Has the corruption, incompetence and greed associated with the Great Housing Bubble and Crash shaken your faith in America?
February 05, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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I have the utmost faith that this country is owned lock stock and barrel by maggoty pukes.
yep...I fear we are rotten to the core.
nope! just its people!
After seeing our politicians and the Fed willing to sell us out completely to protect their contributors on Wall St., with taxpayer funded mortgage bank bailouts, criminal alien amnesty, refusal to prosecute large scale mortgage fraud, and willfully destroying the value of the dollars I have been working so hard to save, I have now come to believe that this is the corporate welfare state, and that I have been a sucker for working, honestly paying my debts and taxes, and living by the "rules" all these years.
I pledge no allegiance to this corrupt entity.
Now all ye fear the latest revelations:
Communist Chinese economist Justin Yifu Lin has been appointed chief economist for the World Bank. This man "defected" from Taiwan (WHAT?) to heavenly freedom in the PROC. Good luck finding anything on the net about this shadowy figure.
Next up, Communist Chinese bank ICBC now tops the list for world's largest bank by market cap, leaving corrupt and decaying Citibank in the dust.
A new world order awaits, better buy your Chairman Mao posters for your 1 BR apts.
What started out as ABC "Anyone but Clinton" has become ABM(Mccain). If you plan on voting GOP, please vote for Romney. I believe Mccain will destroy this country. I respect him for serving his country but he's damaged goods. I honestly think he's a vengeful man with shady connections and worse, little experince with the economy. Romney's far from perfect but he's not Mccain or Hillary (the Bilderberg choice).
Hell Yeah.
Hey people! You better vote for Ron Paul tomorrow!! Don't waste your vote on another one of these big government, elitist, CFR, warmongering twits - I'm talking about you Hillary, Obama, McCain, Romney and Huckabee!!
Citizens of the USA you have a chance to rectify the mother of all mistakes you made by electing Dubya (TWICE!) and recovering some remnant of your republic and dignity.
. . . Y E S ! . . .
No. That faith was shattered 3 years ago when I read up on mercury in children's vaccines, the evidence that it has contributed to the autism epidemic, and the tortured statistics used to deny the epidemic or the connection.
My faith holds the following truths to be self-evident:
The fundamental government processes are corruption and incompetence - with greed at the higher levels.
The fundamental corporate processes are corruption and greed.
Everybody is big on deceit.
My faith is unshaken.
A bunch of rich, UN following foreigners bought out this country to destroy it. A bunch of damn "glo-bull-ists" A bunch of limp-wristed rich bastards. Why don't the real Americans kick these bastards out?
Catching myself buying all the silver quarters and dimes I can purchase on ebay makes me say....yes
"Es gibt keine Hoffnung".
I just want to add that above is only true for temporary created stuff, like a costume, a car - or by all means; a special ecomical, political or cultural way of looking at things. A costume (or a culture) can over time be so "wornout" and "overmended" that praying for continued use are both unrealistic and futile.
And in that sense I agree: one is then far better of simply to accept the "Mene mene tekel upharsin", without flinching - even then it comes to the civilisation and culture one happens to live in.
Having said that though; then it comes to the indevidual - or mankind as a whole - behind all this created temporary stuff: I say - its NEVER hopeless.
I look at it like this: The life of man is divided into two parts: first 9 months in the dark womb, the 70-80 years outside in the light. Maybe the whole multi-million year evolutionary process is still "in the womb" so to speak, rapidly moving out - with modern man, struggling to be born.
Who knows - about 500+ years from now, mankind is "delivered": endowed with a brain of the intelligent and wise man, but also with a heart of the innocent child. So seen from a larger perspective: dont loose hope. :-)
Not yet. Takes a little more to do that.
Never had any to start with.
And Mr Mercury in Vaccines causing Autism, did you notice that when they stopped using thimerosal in vaccines that the rates of autism kept climbing... If it was the cause then surely the numbers would begin to decline as the number of people receiving it started going down, and the quantity they receive goes down?
No, thought has never entered my mind, it will take a hell of a lot more than mass greed stoked by special interests to make me lose faith in my nation.
Angelo Mozilo not being arrested has killed my trust in America.. Get it together Yanks!
