My longshot picks:
1) Edwards
2) Obama
3) Clinton
1) Romney
2) Huckabee
3) Paul
If that comes in, the stories out of Iowa will be
* Clinton wounded, Edwards surprises
* Huckabee done for
* Ron Paul shocker and big mo into NH
* Housing crash upsetting Americans, impacting election
Get your picks in here. I'm hoping for some surprises.
January 02, 2008
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D: Obama, Clinton, Edwards
R: Huckabee, Romney, McCain
After the primary, Biden and Hunter pull out. Biden throws support to Obama, Hunter throws support to Huckabee.
Ron Paul will surprise people tomorrow
D: Clinton, Edwards, Obama
R: Romney, McCain, Huckabee, Paul, Thompson, Guiliani, Hunter
the pundits discount Iowa after Guiliani's disappointing 6th place finish and cite Florida as his stronghold relying on the old adage "nuts roll downhill."
Jessie ventura
Hillary will suprise.
Were in the world is Iowa?
anyone know how the real estate market is doing in Iowa?
is it a good place to invest?
D: Obama
R: Huckabee
D: Obama
R: McCain
Edward's bus broke down, so he's missing out on some of the last-minute campaigning.
oh, and....
If Paul doesn't come in third or fourth, it's all over for him.
He sent out e-mails the other day saying that he would need another $20 million for the election.
The unspoken agreement was: $12 million to win Iowa and NH. If he can't deliver on either, he's going to have a hard time getting more donations.
Hitlery wins and wins big.
Huckabee wins by 8%. Romney is in second.
Ron Paul gets 4%. Sorry HPers, your boy isn't even in the picture.
> Ron Paul will surprise people tomorrow
That could be true in many ways, e.g. Paul surprises his supporters by his low vote count. I like Paul being in congress and in the GOP debates, but I cannot imagine him as president.
Richardson in third.
1) Obama
2) Edwards
3) Clinton
1) Romney
2) Paul
3) Huckabee
Clinton wounded Edwards surprises. Paul surprises Huckabee fizzles.
D: Obama, Clinton, Edwards -- basically tied, might need a recount
R: Huckabee, Romney, Paul,
RG & FT won't even show.
I think RP is the wildcard. How many dems did what I did in CA and switched parties to vote for Paul? I doubt the switchers are showing on the polls. Same with new Republicans/former independents that Paul has brought in. Has anyone read a single story about another R bringing in new voters? I can't see any of the other Republicans inspiring anyone to switch parties. The internet has shown that the Pauls are motivated and are sure to vote as oppossed to someone who doesn't really see the difference between the other canidates.
I'm not in CA (anymore) but there's 4 in my household that made the switch to Rep just for the good doctor.
oh...we're all first time voters. At least, the first time we've actually felt like voting.
If Paul doesn’t win that tells me that Iowa:
Likes giving 35% of their wages to the IRS.
Loves Illegal Aliens.
Really wants a North American Union.
Wants to wad up the Constitution and throw it in the trash.
It’s a Rigged Game..
Ex-Arthur Andersen accountant compares mortgage crisis to 2002 scandals
Love will conquer after all and Paul will sweep the primaries and the presidency. Taxes will become voluntary and only suckers will pay. America will finally achieve its destiny of being a place where selfishness and greed form the perfect union for a new stone age.
Either that or people will continue to believe the republican lie that 99% of their taxes go to lazy welfare recipients and illegal aliens and vote them into power again. The country will contine its decline and finally split into pieces with conservatives and libertarians taking their half and liberals taking theirs. The liberals will prosper and advance while the cons and libertarians fight over who has to pay the bills, killing themselves off in a bloody civil war.
D: Obama, Edwards, Clinton
R: Huckabee, McCain,Rommney, Paul
Clinton is done once/if Edwards drops out. His voters will go to Obama in much greater numbers than Clinton. Then prepare for a well oiled Republican smear-machine to turn Obama into Osama. Then Huckabee or Mcain become next President, vow to continue Bush's failed policies. Cheers!
what you tools don't get is very simple. nobody wins a REPUBLICAN nomintation by appealing to DEMOCRATS with FAR LEFT ANTI-AMERICAN campaigning.
For all the brilliance you fools give Paul, he is the stupidest man in the race. He should have run as what he is, a far left, Democrat. Then he would have had a chance. But running as a Democrat in the Republican primary is about as stupid as you get.
Ron Paul won't win. there are too many old people in Iowa and they want their freebies. Whoever can offer the most government spending programs will win. Debt, debt, and more debt.
Who can promise to end the war, close the border and cut government waste? Only Ron Paul.
Illegals Everywhere said...
If Paul doesn’t win that tells me that Iowa:
Likes giving 35% of their wages to the IRS.
au contraire mon frere.
50% of Americans pay $0 to the IRS. That is fact, check the IRS stats and see for yourself.
In Iowa that 50% is prolly much higher since there is all that farm subsidy money.
10% of people pay 70% of all federal taxes. 50% of people pay 100% of federal taxes. Half the country lives off the other half. Which is why Ron Paul will never win a national election promising to get rid of income tax.
