No matter how bad things are in the US, at least this person will not be elected President of the United States. You can all breathe a sigh of relief now.
Now if Bill and Hillary will just slither away and go peacefully into the night so that two serious candidates (i.e. not wives of presidents) can fight it out...
It's nice to see that American voters aren't THAT dumb. That Hillary Clinton was considered a serious candidate for president should leave a pretty bad aftertaste once people come to their senses.
February 12, 2008
We're just days away from Hillary Clinton conceding. Hopefully that's the end of her stupid Housing Gambler Bailout blather too.
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Labels: hillary housing gambler bailout plan, wives of presidents should never be president
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Mish says Obama is the next president. Give Mish credit, he stuck his neck out with a prediction 9 months in front of the general election.
I don’t understand why most MEN have so much dis-respect toward women??? Do they feel this way about their mothers???
Ahhhhh... but then I remembered my Art History 102 lectures.
"This idea of a woman's identity has persisted from classical Greece until today. From Eve to Pandora this myth of the woman as the "beautiful evil" has shaped the perception of the female sex throughout history.
It has characterized women as being gifts for men, empty vessels used for reproduction, bearers of all evil, temptresses, as punishment for men, and as property of men."
My point is a woman in power would not be a bad thing. Most women are already responsible for managing a family, household and a career.
If our Global culture could just warp-speed themselves into the 21st century, perhaps the necessary changes could occur here in the U.S. and throughout the world.
She's not dead until they put a stake in her heart, its in the movies that way!
I normally distance myself from sharing my political views. However, for whatever reason I am ready to be heard. So let the debates begin...
I already see Hillary Clinton as President of the United States and Barack Obama as Vice-President.
I say this because Hillary does have 8 years experience defending herself against the Republican vultures that never let up attacking she and her husband the entire time Bill Clinton was in office. Bill Clinton still found time to run the country amidst ALL the accusations and legal trials. Remember Kenneth Starr, the Republican pitbull??
Plus, Hillary has 7 years experience as a U.S. Senator.
I like Barack. They will make a fantastic team. However, I feel that he can learn alot from Hilary regarding the SUPREME vultures.
You notice how there has been an IRON wall around the Bush administration. They have been untouchable and they have damaged our country and other countries.
Our Presidential election should not be a gender issue or a racial issue.
Nobody hates Hillary more than I do, but to actually believe that she would concede when she's this close to realizing her only lifetime dream is a little too much to hope for.
She's got the party machinery and the superdelagates behind her. She ain't goin' nowhere.
BTW, I was raised with Capitalist ideals that also included respect for humanity and nature. A win-win solution.
I like to consider myself a Capitalist with a HEART. However, there is no party/category for this type of person. So, I leaned toward the Democratic party in my early years.
She isn't gonna give up without more of a fight, guys. Dream on. Hillary has wanted this for a damn long time, and she's not gonna slink off at the first sign of trouble.
And as a chick, let me state two things.
To think that I would automatically support Hillary, simply because we are both XX chromosome types, is insulting. She has to earn my vote like any other candidate would. So far, she hasn't done it.
Women in power are no better or worse than men in power. To act like they are so much more peace loving and gentle is to ignore centuries of evidence to the contrary (the original Queen Liz of England, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, etc.)
I'm not voting for Hillary because she is a women. I have just heard so much malarchy in the media and around me that a woman could never be President for xx reason, yadda yadda!
I'm voting for Hillary for the reasons I mentioned in my other comment.
princess mononoke said...
I normally distance myself from sharing my political views.
You don't distance yourself from ANY views.
Get a life princess, theres more to life than hanging around housingpanic all day.
I have been puzzled and struggling to understand the mentality of the public majority about a woman becoming President.
Then I received my answer...
The bitch ain't dead yet. There's a good chance Obama will have a little accident with a pretzel. The Clinton's don't f*ck around.
Mononoke - it has nothing to do with a woman becoming president. Hillary is a vile and depraved power hungry person with a Communist streak. The fact that she has a smelly vagina is the least offensive thing about her.
