Who do you support and why?
Who do you NOT want to see win and why?
Here's the HP anti-endorsement: NO to CLINTON and NO to MCCAIN
February 05, 2008
Super Tuesday Open Thread
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USA OUT OF IRAQ NOW. Don't vote for more war crimes and murder. These crimes are being commited in the name of our country. Put an end to the lies, and put an end to them today.
Hey HPer's,
Instead of just picking one, how 'bout a ranking 1 though 6 of the Democratic and Republican candidates. I think that will be more interesting than 100 Ron Paul folks.
I'll give it a shot:
1. Ron Paul
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Mitt Romney
4. Barack Obama
5. John McCain
6. Hillary Clinton
Sadly, I think mine is pretty much in reverse order of becoming president.
Hillary Clinton supports bad housing policy, with zero down for FHA loans and bail-outs left and right. Does McCain support any housing policy? I haven't heard anything. Still, I think McCain would be an acceptable president, especially after 8 years of GWB and with democratic majorities in both chambers of congress.
Still, I think McCain would be an acceptable president, especially after 8 years of GWB and with democratic majorities in both chambers of congress.
WTF??!! McShitStain IS George Dubya Bush. He's a moron and he wants to use the US military change the world. In his own words he wants to "bomb, bomb, bomb - bomb, bomb Iran".
The guy is is a f*cking dangerous tool just like the Dipshit in Chief. Buck Fush and Muck FcCain. Let's face it, we're screwed with any of these twits (except Ron Paul).
Clinton versus McCain would kill all hope
I would think at this point it will be Clinton vs. McCain. I vote against the person I don't want in office and that would be Clinton. Ron Paul would be my choice by a clear margin but that isn't going to happen. A republican president and a democratic house and senate would be a better balance.
What about in this order.
1. Ron Paul
2. Any Democrat
3. Any other Democrat
4. Any other Democrat
5. Any other Democrat
6. Any other Democrat
I cant believe people are not still SICK of these "For the rich" Republicans.
Come on guys, do you want more of this same sh*t. For god's sake.
I would love to vote for Ron Paul but feel I have to vote for Romney just so the other three dip shits don't destroy what is left of America
I cant believe what Im reading on this board.
No wonder our government sucks. We get the worst government ever, and people still want them in power.
You know what, I sure hope one of these republican wins and takes us into a couple of other wars and our economy tanks BIG. Like a depression BIG.
What a bunch of loosers.
ABM - anyone but McCain
I will never forgive him for amnesty.
Obama is an empty suit who is running on nothing but charisma. That's great if you are running for homecoming king. Not for president.
I can live with Hillary. She will not be the disaster conservatives fear.
Ron Paul - sure, right after I win the lottery.
You guys have to realize that the democrats are no different than the republicans. Democrats believe in socialism while republicans believe in fascism. Put it together and you get another -ism, communism.
Please folks, do not base your decision on the party ideals of today because they no longer exist anymore. Vote for Ron Paul. And that should not be the end of it. People must vote for members of Congress who have Constitutionalist agenda. It will be Congress that will stay longer than the President. A Congress that actually knows the Constitution can work for pass Ron Paul's agenda than a Democratic one.
What about in this order.
1. Ron Paul
2. Any Democrat
3. Any other Democrat
4. Any other Democrat
5. Any other Democrat
6. Any other Democrat
I cant believe people are not still SICK of these "For the rich" Republicans.
Ahh the typical Democrat class warrior who think anyone making $50K or more is rich.
Oh and Eisntein, if Ron Paul would have his way the IRS would be gone. Who do you think that would help the most? Hint: it's not the poor who pay no taxes to begin with.
I agree with ed. There is something not quite right with Obama. He just doesn't pass the sniff test. I am not wild about Hillary, but you at least has some sense of what you will get with her. Obama is GWB in a black skin. If he wins, we will all feel that we were hoodwinked again. Obama is an empty suit. If Obama wins, I will vote Republican, any Republican.
I have to go with Barak Obama today. It really comes down to who I dislike the least and is still sane. Ron Paul? I know a bunch of posters love this guy and I sincerly appreciate his honesty, candor and straight forward campaign plank. At the same time have you really thought about what his libertarian ideas really mean? Do you people really understand that if you get rid of the IRS you will not be able to fund highways and transportation? Do you not realize that goverment funded infrastructure catalyzed the American economy for decades? Other goverment funded programs have have had similar impacts. Modern economies need some state sponsored infrastructure, entry level economics people. Libertarianism is just another ism like communism, socialism, fascism etc. A working idea on paper but wholly unworkable in reality.
