What are you going to do with your Housing Crash Rebate money?
January 25, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: $52 trillion US debt, congressional incompetence, election year pandering, money from nowhere
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Buy 6-months worth of monkey kibble in honor of our government.
The question "What are you going to do with your Housing Crash Rebate money ?" should have been rephrased to "What are Joe6Pack & JaneZinfandel going to do with his/her Housing Crash Rebate money ?"
1) They should buy pizza, preferably from the well-known established brand-name of "Little Boy + Fat Man" AKA "Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter".
2) They should buy a whole bunch of Red Dog beer, MD20, or some kind of moonshine craps from the Cold Mountain region.
3) They should use that money to eat, get fat, be obese like most fat-ass Americano.
4) They should use that rebate to do research on 'whether the Iraq nation have WMD or not'.
5) They should use that money to buy as many as the star-spangle flag to wave around their trailer white-trash back yard in the spirit of supporting the nation of the Americano.
I will put it on a CD to be ready to pay it back next year, with interest.
What a bunch of geniouses we have in Washington.
I am buying foreign currency - I will just take my free money down to Bank of America, and buy what I think is the best currency that day - Swiss Francs, Euros, Canadian Dollars. . .if Bush and Co. are going to further devalue the USD, then I will just invest elsewhere. I suggest all HP'ers do the same as a form of protest!
I'm going to be a bad little consumer. That is, I'm going to deposit it straight into my HSBCdirect savings account and starting earning 4.25 percent. Better than I can do on a 30-month CD at my "regular" bank.
I will not spend a penny of it, just to say FU to the gov't.
I hit the trifecta with this one, because not only am I married, but I have 3 kids, so we're talking serious rebate dollars here.
It will go towards out cross country road trip this summer (visiting 16 states over 5 weeks).
Nothing. Just deposit it, I suppose.
Better question, exactly what do dubya and co think I SHOULD do with it to stimulate the economy?
I'll add mine to my emergency cash account at ING. Not a dime will boost the economy by being spent on stuff I don't need. Although I guess with fractional reserves, ING can turn around and lend 90% of it to someone else so that they can buy cheap imported goods.
You mean the rebate that I don't qualify for?
Buy a foreclosure
Congress & Bush know damn well that most people are going to use this money to pay down credit cards & mortgages.
Maybe that's the whole idea? Quick money for Wall Street, dressed up as something that doesn't look like a taxpayer-funded bailout?
As for me, I'm giving my check to a homeless shelter. They're going to have a lot more mouths to feed in the next few years.
Dude, I got no rebate coming, and I gotta tell you I'm so pissed I can hardly see straight. I gotta get the hell out of this country. My bad for getting that doctorate and gaining those useful skills. Guess I should quit working and run up some huge debt so the politicians will spend their time pandering to me and lavishing money on me taken from suckers that have spent their time making themselves valuable to society. I f@cking hate every politician. I f@cking hate this sh@t country.
I plan on buying my very own Housing Panic Protection Device.
A Glock 10
With $800 I can hire 50 unemployed realty whores for a wild gangbang session and film it. Then make millions by selling it on the internet.
I'm going to visit jail for 6 months... I guess most will be spend at the prison store
Buy 1/2 of an ounce of gold.
Assuming I get the full $1200 of course... And they hurry up and get it to me before the dollar falls even firther...
Or maybe swap it for 5 euros...
"Congress & Bush know damn well that most people are going to use this money to pay down credit cards & mortgages."
Erm...that ain't gonna make much of a dent...
apt604 are u crazy? None of this money will go to credit and mortgage debt.
I mean if you just bough 1 flat screen and that is all your debt, chances are you won't cover it with 1k. Sheesh, my iphone alone is like 600 with all the crap.
It will do more good if you flush it down the toilet before the vultures you own a gazzilion to judgment your sweet ass to a twentieth century slavery :)
I will not get any, my AGI is above limit.
buy the largest voodoo dolls of bush, cheney, pelosi and boehner that money can buy. and a helluva lot of pins.
belchorama said...
