An oldie but a goodie
Thanks satan for reminding us
Nothing will ever beat Suzanne, but this one is close.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
An oldie but a goodie
Thanks satan for reminding us
Nothing will ever beat Suzanne, but this one is close.
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Labels: 000?, are granite countertops worth $500, yum ramen noodles
Five different flavors!
You, too, can be a financial hero just like these schmucks.
Just whip out that old credit card or 401K debit card and go to town!
My house would have sold for twenty times what I paid for it if it was in California in '05. But then, their stuff is all good, and mine is no good. I muddle through, eating steak and lobster. My taxes are low, and I work when I want. They are so lucky out on the coast.
That one beats the 'Suzanne' commercial by a mile!
That's great! LOL. 10% of marketed homes here in SoCal are in pre-foreclosure, and that's an underestimate. That number will be 25-35% by this summer as more ARMs reset.
Here's another Los Angeles "financial hero" who's $400K condo is up for short sale for $350K. Notice the picture of the Porsche Boxter in the garage that has the "for sale" sign too. What a loser!!!!1 Bwahahahaha!!!!
As a sub prime shark in stupidly expensive San Francisco from the very beginning, I figured this racket out a long time ago--around 1991. I pay $1100 for my two bed rent controlled, ocean view place that someone else pays the 4 X rent stupid mortgage on. I sub let the place the half of the year I am not here, so it's essentially free.
I've enjoyed taking my 1pt of ysp on all my idiot friends and neighbors constantly refiing their million plus "home" to pay off the Lexus lease.
Me? I've fucked off to France and Africa for 6 months a year, improving my language skills, reading books, meeting people who make you really understand what poor is. I have a great contract processor handling my 6 loans a year. Yeah, I could have earned a lot more money had I not been so indolent. But you can keep your 3 hour commutes and marble counters. I'll have the memories even if I never work again. And no debt. And money in the bank. Ready to buy your foreclosed shit box and rent it out to some other fool who likes the granite / marble counters.
Hey people! You better vote for Ron Paul tomorrow!! Don't waste your vote on another one of these big government, elitist, CFR, warmongering twits - I'm talking about you Hillary, Obama, McCain, Romney and Huckabee!!
Citizens of the USA you have a chance to rectify the mother of all mistakes you made by electing Dubya (TWICE!) and recovering some remnant of your republic and dignity.
Never seen that one before -- and I love it!
Love the Ramen being eaten out of a blue plastic bowl: four bowls for 99 cents at WalMart, I reckon.
That video rocks.
Love this video! Thanks Keith!
We know a married couple who is basically in this same position. They bought a 4000 sq ft house (at the wife's request) to compete against the neighbor who moved to a more affluent area. I wonder how that is working out for them now? LOL!
This same person bought ENRON stock at the peak and lost more than 50 thou...
Its true, but most people never learn from their mistakes and always buy and sell 'investments' at the wrong time.
Greed does that to people.
"Hey people! You better vote for Ron Paul tomorrow!! Don't waste your vote on another one of these big government, elitist, CFR, warmongering twits - I'm talking about you Hillary, Obama, McCain, Romney and Huckabee!!
Citizens of the USA you have a chance to rectify the mother of all mistakes you made by electing Dubya (TWICE!) and recovering some remnant of your republic and dignity.
WONT HAPPEN. The American people have been dumb down, and cant think beyond the end of their nose. Let 'em CRASH and BURN for all I care...
I look forward to buying a completely furnished and upgraded house like this one at about six-cents on the dollar soon.
I'll rent a few rooms out to Flight Attendants, Strippers and Pole Dancers (no RealWhores need apply unless your name is Suzanne)
Maybe, I'll let these debtors PIGS hang out in the Garden Shed while they find another place to squat.
On second thought - Nah.
FB's - "Gotta Luv Em"...
Ron Paul is truly the only person talking about the REAL issues of our day. Love the guy, but the problem is, he will never be elected, so it is a wasted vote.
I think Obama understands the issues better than Hillary "Ms. Freeze all subprime rates"- so he will get my vote.
Peace and Love,
Mr. T
God Bless- "Misssster and Mrssss Tooooo Much Home Buyer" HILARIOUS, but also so true it makes your hair stand on end.
We wanted the big house at one point too, but the truth is, you never end up using 1/3 of the space, and who wants to clean all that shyttt?? I would have to hire Alice from the Brady Bunch to come and take care of all of us, rolling around in that big ass, in-efficient, energy hog of a CASA. Haaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaa
Yeah, I can laugh....but millions upon millions of Americans are living that nightmare right nowww, and about to ROLL UP OUTTA DAT CRAP SHACK, while they turn in the keys!!
Hate to say it, but the Banks and greedy lenders brought it upon themselves.
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