I don't think it is so much a case of lost faith in a Nation as it is Lost Faith. The lack of a moral hold on people has caused them to believe that when you "take" someone for their money in a pyramid scheme that was the housing market or allow greed to be king in your decision making without guilt it's OK.
I do believe however, that shit will have to hit the fan first, before people use their brains.
Just ask around and you will still see people voting for Republicans. I know, they are not all the same, but once they get there, they will govern under the same rules, the Republican rules. Lets get rid of these guys before they destroy this country. If the Dems do worst, at least we tried something different and we dont look like freaking idiots, electing the same party for 12 years.
That is a ridiculous question. Did the .com bubble and bust shake your faith in America?
I would hope a country's character is stronger than a financial bubble. If your faith is shaken by this, you didn't have much faith to begin with.
You guys sound like a sports fan who turns on his team after a couple of losing seasons.
Faith? What's that?
In Germany, in 1932, the Nazis won with only 37 percent of the vote.
Ron Paul? Ralph Nader?
Divide and conquer...
The .com bubble wasn't enabled by Congress and the President, and if I remember, there were plenty of frog marches, SEC investigations and arrests by this point.
I'm getting impatient. I want the cuffs to come out - and not just for the likes of Mozilo but also the politicians who took the bribe money from the REIC
I'll never lose my faith in America, even if I don't live there, but I've lost my faith in its corrupted leaders.
Throw the bums out, all of 'em, blow up the two parties, and let's start over.
Every now and then we lose our way (or are led in the wrong direction).
Then we remember ourselves; and remember those who misled us.
America will be fine in the long run, even though many will be damaged in the process.
I wonder if this is how the Roman Empire felt near the end.
I have now come to believe that this is the corporate welfare state, and that I have been a sucker for working, honestly paying my debts and taxes, and living by the "rules" all these years.
This is why Edwards should have been elected. He called em like that and has the huevos to actually go after powerful interests. (except unfortunately public sector unions, which are too powerful, unlike private sector unions, which are too wimpy).
Ron Paul has the libertarian delusion that if you get government and laws out, everything will magically arrange itself for the better. It won't. Yes, powerful rich people DO conspire to get more power and money at YOUR expense.
All you blind followers of the USA:
Some day your offspring will inheret a partitioned up North America, old and decayed like barbarian overrun Rome.
Some day, hundreds of years into the future, it may emerge as a Europe of sorts.
Some day Blowfly will step out from in front of his computer, he will chop off his combover, put the Doritos down and head to the gym to lose his jelly belly, will wax the hair off his back, lose the sweats, finally take a shower after 792 days, finally emerging from his mother's basement, his pale skin for once seeing the light of day.
It hath been foretold....
Origional post:
Did the .com bubble and bust shake your faith in America?
Keith said:
The .com bubble wasn't enabled by Congress and the President...
The .com bubble shook my faith in our business leaders. The followup to the bubble shook my faith in our political leaders.
During the early 2000s, while technology workers scoured the country side looking for nonexistent jobs before their unemployment benefits ran out, our political elites were still bringing in hundred of thousands of foreign tech workers each year.
I have no allegiance to this country which has no allegiance to me. I think any hope on our continued prosperity is based entirely on faith and feel good measures; nothing empirical would lead you to believe this nation will ever rise again.
Values are gone, we produce nothing but debt and get-rich-quick schemes, and our leaders have an inability to learn from history and get things turned around.
The fact that almost no leader has acknowledged the negative affects of sky high housing on future generations is the ultimate insult to reason. Under GW, I decided I won't be bringing kids into this world.
To Thomas Jefferson: Hitler was not elected and his party was not the majority. Hitler was appointed by Hindenburg (who won the election overwhelmingly)as Chancellor. Hindenburg was President. He felt that the party represented new ideas and therefore made the appointment. After he died, Hitler made his move to consolidate power. He never won one election! He just assumed power by incorporating the office of President and Chancellor. Then under his dictatorship, he eliminated any threat to the consolidation of that power with the SS.
So, is the Americano toasted yet ? And if not, when do you people, Joe and Jane of the SHRUB's Clan, think the Americano will be toasted ? Will they be toasted lightly as a marshmellow or juicely as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling nicely, fat popping, juices dripping over a bed of red hot charcoal fire ?
Please vote:
Is the Americano now = sizzling roasted snapper turtle ?
Is the Americano = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man" Arse-Kisser ?