Dude, I got no rebate coming, and I gotta tell you I'm so pissed I can hardly see straight. I gotta get the hell out of this country. My bad for getting that doctorate and gaining those useful skills. Guess I should quit working and run up some huge debt so the politicians will spend their time pandering to me and lavishing money on me taken from suckers that have spent their time making themselves valuable to society. I f@cking hate every politician. I f@cking hate this sh@t country.
You really hate socialism, which is nothing more than STEALING from folks who contribute and GIVING to those who refuse to contribute.
THE FUNNY THING FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, is that you were tricked into socialism. In Legal Fact, the laws in the USA are still and always have been based on capitalism. SOCIALISM IS VOLUNTARY! But you are just too ignorant (of the real law) and too gutless to stand up to your Master (employer) and opt out.
P.S. That higher education that cost you a bundle in both time and money; was little more than a brainwashing event reguarding everything political in nature. You paid to be taught to be a good and happy SLAVE to the SYSTEM.
why don't they just give back 3% of the taxes you paid last year? Now that is something I could get excited about.
But Noooooo, they are going to give my 3% to someone else.
I feel like shrugging.
I will use money to buy plane ticket to France. Much less socialist than USA.
Won't be getting it. Need to make less than $75K to qualify.
Used Savage 24C... 22/410 or 22/20 because it stores nice in the ol' rolling hacienda. Still can't beat the price on 22 by the brick. Nice compliment to the semi-auto Ruger with long clips (plenty of 'em...don't wanna' slow down before the other guy...learned that in I Corp).
If you gotta' buy something, get what lasts and you want to KEEP for whatever happens. Never lost money on a gun....and you can buy the whole rest of your life with one. Can't buy that on the stock market, can you?
You know.
Alot of people are thinking that the dollar will keep going down against the Euro.
I think that once is set and done, the dollar will gain against the Euro. The Dollar is the reserve currency and the Euro is not. I say the euro is overpriced and will fall in the next few years. Lets wait and see.
Cocaine,ex realtor hookers and plastic crap from china.
Bugger, wrong passport :(
With the money I get I plan to put part of it in a six month cd and then roll it over into my Roth IRA. Next, I plan to put some of it down to buy a Lincoln Town car. And with the remaining money left, I plan to use it for the Vegas trip in the summer, part of it going for hotel room and accommodations, the rest of it going to booze and hookers.
leave in the bank if i'm eligible for a rebate and still working.
Not getting dime from these F'ers. So basically I am going to stop making cash donations to charity in order to compensate. I do not like it when someone else decided what to do with my hard earned money. I've tossed girlfriends and cut off relations with relatives for the same thing. This "stimulus" package is BULLSHIT and I'm having to pay for it and give money to low life deadbeats that pay NO TAXES!!! On top of that all the savings I've amassed is in dollars which they've made worthless and which now does not even keep up with inflation if I keep it in my on-line savings accounts. I am suppose to be the model citizen for being prudent and behaving in a spendthrift way, getting an education that translated into a job that contributes to the economy and where I am fairly compensated. Yet I cannot afford a home and I am being raped by they tax man while the deadbeats who've done nothing to improve their lot and have taken out toxic loans they cannot afford are being rewarded with cash and proposed loan bailouts!!! This is what is wrong with America, everything is upside down and twisted. F U "Dumbya" and "Corrptgress"
Didn't you all read the fine print? Make over $150K a year and as the Soup Nazi would say NO REFUND CHECK FOR YOU!
Now I remember a while back when Kwefie axed how much everyone made. If I recall, everyone here made $250K a year. If that was the truth, you're all getting jack. However I suspect 98% of your were lying and make $12 an hour.
Use it to cover some of the closing costs on my refi.
Who knows, we make 92k a year so not sure if we will be getting my tax dollars back. I think, I would apply it to my house in Oregon that some nice renter is paying off for us. It's not going to help the US.
Gold is the best place to put my toilet paper cash and a great 'up yours' to the GovernMint.
What money? Only the wife qualifies. We're gonna burn that piece of toilet paper just for spite.
And by the way, what rebate?It will be deducted off of 2008's tax REFUND in April 09, assuming we as a nation lasts that long.When I buy a product that has a $10 rebate, I don't repay the $10 rebate back to the manufacturer somewhere down the road.Thats why they call it a rebate.Its a refund on money you've already spent, not a refund on money you MAY spend.OMG What a joke.
