"Greg Swann isn’t selling houses so now he’s trying to sell $150 seats to tell people how they can be successful selling houses. Sucker born every minute"
-Bubble Sitter, February 2008
After being proven as a discredited hack, Greg Swann calls HP'ers some really stupid and unprofessional things.
When the market turns, the bubble boys will go back to their old lives of drunkenness, wife-beating and masturbation
-Greg Swann, the most discredited realtor in America, February 2008
February 24, 2008
HousingPANIC Quote of the Day
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What a shiester this guy is.Lower the f@cking price and something might sell.I think a monkey could figure that out.How many realtors does it take to price a house?
Is Greg Swann Charles Ponzi?
I am a Realtor here in the Phoenix. I can say I’m looking to enter the blogging world, on my own time, through my own education…I really don’t have anyone’s educational / offerings on my radar right now…
- I believe that post in-discussion at BHB hit a tipping point, that was disturbing to many, as was myself and obviously to some of BHB’s own….
- BHB is now a Vendor, the moment you ask for my money and to attend a conference (a service) you are a vendor…which brings me to my next point.
- Although I find BHB witty and entertaining, I’m afraid I see them as JV vendor, not a Varsity Vendor.
- Why I see BHB as JV right now…
— Cheap shots. Good Vendors don’t sling mud…they simply perform to silence naysayers.
— Excellence is not achieved by putting down others. Prior to BHB wearing the vendor hat, cheap shots at vendors is toooo easy, anyone can do this. Why, good vendors don’t talk back, especially Varsity ones. Contrary to Greg’s thinking, in my mind, it does not elevate him to rip into companies or individuals, rather it does the reverse.
— Dish but can’t take it. I have to say…BHB can easily & distastefully target vendors and moreso individual people, as easy as breathing. However, the moment they received 1 post, consisting of 1 word, the hound got their panties in a bunch.
— You offended me. Simply stated, I had considered a showface at the BHB conference. Personally, I said to myself “Me too” as feeling offended. Russel Shaw was kind to apologize in some way in comment 71. But then I see Russel Shaw give me the finger in his latest post at BHB (now you want me to pay money to listen to you speak)?
I live in PHX, don’t need to fly, no hotel required and I can say I wouldn’t give BHB $25 to attend. I’m intelligent enough to make this decision on my own. It is not Dustin, it’s not those who say “Me too”. I am not easily influenced as such…its what brought BHB here in the first place (their own actions) and moreso how they dealt w/ the situation (giving me the finger).
If BHB is wanting to connect w/ me…to attend their conference, visit their blog, maybe send some buyers to Russel Shaw here in PHX, maybe allow Brian Brady to push his financial reports on my future blog (whatever the goals of those at BHB)…I’m afraid you did not connect w/ me, rather I am pushed away.
This is a very educated decision and feedback I hope those at BHB will digest and take seriously.
Greg Swann has gone from feeding on stupid, desperate homebuyers to feeding on stupid, desperate realtors.
Well, at least they're eating their own, now.
"Realtors lie for a living and take advantage of stupid Joe Six-Pack and his fat ugly debt ridden wife and their fat diabetic offspring."
He'll do fine since Phoenix is full of stupid people
Swanny really socked it away during the boom. I read that on his blog, he is flush with cash and doesn't need income for many years.
I'm surprised that Greg Swann is not running for office as another Republican Fascist parasite. That's what they do when nothing else works, sell their mothers to make a buck.
This is the scene in the movie where he gets run out of town by the angry townspeople right?
Is America worthy of having Barack Obama as its leader?
Has he been a renter this whole time? I've never been clear on that.
This is very telling.
Here is a new realtor trick (at least new to me). A male and a female realtor acting as buyers drop by a house for sale while real buyers are taking a tour. The point, I guess, is to create the impression that there is a lot of interest in the house.
And I'm surprised that Greg Swann is not running for office as another Democrat Fascist parasite. That's what they do when nothing else works, sell their mothers to make a buck.
In the comments on his blog, he admits to "stupidly" insulting the bubble blog people.
Although he called us wife beaters, he still admitted he was stupid. I think thats the best we are gonna do.
I think I am bored with him now. I really thought he'd blow his brains out before admitting a mistake of any kind...
I'm perfectly happy masturbating now, thanks all the same. Waiting until after the housing market stops dropping seems like a very long time to go without pleasuring myself...
What an ramen eating asshole
Is DOPES a convert?
Anyway, what does Swann mean "go back to"?
