I'm glad Ron Paul ran - doing the right thing is the right thing to do. Saying what needs to be said is the right thing to do. And trying to change this mess we have in DC is DEFINITELY the right thing to do. But Americans aren't (yet) ready for the truth. Too bad.
I hope he stays in the race until the convention. 10% of the delegates at a brokered convention is powerful.
The 2008 race for president sure is getting fun though. After last night's results, Bloomberg has to be beside himself. If the Dems and Reps nominate Clinton and McCain (they won't, but damn that would be just sick), Bloomberg would have a cake-walk.
I love a good unpredictable race and have waited forever for a brokered convention. But the market hates sh*t like that. Let the games begin.
And a special note for the people of America - wives of presidents are not serious candidates for president - that crap only happens in places like Argentina or Cuba or Syria or N. Korea. Nice work.
On to South Carolina. Obama and Huckabee there.
January 09, 2008
It looks like in America today, "truth" is not something a candidate for president should run on.
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Obama and Huckabee there
Yes, I think you are right.
Too bad California is not earlier in the process. I think RP is going to get some delegates there.
Americans are Stupid MOFO's for sure...how McCain can win anything is BEYOND me...RON PAUL is the best. Too bad its all rigged and the sheep are clueless.
Hhhmmm... Keith, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one particular issue you have regarding wives of President's.
I understand the point you are trying to make. However, Hillary Clinton is running for President on HER OWN merit and NOT her husband's.
There is so much political bull$hit involved. PLUS, not to mention the deep deep deep deep bull$hit that has to be cleaned up when they win!
This HAS to be a passionate choice for each of these candidates!
And a special note for the people of America - wives of presidents are not serious candidates for president -
What about senators...from New York?
My point is that it takes a lot of cojones for a Man to run for President. Imagine a woman making this choice in a still pre-dominately man's World...
You don't see ALL of us running and signing up for the candidacy!
Before those of you start preaching Bush Sr. and Jr. in my example... That would be my point!
What MERIT did Bush Jr. have?
As I mentioned before in another post...
I ask you who is worse?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran who is an outright tyrant?
Our Presidential candidates who disguise themselves as wolves in Sheppard’s clothing leading the sheeple to the slaughter?
Hillary Clinton is running for President on HER OWN merit and NOT her husband's.
Umm ... what merit? She's done nothing in the senate after 7 years ... NOTHING.
I think Hillarious Clinton is crashing and burning because she took the women's vote for granted, but in reality, intelligent women who think for themselves feel patronized and offended. Women are perfectly capable of making it on their own and don't need their husband's name to get a job like Hillary did and in the end they're turning their backs on her.
Conveniently, TNR ran a drudge-linked hit piece on Dr. Paul the day of the NH primary.
Do McCain and Thompson even have enough money to keep running? Dr. Paul again beat another MSM "top tier" candidate (Fred) who got to participate in the faux news NH forum.
CNN is saying that the Clinton vs. Obama vote among women went from a dead heat a few days ago, to +13% for Clinton in the primary results, supposedly because of this teary-eyed moment that she had.
I'm sorry, but we've gone through 7 (soon to be 8) years of the worst presidential administration that anyone can remember. Can we stop voting based on teary-eyed moments and get back to the damn issues that are on the table?
Chris g said...
>>>Can we stop voting based on teary-eyed moments and get back to the damn issues that are on the table?
January 09, 2008 9:09 AM
Heaven forbid ANY Presidential candidate show emotion or passion for our country...
The media has been saying: "can Ron Paul turn those internet supporters into real votes?" Ron Paul supporters are beginning to prove them right. Unfortunately, Keith you are also right. Not enough Americans are waking up fast enough. At this point I think he needs some huge event to occur to turn the American people's heads. In the meantime I cross every finger and every toe.
Dude you're nuts. Bloomberg has as much chance as Ron Paul which is to say no chance.
And that's a good thing.
HIITLERY cried and that reversed a 10% deficit overnight? Holy fuck we are in trouble if that's the case.
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the secret candidate being set up by the bankrupt financiers to run for President. He's their Hitler waiting in the wings.
Go to Fox website and send an email telling them how you feel about their censoring Ron Paul.
I can't believe them. Email everyone you know, tell them to stop watching FIX, I mean FOX.
Lets hurt their pocketbooks!