I make WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more than 50k for your info. Just look at the National debt after your man, Bush took over. You might not think so right now, but me and you are screwed as you will soon find out when you seen millions out of jobs. Than, its time to go complain to Washington.
By the way, how good is making, oh say, 100k if one of these days you loose your job. Think people, think.
I am a Ron Paul supporter, but I know damn well he is not going to win. I rather have a JACKASS in the white house than a republican. I REPEAT A JACKASS.
Anybody want to join me in a simul-puke?
Obama! He is not for the 5 year mortgage freeze which Clinton promotes.
Plus Obama has a solid plan for regulating the Credit Card Industry.
Yes to Ron Paul because we need to take care of our own, the sh!t is hitting the fan.
No to McCain because we need to say no to amnesty, more wore and another economic idiot
No to Hillary because she supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq invasion -- in short, another Bush
in California, NO to all the casino expansion garbage! can't this state do anything productive other than gambling on homes, at casinos, etc? seriously, this is turning into Biff's scary alternate future in Back to the Future.
oh, and of course, Arnold supports more gambling here and Amnesty McWar ... so not supporting his attempt to become President
On the republican side (with an acknowledgment that Paul won’t get it), I am supporting John McCain.
As a person who has been closely following the republican party for 28 years, I recognize that there are more important issues than simply the economy and personalities.
The next president will decide whether to roll back the recent destruction of the constitution, or to lock it in forever.
Mitt has clearly stated his position on this issue: that the president can do whatever he wants.
The hatred of McCain by the neo-cons who want to steal our freedom is a badge of honor for McCain.
Yes, the economy matters. I want to make money as much as the next guy; but how hard is it going to be to make money when we are slaves?
Hey Clerks,
make note of this and remember my words:
The next President of the US is Hillary Clinton and as well as both houses of Congress will be Democratic majorities.
If you don't accept it, the next 8 years and 9 months of your wasted pathetic lives will be even more miserable , so get used to it.
"You know what, I sure hope one of these republican wins and takes us into a couple of other wars and our economy tanks BIG. Like a depression BIG."
as insane as that sounds, it's how i feel too. just hire the completely wrong guy, invade Iran, maybe Syria too. give China a wicked head fake and start WWIII. then my dream of lawyers being our post-apocalyptic food supply comes true :-)
Hey, which one of the candidates has stated they will undo all of W's dictatorial signing statements and executive orders?
...crickets chirping...
I know all about politics and the US political system, but I still cannot believe that the this band of clowns is the best America can come up with to run the country.
McCain is just another Republicant.
Hillary is just another center-right Me-ocrat.
Obama has done nothing for anyone ever.
So, who will I vote for (assuming I even bother or just finally tear up my passport)? Probably Obama if he gets the nod. Why? Because he is black, young and has done little so far to screw over America.
Not that he hasn't tried, but he has not been around long enough. Check out his voting record (when he bothered) and tell me if this guy believes in "change". Maybe loose change he hopes George dropped down the back of the Oval Office sofa.
It might be Hillary, another woman of principle. Probably just a woman of principal. Her record sucks. Spent her time in the Senate voting along with Bush and Co to avoid seeming like "that leftist bitch from Jew York". It really takes a Village Idiot to want her to run America.
McCain? Oh Lord. Ignoring whatever faults he has, will the American people really elect another Republican after what Bush, Cheney and Rove just did to us? Well, the morons elected Bush to a second term so I am guessing McCain has a pretty good shot.
Frankly, given my overall impression of the US, I assume that most people prefer an old, rich white guy who wants to wage war in Iraq for 100 years to a, please pardon the expressions, a nigger and bitch.
But hey, whoever promises us more Twinkies and free beer will win, right?
God, so many Michael Savage listeners here.
ALL the candidates suck!
Obama has charisma.. but has done NOTHING!
Hillary.. Female truoble
McCain...go to Mexico and retire
Romney...flip flops more than Kerry
Huckabee... what a dinosaur.
Ron Paul...great ideas but wrong salesman.
I already voted (mail) for Paul. My issues are foreign policy, social issues and economy.
1. End Imperialism
2. End Prohibition/Improve Freedom
3. Free the market
If I can't have Ron Paul I'll take Obama.
I voted today in Massachusetts!
I can't bring myself to vote for any Republican at this point, for the past 8 years we now have the largest government the US has ever had! If both parties are 'big government', i'd rather have 'big government' spend money in the US as opposed to outside it.
No Hillary, especially considering her stance on freezing mortgage rates and a 90 day moratorium on forecloseures.
I voted for Obama!
Ron Paul. If not, my cat gets my vote.