I never left masturbation and drunkeness.......
I wonder if Swann beat his first wife
dude he even got the order down correct!
1. he gets drunk
2. he beats wife (who is 'outta commision' now
3. so he masturbates.
anon said: "Here is a new realtor trick (at least new to me). A male and a female realtor acting as buyers drop by a house for sale while real buyers are taking a tour."
This very thing happened to me, and I mean EXACTLY like that. About 8 months ago (before I came upon HP), I was looking to buy a house, and found one that I really liked. No, I LOVED THE HOUSE. Keep in mind that the real-estate market in this area was DEAD, and I mean dead.
Well, I was supposed to meet the listing agent at the house that evening. I went to the house expecting to see the listing agent there, but, at the LAST minute, the listing agent called me on my cell phone, and said that she was going to be a little late. So, while I was waiting on her, a brand new, silver Mercedes pulled up, and out pops a male and a female who SAID they were husband and wife. They boldly (almost arrogantly) said that they were DEFINITELY wanting to buy this house. They pranced around the front yard, acting like it was theirs. The woman just sat down on the curb, and said that they would wait for the agent, because this was the house for them, too. She was talking about how she was going to do some different things to the landscaping. Her husband was saying how he was going to be using the full basement for his business. All this time, I was thinking about how DEAD the real-estate market was (and still is). Out of all the THOUSANDS of houses for sale, they chose this one,- the very evening and exactly at the same time that I was getting ready to do a walk-thru with the listing agent.
Well, I didn't know about this type of scam, but I figured that something was up. So, I told them (politely, of course) that they could just buy the house, because there were tons of them available, and that I would just look elsewhere. IMMEDIATELY, the woman actor looked at her husband(?), and said, "What do you think?" The husband(?) said, "Well, let's just go, because he's going to buy the house anyway." They hopped back into their silver Mercedes, and I haven't seen hide nor hair of 'em since that evening. I stood there in total shock as they flew out of the cul-de-sac. Less than FIVE minutes later, the listing agent shows up.
Needless to say, I didn't buy the house. I just walked away. I found out later about this scam, through a friend of mine.
And, what happened to the house? Well, it's still there - still up for sale. Sorry for the long post, but please take note that this scam does exist, and it definitely happened to me. Kudos to "anon" for posting about this scam earlier.
And, as far as Greg Swann, I say throw him to the realtors. It'll be like a bunch of cannibals eating one of their own.
"When the market turns, the bubble boys will go back to their old lives of drunkenness, wife-beating and masturbation"
NOT TRUE... I never gave up masturbation.
i never gave up masturbation.
i never gave up masturbating.
Greg loves to use the "M" word when he attacks the bubble crowd. I find his writing style very self righteous and annoying, reminds me a little bit of Ann Coulter, or even adequacy.org.
The funny thing is - and I'm spoiling the joke here - the entire adequacy website is deliberately filled with outrageous, articulate articles (for example, "From Kids To Commies: The Truth About Daycare"), intended to infuriate people. And the comments are manipulated too. (Note that the site was shutdown, on an anniversary of September 11 of course, and now exists as a live archive).
I wonder if the Bloodhound blog and Greg Swan are modelled on ADEQUACY?
I think it's safe to say that Greg Swan masturbates too (most people do).
What a f@cking moron this loser is.I guess he might be selling ants to smucks soon.I wonder how many people he screwed in the bubble.Looks like he will be masturbateing in his mommy's basement.
Yea, they believe when the market turns, its going to turn at the pumped up inflated price it was in 2005, not from the depths it is at in 2035. Right, 2035 is when the market will turn, conicidentally that is the same year when Illegals will outnumber the legal and native US residents, just like 2005.
Can someone explain to me the fascination with this guy? There are millions of idiot realtors out there. Why does everyone here have such a hard on for this one?
I think it's time to order him some pizzas
Greg Swann 314 E El Caminito Dr , Phoenix, AZ, 85020
Office Phone: (602) 504-1256
Cell Phone: (602) 740-7531
Alt. Phone: (602) 369-9275
Fax Number: (602) 504-1353
Extra anchovies everyone
nothing wrong with doing two of those three things we are accussed of.
"... bubble boys will go
back to ... masturbation."
An earth-friendly activity;
and their genes will get out
of the pool.
"Here is a new realtor trick (at least new to me). A male and a female realtor acting as buyers drop by a house for sale while real buyers are taking a tour..."