Mann-- It really pissed me off to see how Mitt Romney treated Ron Paul in the NH debate. Paul was bringing up some great analogies -(when he tried to get Mitt to see how Iraqies view the occupation of their country by illustrating how Americans would similarly react if China suddenly blasted en masse' onto our shores.
Mitt just scoffed and interrupted Paul repeatedly like the arrogant, ignorant bastard that he is. It just made me realize that getting this type of politician out of the arena is just SO important, because they just don't get it, and don't care!! We cannot elect these criminals who are simply trying to destroy the middle class and syphon all the wealth to the top 1 percent. Romney might be able to string together a sentence better than Dubya, but he is cut from the same type of Elitist cloth.
PEOPLE! Our financial system is on the verge of total collapse!!--
Who cares about Hillary shedding a tear?? I would rather have a President that gives a damn about her country, than one of these clueless good old boy robots ANY DAY. We can't afford even 4 more years of corruption and abuse!!
Whoever inherits this TSUNAMI of a mess as President will need BALLS and let's face it, Hillary has the biggest ones in the field.
I would trust her to run this country any day over what we have now.
HELL! I would trust the Olsen twins to run this country over what we have NOWWWW
Amazing how crying can get you votes. The people of NH have spoken - apparently 16 straight years of the Clinton/Bush politics of destruction, bitterness, divisiveness, and downright hatred for the other side is not enough - we want 4 MORE YEARS!!!
People of New Hampshire - DROP DEAD!
Anonymous said...
Americans are Stupid MOFO's for sure...how McCain can win anything is BEYOND me...RON PAUL is the best. Too bad its all rigged and the sheep are clueless.
January 09, 2008 7:54 AM
Stated like a true sheep.
I see the word criminal thrown around a lot here to describe anyone who opposes Dr. Crazy. Typical communist garbage nothing more. If you make money you are criminal.
Trust me on this. If you get out of your mom's house, get a job, make some money yourself, you'll see the world isn't that bad. Oh but it's a lot easier to just sit there typing away on blogs about how Bush or Romeny or Bernake or the Jews or blacks or illegal immigrants are all conspiring to keep you down.
You people are so fucking pathetic.
Anonymous said...
PEOPLE! Our financial system is on the verge of total collapse!!--
Who cares about Hillary shedding a tear?? I would rather have a President that gives a damn about her country, than one of these clueless good old boy robots ANY DAY. We can't afford even 4 more years of corruption and abuse!!
Now youre talking. The financial system is in the process of total collapse. Are the current crop of Presidential hopefuls unaware of this unfolding tragedy? Or are they cowards, or a little bit of both?
The whole group of pretenders are unworthy of consideration.
And I still get a charge by the way Americans treat these elections like some sports wagering event. It's insane.
The degenerate US population is the number #1 reason for the crisis we face today. Forget the candidates, the population is the problem. They are so far gone there is no telling if they can be brought back to their senses in time.
I been saying that for years.The US is a "Game",not a Country.
Don't take it too serious.
America today:
Scamming the Founding Fathers with a de facto monarchy.
I say kudos to McCain - it was sort of a 'done deal' that he would win NH anyway.
Lets see if he has the staying power to win some more delegates.
I doubt it - but if it takes away votes from that slime-beast Romney, all the better..
And I was itching for Paul to beat Guliani.
Amost. Got.There......
If Hilary Clinton were running with only two years of Senate experience, she would be laughed at. Obama runs on two years of senate experience and he is the second coming. I will leave you to pick apart the reasons this may be true. Your anger is getting the best of you and at some point you are going to be unable to explain why you maintain such a double standard.
Frank@scottsdalesucks said:
Umm ... what merit? She's done nothing in the senate after 7 years ... NOTHING.
Hey Frank,
who are you to criticize Hillary's accomplishments?
You couldn't even make it in Scottsdale, AZ., a relatively low competitive easy-money business environment, but skulked out of here to California as a sore loser.
Very like the washed-up Fred Thompson empty suit you support.
OK Paulistas now that it's over, time for you all, along with Dr. Lugosi to get back on you meds and chill out before the looney wagon catches up to you.
Obama Husseinistas need to wash out the stardust from their eyes,put up the chairs, sweep the floors and turn off the lights. ITS OVER!!
Did you really believe that a mulatto male rookie Senator who started as a "community" (street) organizer from inner city Chicago, with a very African featured wife who can pass for Aunt Jemima, along with two mixed race children have any chance of living in the WHITE HOUSE???