Is the Americano "has been entered the dragon" up in the kazook by the very government that they ignorantly, stupidly, dumb-assly voted for in the last 8 years ? And last but not least, is the Americano's kazook painfully hurt by the "entered the dragon" action or is he/she loving and liking it to death due to FAGGOT's lover dream ?
The only things that made America special and prosperous are it's freedoms as embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That's all.
It is NOT the American people that are special - they're the same collection of Euro trash, Africans and Asians that you find all around the world.
It is NOT the unique ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit of the American people - you can find that in any other country too.
It is NOT because Americans are God's chosen people.
It is simply that America was free from a burdensome and tyrannical government bureaucracy. American business was free from heavy taxation and regulation. The American people were free.
All that has been lost. America has been destroyed not by invasion or economic collapse. It's been destroyed by a fat, docile and ignorant public that have allowed criminals to take away their freedoms.
My confidence in America went bye-byes in 1980 when an incompetent but truthful and honest president was replaced by a far right wing corporate puppet whose lies were what the American sheeple wanted to hear. We went from tax and spend (bad), to borrow and spend (better???) That was the turning point for me. Since then, I exist day-to-day and only worry about number one and immediate family.
America? Sorry, nothing salvageable, nothing to see here folks. Move along quietly.
Actually, before the housing bubble, i knew we were fucked. When a bunch of retards "elected" Bush in 2000, my eyes were open to how stupid a great deal of people are in this country. And then post-2000 election, things just got scarier and scarier (9/11, housing bubble, Iraq War, 2004 election). I've studied the history of Spain and Generalisimo Franco ain't got nothing on Bush, Cheney, Fox "News" and the GOP. It's shameful and it just would never end.
nope. i knew it was coming. its all part of the plan to bring america down and to make her ready for the jewish world order.
I have faith that the current situation is comepletely unsustainable, but instead of gloom and doom, I see endless opportunities for the ones who can keep a level head and find the good.
We will be better off once we get through this. Believe it!
I lost all faith when Douche II won the second election. The next morning, I went out and threw all my recycling in the trash, and to this day, I have not recycled since. Amazingly, Ron Paul has sparked hope back in to me, but I don't have any illusions. I'll believe it when I see it, when it comes to reforming this rotten country. But I am being more proactive now. At the very least, I have been speading word about the horrible ills of this country to friends, trying to get others to wake the f up. And it's working.
Never had any to start with.
Pretty much what he said. Hard to lose faith in your government when you don't trust it all that much to begin with.
My Faith in America left when I realized that every one in the world wants what we have and they will do anything to get it!
Then they proceed to PISS on use to better themselves!
The Mexicans are a Cancer not to mention the Southeast Asians, middle easterners that have poured across the borders like the Dam broke, plus all the welfare rats!
Welfare, medicare, free education, housing assistance, food stamps...need I go on?
Now I hear we're sending 30 Billion to Afrika?
My narrow white Ass can't take much more!
I worked to support you, how about a THANKS now and again!
Take, but give NOTHING Back!
A hand up is one thing,
A hand OUT is another!
Faith in No Man!
Faith in One True GOD!
Man has proved throughout history to be not worthy of faith!
Yes...and for some reason I feel people are due a 'comeuppance'. I said it 20 years ago, why does Japan and other countries keep sending us their best manufactured products for nothing really in return. In reality what have we done to deserve this level of usage of the worlds' supply of goods and services?
Most recently China has sent us junk products (most having a usage life less than 1 year)but we gave them even junkier paper in return.
We're cry babies, catered to by a political system which cannot say 'no', unwilling to blame ourselves and hope that Santa Claus will deliver us from a massive economic cataclysm.
Actually, my faith in America is not shaken at all.
All of the blunders and corruption of the last 7 years were orchestrated by a select few people: an un-elected president, his loyal-but-inept cabinet, corrupt financial engineers on Wall Street, a lazy MSM, and two disasterous federal reserve chairmen.
The vast, vast majority of America did not buy or refinance real estate at super inflated levels, and changed their stance on Iraq when the truth about the lack of WMDs and link to 9/11 became publicly known.
To say the very least. How can the CHAIRMAN OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE be so clueless and whipped by the Administration that he would only months ago call this "CONTAINED"
"What problem?? We don't have a problem"....
