Have you come to terms yet with how f*cked we are?
Just asking. Remember we're not the ones who got us into this stinking mess - we're the ones trying to get us out of it. But hey, feel free to disagree.
February 28, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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yeah, i'm siked for the future!
my Boomer boss just told me that my generation (X) is going to clean up this mess by paying higher taxes and that there was nothing we could do about it b/c the Boomers run things politically. "we'll get ours" is a direct quote referring to SS and Medicare. he wasn't gloating, just stating very matter of factly that general revenues will pay their way.
Yes, we are totally screwed. Last night I went to a seminar that featured Nial Ferguson of Harvard. The event was called "The Great Dying" and it was about the financial mess we're in. I think the general feeling among the 100+ people in room is that we are up shit's creek...
I've been waiting for some of my international mutual funds to come back this year so I could sell them and park my funds in something safer...I did that today. Sold them all off.
I think the shit is going to hit the fan when the numbers -- or lack of them -- come in for the spring housing season. once that starts and people see how housing is tanking even more, along with sky rocketing oil and food prices, we are going to see the markets tank for a long time.
it's time to preserve capital.
I have long ago come to terms with our general degree of f*ckedness.
However, knowledge is power (Hobbes, I think), and I have learned to play the game thanks to the likes of Keith, Patrick, Mish, Schiff, Roubini, Janszen, the Mogambo, and many others.
On the whole, this country is definately screwed, but it's not too difficult to play your cards right and make the system work for you.
Knowing is half the battle (Roadblock, I think), and merely knowing we're screwed puts HPers miles ahead of the sheeple, who are once again being fleeced.
It makes me think of Liz Claman's hilarious comment on Fox Business News that the traders on the floor of the NYSE are like six-year-olds chasing a soccer ball around a field -- no strategy, and no idea of whats going on. They just chase the ball around the field frantically in a confused huddle.
Kind of reminds me of sheep behavior too.
R.I.P. Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. You were one of the good ones.
Remember when Saddam and Bush were bickering with each other (and oil was $20 a barrel)and Saddam asked Mr. Bush if he wanted to debate the issues in front of live TV?
And Bush said, "No."
Remember sheep? Remember?
They could have solved their differences with a ($84.78) game of golf!!!!
But Nooooooooooooooooooooo.
Bush, Rummy & Cheney said Noooooo
It will be a slam dunk invasion. He has massive stock piles of bombs and our "surgical style" invasion will last only several weeks.
Now some $2,000,000,000,000+ (Trillion) later in long-term costs and mounting financial damages still increasing upwards by the BILLIONS EACH FVCKING DAY! (EACH DAY!)
Hello??? Its time for impeachment!
HOW big depends on election. could be capital F or lowercase. does it matter? we're all in this together and as long as i'm outside of the fenced in sheep i think i'll be ok.
Remember we're not the ones who got us into this stinking mess - we're the ones trying to get us out of it. But hey, feel free to disagree.
Ok then, let me disagree. If you're one of those millions of retards who vote for Bush and Cheney, you're responsible for this mess and for the deaths of thousands of people in Iraq .
I hope there's indeed a hell so you Bush/Cheney voters can all burn in it.
We had a party last night to celebrate the death of another secret society-brit-a$$hole, William Buckley. Burn in hell, scum.
The DemoRats will get us out of this mess by bailing out all the greedy speculators and irresponsible twits who ran up the housing prices. Then they'll have the taxpayers buy up all that toxic debt. That will teach the banks and speculators a lesson for being reckless
"Have you come to terms yet with how f*cked we are?"
That is a very good question.
Have you ever known that your relationship was over but you just couldn't admit it?
Imagine the Bush supporters who knew in their hearts that they'd elected a liar who got us into a needless war. Some of them still can't fess up.
Have you ever bought stocks that tanked? Did you ever hold on, hoping against hope, that you could break even?
In the fairy stories we were told as children, it was all "happily ever after". There is a reason they call them fairy tales.
There's a video on Yahoo News on a two morons who bought a $600,000 house and can't afford the mortgage payments. At the end, the female sow demands that the government do something about it. Don't worry, the Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 will save her at the expense of responsible people. It's now a Constitutional right to own a giant McMansion that you can't afford, borrow money you have no intention of repaying, and living beyond your means. Personal responsibility is for suckers. Anyone who disagrees is a stupid racist white male who drives a pickup truck and won't let me take money from his wallet.
Youre boomer boss is going to be taught a hard lesson this time around.
Gloating now ... crying when he
really needs help from the system as he get's older and sicker.
yeah, i'm siked for the future!
my Boomer boss just told me that my generation (X) is going to clean up this mess by paying higher taxes and that there was nothing we could do about it b/c the Boomers run things politically. "we'll get ours" is a direct quote referring to SS and Medicare. he wasn't gloating, just stating very matter of factly that general revenues will pay their way.
Americans are war mongerers. Plain and simple. Look at the Indian Genocide, Slavery, and the Hidden Empire.
All of this is still around just in a different form. Now we have chinese slavery, support of dictators who perform genocides, and one world government run by the IMG and World Bank.
And this time the US is in the crosshairs. What goes around comes around.
Democracy only works if the citizenry has morals and ethics.
It's far too late for impeachment proceedings, we had our chance - but decided to re-elected the POS anyways.
Why? Because - in general - many people felt fine with *their* lives, business as usual.
That's now changing, and people with money are now losing as well.
Why do you think Hillary was so strongly for a bill to bail out housing gamblers? Because several of her (not so) rich friends are also caught-up in this mess.
We have a long ways to go before this housing catastrophy is even close to righting itself.