For anyone to think that any of the Democrats (save Mike Gravel) is somehow different , is more caring, will be a better steward of the economy.... is a fantasy flight of delusional proportions. The warfare state and the welfare state are relegating us to serfdom.
We went with Romney, He'll easily win this district in CA so that's one against McCain.
"Ahh the typical Democrat class warrior who think anyone making $50K or more is rich.
Oh and Eisntein, if Ron Paul would have his way the IRS would be gone. Who do you think that would help the most? Hint: it's not the poor who pay no taxes to begin with."
Yes, what is with the class warfare and love of socialism on this site?
It's true - nearly 40% of Americans don't have to pay income tax at all. And, the wealthiest 1% of Americans pay about 40% of the total tax revenues.
How is this "fair"? I say we stop raping and penalizing the rich and start making everyone pay their "fair" share, Mr. Socialist.
I cant believe what I am reading...More Clintons? Come on people ....grow a pair and think for yourselves. Bushes , Clintons and all their kin need to go....PERIOD. Vote change....any change.
It will be Hitlery v. McCain, and I will stay home in November. They can't make me vote in that ruse. We have no choice, our country is pwned.
You do realize the 99% certainty that the winner of the Democratic nomination is our next president right?
I'm really staring to think government elected by the *entire* populous isn't a good idea. How about some sort of IQ test to determine voting rights?
I am simply astounded after 8 years of GWB that people would vote in another Republican. That person would be forced to veto progress on a daily basis if there wasn't a veto proof D majority in both houses by the crazy base (Evangelicals, and Club for Growth'ers).
The D's are by no means perfect but any one of them would be better than any of the viable R's.
The only good thing GWB is doing is single handedly destroying the GOP. That is probably a good thing as they are clearly not suited, good at, or even capable of running government.
BTW I hate to generalize. There are capable conservatives out there but they aren't in charge of their own party anymore.
Your #2 is Huckabee?
Funny because he's a big smelly duce in my book too!
just looking at these two traitors makes me want to throw up....
so our choice is between bad and worse....
some choice.
After 8 years of Bush bashing this is all the Dems can come up with? Mind Boggling!
Primary in WA state is on Feb. 19th. My vote will go to Ron Paul. There are NO OTHER CANDIDATES I want to vote for.
And "ed", poor pay taxes, sometimes more, proportionally to their income, than rich.
Ron Paul
1. Clinton
2. Obama
3. Paul
4. Romney
5. Huckabee
6. McCain
If you admire the ideals upon which America was founded, and you want this nation to return to those ideals, Ron Paul is the only choice.
Please people, don't let the fear of "throwing away" your vote influence your decision. The only way you throw away your vote is by not voting for the best candidate. The more votes Ron Paul gets, the more encouraged the next generation of Ron Pauls will be.
1. Ron Paul
2. Any Democrat
3. Any other Democrat
4. Any other Democrat
Any Democrat will not do. Hillary Clinton is like an angry PTA member who thinks kids should be blinded by evil at the expense of the general public. Plus she is not fiscally responsible like Bill.
She is also breaking down Britney Spears style. All her stress and over reaction is not good for any high-ranked office.
If Ron Paul can't take the ticket, then I hope Obama can.
"Hillary + Obama as VP ticket = takes women votes, Black votes, Hispanic votes,"
Yoy stupid moron! Don't you know that hispanics hate blacks and will never vote for one?
Typical liberal who doesn't understand the racism in his own party.
Makes no difference to me.
They are all the same.
Danny said
"I cant believe people are not still SICK of these "For the rich" Republicans."
You really ought to wake up to reality. Hillary gets more donations from corporate lobbyists than any other candidate.
Look at a list of the Top Richest Senators,
Most are Dems....the party of the poor working class,
For those of you who work in IT, why in the hell would you ever support Hillary (she is pro-outsourcing and pro H1B)?
I would love to see Ron Paul in the Whitehouse. But unfortunately, I doubt that is in the cards.
Given the choice between Hillary and Obama, I have to side with Obama. Two primary reasons: he was against the war and more importantly, he does not believe in Hillary's horrible plan to freeze interest rates. That would be a disaster for our economy and would kill what was left of the derivatives market.
And I know many people think of Obama as nothing more than a charismatic guy in a suit. But listening to him, I think he has what it takes to be president even though he lacks experience.
You also have to look at it from the point of being electable. The Repubs are on the ropes in this election because they know they really don't have a good pool of candidates. But Repubs will vote in force if its a vote against Hillary. They hate her guts and would fight tooth and nail to avoid another Clinton in the Whitehouse.
Obama on the other hand can do one thing that Clinton can't: get votes from the other side. Many current repubs and independents may decide to go with the "fresh face" because they feel less threatened by Obama's agenda than they do Hillary's.