You don't distance yourself from ANY views.
February 12, 2008 1:45 PM
If you look back at Keith's political post, I have never commented about my political affiliation or how I felt about the elections.
And to the other person who told me to get a life... You must be preening with envy that I do not have to work! I choose how to spend my time and right now since the mortgage industry has become a thing of the past, I choose to express myself about topics that are important to me.
You are one to point the finger, you are obviously reading and commenting as well.
Do you have any idea what debating means? We CAN agree to disagree. We are simply sharing opinions and expressing ourselves.
There is nothing I hate more than bullies. Most especially those that hide behind Anonymous. You have revealed your weakness of insecurity.
"It's nice to see that American voters aren't THAT dumb." I don't know, Keith, a lot of people might argue with you on that one...
Happy Homeowner, interesting point. Did you ever hear what Gerald Ford had to say about Hillary a few years back?
"She's stronger and tougher than he is," he said. "When she takes a point you're gonna have to be damn sure you're well informed because she won't compromise as quickly or as easily as he.
"She's very bright. She's strong, and I think he defers to her. When she gets her dander up, she ain't gonna roll over."
And he had no doubts about her ambitions. "Hillary is gonna be on the ticket in '04 or '08, one or the other, you can write that down," he said in 2002.
(Poster's note: Please do not take this as meaning I support Ms. Clinton as a presidential candidate.)
Intrade has Obama at 70% and Clinton at 30% today
Don't fight Intrade. The market is (nearly) always right
Good riddance!
Don't fight Intrade. The market is (nearly) always right
February 12, 2008 2:45 PM
Come on Keith. Haven't we learned that nobody's data can be trusted right now.
Great, so now we get to choose between the war mongering Cain, and the gay, crack smoking, war mongering, Osama?
Princess - Intrade is a free market - you risk real money on things like candidates just like stocks
The market says there's a 70% chance Obama wins the Dem nom, and 30% for Hillary
I trust the market to set values more than I trust the media
Okay. But Keith even the markets are unreliable right now...
Seriously, everything is soooo being manipulated by the 'PTB'.
Princess - please go to intrade and look around.
unlike wall street, there are no market makers, or plunge protection team, or analysts, or really anything
it's just individual small traders betting on events
I have an account there and do well - it's fun and informative (and profitable!)
Okay, I'll check it out ;)
You could'nt have picked a better picture - Love it!
Keith, - could you please post a poll for this?
Princess (somehow, that fits):
Hard to get worked up like you about Hillary. She's in the big leagues now, where criticism does not conform to the rules of Art History 102. Just ask George ("Chimpy McDumbass") Bush and Dick("Darth Vader") Cheney.
Truth be told, I think Hillary gets a moderate amount of extra slack, even on this Board of Vitriol, simply by not being said President or Vice President. Or "Butt Buddy" Ben Bernanke. Or "[t]hat idiot" Hank Paulson.
"She isn't gonna give up without more of a fight, guys. Dream on. Hillary has wanted this for a damn long time, and she's not gonna slink off at the first sign of trouble."
And that's a good thing, too. Us welfare cockroaches need a bailout too.
Obama has an even grander Wall Street bailout plan. He wants to created a $50B taxpayer funded bailout plan to directly pay the mortgages of the FB's. That money will go directly to the banks for the bad loans they made. On top of that, he wants to legalize the 30 million illegal immigrants and allow another 60 million of their family members to migrate. Old dumbo ears is the Manchurian candidate and will be worse than el Presidente Jorge Bush if possible.
>> She ain't goin' nowhere.
We can hope...
@ princess mononoke
I almost hate to mention this, because usually your comments are pretty well on target, but that feminist psycho-babble about men having trouble with a woman’s identity is a bunch of crap.
I, for one, don’t have a problem with powerful women. On the contrary, I prefer powerful women. I prefer women who are equals; who do not hide behind outdated notions of chivalry, and who are willing and able to face business and personal challenges with the same rules that apply to men.
