February 11, 2008
Go ahead, you know you wanna. Add your own caption (but keep it clean!)
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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I hate realtors
I bet they aren't doing the "thumbs up victory pose" much anymore
Mamma used to say that only whores and children should wear red shoes. Maybe she was talking about realtywhores.
no they're hitch hiking...
pssst... Next pic we'll wear our clown suit. wink wink. Now smile!
Oh Yeah-
go to an Open House near you!
They will gladly tell you that they are seeing "much more foot traffic in 2008"
The knife catchers are out & buying what they think are deals now!
Problem is their are millions more homes added to the heap daily, so it's just a drop in the 'ol bucket.
But the Realtors will try & hype it as their "Spring BOunce", just you wait & see!!
Watchn' in DC
Beast with two heads and six limbs on verge of extinction.
Dude where do you get these pics from?
Behind this sign, we are having simultaneous orgasms because we just F*#% someone else who thinks, "it's a good time to buy or sell."
...any guesses as to where their thumbs are being symbolically shoved?
Sorry, that's as clean as I can comment on these filthy pig crooks.
Can you guess what this sign is hiding? It ain't no OPT/ARM!
The red 'pumps' tell the whole story...
We just srewed some first time hispanic buyers.Time to go party at fridays.I hope they don't find out we put them in a neg amortization ARM.Isn't it easy to prey on those people?
Go ahead and remove the part of my last post where I said about the woman liking truckers and the guy being along for the ride. That was not nice.
Tell me, does Keller Williams still promise to buy your home from you if they can't sell it within 60 days?
My husband and I went to a open house yesterday. We usually dont talk with the realtors much because I like to breeze through as many open homes as possible.
But this husband and wife realtor couple seemed nice enough - so we engaged in conversation.
I was taken aback at the end, here's the gist of our dialog:
When we walked into a open house(my husband usually does the talking, but not at this open house) the wife realtor asked us to sign her "book" - as I was doing so, the husband realtor says "its a great time to buy, the rates are really low right now".
Me: So they say.
realtors: Do you live around here?
Me: yes, we live on Bay Farm Island.
Realtor: Do you own, or... rent?
Me: We rent.
Realtor: (with excitement in his voice) It's a great time to buy,prices are down rates are down right now.
Me: The prices are pretty high though...
Realtor: Prices have come down, and the rates are low.
Me: With What type of a loan? We cant a even afford to buy with 20% downpayment.
Realtor: You can get an excellent loan with 20% down.
Me: A Fixed?
Realtor: Yes.
Me: I dont want a $3,200 a month payment.
Realor: There's different types of loans out there. Your payment wouldnt be that much.
Me: We would need some sort of an adjustable to a house right now...its not worth it.
Realtor: If you're really interested - the city of Oakland has a buying incentive - alot of people dont know this, but they can give you a loan for the downpayment on your house. The city will give you 75k, plus an additional $25k - that's $100K for a downpayment.
Me: Is that because theres a lot of forclosures in Oakland?
Realtor: No, and the loan doesnt have to be paid back until you sell the house.
Me: Well after you pay 12% transfer tax to the city of Oakland, on top of a realtors commission of 6%, that doesnt leave much left for the seller...
Realtor: Well, you have to have equity in the house for it to work, the income has to be at a certain amount to qualify.
Me: It's for lower incomes?
Realtor: yes, and you have to be a first time home buyer...
Me: Well, thats not us.
End of dialog for now... We walked through the house, and down to the dock. We walk through ths house to leave through the front door when the realtors stop us again to engage in another conversation.
Realtor: Well, what do you think of this house?
Me: It has a nice dock at back, but its not really what we like. It's alittle small.
Realtor: Well, what would you say if the seller wrote YOU an offer to buy this house?
Me: (husband and I look at each other) we don't think so, we really do like renting right now. Good luck in selling your house though.
The seller writing "us an offer" to buy their house?
That was a first!
"Holy Crap! I never thought we'd actually managed to sell one in this market!!"
The Keith Dog should walk up and pee on their legs. Some dogs pee on people.
Happy, Happy, real estate is always a positive experience. Come join in on the fun. They will do anything for 6%.
"Another 6% for doing next to nothing - I love this business."