My 2 cents
ron paul
I cant believe people are not still SICK of these "For the rich" Republicans.
don't leave out the "for the rich" dems, ie hillary.
ABM - anyone but McCain
I will never forgive him for amnesty.
WTF???? so you will vote for "amnesty hillary"???
We are so screwed.
Like most Americans I plan to vote for whichever candidate is most inclined to support the rich and the corporations instead of the people of the nation. I will give extra consideration if they will toss in some serious pandering to religious lunacy and a rant about a few "red herring" issues like gay marriage and evolution being taught in biology class.
Oh and Eisntein, if Ron Paul would have his way the IRS would be gone. Who do you think that would help the most? Hint: it's not the poor who pay no taxes to begin with.
Amazing. What does it matter if there is a national sales tax? I don't care what the percentage is, 20,30, or even 70% as long as everyone pays the same amount under the new plan as they did the old. The percentage is irrelevant. if I paid 10k under the current plan and I pay 10k under the new plan AND the IRS basically goes away due to the simplification then it is a winning deal.
I hope hillary goes down in flames today. I could tolerate either mccain or obama though i would have to go with mccain before obama. My number one pick after paul is romney.
1) paul
2) romney
3) mccain
4) obama
5) any other democrat besides
6) hillary/huck
if hillary wins the dem nomination I will get out and hit the streets for whoever the repub nom is, even huck. Something I haven't done since the last RP.
dow down 260.
Bernanke save us! we need another rate cut!
It's just too hard to pick the least evil one out of these choices.
I think this election should be settled by sitting all the candidates at a round table and forcing them to play Russian Roulette. Though, instead of putting only one bullet in the cylinder, just one should be left out.
I lost all faith in the electoral process in 2000. Turns out I was right about what would happen to this country if GWB was elected...though personally, I think who wins matters not a whit at this point. The people of this country (with rare exceptions such as the HP faithful) are too greedy, lazy and stupid for me to hope against hope that things would change under a different administration.
I envision mass suicides by the bashing of heads on soon-to-be-foreclosed-upon granite countertops...credit cards maxed out, Lexus being towed away by the repo man, riches made by being a weekend Realtor depleted, Ramen prices on the rise...
It may just be my wild imagination, but it's what all these morons need in order for things to reset.
People who buy into the "Democrats-good, Republicans-bad argument" (or visa versa) are the same people who watch pro wrestling and think that there really are good guys and bad guys.
Once you buy into the two-party paradigm, they've got you right where they want you.
1. Ron Paul
They all suck but here is my order:
2. Mitt Romney
3. Barack Obama
4. Hillary Clinton
5. Mike Huckabee
6. John McCain
What about in this order.
1. Ron Paul
1. Citizens Revolt
2. Ron Paul (installed by people.)
None of these candidates are worthy of the presidency.
They are too wealthy, and too disconnected from the real problems facing the majority of
US citizens.
Danny said
What a bunch of loosers.
Then, he said:
I make WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more than 50k for your info.
By the way, how good is making, oh say, 100k if one of these days you loose your job. Think people, think.
Apparently spelling big words like "loser" is not particularly import in your career. Spell people, spell.
This is all in good fun. I coach sports where winning and "loosing" are common words. I constantly see this very basic word misspelled all the time.
Everyone says that Republicans being for the rich. However, in 2004, the 7 richest states (based on household income) all went for Kerry and the 16 poorest all went for Bush.
Both parties are for the very, very rich.
Read "The Big Ripoff" by Tim Carney and you will realize that both parties are equally horrible and the only hope is third and fourth parties like most other countries have.
http://tinyurl.com/32br9n [amazon.com]
It's Ron Paul for me. I am so tired of choosing against something. For once in my life I will vote in affirmation of something - even if it's a wasted vote.
Ron Paul= freedom, constitution, sound money.
jesuscrispy, rest assured that not a single one of your concerns is something ron paul is even remotely campaigning on. aside from that unlikely if not impossible notions for the current congress to pass. you have irrational objectives to paul.
Hey, which one of the candidates has stated they will undo all of W's dictatorial signing statements and executive orders?
...crickets chirping...
February 05, 2008 3:25 PM
My ranking:
1. Dennis Kucinich
2. John Edwards
3. Bill Richardson
4. Barack Obama
5. Hillary Clinton
6. John McCain
It's true - nearly 40% of Americans don't have to pay income tax at all. And, the wealthiest 1% of Americans pay about 40% of the total tax revenues.
How is this "fair"?