My problem with Hillary is Hillary herself. I’m all for a woman as president, just not that woman.
It’s not just the double-standard she attempts to pass off on us. It’s not just the fact that she tries to convince all of us that any attack on her is an attack on womanhood.
It is her smug sanctimonious attitude. It’s her fascist philosophy which says that government has any business running our lives. (FYI: Fascism technically means the believe that government and society has precedence over individual rights)
It’s her attitude (shared by many of her generation), that any disagreement on political issues simply proves that we are somehow “unenlightened.”
No, I’m a big fan of strong women. If Margaret Thatcher could run for President, I would easily vote for her. But Hillary? Never. We’ve had enough of the hippie socialist movement for one generation.
@ everyone else:
While reading another blog, I saw a nickname that I feel embarrassed that I didn’t think of myself. Instead of referring to the pair as Billary, how about hill-billy?
I don’t understand why most MEN have so much dis-respect toward women???
It's because for our entire lives, women have been trying to tell us what to do and solely want us around to serve them.
Why is it that I am supposed to open a door for a woman and/or give up a seat on a bus or train? Why do women not do this for men?
Will Obama or McCain be a match for Vladimir Putin???
Whoever wins this election will be heading the next cold war. And this time Putin has all the money and natural resources in the world!
Learn from PUTIN! That is how a true leader governs!
Obama?? Hillary?? McCain?? give me a break!
My point is a woman in power would not be a bad thing. Most women are already responsible for managing a family, household and a career.
i agree but not hillary. we have had enough of this bush(bp)-bush(vp)-bush(prez)-clinton-clinton-bush-bush. There has been a bush or clintion in the white house for nearly 28 years! pls don't extend that to 32 or 36years!
Also, hillary (and obama) need to get a little more experience. i am sorry, but I don't count being the spouse of a president as experience just like I wouldn't like my dentist's wife fill my cavity.
So now they're pinning all their hopes on wins in Ohio and Texas. Didn't another New Yorker (Rudi) try that strategy with Florida? We all know how well that worked.
Praise Jesus! oh thank u jesus!
boom2bust, nope, never heard that comment from President Ford, but it sure rings true, don't it? ;)
Republican wishful thinking, Keith, as usual. Oh, one more thing, Obama is 3 X more liberal than Hillary and will bailout everyone and push amnesty to millions of illegals...and he's weak in national security, not tested in ANYTHING. Enjoy your new hero for president.
Why is it that I am supposed to open a door for a woman and/or give up a seat on a bus or train? Why do women not do this for men?
Errr....I have when I have seen a man with a bunch of bags/boxes or a hyper little kid, or for an older gentleman. And I'm not alone.
Maybe you need to get out of the big city, and go somewhere people have manners.
"I don’t understand why most MEN have so much dis-respect toward women??? "
my personal choice for the presidency is a woman.
you are against my persoanl choice for the presidency.
therefore you dis-respect women.
i love hilarylogic.
After Hillary at the recent debate went on and on about bailing out housing gamblers and her freeze on foreclosures and 5-year freeze on interest rates, Obama smartly said he wasn't in favor of that, and that if that kind of stupidity went through it meant that it would be even tougher to get a mortgage. Read my clip with Kudlow a few days ago for the details.
Obama gets it, Hillary doesn't.
And that's why he's gonna win it, and Hillary is going home.
Sanity prevailed.
Women who don't vote for Hillary are being dumb. The sexists (including most Republican men here on this blog) hate Hillary because she's a powerful woman. It's an upbringing issue.
Imagine how much Hillary would help women, including breaking the glass ceiling through legislation, so all of you dumb women can finally have equal pay. But it seems that you women like to be slaves to men, working your arse off for less pay. Once again you're giving the country away for men to run it, at your own expense.
Do you know when are you having another chance to have a woman as president of the US? Never. Hillary would open the door to many more women to run. Amazing how you women accept the fact that people in this country, including Republican male, prefer to have a black man as president than a woman. That tells you something right there about what they think about you, women voters.