Ron Paul IF Iowa prefers a president who spends their tax dollars on the US instead of funding both sides of foreign conflicts.
if ron paul does not win the nomination i will not vote in the general election.
i would rather call in sick and stay home and play call of duty 4.
I went to the Rose Bowl Game, Ron Paul had one of the "Sky messages" from airplanes, "RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT".
Media out of control and insane.
Obscene amounts of money spent to buy votes.
Political system out of control.
Who cares what a bunch of Farmers say (Iowa) or drunken tax-dodgers(New Hampshire). Their opinions are irrelevant to the BIG picture.
Think for yourself and Move On.
Anon: 11:10
au contraire mon frere.
You are right!
Sickened by McCain and Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh endorses Ron Paul as the new Reagan. The entire world is shocked and sees him rise to number 1. He runs a campaign against Obama being too inexperienced, Hillary being too dishonest and indecisive, and Edwards being too far left socialist. Paul wins the presidency in a Reagan style landslide.
4 out of 5 of my friends have switched to Dr. Paul!
SO LETS DO IT! West Michigan
Will be fun coming back here in about 48 hours to watch you losers whine about Paul's ignominious demise. As if he wouldn't be immediately whacked were he to actually become a serious candidate. If any of you donated $$$ to his campaign, you're even bigger suckers than I thought (and, as a group, you guys pretty much win the delusional award hands-down). Corporate America runs America, period, end of story. And, Ron Paul is not liked by corporate America.
Bitter renters, looking to a fringe nut to be your savior.
One of the best things than can happen with Iowa (and NH) is getting Hillary Clinton out of this race.
"First Lady" does NOT qualify you to be president (or senator). And the US is NOT North Korea, Syria or Cuba last I checked. What next, a run by Laura Bush? Or hell, how about Roslyn Carter? What a joke.
It's a joke she was even considered for the job, yet the very fact that she was by so many shows you what a sad state of affairs we have on our hands in the banana republic of America today.
""First Lady" does NOT qualify you to be president (or senator)."
OK I dislike Hillary intensely but this is really not fair. You are going to have a hard time convincing me that Hillary is less qualified than, say, Huckabee or Obama.
Here is how I, a future Ron Paul voter, see Iowa playing out. Romney, Huckabee, McCain, Paul, Thompson, Guiliani. If Paul finished in 4th and hits 10% I will be pleased. If he hits 12% I will be more than satisified. I would declare victory and eagerly await New Hampshire where Paul has a real shot at surprising everyone with a second place finish.
I think the race will come down to Edwards and Huckabee - maybe McCain.
I'm a woman but I don't think Hil is the right woman so I would only cast my vote with her if I had to choose between her and Rudy. I would vote for Obama but I don't think a black man can win in this country - not yet anyway - too much closeted hatred. If he does win, there better be a good vice president and lots of extra security. Apparently he hasn't been down south yet.
If wealth and income were better distributed in this pisspoor culture of shit, that 10% wouldn't be paying 70% of the taxes. Probably lots of people in the 50% paying zero that would love to make enough money to pay more taxes. Only obnoxious spoiled people complain about paying more tax when their income rises.
Oh, and you forgot to mention that the 10% paying the 70% control 90% of the wealth. They're getting a deal. Nowhere else in the world would they get off so cheap. Nowhere livable that is.
@ Keith
>What next, a run by Laura Bush?
>Or hell, how about Roslyn Carter?
Laura Bush. Since she has the same number of years as first lady as hillary, she's just as qualified to be president, right???
If you want to see a perfect example of Double-Think (ref: 1984), Hillary (while using her first lady experience as a presidential qualifications) also says that Bill, like all presidential spouses in the past, will have no official (no real) role.
You have to give her credit for being able to hold two contradicting ideas in her head at the same time.
Apparently he hasn't been down south yet.
Fer Chrissakes, knock this South = Racism shit off.
The freakin' KKK ran Indiana in the 20's, the Aryan Nations love hanging out in Idaho, and most of the race riots of the 60's happened in places like Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and New Jersey.
You wanna see racist shit? Try Boston. Bring up busing and see how civilized the discourse becomes.
The South ain't a bunch of angels, but don't go there about how the Rust Belt is so much more tolerant.
Either that or people will continue to believe the republican lie that 99% of their taxes go to lazy welfare recipients and illegal aliens
I thought it was more like 120%. Are you so ill informed that you were basing this on a 100% scale? We run a huge deficit!!
@ANON, 11:07
For all the brilliance you fools give Paul, he is the stupidest man in the race. He should have run as what he is, a far left, Democrat. Then he would have had a chance. But running as a Democrat in the Republican primary is about as stupid as you get.
I think you are confused - Huckabee's first name is NOT Paul, it is Mike! ;-)
I hope the rest of the country isn't so stupid to let a bunch of numbskulls in Iowa sway their vote. Iowa.....what's the demographic/population there? It's not an accurate representation of our country anymore. Who really cares what they think. I think we should amend this election process - that's the root of our problem.