Real simple. The INCOME of the wealthiest 1% is a little more than...1%.
jesuscrispy said: Do you people really understand that if you get rid of the IRS you will not be able to fund highways and transportation?
jesuscrispy: Lame freedom = scary tactic. We don't have to have an income tax to take care of infrastructure. We don't even take care of domestic bridges now. Do you think we should have even higher income taxes? Do you understand that there are more ways to tax than income tax? For instance, some states don't have income taxes. Oh my God, how do they survive? According to you, it's anarchy without income taxes.
We currently have an inflation tax, income tax, sales taxes. The average American works months just to pay the government, and we are still in the hole! We need a President who stops this insane spending on foreign aggression that has nothing to do with 9|11.
Please study taxes a little more before using silly fear tactics like this.
Hillary also wants to make health insurance mandatory and for those who do not participate, she want's to GARNISH YOUR WAGES. She will be a disaster if she is elected. Although she cannot possibly be any worse then George Bush or Dog forbid, Mike Huckabee.
Yes to Hillary!
cause she stood by her man!
1. Obama
3. Move to a foreign country
Dear Anomynous,
"For instance, some states don't have income taxes. Oh my God, how do they survive? According to you, it's anarchy without income taxes"
I have been studying economics and tax issues for well over a decade. We'll say that economics is a hobby of mine. I have lived in a state without income taxes and let me tell you things are not hunky dory. What an income tax does versus say a property tax is tax people with income. If you base everything on say a property tax then you will be taxing some people without an income like the retired and people on fixed income. This causes a "pain" distortion because granny can't pay her property taxes cause a bunch of yuppy SoCal types moved into her neighborhood and artificilly jacked up her property tax. If you tax the dirty SoCal scum based upon earning then granny doesn't have to suffer. Unless of course you think that granny is lazy and needs go get a job to pay her property taxes. Think a little bit more about taxes instead of just regurgitating talking points.
It has to be Romney. On the war, economy, taxes and illegal immigration, he is head and shoulder above the rest.
The Democratic candidates provide us with an unacceptable socialistic choice.
McCain is more Democrat than Republican on the economy, taxation and especially illegal immigration.
Huckabee is phony. He went from advocating for illegal aliens with in state tuition in his state to having Gilchrist advising him to be an immigration hawk. No way, not buying it.
Paul speaks the most truth about a myriad of issues. I feel he is ahead of his time but unfortunately doesn't have a shot.
Illegal immigration is my number one domestic and overall issue. On the war, there is only so much any of them can and will do.
Illegal immigration directly affects every, and I mean every domestic issue. You can't talk jobs without addressing the 30 million illegal aliens stealing them from Americans.
You can't talk education because the cost of educating illegal alien children dwarfs any initiative to be put on the table.
The same holds true for health care. No one can seriously reform health care without stopping 30 million people from stealing it.
Take any domestic issue and it's the same scenario.
Romney is the man. Far from perfect but better than any of them who have a realistic shot.
Was that the closing bell I just heard or dopes blowing his head off?
You're a lost cause.
Go vote for Obama for "change".
Go vote for Hillary because "she's not so bad and we know what we'll get".
Go vote for McCain for whatever other reason your stupid brain repeats from the media.
You are not capable of ruling yourselves. I had hoped that people were smart enough to wake up. You're not. I am beginning to understand why the elite believe as they do. You're idiots. Sheep to be fleeced. I find it morally difficult to rule over you, but maybe I need to get over that and rule you anyhow. You're too stupid to do it yourself, so I'd actually be doing you a favor.
If you base everything on say a property tax then you will be taxing some people without an income like the retired and people on fixed income.
but property taxes sure seem like a good stable way to pay for basic level of services, like fire, police, etc
It has to be a Republican winner in the next election. That is the only thing that makes sense.
They had all the power for 6 years and messed the country up....let them take the blame for the results.
You are not capable of ruling yourselves. I had hoped that people were smart enough to wake up. You're not. I am beginning to understand why the elite believe as they do. You're idiots. Sheep to be fleeced. I find it morally difficult to rule over you, but maybe I need to get over that and rule you anyhow. You're too stupid to do it yourself, so I'd actually be doing you a favor.
I woke up a long time ago to the fact that most others will not wake up and charted my course accordingly. I think you should too. you will be happier in the end.
Anonimous said:
You really ought to wake up to reality. Hillary gets more donations from corporate lobbyists than any other candidate.
Of course she's getting more. She is the FRONT runner people. Bush got more than Gore in 2000, remember. You think these companies want to loose their money. NO, THEY INVEST IT IN THE CANDIDATE.
She'll win.
Thanks for the lecture. I needed after reading all the crap on this board. Its funny to see people complain about housing, the economy, free trade, the currency, etc, etc, etc, and than vote for the same jackasses that screwed everything up.