It's so BAD, I just want to CRY.
How could our "Leaders" sell us out this bad?
As with any human economic system, the psychopaths eventually gain control, while the normal people sit scratchin their heads, wondering what happened.
If you find our self saying again and again "I can't beleive that guy did that", you're dealing with a psychopath.
It's time to start culling these creeps...and there are a LOT of em.
Shaken it to the core.....
Honestly, felt that way for a while.... Since the early 90's I felt that America no longer belonged to it's citizens. it belong to politicians and corporations.
After having my IT job outsourced to India in 2004, I became convinced of that but, maybe I was just bitter....
To Ye of Little Faith:
I was the one who posted about autism. (I forgot to put my username in).
Yes, I am aware of the various twists and turns of the autism research. Please bear with me, Keith for a long off topic post.
First, remember autism did not exist prior to 1940. Leo Kanner specifically said autism was something new when he described his first subjects. As of 20 years ago, it's prevalence was estimated at one in 10,000. It's prevalence is now 1 in 150 - for 14 year olds. California autism numbers indicate the prevalence is twice as high for current 6 year olds. - approximately 1 in 75.
We can't let this keep increasing. A fully autistic adult will need institutionalization at $2 million a year. The less seriously affected kids (aspergers, PDD-NOS) will not be able to do much more than sheltered workshop type jobs, and may have higher crime rates due to not understanding what rape is, for example.
Also, "normal" kids don't seem to be able to think as well as they used to. Ask any veteran teacher. Officially diagnosed ADHD rates are around 7%, and I suspect subclinical ADHD is hovering around 50% of today's kids. They will not be able to support civilization as we know it.
I have read most of the reports that are currently available, including the 2004 IOM testimony and conclusions. I have a masters in math and am able to follow along to some extent to see how the Vaerstraten study tortured statistics until they confessed that there was no connection between thimerosal (a vaccine additive, 50% mercury by weight) and autism. I saw how the IOM totally ignored the reports they didn't like, sometimes on pretty shaky ground, sometimes by just deciding biological studies weren't important.
Mark and David Geier got access to the CDC databases and determined there was a 27 fold increase in autism rates in kids that got all vaccines with thimerosal vs kids that got thimerosal free vaccines. The IOM totally disregarded this, supposedly because of flaws in the statistical analysis.
If I was on the IOM committtee, I wouldn't just disregard the study, I would personally redo the numbers.
The IOM didn't really care that the Verstraten study's 1st generation results showed a 150% increase in autism rates when kids got thimerosal laden vaccines. They weren't concerned about the problems with the HMO Verstraten added to dilute the numbers - that it had incompatible diagnosis codes, and was a mess in general.
I could go on.
Yes, the continuing rise in autism rates does throw the thimerosal hypothesis into doubt, but it SHOULD throw everybody in a panic.
Autism rates are doubling every few years, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people think the residual thimerosal in vaccines that the kids in California are exposed to could account for the rise in rates. (Flu shots have 50mg of thimerosal, unsafe unless you weigh 550 pounds, and flu shots given to pregnant women could potentially be more dangerous to the fetus than a shot given after birth. Also thimerosal was not removed as speedily from other vaccines as some would have you think.)
I am dubious that autism rates are continuing to rise solely because of thimerosal. I think there must be some other factors going on in causing autism. Wireless signals are something like a billion-fold more powerful than 20 years ago. Also, various chemicals could be a cause or aggravating factor.
We need to be looking into it, though! Not just looking at genes. The powers that be must realize that if autism did not exist 75 years ago, it cannot be a purely genetic condition. There HAS to be an environmental trigger, and we need to be seriously looking for it!!!!!
Lastly, three recent surveys re vaccines and autism. One was informal: The Amish don't have autism, except for a few adopted kids who got vaccines, and a few kids that live in areas with high mercury levels. The Amish obviously are avoiding a lot more than vaccines, such as WI-FI hotspots and additives in shampoos and foods.
(This reminds me - counties with high levels of mercury, mostly from power plants, have rather higher rates of autism than lower exposure areas).
Secondly, am informal survey of a large doctors practice in Chicago where few patients get vaccines showed few cases of autism, and few cases of allergies or asthma.
Lastly, Generation Rescue sponsored a phone survey that showed unvaccinated kids had about a 40% lower rate of autism than fully vaccinated kids.
