"The state of our union is evident in the number of for-sale signs that we pass before we even hit the first stop sign on our way to our jobs. It is evident in the houses long-ago foreclosed, still sitting vacant with boarded-up windows. The state of our union is dire."
— Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.
January 29, 2008
Open thread to talk about Bush's LAST state of the union speech
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Labels: the worst president ever
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If Bush's State of the Union speech was meant to inspire reassure and calm the public, it was a dismal failure. Get those sell orders in pronto.
State of the Union, or State of Denial?
GW had an unprecedented opportunity to make significant structural changes to tax law,social security, tort reform and energy. He squandered it all away on an ill-fated war and a sick religeous social crusade. All the while engaged in defecit spending like a drunken sailor.
He will go down as one of the greatest failures of the modern presidency.
PS I am a Republican
That was the best State of the Union address since this one:
(Go to 3:30)
Thank god that part is over.
I still hate Pelosi and Reid for not starting impeachment proceedings... bastard will get away with EVERYthing!
Here's a transcript for those that missed it:
"Shutup.. Shutup.. Sit yo monkey ass down.. Chill out...
I know shit's bad right now. With all that foreclosure bullshit.. And the hurricanes.. And we runnin out of french fries and burrito coverings...
But I got a SOLUTION."
"That's what you said last year dipshit!"
Ron Paul:
"I got a solution. You're a dick! Lake Jackson, Texas, whaasssup!!"
Bam! Bam! Bam! (machine gun fire)
"That's what I thought!
Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now but listen up. I got a three point plan to fix everything.
Number 1: We got this guy Bernanke.
Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than any economist alive!
Number 3: He's gonna fix EVERYTHING! I give you my word as president!
He'll fix all the problems with the housing bubble. He's gonna make it GROW again!
And that ain't all...
I give you my word - he's gonna fix the dollar too. Ha!
And I give you my word - he's gonna fiiiiix the ecomony.
And he's soooo smart. He's gonna do it all in one week!"
The economy is strong...and uncertain.
I find that pretty reassuring. I was thinking it was a house of cards and most certainly so.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
So, tell me, does the average Americano take it enough in the butt yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
The democratic response WRT the economy stimulus being "temporary" and that we needed a "permanent solution" was laughable.
She obviously has no comprehension of "The Bubble" and should face the facts that we NEED a recession.
Buuuut. If she wants to subsidize 50% of my lowball offer that will just barely save a stupid, greedy FB then I'll support that kind of taxpayer funded bail out. I'll even buy a condo. I see that as a better option than titrating out even more money to each individual FB. I'll even pay my property taxes on time.
Free money for Bubble Blogging Renters only!
At least we tried to warn you all about it!
Oh...and Bushes speech...yawn.
State of dis union proves
the point that ...
dimwit + partydrugs = dimmerwit
The speech represents the beginning of the last year of this corrupt and incompetent administration. Lets hope this year goes by quickly and painlessly
Less than a year to go until Skippy McDumbass is gone. I suspect our country will stagger through until this waste of human flesh flies back to Dallas and crawls in a whiskey bottle.
Until then, buy a countdown clock:
"The reason they hate us is because they hate freedom! It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they're pissed off about the fact that we created the state of Israel out of thin air even though there hadn't been a Jewish state in the Middle East in over 2000 years. And it has even less to do with the fact that we've been propping up brutal dictators for the past 50 years to protect our oil supply.
Thank God Bush is our president and is smart enough to see through all those rediculous reasons they keep giving us for their anger. If we really believed that there were legitimate reasons for them to be mad at us, then we'd have to apologize, and that would be embarassing!
"The state of our union is evident in the number of for-sale signs that we pass before we even hit the first stop sign on our way to our jobs. It is evident in the houses long-ago foreclosed, still sitting vacant with boarded-up windows. The state of our union is dire."
— Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.
And whose faul is that Eljah? Who pressed banks to give 'minorities' loans when they knew fully well those loans would never be paid back?
Another Democrat idiot spending my tax dollars.
damn dudes even the freaks at dailykos are reading this blog and saying whoa, a little over the top
oh by the way I stubbed my toe getting out of bed this morning...also Bush's fault. Damn that Bush. Damn him.
The guy is just an embarrassment not only to himself but to the American People. He as well as his Hitler youth sitting behind him can not leave quick enough.
After first mentioning security-Bush surprised me and said we need factories and jobs to keep the economy strong. Well, he got half of it right...we need factories for sure, but its way too late to keep the economy going full board like it has been.
Maybe his advisors are reading HP?