At least try to change the government people. How can you say there is no difference, when Clinton had basically, no debt, no war, and a surplus. What a job did the Reps do in 8 years. Lets at least get the Dems in Government and than if things are still screwed up, at least we can say we tried. Other than that, the world will see us as a bunch of retards.
a poor granny versus socal yuppy types.
nice way to support your argument.
You guys are idiots if you don't realize Obama + Clinton + McCain = 5.H.1.T. RON PAUL is the only real candidate.
So you geniuses have been buying stocks for the last two weeks, huh? Where's that financial wizard who was bragging here that he bought right before the cut and blah blah blah. Lost your shirt yet? Keep following Cramer, Kudlow, and GOP to your graves, fools.
I told you all to take the opportunity of phony rallies, created by Wall Street crooks and PPT, to sell. The new sucker's game from the crooks on Wall street is that global economy is strong and emerging markets are hot. Don't be a sucker and sell all because those crooks are just pumping and dumping, just waiting for fools like you.
The stock market will nosedive even more. Wait for mass unemployment to arrive and sink the Dow another 400 points.
Go Hillary!
If you voted for Bush/Cheney twice, you should be shot. You're a fool who has no credibility.
Property tax is a bad example of an alternative to income tax. Many libertarians are against property taxes because it means one doesn't really ever own something. Try again.
A sales tax on non-necessities hits those who consume most: the rich or stupid.
Hate them both but the photo says it all it says the lesser of two evils we will be stuck with. What a joke this country has become.
I'll vote for Obama if he's running. Otherwise I vote for Ron Paul, even if he's not running.
Clinton is only driven by the greed for power. Will do and say anything to get elected. Pathetic.
Huckabee, nice guy but let's be real...
McCain. Seems to me he's turned a bit senile over the last 5 years or so. Early signs of Oldtimer's disease? Maybe. He's pro war and pro illegals...nuff said.
Romney is the prototype of a sleezy politician (like Edwards).
At least Paul, Obama & Huckabee seem honest, that goes long ways in my book. Huckabee is just a bit of his rocker, too bad.
Oh come on, guys. All the conservative blow-hards hate McCain. He can't be all that bad. My #0 is Huckabee. Keep evengelicals out of the White House.
I'd love to se Bush replaced by a president called B. Hussein Osama!
Seriously, it's time for a new generation and Obama knows the world out there in a way the others don't.
He grew up in a muslim country and I think that gives him a understanding of islam and the third world in general.
Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- MBIA Inc.'s AAA bond insurance ranking was placed back under review for a downgrade by Fitch Ratings less than a month after being affirmed with a stable outlook.
Fitch, which also put CIFG Financial Guaranty back under review, is updating its assumptions for higher losses on U.S. subprime-mortgage securities, the New York-based ratings company said today in a statement. If loss projections rise materially, the AAA ratings on bond insurers may no longer be appropriate regardless of how much capital they hold, the company said.
They are scared of option-ARM, Alt A, Prime exposure. I am guessing they also think that most municipal bonds issued in the last 3 years might turn out be less than AAA because of decreased revenues consequent to housing problems. Many municipalities and states went on a spending spree after windfall tax gains due to house appreciations (including gains that were supposed to happen in the future). Many have already spent the money that supposed to come from future growth and appreciation in housing.
Subprime losses are a symptom of the disease, like a fever is a symptom of pneumonia. They are calling it sub-prime to convince most people not to panic.
It's gotta be Romney or Ron Paul. I wish Ron Paul had a shot, but there just aren't enough people who have figured out what deep trouble we are in. So, it's gotta be Romney.
McCain isn't even a Republican. For God sake he voted created legislation with Feingold to give amnesty to the illegal aliens, voted against the Bush tax cuts, and if you think Bush likes to fight wars, wait for McCain!
We're so screwed if we don't get Romney. We're probably screwed with him anyways.
Obama! I like the guy, but please, you need way more than three years experience being a Senator to run for president. His views aren't even really known. He hardly has a voting record.
It's amazing how dumb americans are though. It most likely won't be Romney, that's the way it goes.
The Establishment elites want "Hillaryous" vs. "McCain't". They will again "select" a Republi-fascist, i.e., "McCain't". It's all rigged, folks. The drama presented by the media is production, not real.
"Yomama" is a token plant to galvanize Blacks and alienate working-class, White, southern, Christian males from surrendering to the populist impulse and voting Demon-crap "for" their economic interests.
The Republi-fascists will not let a woman or Black, Harvard-educated man to become the commander-in-chief and preside over the imperialist, militarist US corporate-state. NOT A CHANCE!!!