What America are you loopy dreamers living in? Time to give up your failed efforts at rehab and pick up the crack pipe again, losers.
You Republicans dont know anything about the Democrats.
I love Ron Paul. But even if he gets the Republican nomination, the Dems are going to win. Theres no doubt.
As far as Bloomberg beating Hillary. Are you kidding me Keith? Is that a joke?????
Funny how the Dems who screamed for years about "rigged elections" don't see anything odd about the NH results and Hillary's overnight, miraculous comeback.
Ron's biggest problem is that his form of Republicanism died after WWII.
In the post WWII era, Repugs need exturnal threats to ralley their troops behind, Soviets, rogue states, islamofascits, femocomunnazis', etc.
What Ron Paul preaches does not compute in the tiny brains of Bush, McCain, Guli, et al. All of the later would drive this country off a cliff "to keep America great", as Kudlow & Co say.
I understand the point you are trying to make. However, Hillary Clinton is running for President on HER OWN merit and NOT her husband's.
OMG, you are not serious, are you? On her own merit? Then she should be going around saying that voters should expect Bill will play no part at any level in her administration. She should not be claiming 35+ years of government experience.
If she hadn't been married to Bill she would not even be in the race. Being married to Bill should be something she has to overcome in the voter's eyes but unfortunately it is not that way.
Heaven forbid ANY Presidential candidate show emotion or passion for our country...
how old are you? 14? you think she was crying for our country????? Hilarious does not cry. She was crying for herself.
Unfortunately, if she did cry, the tears wouldn't cure cancer.
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the secret candidate being set up by the bankrupt financiers to run for President. He's their Hitler waiting in the wings.
no, he is being setup to be the 3rd party spoiler in the event that hilarious gets the dem nomination. It will be a repeat of ross perot enabling bill clinton to win with 38% of the popular vote in 92.
Whoever inherits this TSUNAMI of a mess as President will need BALLS and let's face it, Hillary has the biggest ones in the field.
I would trust her to run this country any day over what we have now.
I agree with your assessment of the situation we are in but hilarious is no different than the other leading candidates.
Prediction: Oprah and Obama will cry a river of tears as they discuss the difficulties of being African-American . He'll say Hillary hurt his feelings over and over again and that her attacks border on being racist. Hillary will counter with loud sobbing and flailing her body on the floor as she tells the story about how a man rape her while she was forced to iron his shirts. Obama will counter by arriving to a debate an hour late bloodied and bruised with a noose around his neck claiming Bill Clinton and his posse tried to lynch him. Hillary will put a noose around her neck claiming she was lynched, raped, forced to iron shirts while a MAN bossed her around all day. Obama and Hillary get into a fight on stage and kill each another. Edwards is elected president.
The two worst candidates won in NH.....Mccain, who wants to bring the troops home when? NEVER; and Hillary, another Clinton/status quo/establishment candidate.
Wow, I guess NH is just full of idiots. Ever wonder why they start the primaries in the backward thinking states? I would ignore all the results until Feb. 5
Too bad the corp owned media gets to spin it their way for another month and the stupid people of this country suck it all up.
Maybe RP should give some speeches that mirror the editorials that were written in his newsletters. Talk about a wolf in Fiscal-sheep's clothing. I think David Duke (a big supporter of RP) ran on a fiscally conservative platform as well.
Oh well, I guess we have to take the good with the bad, though I wonder what foreign relations would be under RP.
I think most of you need to stick with your housing panic and keep your political veiws up your asses where they belong.Obama ,Huckabee give me a fucking break.
"I understand the point you are trying to make. However, Hillary Clinton is running for President on HER OWN merit and NOT her husband's."
and like the current occupier, i for one feel that she lacks the depth of experience to be a good president...as does Obama. as does Guliani.
it's especially important for the next president to have his or her shit together, considering the mess that will undoubtably have to be cleaned up after Chimpy The Deciderer And Friends leave the White House.
aside from a true maverick (and not media-anointed, Mr. McCain...) like Ron Paul, i'm not sure there's anyone else in the race with the requisite backbone, personal integrity, and commitment to statesmanship and public service to even begin to fix things. Ron Paul has been a lonely voice of common sense for several years now, but instead of examining what he's really about most people are content to write him off as a crackpot because he doesn't fit in with the conventional Republican mindset.
at the end of the day i don't care who we get as a president - Democrat or Republican, man or woman, black, white or whatever - as long as we get someone who can deliver results.