My question is, why didnt the government put a cap or tariff the hell out of corporations (including Microsoft) when they transfered all our jobs overseas the last 15 years? It's o.k. to help third world counties improve their cost of living, however its not o.k. for them to transfer all our factory jobs outside of the US, because it only makes corportion executives and their high priced CEO's wealthy.
Pelosi is another one who doesnt know what's going on when she makes comments like this: "We want to get checks out to everyone so they can keep the economy going by Spending; and it also will create more jobs". What???
Really? More jobs? fast food jobs come to mind...
Our government is so shortsighted its just shameful.
Only 15% of Americans watch the State of the Union speech
My question is, why didnt the government put a cap or tariff the hell out of corporations (including Microsoft) when they transfered all our jobs overseas the last 15 years?
Because that would be a very stupid thing to do. Read some Adam Smith. Read some economic theory. And read some history of what prolonged the depression with special regards to Smoot-Hawley.
If you want examples of what happens when countries don't trade look to Cuba and N. Korea.
Also look at where China was pre-1975 when it didn't trade. Look where it is now, when it does trade.
Even your boy Clinton realized the value of open trade. He signed NAFTA and rightly so.
Only flat earthers (aka Ron Paul supporters) still cling to this notion of closing the doors to the outside world.
I don't have t.v. anymore. Looks like I'm unplugged and not brain washed. :)
Hey Keith:
i have a great idea! Let's do a vote on DOPES and Andrew Hac coming to the convention!
Do u want DOPES to come?
""""""""" Andrew Hac to come?
""""""""" Do u want both to come?
""""""" Do u want neither to come?
They hanged the wrong man in Baghdad...
damn dudes even the freaks at dailykos are reading this blog and saying whoa, a little over the top
When did those pussy-assed lefties at Dailykoks become an authority. Seriously, what is over the top about this blog?
Glad its almost over.
If you voted republican, you deserve everything you have coming at you. Why don't you go vote for Romney of McCain and we can have 8 more years of rapid decline and wealth worship? The top 5% only control 80% of the wealth, we must give them the means to gain the other 20%.
PS> I notice Dinor is a lot more republican here than on the Portland Housing Blog. That's a shame.
I think he just spent about $750 billion in one hour during that speech. Education grants, $30billion for aids in Africa, protecting out "vital interests in the Persian Gulf," energy subsidies, biological research grants . . .
On the plus side, he did save $18 billion in earmarks. *gold star*
"Give me control of a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws."
Anonymous said...
The speech represents the beginning of the last year of this corrupt and incompetent administration. Lets hope this year goes by quickly and painlessly
Yup, and then what? Magically the economy will recover, the debt will go away, the war will stop, the American consumer will realize how shallow they are and will shut off the Market Machine (tv)and life will be just like a summer morning. Right?
Ridding ourselves of the Bush Virus will do nothing to heal the oozing sores that pockmark the U.S. Personally, I won't be happy until they are all hanging by ropes and we can watch it live on the Market Machine.
ATE UP said...
Hey Keith:
i have a great idea! Let's do a vote on DOPES and Andrew Hac coming to the convention!
Do u want DOPES to come?
""""""""" Andrew Hac to come?
""""""""" Do u want both to come?
""""""" Do u want neither to come?
You might want to change your nick to something besides "ATE UP" if Andrew shows. Particularly if he is carrying a big long bamboo stick.
Lots of talk about Iran. But no talk of two of the top terrorist nations in the World: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia who we support and give billions to. In Iraq more Saudi Arabian nationals are captured than any other country. In the rest of the most Pakistani nationals are captured for trying to carry out terrorist acts.
The picture is priceless.
I thought Bush did a great job of stating his Libertarian/Laisse Faire position in his opening remarks.
For me, it was a sense of relief that this chump is almost out.
What a disaster these last 7 years were.
Good Riddance!
Given all the enthusiastic clapping by Nancy Pelosi, I think the Democrats should impeach her.
Idiot Bitter Renter said:
"PS> I notice Dinor is a lot more republican here than on the Portland Housing Blog. That's a sham"
Dino <---- Me
Dinor <---- someone else
Get it?
Actually, the most interesting part for me was watching it in High Def.
They had a decent camera. When they panned the audience, you could count the starts on all of American flag lapel pins.
(Remember, you can tell how much someone loves America by the size of the lapel pin).
That and the congressman falling asleep that they zoomed in on.
My apologies to DinoR.
Qweefie could you rename your blog please? The correct name should be
Blogger Malcolm said...