This last one puzzles me - that unvaccinated kids still get autism at rates that would be considered high 10 years ago.
I hope someone with money can start looking for real answers soon. Otherwise ... well I have to admit I think Western Civilization is going down for a fall anyway, but this will make it more certain, and make the fall worse.
PS my daughter got a lot better with chelation (removal of heavy metals from the body). So have about 2/3 of the kids that are chelated before age 6. Of course, parents of autistic kids can't afford more than informal studies, and the government won't sponsor any formal studies.
Countrywide Financial Corp. confirmed yesterday that it received a subpoena from the Florida attorney general seeking information on its business practices.
What is it about economic downturn that brings out the racism in America? Is it because to study the real problem requires a little homework and its just easier and lazier to blame brown people, or yellow people or black people?
Just keep blaming all these "other people" for the problem and watch how quickly the real problems mount up.
People are getting dumber not smarter.
We sit here and marvel at how Da Vinci drew a map of the human body, and designed the first helicopter.
We are astonished that Galileo could create a telescope that could see into space.
Newton created calculus, which led to physics.
We assume aliens must have built the pyramids because it's unimaginable that an ancient civilization could have done so.
With the advent of technology and entertainment and the dumbing down of the gene pool,we are becoming collectively dumber as a species. Necessity is the mother of invention. Advances in technology and increases in the quality of life has bred mental laziness.
"I have now come to believe that this is the corporate welfare state, and that I have been a sucker for working, honestly paying my debts and taxes, and living by the "rules" all these years."
Very well said.
CNBC's Gasparino pounds
on Moody's and S&P today
for corruption-by-conflict
of interest.
Interesting question.
About 2 years ago my financial adviser said to me invest in Europe,
I did, and did well.
But at the same time there was something that did not make sense.
Europe copies everything we do here, including insane house price appreciation over the same period as ours, general economic policy and deficits.
so why would they have different results.
Dug a little deeper. (actually traveled to Europe to see for myself).
What I found was surprising.
Today, most Europeans across the board would be considered poor, compare to typical Americans, including the ones that are leveraged to the hilt, because of the balance between income and cost of living.
I pulled all my investments out European based companies for now. And diversified into large companies in Asia and the US.
Reason is that Europe now, is like So Cal Housing in ’05; common sense says it will come crashing down to its fundamentals as soon as people wake up to the fact that the grass is really not greener on the other side of the Atlantic.
I must say that at this time I still have more trust in the good o’l US of A.
Fitch Ratings' plans to lower the rating on more than $100 billion wrapped up in bond funds called collateralized debt obligations!!
OMG.. here it comes!
the actual reason you did so well is because the dollar is down 40%+ to the Euro.
Daphne64 said...
Thanks for the lecture.
This is a housing blog?
What next, a report on snow tires...
Anonymous said...
With the advent of technology and entertainment and the dumbing down of the gene pool,we are becoming collectively dumber as a species. Necessity is the mother of invention. Advances in technology and increases in the quality of life has bred mental laziness.
February 05, 2008 7:57 PM
There really isn't any other explanation is there? Darwin would smile were he here today.
invest globally said...
I must say that at this time I still have more trust in the good o’l US of A.
February 05, 2008 8:54 PM
I will take Hong Kong, Singapore & Australia/NZ any day over the U.S. or Europe. We are fat and lazy and stupid now. Asia is lean and mean. No where to go but up.
Fitch Ratings' plans to lower the rating on more than $100 billion wrapped up in bond funds called collateralized debt obligations!!
OMG.. here it comes!
Will that increase the value of my house? I want to sell next year.
I picture America like the Rocky Balboa boxing. We are being hit brutally in the "boxing world ring". Financially, morally, intellectually, BUT I DO believe in comebacks. I have to, as I believe that as a Nation of average people we wont let it go to hell in a hand basket. Too many good people for that to happen. Yeah, for awhile the bad & ugly take the lead but those with faith, preserverence, intelligence & HEART will brig this country back from a group of wacko's who steered this country down the wrong way. As a Nation of people we may not agree on what's right but we know wrong when we see it.
Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Fitch Ratings may downgrade the $220 billion of collateralized debt obligations it assesses that are based on corporate securities to reflect higher risks of default than the firm initially assumed.
