Tom Adkins is the long haired realtor freak who Peter Schiff always sends to school. I've wondered why such a fool is given airtime. I mean, what exactly are the criteria for becoming an "expert" on Fox News and the Fox Business Channel.
Well, now we know.
You just have to do one of their reporters.
What's most shameful is that Fox News doesn't disclose it when Adkins is on the air, or especially when he's being interviewed by or sitting on the same panel AS HIS WIFE, Fox reporter Brenda Buttner, the anchor for the Bulls & Bears segment where Adkins spouts his bullsh*t.
America deserves more from its media. It's conflicts like these that created the housing bubble (where reporters didn't disclose their real estate holdings when reporting on real estate), and Iraq (where reporters where rewarded with access if they kept to the Bush line)
Adkins shouldn't be on Fox simply because he's been proven so completely wrong. There should at least be a disclaimer - IF YOU FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THIS REALTOR YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING. TOM ADKINS HAS SCREWED ANYONE WHO LISTENED TO HIM, AND HE'S ALSO SCREWING OUR ANCHOR.
And damn, that Buttner sure has bad taste in men. She lets him out of the house looking like that?
January 26, 2008
So do you ever wonder why a discredited hack like RE/MAX's Tom Adkins is always on Fox News and Fox Business Channel?
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Labels: fox news, realtors are discredited hacks, realtors will do or say anything to make 6%, tom adkins
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What a lucky lady.
This would have to be one of the milder cases of nepotism going on at Fox News though. Anybody that watches Fox News for anything other than entertainment is a damned fool.
Can you imagine what their children would look like or grow up to be?
Probably delinquent meth-heads that would be robbing liquor stores or the elderly for fix-money, or even worse, a Realtor.
Why wouldn't this Sam Kinison wanna be give his ultimate wisdom on Fox? What else could he do, earn an honest living? Doing what, scrounging for cans? Doubtful.
A great American example of an average 'working couple'... A douchebag lying talking head and a douche scumbag used-house salesman.
Perfect AND Priceless Americana
America deserves FOX news. No viewers, no FOX.
Now quit pretending that the larger part of society is anything more than clueless. Only because you have a heart you would'nt exploit the suckers for every penny they have. Bankers and politicians do.
Anybody that watches Fox News for anything other than entertainment is a damned fool.
I second that!
Great Post. But the marriage was old news from 2006. Also emailed your post to foxnews segment "The cost of freedom".. Hope they will try and answer. I'd like to hear what their mgt says.
Does Andrea Michell disclose she's Alan Greenspan's wife when she reports about the economy?
Did Maria Barturomo disclose she was banging an executive (a married one at that) from Citi?
You don't care about that though. Only what happens on Fox. Man you liberals need to get some counselling for you obsession with this tv channel.
Also wonder if
NBC News ever discloses that Brian Williams was an intern for Jimmah Carter when reporting on politics
or that Chris Matthews worked for Democrat congressmen
or that Tim Russert spent years working for Democrat senators
No, I can't ever seem to recall any such disclosures.
But on Fox an anchor is married to a real estate investor and the whole network needs to be shut down
"Does Andrea Michell disclose she's Alan Greenspan's wife when she reports about the economy?"
Man, that's a really stupid question. Was Alan Greenspan synonymous with the actual economy?? Did Andrea Mitchell ever sit on the same panel as Greenspan? Most of all, Greenspan was appointed by the freaking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to get his job -- he didn't bang Andrea Mitchell to get his job, you stupid shit.
And before you call me a liberal douchebag, I vote Republican more often than I vote Democrat! (Oh yeah, I suppose that makes me a flip-flopper too, rather than a centrist voter who actually uses his brain cells to evaluate each candidate on his/her own merits before casting my ballot)
The boy needs a haircut bad.
What with Fox using these neo hippie types as business commentators?
They arn ,t credible in the fist place and this idiots track record on predicting the housing market only confirms it.
I want a piece of the b@tch too.I have blue balls now as I look at her.
Mitchell was NBC's chief White House correspondent. The economy was not her beat. I don't remember her ever interviewing her own husband on the air. I do remember Don Imus asking her what "Crazy Al" had to say on a subject and hearing her change the subject.
People STILL watch TV?
