibustered war spending bills? He talks about all these new social programs, but doesn't mention how to pay for them. I'm not surpriced that this braindead hip-hop MTV culture that got hoodwinked by a bunch of GED realtors and mortgage brokers would support BaCrock.
Anyone who doesn't support Hillary is a fascist and sexist
This is beautiful. Thank you. Especially the part about the
America just can't overcome its Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Real Estate. Real Estate is the least of our worries. Gotta mortgage problem? Move and rent. Simple. Doesn't require a blog or endless discussion.
It is the BANKS that are the problem. The banks are INSOLVENT. That is it. Nothing else to say.
I am sick and tired of hearing about Real Estate. Fuck it. Its over. Go goddamn rent something and pay attention to what is really happening to everyone.
Now the real problem "insolvency" is the big elephant in the room that no one gets yet. Still all about "someday I will get my house, if I rent long enough" and save my pennies. Or house prices are gonna fall 30%. Then I can buy my house. Who gives a shit?????
The banks are getting ready to crash and the only thing America gets is their ticky tacky widdle house values.
One more time with feeling:
Wouldn't it be weird for Hillary to work in the office where her husband got blown by the intern?
Save her the pain
We've been giving welfare to lazy and stupid people ever since LBJ's Great Welfare Society in the 1960's. Tax the smart and capable people so they have to work more and can't have children. Subsidize the lazy and stupid people so they can sit at home and have more children. The socialists have succeeded in the dumbing down of America with welfare of the Department of Education. America used to be near the top in math, science, and engineering. After decades of welfare programs and the creation of the Department of Education during Peanut Brain Carter's administration, American students rank near the bottom in every educational category.
How is the Government keeping house prices unaffordable?
* Through dropping the prime rate to absurd levels again and screwing over everyone with money in their bank accounts
* Through the existence of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, FHLB
* Through allowing the GSE's to take on jumbo loans now
* Through allowing creative accounting of all the banks and mortgage lenders
* Through 350 housing "affordability" programs
* Through the tax deduction allowed for mortgage interest. It's a subsidy for the mortgage lending industry.
Hillary is right on!
Just like it takes a village to raise a child, so it takes a village to raise home owners.
We should love one another and help our fellow man. When we live in the same village and my neighbor loses his house it not only hurts him but it hurts me and my value too. Each community should stick together.
I will vote for Hillary!!!
She and Bill will be wonderful for us. Imagine, 16 years of the Clintons and the experience and love they bring!
But hope does not solve economic problems. Hope does not feed the hungry. Hope does not create employment. Hope does not get us out of credit card debt and toxic mortgages.
True, but not getting into another Land War in Asia helps pay for all that.
And getting out of a very costly one now.
As far as dumbing down our schools:
Here is the reality on the high-tech end.
The Science Education Myth
My company had a few openings last few months, filled them all in a snap with PhD's---good PhD's---from top universities.
Hilly won't do anything real to save homedebtors.
It's like Chuck Schumer, stuff, populist noise, banking money.
She'll do everything to save bankowners.
Bailout is going to the banks. Chelsea works for a hedge fund.
Edwards would have been different. He would have made the criminals pay.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
So, tell me, does the average Americano take it enough in the butt yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshipped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. Are you sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and swoon for DUBYA ? Do you, do you, do you ???
Look for the clips of Hillary on CNBC being interviewed by Maria. She does understand the credit/secondary market problem. It was my first time watching her that I heard something from any candidate with depth on our financial situation. Any sort of bail-out plan is surely just for consumer sentiment, and not as real economic stimulus (nothing's gonna work anyway, but time). So any of the pols' plans are for votes, and not for economic gain. Even so, some understand the depth of situation, and understand not much can be done, but make some people "feel" better....at least until the election.
>> what problem do you JACKASSES have with Obama? The guy is the best chance this country has!
Obama (like Hillary) thinks the solution to all our problems is more government.
I want less! And I want to see 100's of thousands of government worker layoffs/firings!
Abolish deparments, the IRS, etc.
You idiots, why don't you focus on how to earn more to support yourself and your families? Who cares - Clinton, Barak or McCain? You are all will be f&*#ed anyway unless you find the way to protect your incomes. Morons.
anon 10:40, many of us, me included didn't vote for Bush so spare us the diatribe! However, one benefit has been the Bush tax cuts. Hillary and Obama will both let the tax cuts expire and that is worse for the economy. Both are socialists and that is going to destroy this country. Just look at Belgium for an example...high taxes and unemployment!
Ron Paul for President!!!