Actually, the most interesting part for me was watching it in High Def.
They had a decent camera. When they panned the audience, you could count the starts on all of American flag lapel pins.
(Remember, you can tell how much someone loves America by the size of the lapel pin).
And the size of their television.
GW had an unprecedented opportunity to make significant structural changes to tax law,social security, tort reform and energy.
He did try to change social security. He tried to turn the money over to Wall Street to invest in such wonderful things as SIV's CDO's and mortgage backed securities. In that one instance we were lucky the public wasn't dumb enough to let him do it. With all the pain on Wall Street these days nobody seems to be bringing up the fact that Bush wanted to give them a big chunk of SS to play with.
hey yeah what an awful idea letting me invest my SS money the way I see fit...much better to let the geniuses in the government steal $12,500 every year and throw it down a black hole
typical leftist attitude...let the govt run it
how's all that working out for everyone?
it's neck and neck
and at the line it's
HP by a hair as the most far left, anti-American, anti-capitalist blog of the day
Congrats boyz.
Ridding ourselves of the Bush Virus will do nothing to heal the oozing sores that pockmark the U.S. Personally, I won't be happy until they are all hanging by ropes and we can watch it live on the Market Machine.
I see bush as being the incompetent doctor and congress his incompetent nurse/hospital. We, as a nation, have a disease and our health services are completely useless to help us get better.
Do you mean is Disunion address? Anyway...you want to get the record of each candidates go to http://knowbeforeyouvote.com/
Learn the truth of what the NAZI BUSH/CHENNY REGIME did over in IRAQ. Go to blockbuster and rent "No End in Sight"
An examination of the Bush Administration's conduct of the Iraqi war and occupation. The film chronicles the manner in which the principle errors of U.S. policy--the use of insufficient troop levels, allowing the looting of Baghdad, the purging of professionals from the Iraqi government, and the disbanding of the Iraqi military--largely created the insurgency and chaos that engulf Iraq today. How did a group of men with little or no military experience, knowledge of the Arab world or personal experience in Iraq come to make such flagrantly debilitating decisions? The film marks the first time Americans will be allowed inside the White House, Pentagon, and Baghdad's Green Zone to understand for themselves what has become the disintegration of war-torn Iraq.
Yesterday, President Bush issued what will thankfully be his final State of the Union address; but, little of what he says can be trusted.
For the past seven years, we have watched as America has moved steadily backwards. We have become a nation that is less free and less fair. We have become a nation that no longer values the right to privacy and has tragically retreated from our cherished foundations.
Nothing George W. Bush says tonight will change the sad reality of the America he has given us:
- Our economy teeters on the edge of recession while property taxes spike and homeowners are losing their homes at record levels;
- Our educational system is broken and our teachers are abandoned;
- Our roads and bridges languish in disrepair, while our borders and ports remain under-inspected and insecure;
- Our most basic ideals about law and justice have been tossed out, as our President uses fear to pursue his reckless agenda; and
- We remain mired in Iraq – a war built on lies and manipulated intelligence.
Nowhere in American history - not even Watergate - have we been confronted with an Administration so ambivalent about the truth and established law. A recent nonpartisan study found that the Bush Administration lied over 900 times in the prelude to the Iraq war, misleading us on nearly every critical issue.
It is time that we reclaim this country and undue the damage wrought by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
Democrats in Congress must stand up and lead – no matter the cost.
We need to finally act on the promises of the 2006 election and stop at nothing to bring our troops home from the Iraq. If we do not act Bush will install a permanent US presence in Iraq and John McCain's vision of a 100 year US occupation will become reality. (Click here to read my recent editorial on the Failure of the Bush Surge in Iraq.)
It is time that we faced up to our global responsibilities and begin to prevent global warming. In the richest nation on earth, it is long past time that we provide health insurance to every single American.
We must aggressively pursue impeachment hearings for Vice President Dick Cheney due to serious allegations of abuse of power including illegal wiretapping, torture, and deliberate lies to bring us to war. (Click here to see my recent speech on the floor of the House calling for impeachment hearings).
Fifteen members of Congress - including 4 Judiciary Committee members - have already joined my call to Chairman Conyers for impeachment hearings and more are joining each day: (Click here to see the letter I am sending to Congressman Conyers and the list of members who have joined as signatories.)
Bush Administration officials and cabinet members must answer questions - on the record - regarding illegal wiretapping, torture, and what I perceive as deliberate, knowing lies to the American people in an effort to bring us to war in Iraq.