"McCain't will be the next neo-emperor of the Imperium Americanum. Bet on it.
I vote for the ticket of Smith & Wesson.
Burn Baby Burn
You only have to seem charismatic and pick the right people to do what you can't understand/comprehend. W/Bill is proof of that. Candidates with good ideas are meant to form the party platform. Saying you have good ideas doesn't mean you are a leader, or comunicator (probably more of a whiner).
McCain - to keep us out of any more wars and to mitigate idealogs, and Rush.
Romney - to manage a sinking ship.
Hillary - To stomp on whiners, and get something done.
Barack - To Lead. (my vote)
Libertarians, you're just out of luck. The game's not played your way.
Come on guys! We all knew how it was going to turn out! McCain-Clinton. So where do we go from here?
jesuscrispy said: "Do you people really understand that if you get rid of the IRS you will not be able to fund highways and transportation?"
Do you understand that you don't know what your are talking about, because highways are paid through gasoline taxes and tolls?
Ron Paul has the only realistic solutions at a time when the status quo is completely insane.
Went to my first caucus tonight and really enjoyed it. I'm all over the place on politics and don't get along with people 'in' either party which suits me fine. The people running the caucus were open, honest and wanted everyone to be involved.
The straw poll had Romney at 24, Huck at 11, Paul at 9 and McCain at 5.
Looks like the candidates at the state level aren't following my precint.
Good luck Ron Paul.
Go Ron Paul.
1) Stewie Griffin
2) Peter Griffin
3) Lois Griffin
4) Quagmire
I want Hillary to win.
The U.S. right now is like a PC infected with dozens of viruses, trojan horses, spyware, and worms. Also, the remains of several old programs that weren't uninstalled completely are rattling around the hard drive gunking up the works. Electing Ron Paul would be like installing an anti-spyware package after the fact - it's too late.
What we need now is for Hillary to win and smoke to start pouring out of the . Her communist ideas like universal government sponsored health care will bring the system to a screeching halt (go to the Post Office for an example of government in action) and we will be forced to wipe the drive and reinstall Windows (i.e. the government).
What the U.S. needs now is a total system reset and re-installation of the operating system. That's why I'm voting for Hillary - she's the reset button.
The Vich said
"Do you understand that you don't know what your are talking about, because highways are paid through gasoline taxes and tolls."
Untrue, many, many capital construction projects are funded outside the gas tax and tolls. Ever hear of pork barrel spending? Pork gets a bad name thanks to Alaskans but in many cases it is need for public safety and to speed the flow of commerce.
If you were not moved by Obama's speeches, I feel sorry for you. Here is a fresh, young, intelligent person who has at least a chance of bringing us together and fixing the litany of problems left in Bush's wake. He has made his stance clear on the issues, and in terms of spirit, there is no contest.
He's on right now - opened his speech mentioning his kids and then straight to the victims of tonight's nasty twisters. Every other candidate: me, me, me.
when Clinton had basically, no debt, no war, and a surplus
oh man, we are F'd.
Clinton never had a surplus! Dems are so bad at math.
His "surplus" included borrowing from Social Security. if he hadn't borrowed from SS then he would have had a deficit.
No war? Only because we had our heads up our arses. the enemy freakin tried to take down the WTC on clinton's watch. we were at war, we just didn't realize it.
No debt? you are kidding, right? debt was in the trillions when clinton was in office and at no time did our debt ever DECREASE!
f'n retards.
Oh, I forgot to add:
I will suspend reality and agree that bill's admin had no debt, no war, and a surplus.
Why in do people think hillary will be the same?? who are you voting for? bill or hillary?
I also forgot to add that bill was in office during the dot com bubble which enabled him to almost balance the budget and nearly almost reduce our national debt a tad.
Oh, I forgot to add:
I will suspend reality and agree that bill's admin had no debt, no war, and a surplus.
Why do people think hillary will be the same?? who are you voting for? bill or hillary?
I also forgot to add that bill was in office during the dot com bubble which enabled him to almost balance the budget and nearly almost reduce our national debt a tad.
What we need now is for Hillary to win and smoke to start pouring out of the . Her communist ideas like universal government sponsored health care will bring the system to a screeching halt (go to the Post Office for an example of government in action) and we will be forced to wipe the drive and reinstall Windows (i.e. the government).
I have been saying the same thing for many years. These difficult problems are never going to get solved until the whole system breaks, forcing to start over.
jesuscrispy said: "Do you people really understand that if you get rid of the IRS you will not be able to fund highways and transportation?"
why do people equate getting rid of the irs with eliminate all federal taxes?