But hey, you women have always been stupid and easily manipulated by men, like now, so enjoy your male black candidate who will help only male blacks on welfare. Just look how Obama has treated Hillary on debates, looking at her as an inferior cast, with demeaning lines like, "You're likable enough". When Obama address Hillary like that, he's addressing all of the women in the US.
Have you forgotten that not too long ago you couldn't even work or vote because your male masters wouldn't allow it? Now it's the same thing. Your male master won't allow you to have a women as president, to help you get more rights and have a better life. Once again you women are being manipulated by men and throwing your futures away. Enjoy, slave women.
my personal choice for the presidency is a woman.
you are against my persoanl choice for the presidency.
therefore you dis-respect women.
i love hilarylogic.
February 12, 2008 7:00 PM
Dude, you are obviously reading what you want to see or think you see.
Please re-read: I HAVE been puzzled and struggling to understand the MENTALITY of the PUBLIC majority about a woman becoming President.
Then I received my answer...
February 12, 2008 1:52 PM
and then
Ahhhhh... but then I remembered my Art History 102 lectures....
February 12, 2008 10:02 AM
I'm not voting for Hillary because she is a women. I have just heard so much malarchy in the media and around me that a woman could never be President for xx reason, yadda yadda!
I'm voting for Hillary for the reasons I mentioned in my other comment.
February 12, 2008 1:31 PM
I say this because Hillary does have 8 years experience defending herself against the Republican vultures that never let up attacking she and her husband the entire time Bill Clinton was in office. Bill Clinton still found time to run the country amidst ALL the accusations and legal trials. Remember Kenneth Starr, the Republican pitbull??
Plus, Hillary has 7 years experience as a U.S. Senator.
I like Barack. They will make a fantastic team. However, I feel that he can learn alot from Hilary regarding the SUPREME vultures.
You notice how there has been an IRON wall around the Bush administration. They have been untouchable and they have damaged our country and other countries.
Our Presidential election should NOT be a gender issue or a racial issue.
February 12, 2008 10:28 AM
The end.
Listen to you, "princess m", trying to turn this into a gender issue. What a great way to change the subject, just try to spin that people are turning against Hillary because of her gender. That's hill-arious.
It couldn't possibly be that people are turning against her because she's a full blown socialist, because she claims to be experienced due to a marriage to a president (hmm, does that mean if I marry a neurosurgeon I can claim to be experienced in surgery?), because she changes her opinion and views whichever way the political wins blow (e.g. she voted for the bankrupcy bill but hoped it didn't pass, she voted for the blank check authorization for war against Iraq, but says she's against the war, etc).
What a bunch of baloney. I have plenty of reasons to think that HC is the Antichrist, and her being a woman sure isn't one of them.
HCisTheAntichrist said...
>>the Antichrist, and her being a woman sure isn't one of them.
February 12, 2008 7:59 PM
The ANTI-Christ is already in OFFICE! He is a wolf disguised in Sheppard’s clothing and has been leading the sheeple to the slaughter?
and for the UMTEENTH time...
I'm NOT voting for Hillary because she is a women. I have just HEARD so much malarchy in the MEDIA and around me that a woman could never be President for xx reason, yadda yadda!
I'm voting for Hillary for the reasons I mentioned in my other comment.
February 12, 2008 1:31 PM
I have been puzzled and struggling to understand the MENTALITY of the PUBLIC majority about a woman becoming President.
Then I received my answer...
February 12, 2008 1:52 PM
It's a --gasp -- vast left wing conspiracy!!! Bawwwwhhhhhaaa!!!
To Anon 7:14 -- for crying out loud; normally I just smile and shake my head at these types of amusing posts. I'm a woman -- attorney; never married (not b/c I'm a lesbo - was just career minded); studied 'Women's Studies' back in the early '80s when no one even knew what that was (other than a waste of my brain & time); organized 'pro-women' anti-violance marches back in the day, blah, blah, blah. And you know what??? I'D NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS VOTE FOR THAT WOMAN!!! She's unethical, she's way, way conflicted about staying with a sex addicted narcassistic husband; she plays the victim card; and, other than marrying a guy who happened to have been fortunate enough to have fooled alot of people all at once -- hasn't accomplished diddley IMO.