Being as you are his only supporter, could you ask Ronny to give the remainder of his campaign money to Huckabee when Ronny-boy drops out? Maybe someone who actually has a chance of winning can use that money :D
I read somewhere that the California Republicans are awarding delegates at a rate of 3 per district, regardless of how many votes are actually cast in that district.
A grass roots movement is targeting heavily Democrat San Fran for Paul, figuring only a few thousand votes could capture the 3 delegates there.
Please, please vote in the Primary in California. You could play a big part in choosing the GOP candidate, having a much bigger effect then my primary vote will be worth.
@ Anonymous
> Jessie Ventura
Jessie Ventura lives in ‘Alta’ Minnesota. Iowa is ‘Baja Minnesota’.
@ Anonymous
> Anyone know how the real estate market is doing in Iowa?
Farmland up. Housing down, inexpensive.
> Is it a good place to invest?
Invest? OK
Speculate? No
@ Anonymous
> There are too many old people in Iowa and they want their freebies. Whoever can offer the most government spending programs will win.
Lots of old people in Iowa, yes. Ironically and amazingly, as a group they are quite selfless and greatly motivated even at this stage of their lives by issues such as quality schools. Not much of a selfish senior lobby here in Iowa.
@ illegals everywhere
> If Paul doesn’t win that tells me that Iowa:
> Likes giving 35% of their wages to the IRS.
> Loves Illegal Aliens.
> Really wants a North American Union.
> Wants to wad up the Constitution and throw it in the trash.
> -OR-
> It’s a Rigged Game..
Your powers of observation and imagination are apparently limited.
> It’s a Rigged Game..
Laughable. Caucuses are the most open – and, conversely, the hardest to rig – of any political process. At least a 2-hour commitment in which you have to stand and declare yourself publicly in front of your neighbors.
@ happy homeowner in the stix
> Fer Chrissakes, knock this South = Racism shit off.
> The South ain't a bunch of angels, but don't go there about how the Rust Belt is so much more tolerant.
Ironically, among the states, Iowa has the highest percentage of its African-American population incarcerated.
@ Anonymous
> I hope the rest of the country isn't so stupid to let a bunch of numbskulls in Iowa sway their vote.
Speaking of numbskulls . . .
Some of you are a bit confused - I don't support Romney or Edwards - can't stand 'em in fact.
I'm just telling you who I think's gonna win.
It's called a prediction. Not an endorsement.
Should be an interesting day. Love the people who think polls win in Iowa - they don't. It's a ground warfare GOTV organization game.
You know what's really sad? 94% of Iowans who can don't even vote.
Americans hate America, even in Iowa. Can't be bothered to vote. Is America's Top Model on again tonight?
I'm voting for Anna Nicole Smith (dead whore).
Anna Nicole is such an inspiration for all the morally corrupt American women.
I think John Holmes (dead porno AIDS spreader) could do a good job representing men, and be a great running mate to Anna Nicole.
They have so much in common with The Country.
Take off the suits and ties and they collectively look like the drunk tank on any Sunday morning, except for Paul, who is just a freaky weirdo, preaching salvation to the drunks, pimps and addicts.
Yuppies, get your money back from your savior Paul, he is DEAD politically. The farmers will bury today, and the drunken tax-cheats same next week.
A testament to failure and doom.
We as a nation, are FINISHED.
Sick and Dying America
I am worried about vote fraud denying Ron Paul his due.
In the north there is racism, and it probably impacts Obama's chances in the north as well, but our state governments (ah, remember when state governments meant something?) have never publicly endorsed racism with Jim Crowe laws or slavery. That legacy is something that the South will never live down.
The south has never elected a black senator by popular vote (two were appointed in MS during reconstruction) let alone a president. The north has elected three black senators by popular vote: Edward Brooke (from Boston actually) and Carol Mosely Braun(IL) and Obama. BO ran for senator in IL against Alan "carpetbaggin'" Keyes. When was the last time a southern state had two black men run against each other in a statewide vote?
You want gov't executives? How about black state governors? There have been two: Lawrence Wilder (VA) and Deval Patrick (MA) Virginia is ~20% black (a low % for the south), while the racist enclave of Massachusetts is ~7%. (Congratulations VA, you're off the hook.)
The Southern states have much higher populations of black voters, but only one black governor to show for it against the big, bad white North's one black governor and three black senators. It is clear that the North has lower percentages of black people yet vote more often for black people than our Southern counterparts. Collectively, we are less racist.
Sorry, the North wins again!
Wow Anon 6:30 You can cut paste and comment, I suppose that makes you the smartest person in the room. I would bet that you are somehow connected with the exploitation of illegal aliens and support the NAU.
HP’rs have correctly called the Housing Bubble, Stock Market, Oil and PM’s. Many of us feel that Paul has a real chance of success, given a level playing field.
Go check the archives! We have a pretty good batting average so far.
If only Keith. If only....
Paul 5th, Huckster wins.
Note to self, never move to Iowa.
For the record, the United States was in a state of sports-insanity ``suspended animation'' as the Iowa caucuses took place, with every U.S. news report sounding like a cross betweena bunch of gamblers making book on a horse race, and the overlords on a ``reality'' TV show voting some schmuck out of the``survival'' game.
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