The internet...bigger,better,faster.
for those who can read (ok, maybe that IS the problem).
I feed my TV DVD's, haven't been to a
movie in years.
If you must, dish...Not "Dish",
real satellite.
chris g misses the point. there are conflicts of interest all over the media. yet libs only focus on the conflicts at fox news.
ps: chris, no such thing as a centrist or moderate. there are liberals. there are conservatives and then there are liberals who call themselves moderates.
Fox editorial board meeting:
Fox Editor: "We need someone to pump real estate against Schiff - anyone know any realtors"
Brenda Buttner: "Hey, yeah, my husband's a realtor and he's a FREAK! You'll LOVE him! And he could use the publicity - he doesn't have any business right now, just sits at home and watches TV"
Fox Editor: "Alright, bring him in. He's that hippee you brought to the Christmas party last year, right? The one with the great weed?"
Brenda Buttner: "Yeah! That's him! I'll have him come in tomorrow. But NOBODY mention anything on-air about him being my husband, OK? I haven't told my parents yet. Don't think I will, it'd just be too embarrassing"
Adkins is a raging idiot.
It's not the fact that he looks like Tiny Tim that bothers me, more the fact that he is so arrogant.
She likes rock stars.
Keith, why are you even watching Fox "News"? Might as well, just read press statements from the White House: "'Merica is Great." "'Merica is Strong." "'Merica is be fine."
Fox editorial board meeting:
Fox Editor: "We need someone to pump real estate against Schiff - anyone know any realtors"
Brenda Buttner: "Hey, yeah, my husband's a realtor and he's a FREAK! You'll LOVE him! And he could use the publicity - he doesn't have any business right now, just sits at home and watches TV"
Fox Editor: "Alright, bring him in. He's that hippee you brought to the Christmas party last year, right? The one with the great weed?"
Brenda Buttner: "Yeah! That's him! I'll have him come in tomorrow. But NOBODY mention anything on-air about him being my husband, OK? I haven't told my parents yet. Don't think I will, it'd just be too embarrassing"
January 26, 2008 3:50 PM
I agree with you that these confrontations with Schiff and others are manufactured, produced episodes intended to deliver a certain effect to the audience's mind.
Where you fall short is you dont understand that both combatants are frauds. Each player plays his/her role to argue a false argument, to keep the population swimming in a fish bowl.
The truth which must not come out at any cost is pushed aside and kept hidden by the alternative and oppossing arguments.
In short watching a debate like this on Fox TV is no different than watching a professional wrestling match produced by Vince Mcmahon.
check out that screen shot, it reads:
Tom's Prediction
What a Tool!!!
Ya know, I know it's not right or polite to judge on appearance...but
I can't take that guy seriously!
If he showed up as a representing agent... I think I'd start laughing!
The Simpsons, American Idol, American Dad. Just take the channel for what it is: ENTERTAINMENT!! No one but red bait eating morons takes any of Rupert Murdoch's media outlets seriously.
I actually sent FOX an email to put this guy with Peter and ask him what he thought about his prediction on December 2006. What a freaking looser.
What a freaking looser.
You don't know the difference between LOSER and LOOSER. Therefore you are today's biggest loser of them all.
anonymous misses the point. Anonymous does a piss poor job of saying what his/her point actually is.
And if there is no such thing as a centrist or a moderate, it's only in your own mind. Any chance there are conservatives who are also moderates? Apparently not according to King Anonymous!
"You don't care about that though. Only what happens on Fox."
Dude, get a grip. It's not only about FOX, it's about the inappropriateness of any such relationship. I am sure if there was a video of Greenspan being interviewed by Andrea Mitchell and she was lobbing softballs, Kieth would take her, and whatever news organization she works for (ABC?), to task.
chris g,
you truly are dense my man.
King A.
King A,
I'm not the one who is too lazy or stupid to get a moniker. You are. And you made several piss poor analogies that have no basis in reality. Now dry up and blow away.
Isn't that the caveman from the Geico commercial?
Put some shades on that man and we know what happened to
Can anyone confirm that ABC's Andrea Koppel is Ted Koppel's wife? Not that it's a problem, I'm just curious...
Andrea Koppel is Ted Koppel's daughter.
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