FedPANIC anyone?
It is an election year after all.
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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Got SAMs?
200 basis point cut this month.
I wouldn't expect anything less!
The Federal Reserve economists found that over 33 years the velocity of one of the Federal Reserve's main measures of the money supply, called M2, works out to 1.6527.
This means that $100 the Federal Reserve puts into the economy does the work of $165.27 before the year ends. The velocity can vary considerably from month to month or from one year to another, but over several years the velocity is constant at 165.27, the research showed.
This idiot must still be sitting on a lot of spec houses.
gotta like terms like "reliquidification of debt" and fantasys like "once the financial markets are talking on normal risk patterns again, the Fed can raise rates again."
maybe DOPES is writing for TheStreet!
it seems clear to me that someone wants to be bailed out of their positions...
This country is over. Thats what gold is signalling. %1.00 emergency cut coming, wait till the end of this week. Stagflation is here!
When is the next Fed meeting?
Of course they’re going to do something stupid.
They’re going to cut rates again, because that’s the only thing they can think of that doesn’t involve any real work.
This brand of “republican” thinks that dropping rates is the solution to every problem.
So what happens when they drop the rates to zero and it still doesn’t solve the problem?
I suppose we shouldn’t be too hard on them. Aside from the risk of damaging their self-esteem, we should remember that on the day they covered economic theory in school, this bunch was skipping school to try to experience the “hippie” lifestyle.
So sad. So sad.
It’s like watching a train stopping to avoid a wreck. It takes miles to stop. You see the crash coming, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Maybe if we all click our heels, we can leave Oz and go back to the good old days when the crooks didn’t rule the world.
that author obviously never heard of JAPAN!
Anonymous said...
This idiot must still be sitting on a lot of spec houses.
January 09, 2008 1:57 PM
Bingo! The Fed can go pound sand, the **lenders** need drop 30 yr's to 1-2%. That will jump start things again....IF the Greedy Sellers don't increase their asking prices.
Economist Jim Rogers recently commented in a CNBC interview that Fed chairman Bernake doesn't even understand basic economics.
Ben Bernake is to running the economy what Bush is to running the country.
The only way either can run anything is INTO THE GROUND!
75 cut, dow up 1000 next day
Lookie there.
Two monkeys wearing suits.
Thank you for the poetry!
"It’s like watching a train stopping to avoid a wreck. It takes miles to stop. You see the crash coming, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it."
"He is like a farmer with terminal cancer borrowing money on next year's crop"
Thanks to Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Wonderful, wonderful!
Anything Ben does is irrelevant. (Other than decrease our purchasing power further)
Keep in mind folks that the only thing Ben and his merry men are attempting to do is reduce the likelihood of bank failures and insolvency in the financial system. So they can lower rates in the interim, give time for the banks and idiotic lenders to balance themselves off and sell their toxic debt. Once there is stabilization, the rates go up. Probably to double digits. It happened in the late 70s, early 80s and it will happen again.
no worries - Team Bush is on the job.
Oh please cut those rates, my gold coins will love you that much more!!
Big rate cut coming our way...
and it won't help the stock market.
This man is a piece of work!
Quote from Bernanke today:
"We stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growth and to provide adequate insurance against downside risks".
To provide adequate insurance against downside risks? This man is a one-person Gong Show. Far worse than Greenspan, and daily doing more damage to the credibility of the US than any central banker in history. The Bernanke Put: buy anything - go ahead - we'll guarantee that it won't lose value!
His voice was quivering so bad while giving his speech!
Unbelievable, this man has NO back-bone whatsoever!
This just came to me: I feel like all the corporate heads and wall street had a heart to heart with little Ben today! Convinced him that it's already tooooo late to save the masses and that it would be in the BEST interest of the U.S.A. to save the Wealthy because they ARE the ones who sustain the rest of the population.
Well that may be true to some respect...HOWEVER, We The People, of the United States of America are the ones who SUPPORT you. Without US (workers, taxpayers, customers, shareholders, etc.) YOU (Gov't, Corp., etc) wouldn't exist today!
So with that being said, F*ck you Ben! You are a poor excuse for a human being...
Venting OFF!
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