Wake up people.
I'm sending it straight back to the White House with a note saying:
"F**k Off...you had to borrow this money to give to me and now you're going to tax me more to pay off this debt. I hate my government.".
send at least half of it back via quarterly tax payment and buy a foreign currency etf with the remainder.
in april or may Im going to charge some gold and silver on the visa nd pay it off with the rebate. I could wait until the check but God knows what may happen by then. A part of me thinks I should buy it now? why not? dollars are falling and that small cc balance won't kill me.
I do not qualify for a rebate check. Once this rebate check is spent, how does it address the fundamental problem that the consumer is financially exhausted.
Pay down debt.
Bad little consumer said:"I will not spend a penny of it, just to say FU to the gov't."
Same here. Or, I'll partipate in the anti-government currency...Gold.
Isn't the cap at $75k taxable income? So if you earn > $75k as a single person or > $150k as a couple then you don't get anything at all, right?
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I think there may be many people here who think they qualify who do not.
I get no rebate. Oh, and raynla: the 10mm Glock is the actually the Glock Model 20. (G20 for short.)
It would look bad for the government to just hand over a bunch of money to banks starving for cash right now so this is a pretty smart move of doing an end around. A great many of the people who will get this money are up to their eyeballs in debt. Much of this money will actually find its way back to the banks (the acutal intended recipient) who are trying to collect debts from those receiving tax rebate money. So, (IMHO) this is a great way for the government to float some bucks toward the banks without it appearing as a direct bail out. For those who are not in debt, this is a little economic "bump up" for us. Cheers.
Smug Bastard
Apt wrote: "Congress & Bush know damn well that most people are going to use this money to pay down credit cards & mortgages"
Amen to that notion.
Smug Bastard
Student loans. It goes right to student loans.
I won't be receiving one. I am above the $75K limit.
I make too much damn money to qualify. Good problem to have I suppose
Hah what rebate. That's only for poor people. Don't you know Keith? People who make over USD$75,000 don't actually have any bills, own their homes outright, don't have student loans, and already live the lifestyles of the rich and famous. American Express black card, pay it off every month. Yeah, when I hit $75,001 I bought a mansion FOR CASH.
You see, I pay too much in taxes so I'm not eligible for direct stimulus.
i am going to spend it on the one arm bandits in vegas and hit the jackpot...
I am going out to buy a nice new Shot Gun, and meet up with Dick Cheney and his buddies and go People shooting. And after that we are all going to stop by Bill Clinton's place and take a nap...God I hope Bush senior is not there..he's always drooling on something.
Put gas in the truck, buy food, pay my utility bills. That's contributing back to the system isn't it?
Not getting one either because I make a hair over 75K. So I get the added bonus of having my money I paid in taxes get sent to someone else.
Tax times a comin guess I'll use it for that!
Black Tar Heroin.. And Hookers..
I lova this country..everything free and now el magnifico Presidente Jorge Bush is giving mi grande familia a mucho dinero cheque.
Gracias Americano suckaristas, I make love to this country lika I maka lova in the culo of your puta sista.
Viva La Reconquesta!
I think I'll buy lottery tickets and maybe turn the pathetic little check into some real money.
I hit the trifecta with this one, because not only am I married, but I have 3 kids, so we're talking serious rebate dollars here.
The max payout is $1200
Fuck this, I have made up my mind that I am going to spend my money and live a reckless financial life. Who cares about paying my obligations? Obviously we are NOT a country of laws. Big corporations are going to get bailed out? Well fuck that. I will do the same thing. We bought a townhouse for 499K with zero percent down. I know for a fact that this townhouse is worth about 200K because the bank foreclosed on two properties in my block and they couldn't sell it so the banks bid them back and got it back. The lowest bid was 250K and Chase didn't take the bid! So I am fucked! The wife and I have about 70K in credit card debt and 145K in medical bills. So fuck it. We won't pay a fuckin dime. I am so pissed and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
Andrew Hack why don't you die. My country is the greatest country in the world. The greatest country that ever existed. Without us, where would the rest of the world be? America's greatest gift to the world is freedom. We export freedom and prosperity throughout the world.