Impeachment hearings are essential because the Administration has recklessly used claims of executive privilege to block key witnesses from testifying. Impeachment hearings could force the Administration to drop their executive privilege claims and we would then finally get the answers this nation deserves. We are making progress with over 216,000 Americans already registering their support at WexlerWantsHearings.com.
We must rededicate ourselves to the core values of this nation and finally deliver to the American people the change they demanded when they stood up and voted for Democrats in 2006.
I value your support, and I am thankful for your patriotism.
Together, we can begin to restore the state of our Union.
With warm regards,
Congressman Robert Wexler
Looks like a lot of the posters here don't remember any other presidents except Dubya...
Anon 4:13 gets it...most of the rest of you are just as fanatic as the Nazis you claim hatred for...
Hey Dino Dumbya Lover,
Problems are generally blamed on the people with the POWER to solve them....Ergo - people blame Bush.
Just like conservatives (of which I am one) blame the poor for their sad place in life.
Steve in MN said...
Looks like a lot of the posters here don't remember any other presidents except Dubya...
Anon 4:13 gets it...most of the rest of you are just as fanatic as the Nazis you claim hatred for...
I am not sure they are bright enough to be fanatical Nazis. The Nazis were evil but they weren't stupid. America just can't get off the "fake wealth with borrowed money treadmill" long enough to realize that they are all standing in the killing chute at the stock yard waiting for their home values to magically go up again, and kissing their gold coins and their Amex cards while they wait for what's up ahead in line.
When in fact, there is a big, burly sum'bitch called Insolvency at the end of the chute with a big f**ng sledge hammer.
They don't get it yet that the least of their worries is there pitiful little fantasy HELOC equity in their ticky tacky tract homes. Or their little sack of gold coins that will save them from Big Bad Insolvency.
Insolvency he don't care, he has his orders to smash all of us and then throw us over to Andrew Hac for the spit.
Learn the truth of what the NAZI BUSH/CHENNY REGIME did over in IRAQ. Go to blockbuster and rent "No End in Sight"
If you are going to accuse someone of being a Nazi, at least spell his name right. Are all libs this stupid or just you?
Check out this 2-minute "Planet of the Apes" Classic with the BUSH STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS!
5-STARS! ***** 100% HOOT!
Be sure to watch the last 10 seconds!!!
"we created the state of Israel out of thin air even though there hadn't been a Jewish state in the Middle East in over 2000 years."
You know, Pakistan was created in about 1948, just liek Israel. What would you think of exterminationist Hindu fanatics who want to erase Pakistan?
Lots of other new states created much later, and nobody thinks it reasonable to obliterate them, even though some others were undoubtably pissed off.
Oh, and there is nothing legal to prevent impeachment hearings from happening, and prosecution initiated, after a person is out of office.
It is not moot---the Constitutional punishment is removal from office AND a ban from any Federal employment.
In any case, the real value will be the subpoenaed testimony. A truth and no-reconciliation commission.
HP by a hair as the most far left, anti-American, anti-capitalist blog of the day
Congrats boyz.
You're the typical retard that bleeds "patriotism" out of his butthole so violently that he confuses criticism a government that has destroyed the Constitution as being unpatriotic or un-American. Or criticism of corrupt and fraudulent financial practices as being anti-capitalist.
Grow a brain dumb f*ck.
One good thing...
Who is holding all of our worthless dollars? Overseas investors mostly.
You guys sound bitter and angry.
Did the manager at the mill cut your hours again?
Are the evil brown skinned people stealing your jobs?
Are the rich folk in NUU YERK CEETIE upsetting you?
It's OK I understand. Blue collar redneck slobs like yourselves are having a hard time. The world is quickly changing. You are being left behind and need someone to blame.
Better you vent here on a message board than go shoot up a Denny's or something.
Don't worry when Hitlery takes office she will make it all better. And if you believe that, I have some wonderful beachfront condos in Utah I'd like to show you.
It's always a hassle to reply to anonymous posts, but to the anon guy who asked about Pakistan getting erased because it was created out of thin air in 1948:
OBVIOUSLY most of todays artifical borders were created in 1948 with the dissolution of imperialism. But Israel is different because Israel, unlike Pakistan, still gets $3BN a year of military aid from the US and the region knows that anyone who messes with Israel messes with the US. We're interfering in their (Arab) business and they don't like it. We wouldn't either. And my point is that when Bush says that "They hate freedom" he's lying. They don't hate freedom, they hate us for being so disrespectful to them as to impose the nation of Israel onto them. We've castrated them and they're pissed. And they should be.
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