A buyers' realtor would have to make an appointment with the sellers' realtor to tour a home or pick up a key for the lock box. You can't just walk into a house for sale. You're thinking of open houses where pretty much any crazy individual can tour a house.
"When the market turns, the bubble boys will go back to their old lives of drunkenness, wife-beating and masturbation"
The kind of frustration that leads a professional to make a public statement like that on the internet under his own name, must be immense.
That poor bastard, you should stop picking on him, he's likely to start smacking his bloodhound-ugly wife around.
After seeing her picture, I think we can all understand his unusually affectionate attraction to canines. ROTF.
Fetch, Colleen, fetch!
In case you missed it the first time:
Anonymous said...
I think it's time to order him some pizzas
Greg Swann 314 E El Caminito Dr , Phoenix, AZ, 85020
Office Phone: (602) 504-1256
Cell Phone: (602) 740-7531
Alt. Phone: (602) 369-9275
Fax Number: (602) 504-1353
February 24, 2008 6:44 PM
America, what a country
He proves that REALTORS(R) are not real professionals worthy of respect
Extra green peppers too
An idiot said: "Is America worthy of having Barack Obama as its leader?"
Worthy? Of course we're worthy of having an empty shirt, know nothing, clueless, pandering, Socialist fool lead the country. In fact, this point in history demands it! Who else could lead an electorate full of economic and historical illiterate morons demanding more “free” stuff but one of their own?
If BaryO had not been busy editing
the Harvard Law Review, he might
have finished Summa, not Magna.
Remembering ...
"I don't owe anything to you.
You brought me into this world."
I lifted this sentence right off Greg's site today in his "Investing" advice section on Phoenix RE;
"No one can promise future appreciation, but Phoenix has offered a fairly steady 6+% return since the end of W.W.II. In recent years, appreciation has been much higher. Over the last year, it has eclipsed 65% for the kinds of homes we’re talking about."
You'd think Greg would at least update his site annually to reflect the current market conditions. Its one thing to predict the future wrong but to have the present wrong is laughable. Greg’s excuse of course for his wildly incorrect market predictions are that he’s talking about the long run, the bigger picture, things we sock puppets can’t understand. What Greg doesn’t understand, to the great financial misfortune of his investors, is that money has a time value component. Doe’s anyone know if this clown vomiting investment advice even has a community college degree? I’d venture to guess not or at best a Liberal Art’s dropout. No offence to any creative people with a BA in the Arts.
I don’t believe I’ve come across a blogger with this special combination of arrogance and stupidity since Casey Serin. Like Serin, sometimes I have to check in on poor Greg just to see what new low he’s managed to achieve.
always raining on the parade or whatever the topic-of-the-day is...
Please shut the hell up.
Kind Regards.....
Q4 is on the money. Anyone who is for Obama is a moron. Yet he will win and once again prove that Americans may very well be the stupidest people on earth.
What's wrong with wife beating, if even McCain is fond of?
You're so close Swann. I never gave up on drinking the finest Bordeaux and spanking the monkey.
Hey Swann, there's something in psychology called "Projecting". Busted, my bankrupt realthwore.
Let's email Swann comments to all REIC and trade publications, just to show the kind of "professional" he is.
What the hell is wrong with snappin my zippy?
"A buyers' realtor would have to make an appointment with the sellers' realtor to tour a home or pick up a key for the lock box. You can't just walk into a house for sale."
this is not quite true - these days lockboxes also have combinations instead of being keyed. theres even these new electronic kind but i've went in quite a few vacant bank foreclosure homes where the realtor gave me the combination to the lockbox right over the phone. some will some wont
Hey, Keith:
Server not found
... catch my drift?
Man, that guy gives anyone with a real estate license a bad name.
My best friend is a realtor, as are 2 other people I know, however non of them are in denial about what is happening and what is about to happen.
That ass clown is a total joke.
"When the market turns, the bubble boys will go back to their old lives of drunkenness, wife-beating and masturbation"
He humiliates himself when he says these things and it humiliates me for having to read it.
From the 4realz link, comment #111:
#111 Odysseus
What’s the difference between Bloodhound Blog and a porcupine?
With the porcupine the pricks are on the outside.
>> i never gave up masturbation.
That's good - everyone needs a sole ambition in life.
"When the market turns, the bubble boys will go back to their old lives of drunkenness, wife-beating and masturbation"
When the market turns?? You mean I cant jerk off until 2022?
That's good - everyone needs a sole ambition in life.
Or not everyone is frigid/impotent in life or stuck with an ugly fat dragon for life.
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