She never even practiced law -- she was nothing more than a LOBBYIST during the years Bill was gov. She's entitled; expects everything for free, and when they can't win 'fair & square', they intimidate. She is disgusting (besides being one of the most UGLY women I've ever seen!). So don't give me this crap about anti-feminism & how St. Hillbilly is woman's only chance at some perceived notion of 'equality'. Eventually I grew up and got over the brainwashing & began voting conservative.
I have never heard Mr. Obama say he would legalize illegal immigrants but Mr. McCain has. I have never heard Mr. Obama say he will give 50 billion to banks to bail out housing. You must be repeating what you heard in one of your dreams when your over active mind said Why I would never vote for a nggr in your rim sleep. I guess you say horrible things about your current president, who you all voted for twice and your intent to show your displeasure about Mr. Obama and vote for McCain. Bite off your nose to spite your face. I think a good portion of you people get online so that you can vent your frustrations about not getting your way with the candidate of your personal choice but let's face it if Mr. Obama can win in Idaho where I think the KKK has headquarters (unless of course you are a disgruntled Idaho voter whose candidate lost) then your personal opinion probably don't count for a hell of a whole lot. Piss off and get a life.
She's too mean to be president.
Obama for POTUS.
I'm a woman and a feminist. I am independent and run my own business. I do not like Hillary and think she is a poor role model for women. How did she gain such national prominence in the first place? By being married to a former president. Now, she's famous, but she initially rode in on the back of a male.
And not only that, remember the Gennifer Flowers episode and the Lewinsky affair. What did she say when those stories broke? She said those women are liars and Bill was telling the truth. Didn't she perpetuate the stereotype that women falsely cry 'rape' or sexual harassment? Does that seem like the behavior of a principled person? Shouldn't she have judged those cases on their own merits instead of showing her bias? And it was obvious in both cases (and the Juanita case) who the liar was - and it wasn't the women.
That's why I don't trust that woman. When it comes down to it, she won't stand by what she says she stands for; she'll sweep aside individuals and principles in her grab for power. Her talk about helping immigrants and students with their college loans appears less than sincere. She just wants their vote and is willing to buy it using the pork of the already strained taxpayers.
She'll indulge the girl who stood up in the MTV presidential show and asked Ron Paul whether he would subsidize the cost of the Pill which had zoomed up from $10 a month to $50 a month; Hillary would have answered "Yes! Yes!". Ron Paul said no but if it were me, I would have told the girl to buy condoms instead.
So I don't agree with Princess Mononoke's opinion that we women should vote for Hillary just because she's of the female sex. I don't decide my vote on the gender of the candidate but on what they offer me and offer the nation. I wouldn't care if they're transgender, gay or atheist (actually I prefer an atheist president), if they have the right policies or have better policies than the opposition, I will vote for them over the others.
I particularly didn't like the way she had that interview where she was feeling sorry for herself and had tears in her eyes. She seems to me as hard as nails. And look at how corrupt she is; she can send a man to jail, the comic enterpreneur, Paul, to jail for campaign irregularities and yet escapes justice altogether. The judge who let her off the hook in that scandal was obviously crooked as hell, and the fact that the mainstream media doesn't cover this huge scandal tells me that the MSM want Hillary in power.
If she wins the nomination, McCain should swiftboat her with this campaign funds scandal. Beats me why people want someone with this kind of 'experience'. She's experienced all right; she's a two-bit hooker who'll do anything for power ... I mean why else did she put up with the humiliation her husband inflicted on her for years and years? She wants something BAD for having to put up with this - in her mind, she thinks she deserves it. To me, such a woman who puts up with such infidelity and pretends that it didn't happen is someone with low self-esteem and little self-respect. Not someone I would want to be in the White House.
And she has fat ankles. LOL.
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