The New York-based company may lower the notes by as much as five levels after failing to accurately assess the risk of debt that packages other assets, according to guidelines proposed by Fitch today. CDOs with AAA grades that are based on credit- default swaps and aren't actively managed may face the steepest reductions
* The die is cast
* The fire of pride stoked with greed will melt down the USA much sooner than later
* There will be blood
* Read Peter Schiffs book now if you haven't already
Keith Said--I'm getting impatient. I want the cuffs to come out - and not just for the likes of Mozilo but also the politicians who took the bribe money from the REIC
Let's have a cuff-a-thon. All us HPers need to buy pairs of handcuffs and send them to Orangelo at Countywide HQ.
As afr as faith in the USA goes. I'll wait til the sh!t really hits the fans and see I the citizens of this country still have what it takes to live in the real world. Considering how out of whack everything is The Great Depression 2.0 could be the best thing that ever happened to this country.
Sorry about the length of the earlier post. I only need to be wound up a little bit...
I just hope to help a kid every once in a while with the information. Pay it forward and all that..
I picture America like the Rocky Balboa boxing. We are being hit brutally in the "boxing world ring". Financially, morally, intellectually, BUT I DO believe in comebacks. I have to, as I believe that as a Nation of average people we wont let it go to hell in a hand basket. Too many good people for that to happen. Yeah, for awhile the bad & ugly take the lead but those with faith, preserverence, intelligence & HEART will brig this country back from a group of wacko's who steered this country down the wrong way. As a Nation of people we may not agree on what's right but we know wrong when we see it.
The only way this country could recover is if it returned to it's constitutional roots. There are good people all around the world. There is NOTHING special about Americans. In fact, they are some of the most ignorant and uneducated people in the world. What made America great was it's Constitutional freedoms and they are all gone.
Empty rhetoric from the Obama's and Romney's is not going to save this country. Intelligence, truth, the lessons of history and commitment to the Constitution could save this country but these are not valued commodities in America any more. All that matters is bling bling, fame and image.
America is f*cked beyond belief and deserves it for the horror that it has unleashed on innocent people all around the world while the US population flipped their houses, watched American Idol and football in blissful ignorance.
Even Rocky lost in the end.
Who thinks that Andrew Hac sounds exactly like Triumph The Insult Dog from Conan O'Brien?
"There is NOTHING special about Americans"
True to a point. A sense of entitlement has been woven into the fabric of the American mind but I'm at a loss on how one would go about "fixing" it. The leaders DO need to step up. From the White house to Wall street. The days of ambiguity have to end. To many examples to point out...
"All that matters is bling bling, fame and image."
That in itself isn't evil. Not all of us want to be monks, or should be. It's how one goes about it. There are MANY people that I know that have true wealth & go about "righting" things on the micro level that are wrong. This takes a vast amount of $$$ to do so. Build hospitals, parks, recreation centers for youths ect. Some hit the mark others don't. Just don't discount those that are wealthy & rich. Also, don't compare your $ to theirs. You'd be amazed at what little $$ it takes to make a change with determination. The "payoff" is good too...
I have had moments where my faith was a little shaken, most especially these last 6 mos. from all of the outright lies and deceit spewed by the 'PTB'.
Nevertheless, I still TRUST & BELEIVE and I know that once this cleansing is completed the World will be on a NEW path.
2008 will be the year of revealing/exposing all of the corrupt, greedy and selfish individuals that have INFECTED humanity! There will be justice in the end...
Yes. The CFR controlled media is running this election. The bankers are running thge Senate and Congress. A dark force has their control strings over Cheney who is playing the decider like a puppet. The Mil / Industrial comples id driving foriegn policy.
And by and large America has become a "have it all have it now" socoety that uses debt instead of earned cash.
Oh yeah, the globay arbitrage of wages has destroyed our middle class.
Yup, we are doomed.
Nope. I knew America was hurtling toward the abyss when I saw "Uncrustables"--pre-made PB&J (with the crusts cut off, of course)--in my freezer aisle. People that pay $3 for 4 frozen PB&Js can obviously be talked into buying anything.
BananaRepublicrat said...
>>>People that pay $3 for 4 frozen PB&Js can obviously be talked into buying anything.
February 08, 2008 3:41 PM
That was a good one!!! How true, how true... Thanks for the chuckle ;)
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