In the meantime, the Federal, State and County will create new ways of taxing honest working citizens in this country.
When money runs out from tax payers ... oops ... that's when things start to really get interesting/scary.
repo tour bus driver said...
Remember when Saddam and Bush were bickering with each other (and oil was $20 a barrel)and Saddam asked Mr. Bush if he wanted to debate the issues in front of live TV?
And Bush said, "No."
Remember sheep? Remember?
They could have solved their differences with a ($84.78) game of golf!!!!
But Nooooooooooooooooooooo.
Bush, Rummy & Cheney said Noooooo
It will be a slam dunk invasion. He has massive stock piles of bombs and our "surgical style" invasion will last only several weeks.
Now some $2,000,000,000,000+ (Trillion) later in long-term costs and mounting financial damages still increasing upwards by the BILLIONS EACH FVCKING DAY! (EACH DAY!)
Hello??? Its time for impeachment!
Thanks for the upbeat post, but information is only power if you do something with it. And if things are as bad as they seem, it's hard to know what to do. So you cashed out your international mutual funds - now what?
Money is not everything. If you're far enough away from retirement, there should be enough time to recover the old nest egg. The best antidote to this is focus on what truly matters.
I think I have.
We're screwed!
Yeah spring and summer housing numbers are going make the sheeple start looking around to see what the noise is all about.
It's after the 40 billion dollar Oly games are over that things will get REAL interesting.
Then THE election,going to be one interesting Xmas to remember.
Maybe not to remember.
Yes, it's gonna' get fugly.
Skewered, sizzling, BBQ'd, popping with dripping gristle is Andrew Hac and company.
If we Americanos fall, we're taking your sorry asses with us...
You're coming with us...
FOLKS- you all need to go to THE TICKER FORUM to see EXACTLY how fucked we are-they are smart mo fos that are in the "industry" and trade on a daily basis- high iq types-and i can tell you we are MONUMENTALLY FUCKED! we are facing a paradigm change in the way we live in the U.S. as in 1930's depression BUT we have fewer producing farms and MASSIVE numbers of citizens that have zero clue how to fend for themselves- you bleeding hearts need to know the FED GOV will not be able to do SHIT to help you- have a good nights sleep!
I have come to terms with how f*ck we are a long time ago, but just viewing this video below I just realize how really f*cked we are. My goodness this man is so out of touch I have no other words to say!
Enjoy it!
fucked. beyond belief.
beyond snafu. beyond tarfu. beyond fubar.
to be clear, beyond any reasonable doubt....fucked.
and just to be clearer than that, there is no way out except through. and when you come out on the other side, you will know what "being fucked" really means.
any questions?
Hey Mitesh!
If you hate America so much, what are you doing here, working for Cisco?
Nothing is more annoying than people from Europe, India, etc. who move to the USA, take a job here, and then bitch ceaselessly about how much the USA sucks compared to "home." If "home" is so great, then go back there.
So, about 10 years ago there was a giant hurricane that looked like it was heading right for the East Coast. My one brother bought water, boarded up his house, got his boats out of the water, hooked up a giant generator, bought batteries, candles, chainsaw, ice, food, moved his cars away from the trees, etc, etc. He was READY. There were those who thought he was overreacting to something that might not happen. But, yes the storm did come, big time. Trees down, power out, floods, wind, distruction. Guess who knocked on the door when the power went out? Everybody. My other siblings (I didn't live there), my mom, his inlaws, his neighbors. They all stayed for a WEEK! The house was packed. Are we fucked? You bet...but who's gonna knock on our doors. Are we really prepared for our McMansion brethren when they come calling...because, they will.
3rd Generation Californian Here:
If you hate America so much, what are you doing here, working for Cisco?
"Nothing is more annoying than people from Europe, India, etc. who move to the USA, take a job here, and then bitch ceaselessly about how much the USA sucks compared to "home." If "home" is so great, then go back there.
February 29, 2008 9:47 AM"
America is a disgusting, corrupt piece-of-sh*t full of phony patriots. Regardless of where you 'are from' any smart person can clearly see America is doomed.
So, take your chinese-made lapel pin and your patriot "greatest Nation on Earth" bulls*it and stuff it, All of YOU phony losers.
Comment from another site:
"Well, those of us who grew up with parents who actually lived through the depression (even if they were just kids then) sorta knew this was coming. And planned accordingly.
But, we 'responsible' ones get stuck with the bail out. That sucks."
Things are going from bad to worse. Get your assets out of USD and have an exit strategy.
Incidentally Keith, I was in China the last two weeks and your web site is blocked by the great firewall of China there.
I did open a CD while there at 4.1% interest. With a 7% USD depreciation, I figure a double digit return is a safe bet.
"So, take your chinese-made lapel pin and your patriot "greatest Nation on Earth" bulls*it and stuff it, All of YOU phony losers."
You still haven't answered my question.
If you hate America so much, why are you here?
I lived in Europe for years. I disliked large swathes of it, and decided coming back home was a better choice. I didn't waste time lecturing Europeans on how horrible Europe was. I left.
If you don't like it in the USA, you should leave. Life is far too short stewing in hatred to the degree that you obviously are, living with people you hate, spewing your hate all over the internet and to everyone who will hear.
You're living on a temp visa in America. You're single and probably not gettin' any. And if you spend all your time blaming 21st century Americans for the Trail of Tears or slavery, you're probably not popular at office parties.
Go home. Then you can condemn your fellow Indians for the caste system, Kashmir, and sharia law -- all much more recent sources of shame for your own nation.
Husband and I saw the writing on the wall some time ago. My passport is good to go we're just waiting on his. Expat life is great ain't it Keith :).
-MT in DC
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