"Ramen is on Sale at the Super Walmart!! 12 for $1.00!!!"
"put your left foot in, put your left foot out
do the hokey pokey since both Lereah and Yun don't pout
keep on being helpful and an advocate of the american dream
foreclosure, that's what it's all about!"
Sold!: Your Future!
"SOLD" sign for sale. Great condition. $5 OBO.
We don't need it anymore because there are no sales.
Don't you just hate REALTORS?
From the NAR training video: "After the contract is signed, shove your foot up their a## and politely show them the door."
Media alert!
I watched CNBC's "Debt Makeover" show this past weekend. They featured a Vegas couple into real estate.
They lived the high life for a few years before the bust. They were pulling in 500K for a few years.
And like the fools realtors are, they pissed it all away on $400 bottles of wines, trips and limos.
Now they are 800K in debt!! What a beautiful segment it was.
I predicte the CNBC "Debt Makeover" shows will soon be a bubble!!! LOL!
SOMEBODY has gotta post a link to that NNBC show!!!
I see the sign's made of steel,
we all know the real estate market's a real ordeal.
I know the real estate market's also a trap.
I'll take those signs and sell them for scrap.
I'll sell them and give you 6 percent of the proceeds as your fee. And... 94 cents goes for me.
"OK, now the $ucker's sold, can SOMEONE please find us some acetone, so as we can un-superglue ourselves..."
oakland gave me a down payment equal to the total value but will not admit it because it would reduce tax revenues and city employees cost of living adjusted pay checks>>>>>? if those 800,000 buck houses were only worth 80,000....suckers ..who will probaly have the last laugh.
First thing that popped in my head when I saw that picture was the Ren and Stimpy song:
"Happy happy joy joy!"
Curious if they are still singing it.
We're your conjoined realtors - two for the same 6%, now thats a deal!
Two Turds, No Cap
Dude: Look as happy as you can...Look like you're really excited and turned on.
Chick: You mean like that picture of the young couple dry humping each other after signing the loan documents, in front of their smiling realtor?
Dude: Yeah!
Chick: "I just crapped myself Bill!"
Guy: "Don't worry Marsha, come lean in on my buldge."
Its Mothra and a giant blow fish, rising from the radio active mutation that is the US housing market. The sign is lead lined and still their evil greed ray can harm us. Avert your eyes and run!!!!
He's thinking: "God! I'm gay for Real Estate!"
She's thinking: "God! I wish he weren't gay!"
What's up with realtors? What makes them tick? Why do they believe they’re special people? Why do they go into that fem-bot mode of speaking when showing a "home", or a "property". What?... having a clipboard and keys to an empty house makes one "superior”?!" Why do they plaster their photos on bus benches and bill boards? Have you ever seen a realtor’s business card without a cheese-eating photo? Everyone (including my dog) knows it's a scam job available to any loser with few if any barriers to entry. Realty is NOT a profession. An educated and talented person distinguishes themselves by earning a PhD, MD, CPA, DDS, or even JD, DC, DO. High tech nerds into IT...or even pro athletes...are all true professionals. The title professional is earned with sweat, tears, blood, brains, dreams, talent, perseverance, and sheer will-power. Most earn their money honestly by providing a valuable service to society. Tiger Woods has earned EVERY DOLLAR of his vast fortune. He’s been swinging a club since he was two and he still practices every day! But realtors don’t fit that description. Most are wannabees. Having passed on all the educational opportunities that would lead to distinguished professional careers, they delude themselves into thinking they can skip the “work” and “skill acquisition” phase of becoming valuable to society. With greed filled petty souls, they believe: Yes, I can be a professional too!” I’ll get a shirt and tie! I’ll learn a few industry specific words like "escrow" and "Travertine", take an online course, a test, buy a license, and...drum roll please....I’ll be a realtor!!!! Listen, I’m a young dentist and make more money than I deserve. But I swear to every one that reads this comment: I will never-ever, ever employ a realtor for any reason. Never. No theatrics, no scams. Honest work should equal honest pay.
'Nuff said, right there.
I at too many cookies at open house Jan. And now I have to shit and fart all over your face. Ah hahahahha. Ah hahahaha.
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