I bought the 80gb PS3 from Amazon last night. If you want one with backward compatibility, get 'em while you can!
Donate it to Ron Paul's Campaign!
Donate to Ron Paul, so he can use it to get elected and fix the economy for EVERYONE.
This may as well be called what it is
Only people who will get this rebate are people who don't pay any taxes to begin with. That is the definition of welfare.
I'll give Jorge W. credit in that he at least **SAID** he wanted to only give a rebate to those who pay taxes. Of course he caved and gave in to Nancy and Harry.
Fuck you Jorge. Fuck you Harry and fuck you Nancy.
Make sure you all vote for Hussein Obama in November. Next year he'll give a $5K rebate check to everyone on welfare and raise your taxes to do so.
This country is so fucked.
You could buy 600 of these!!!!
Why won't the government just give every single American a debit/atm card. Then every week they can just electronically deposit money into that account and then we can spend that money. Isn't this a great idea? I can use this money to buy gas, groceries, etc.... Or better yet, the government can just deposit $5000 per month into the account and I wouldn't have to work and can just stimulate the economy.
Wipe my ass with it! 'Cause that's all the dollar is good for.
This 75 K limit is based on 2007 year income, right?
I made too much to qualify in 03-06, but only worked until Aug in 07, so now I qualify!
Because I made a conscious decision to resign, relocate, and redirect my career with more grad studies (continuing in engineering), I now qualify for free money! ITs like an incentive to quit the J-O-B that wasn't what I had hoped for and say "f@ck it", which is kind of what I did.
So I guess this will go to living expenses, maybe those expensive books that I planned to pay for with my savings. This Bush administration is absolutely hilariously pathetic! HAHAHA LOL
I love it!
gold and silver
"Not getting one either because I make a hair over 75K."
is the 75K gross or after taxes, 401k, standard deduction, etc?
Ahem....this rebate is supposed to be used to pay off some of your debts. It is just a well crafted bail out for the banks.
The stimulus package in a nutshell:
$600 for individuals
$1,200 for couples
plus another $300 for each child, with no limit on the number of children.
Those earning adjusted gross under $75,000, single or $150,000, married, would receive the full rebates.
Rebates would gradually phase out for those earning more than these income limits.
I am going to cheat even MORE (I mean use the rules to their full advantage) when collating data for my Enrolled Agent this year.
This corrupt fuc*ing country sucks.
Why play fair? Next bubble, I am going to screw anyone and everyone I can for as much as I can and then stick it up the stupid (me) taxpayers as*.
That's the American Way.
Probably buy gold coins - the American Eagle
I'm going to save it, just to spite George Bush and the corrupt Congress
Start selling drugs out of my empty mortgage office
I would most of people on this forum with their financial savviness probably make too much to qualify for the rebate, many times over.
Although I'm not getting it, I'm glad that they targeted it to the audience whom needs it most. Most of us certainly don't need a handout so let the people who do have it. Although , I'm peeved those who do not pay income tax are getting it. That's not right.
Dried food stuff and lotsa ammo.
plus another $300 for each child, with no limit on the number of children.
So the crack-smoking welfare queen with 12 children will be getting$3900 while I work my ass off 60 hours a week and get nothing but a huge tax bill from the IRS? You wonder why people hate socialism?
is the 75K gross or after taxes, 401k, standard deduction, etc?
They always base it on AGI
We're getting $1200 since the wife only worked 6ish months last year.
Ours will most likely go straight to the savings warchest. By the time it arrives, we should be over our target for the year, so it'll get siphoned off into the Roths ultimately. (In bad/iffy years, savings first, then Roths).
Come on BofA buyout: if things go horribly wrong the next 2 years I can renegotiate lower and lower. :D Woohoo! :P When in doubt, abuse the rules if you aren't rich enough to change 'em. ;)
"Ahem....this rebate is supposed to be used to pay off some of your debts. It is just a well crafted bail out for the banks."
Exactly. It won't do much for any one debtor, but on the whole, it'll be a hell of a lot of money flowing quickly in to Wall Street. And with the sheeple getting "free" money, why should they care!?
Buy gold. How else to best spite the US government?