Same thing goes with RP wanting to close down the federal dept of education. they think that means he wants to end public education!
You know, with all the dumbasses around that believe the above two statements perhaps we should.
Hillary also wants to make health insurance mandatory and for those who do not participate, she want's to GARNISH YOUR WAGES.
I heard that hillary wants to end hunger in the USA by requiring everone to purchase food.
Yes to Hillary!
cause she stood by her man!
wouldn't it be wierd to have hillary sitting at the same desk that bill did when monica was under it bl**ing him?
Am I the only one who can't stand that sissy way of McCain doing speeches? He sounds like a little girl telling a story at kindergarten. That guys sucks in public speaking.
Obama is a little wet behind those huge ears. If he runs against McCain, the shady group who runs the current government will come up with a phony terror event right before elections to make McCain look as a stronger candidate. Also, the corrupt media will shift bashing from Hillary to Obama. They will destroy Obama. Hillary, on the other hand, has experience to beat the Republican slime machine.
So if you guys are Dems or Independents, don't fall for that GOP trick and vote for Hillary, because she'll pick Obama as VP anyway, and then he'll have his chance after 8 years. Obama will be more experienced then.
We know that GOP is toast for decades to come. It's your fault Republicans, since you voted Bush/Cheney into office twice. So don't come bitching about Hillary now.
Your GOP is now a party known for huge deficits, huge government, bad economy, wars, corruption, gay scandals, and no respect for the constitution. You made your beds...
Are you guys still obsessing about Ron Paul? Time to move on kids. Make yourselves useful...go clean the bong water, write your pathetic widgets in Python, or something.
Go Hillary! More power to women!
Yoy stupid moron! Don't you know that hispanics hate blacks and will never vote for one?
Typical liberal who doesn't understand the racism in his own party.
Wrong, Hispanics and Blacks hate Republican hicks like you. Your evil GOP party is toast either way, for decades. Enjoy.
McCain, the most liberal of all Republicans and endorsed by Lieberman. bwahahaha Your GOP party is a joke!
I woke up a long time ago to the fact that most others will not wake up and charted my course accordingly. I think you should too. you will be happier in the end.
February 05, 2008 9:53 PM
Damn wisest advice I have ever read here.
The thing that I don't understand about any of you is that you don't question why it is that you only have this list of losers to choose from:
Mitt Romney
Barack Obama
John McCain
Hillary Clinton
With all of the complaining about what a sorry bunch they are, no one even mentions why this is all we got. Ron Paul and Kucinich were both ignored by the media. Kucinich even filed a complaint in Nevada against NBC because they would not allow him to speak in the Dem debate. Who the hell is NBC to decide who gets to participate in our national political debate?
You are all acting like good little sheep. Just take what the media has given you and make your choice.
The fact that you will all go in droves to the polls in November to pick the candidates that the media and Corp America has chosen for you says it all.
I remember as a kid we were taught that in the USSR they only had one party, but they had 2 candidates that the people could vote for. We used to just laugh and laugh with our teacher about how stupid those Russians were to think that they really had a choice.
We have come full circle haven't we? What a joke we are.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The thing that I don't understand about any of you is that you don't question why it is that you only have this list of losers to choose from:
Mitt Romney
Barack Obama
John McCain
Hillary Clinton
With all of the complaining about what a sorry bunch they are, no one even mentions why this is all we got. Ron Paul and Kucinich were both ignored by the media. Kucinich even filed a complaint in Nevada against NBC because they would not allow him to speak in the Dem debate. Who the hell is NBC to decide who gets to participate in our national political debate?
You are all acting like good little sheep. Just take what the media has given you and make your choice.
The fact that you will all go in droves to the polls in November to pick the candidates that the media and Corp America has chosen for you says it all.
I remember as a kid we were taught that in the USSR they only had one party, but they had 2 candidates that the people could vote for. We used to just laugh and laugh with our teacher about how stupid those Russians were to think that they really had a choice.
We have come full circle haven't we? What a joke we are.
February 06, 2008 4:13 PM<<<
well now. nice observation. so. let us take it further shall we? who owns the media? zionest jews perhaps??? so, why is it they don't want to hear from ron paul or anyone wanting to shall we say.......rock the boat....???? I noticed some people on this board try to insinuate that the aspect of jewish power in this country is some kind of joke. let me say this. it is not a joke but a reality and they all work in unison together for a common goal. to quote George H W Bush 41st President of the United States.
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a 'new world order'. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this 'new world order', an order in which a credible United Nations can use it's peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.s' founders.
unless people understand the extent of jewish power in this land, there will never be any freedom or liberty and the power of the vote is just a distant memory.
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