I'm sad that a rabid Nazi troglodyte like Ron Paul got the amount of votes he did. Shame on you New Hampshire. I expected this from the back woods of Tennessee or the Montana militia wackjobs, but not from you.
The presidential race in the U.S. has become a media freak show.
Ron Paul excepted, I can't believe the batch of incompetent losers, traitors, and unqualified idiot candidates that are paraded before us daily on our TV screens and newspapers.
It brings to mind the old Peter Sellers film, "Being There". When the old "insider" played by Melvyn Douglas dies and is being carried to a pyramid shaped tomb, the "insider" poll bearers discuss making the mentally retarded gardener, played by Sellers, the next U.S. president.
Was this 1979 film prophetic?
If you are a Ron Paul supporter, you should do more than just sitting in your house and posting on the Internet.
Pick up your phone, get on the street, and contribute your money and time. Politics takes hard work, but revolution takes real sacrifice, real blood, sweat, and financial hardship.
I think Hillarious Clinton is crashing and burning because she took the women's vote for granted, but in reality, intelligent women who think for themselves feel patronized and offended.
No. Intelligent women who think for themselves feel patronized by the media and angered by all the bs negative press she is getting. Did any talking head call Romney "manipulative" and "phony" when he broke down in tears when describing the inclusion of blacks in the Mormon church? No, of course not. That moment showed his "humanity" and that he was "in touch with his feelings" and overall it was considered a good thing.
HRC gets another sort of treatment all together.
Bloomberg may have a billion or two to throw at a 3rd party run, but he would need a party to run on that had ballots on all 50 states or almost all of them. He would have to find a party that would nominate him as it would be impossible to form a party in a few months, let alone getting it on 50 state ballots. It took the Libertarian Party years to get on all 50 state ballots and this did not last, as I'm pretty sure it has lost ballot status in numerous states. I don't know if any 3rd party has ballot status in most states. If he found one, I suppose he could just about purchase its support, but I would think he could wind up in trouble if he just spread money around the party bosses to do so. Getting on the ballot in any particular state usually requires collecting a great many signatures and there are deadlines for doing this that are probably expiring around this time of the year. I think Bloomberg would have to purchase the party and also purchase judges to let him on the ballot. I haven't heard anyone discussing how Bloomberg would accomplish any of this even if he wanted to run. He would have had to start at least a year ago, using lots of money hiring people to form a party or wedging his way into an existing party, and working to get it on all state ballots. I doubt if he could even honestly get on as a write-in candidate at this late time.
A Yale Law School graduate is not the equivalent of Evita Peron; compare Hillary Clinton's academic and professional resume to those wives before you make that claim. Regardless of how you feel about her political stands, she is as qualified as any of the men running, and more so, in some cases.
Anonymous buck a bucket said...
Funny how the Dems who screamed for years about "rigged elections" don't see anything odd about the NH results and Hillary's overnight, miraculous comeback.
January 09, 2008 4:52 PM
I thought about that too. If I was Diebold counting the votes, who would I want my hand picked Republican candidate to run against in November?
Anonymous buck a bucket said...
Funny how the Dems who screamed for years about "rigged elections" don't see anything odd about the NH results and Hillary's overnight, miraculous comeback.
January 09, 2008 4:52 PM
Totally. Had this happened in the general election and the Demo went from +10% in the polls to losing in 2 days to a Rep the ALCU would be filing about 100 lawsuits today.
But Hitlery won so nobody says a peep.
I love JAY LENO. He is a stand up guy.
He clearly doesn't see eye to eye with Ron Paul on several issues, but he is a man of PRINCIPAL.
He slams FOX for excluding RON PAUL from the debates in NH.
I have vowed to BOYCOTT FOX and ABC for LIFE!
Stick that in your pipe NEWSCORP and smoke it!
A Yale Law School graduate is not the equivalent of Evita Peron;
George Bush has a Harvard MBA. And he went to Yale as well as an undergrad.
You were saying....
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Veteran U.S. Sens. Joe Biden and Chris Dodd dropped out of the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday after placing a distant fifth and sixth, respectively, in the Iowa caucuses.
PEOPLE do the math! If a candidate drops out of the race, their voters have to move their votes somewhere else.
Hillary Clinton does not care about this country. She only cares about becoming the first women president. She would be 10X worse than Bush ever was. As for the financial mess, the fat cats are donating to Hillary last I checked. So much for her cleaning things up.