It comes down to this for me:
The Democratic candidates make a little bit of sense and have some new ideas while the Republican candidates and their supporters (Paul aside) sound like drooling mental patients. Reagan! Tax cuts! 9/11!
I've got some news for the Republicans. Big Government in Iraq is still Big Government. Defense contractor socialism is still socialism. A corporate welfare state is still a welfare state.
Europe has socialized medicine and they have no shortage of doctors (though neither Democratic candidate is proposing socialized medicine, so to call their plans that is a lie).
Frank, Scottsdale is a conservative haven and leaving it for liberal haven California because you think it sucks so much should kind of be a wake-up call that maybe some of your nutty beliefs aren't that well thought out.
John McCain? The one who says we should be in Iraq for hundred years.
The one who says Economy is not his strongest suit, and he is starting his economics 101 by reading Alan Greenspan's book?
at least mccain speaks the plain cold hard reality. We will be in iraq for a long time.
Oh, Hillary is such an economic genius. At least mccain admits it whereas hillary is smart enought or have enough balls to admit it.
Please no war mongers like McCain, who is also just starting his economics 101 by reading Alan Greenspan.
I wish hillary would start reading something on economics. Maybe she would realize that changing the terms of already negotiated mortgages would be a bad idea.
Wouldn't it be weird for Hillary to work in the office where her husband got blown by the intern?
Save her the pain
oh man, what a picture it would make to see her sitting behind the desk in the oval office!
The next President of the US is Hillary Clinton and as well as both houses of Congress will be Democratic majorities.
If you don't accept it, the next 8 years and 9 months of your wasted pathetic lives will be even more miserable , so get used to it.
if hillary wins, the dems will lose congress in the next round of elections. they won't control congress for 8 years.
Europe has socialized medicine and they have no shortage of doctors (though neither Democratic candidate is proposing socialized medicine, so to call their plans that is a lie).
gotta love hillary's plan. We will get 100% coverage, just require everyone to buy insurance.
Wow. why didn't anyone think of that before? Oh, wait. The liberals of mass. did. and they still have 30+ percent not covered! If this works we can solve world hunger! Simply require hungry people to buy food! Homeless? make a law that requires people to buy or rent shelter! Thats the ticket!
Sometimes I feel like the guy in that comercial that works with an office full of monkeys.
Who cares - Clinton, Barak or McCain? You are all will be f&*#ed anyway unless you find the way to protect your incomes. Morons.
This is true to an extent - with the tax strategies I have in place, that I paid a small fortune to tax attorneys to set up, it really doesn't matter if Hillary/Obama raises the top bracket from 35% to 45%. It won't affect me anyway.
Sometimes I think the sheeple get what they're deserving for not planning and hedging against it in advance.
I for one will vote for Obama. A a candidate that brings more voters/stakeholders to the system is the most desireable outcome. Not saying that Obama won't ultimately dissappoint, but there will be more people outraged and engaged when he does. And that
s when things will really become interesting.
Clinton v McCain race promotes more apathy and disengagement (eyes glazing over just thinking about it.)
* Through dropping the prime rate to absurd levels again and screwing over everyone with money in their bank accounts
* Through the existence of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, FHLB
* Through allowing the GSE's to take on jumbo loans now
* Through allowing creative accounting of all the banks and mortgage lenders
* Through 350 housing "affordability" programs
* Through the tax deduction allowed for mortgage interest. It's a subsidy for the mortgage lending industry.
February 02, 2008 11:27 PM
Why do you make the mistake of confusing a private central bank (modeled on European fascist central banks) with a democratic republic like the United States?
Youre another confused populist that Keith is having lots of fun manipulating.
Face it people. Talking about the election now is pointless. Whatever President Douchebag (except for Ron Paul) we end up with does not matter. This country is not salvageable. Enjoy your beer and billion dollar football games while you can - until the Chinese pull the plug and leave you tending the gardens of wealthy immigrants, playing street soccer and eating tamales.
It's so sad that Americans are completely ignorant of the world around them. No wonder they still think America is the world's superpower. Try going to China and seeing the immense engine of production that this country has become. Americans have NO IDEA.
"I will take Hillary (or Obama) over McCain or any other Republican (except Ron Paul)."
Yes... because you're a liberal, pro-illegal immigrant scumbag!
Try going to China and seeing the immense engine of production that this country has become. Americans have NO IDEA.
I think China is going to suffer from a "manufacturing capacity" bubble once we stop buying heloc funded walmart cr*p.
Europe is going going to suffer. They typically lag the USA by 6months to a year.
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