You want another 8 years of the same shit we have had for the past 16??? Vote Hillary if you said yes.
As for the sudden surge in votes, NH does not require photo ID or any real proof of residence to vote. I would have liked to have seen the license plates of the cars in the parking lots outside the polling stations yesterday.
patriotis that is some funny shit dude...well done, I'm laughing out loud
1988 Boosh
1992 KKKlinton
1996 KKKlinton
2000 Boosh
2004 Boosh
2008 KKKlinton
2012 KKKlinton
300 million people and in 20 years we can't find a 3rd family to live at the white house?
"PEOPLE do the math! If a candidate drops out of the race, their voters have to move their votes somewhere else."
Sorry princess, but I seriously doubt that all of those votes for Dodd and Biden went to HRC. And that's what it would take to see that sudden, 15-point shift in the results. You can bet there was money changing hands, bussloads of outsiders, and other weird stuff going on at the precinct offices.
There was an unconfirmed report that Hillary told one of her staffers "Monica may have the pearl necklace, but who needs diamonds when we've got Diebold!"
there was massive vote fraud in New Hampshire.
there were busloads of people voting in towns, thousands of OUT OF STATE plates pulling up to firehouses.
this is why the polls were so off... they did not account for the forecoming vote fraud.
I'm voting for Hillary for President if McCain is the republican nominee.
I'm a republican.
"PEOPLE do the math! If a candidate drops out of the race, their voters have to move their votes somewhere else."
OR, those voters choose to stay home.
The republicans are to blame for this housing mess. Yes, Greenspan was there with Clinton, but Bush f*cked everything up with the stupid war. And dont forget those tax cuts for the rich. Well all pay for those.
Thats why republicans are in a shit whole and are now trying to spin it on the dems. What a bunch of loosers.
Anonymous said...
I love JAY LENO. He is a stand up guy.
Actually he's a stand up comedian.
Hillary is the most qualified candidate, and the fact that you dismiss her entirely because she is someone's wife is pure sexism.
All the picking on Hillary is getting tired. The country is immature in even discussing the fact that she is a woman - it should be irrelevant.
She is an experienced leader, a long-time senator, and her political stance is moderate. I would vote for her. Back in the 1992 she had enough vision and insight to go public with a healthcare reform plan - and back then everybody laughed and nobody cared. I guess nobody is laughing anymore as the healthcare costs shoot up in double digits every year, and the US slipped behind the whole civilized world in healthcare quality. Now the copycats are suddenly opining on the importance of the matter.
And just because the republicans destroyed the country and trust in the government, does not mean we have to throw the baby with the bathwater by voting for Ron Paul. He, with his unhealthy fixation on the gold standard, and abolishing pretty much all government oversight, has a very poor understanding of how a real (not some idillic Austrian fairy tale) economy works, and has no chance in hell of winning.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
All the picking on Hillary is getting tired. The country is immature in even discussing the fact that she is a woman - it should be irrelevant.
She is an experienced leader, a long-time senator, and her political stance is moderate. I would vote for her. Back in the 1992 she had enough vision and insight to go public with a healthcare reform plan - and back then everybody laughed and nobody cared. I guess nobody is laughing anymore as the healthcare costs shoot up in double digits every year, and the US slipped behind the whole civilized world in healthcare quality. Now the copycats are suddenly opining on the importance of the matter.
And just because the republicans destroyed the country and trust in the government, does not mean we have to throw the baby with the bathwater by voting for Ron Paul. He, with his unhealthy fixation on the gold standard, and abolishing pretty much all government oversight, has a very poor understanding of how a real (not some idillic Austrian fairy tale) economy works, and has no chance in hell of winning.
January 10, 2008 11:03 PM<<<
You are kind of stupid aren't you?
Anonymous said...
>>>>All the picking on Hillary is getting tired. The country is immature in even discussing the fact that she is a woman - it should be irrelevant.
January 10, 2008 11:03 PM
I couldn't agree with you MORE! It should totally be IRRELEVANT!
Ad hominem attacks imply impotence.
To the anon about vote fraud:
You bet your ass there was vote fraud.
Ron Paul got 15% of the hand-counted ballots, but only 7% of those done on Diebold machines.
The town of Sutton, NH recorded 0 votes for RP then changed it to 31 after a voter complained.
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