Fuck this, I have made up my mind that I am going to spend my money and live a reckless financial life.
Uh...yeah. You've lived your financial life so responsibly so far. 70k in credit card debt, overpriced townhouse with nothing down, and 145k in medical bills because you didn't feel the need for health insurance.
Dude, if that is financial responsibility, I'm Andrew Hac.
Based on my income and the Fact that I choose not to breed. I do not qualify for the rebate.
Pay off chunk of student loan.
This is pecisely why America is doomed..........
Martin Luther King died for this.
Americans are dying, being mamed for life, scorched, blasted and crippled in war ravaged Iraq & Afghanistan for this.
This is where Americans will spend their "rebate".
These are the same monkeys with sh*t eating grins, aping into the cameras after 9-11.
God Bless America.
Looks like we'll get $1800 (600 for me, $600 for hubby and $300 for each of two kids).
Since we have run up debt to buy silver bullion, I imagine the money will go to a mix of paying off debt and buying more bullion.
Perhaps as a nod to Bush's stated intention to spur spending, we'll get a gun. I kind of hate to do it with small children in the house. But it's a must get item the way our society is headed.
$1200 is 8% of my monthly gross income. Not exactly a life changing experience.
I'm giving it right back.... I'm taking a huge $$$ tax hit this year.
Strippers and blow
I'm not getting any part of this latest round of wealth redistribution because I make $200K per year. I guess I'm "rich" even though they are inflated dollars and probably spend it.
Welcome to the People's Republic of the USA.
not getting any of it.
"We bought a townhouse for 499K with zero percent down. I know for a fact that this townhouse is worth about 200K because the bank foreclosed on two properties in my block and they couldn't sell it so the banks bid them back and got it back. The lowest bid was 250K and Chase didn't take the bid! So I am fucked! The wife and I have about 70K in credit card debt and 145K in medical bills. So fuck it. We won't pay a fuckin dime. I am so pissed and I encourage everyone else to do the same."
You bought a townhouse for 500K? It's a fooking townhouse! I hope for the sake of the rest of us that you and/or your wife are sterile.
Bailouts and taxes, those seem to be the biggest financial benefits to having a stay at home wife. At 1st it really burnt my ass that my wife decided working just wasn't for her anymore. I guess this is not uncommon. She doesn't ask me for me for money, her parents are LOADED and gift her around $20K (tax free) per year, but I do have to pay all the rent etc. When she started to run out of money we liquidated her 401K last summer at the top of the market (good timing!). I figured why does she need a lousy 401K anyway - her parents are rich. Plus, she made some really healthy returns and I certainly didn't want to put her on an allowance... So she stays home and takes care of the house (rental condo), works-out and manages her two cats.
She is trying to start her own little nutrition business and has had some success. Overall I actually prefer it. It may sound strange, and I never would have thought I'd ever feel this way, but it's really nice having someone available in that way. All my laundry, and meals are taken care of. I never have to go to the grocery or cleaners anymore. If something is wrong with our rental I let her deal with the landlord. All I have to do is concentrate on my career. If her parents were not gifting, it would probably be a different story. The nice thing is that since we got married my tax liability has gone *way* down. She shows very little income, but has large right offs do to her nutrition business.
And, without her I wouldn't qualify for the government free money. It's almost like were better off having just one pay check.
Oh and the money will go toward paying for our trip to France this spring. I'm guessing this is not exactly what dubya had in mind.
I make more than 75K so nothing
My wife should divorce me. She would then get the handout while I would not qualify. My income exceeds the joint limit.
So, it is costing her over a 1k to stay married to me.
amazing how many HPers seem to be getting the handout vs how many were making big bucks in your previous polling. It doesn't add up.
PS i know there are other tax benefits in my situation that offset this onetime handout. Heck, I missed out on the prepaid child credit increase earlier this decade because I didn't qualify.
Just don't ask me what I am going to do with my check and expect me to be happy.
"They always base it on AGI"
thanks; I'm going to take business losses this year; do you know if a business loss makes AGI lower if you have a business loss coupled with W2 income?
Let's see, the US has a budget deficit so we'll have to borrow the money by selling bonds. China buys a lot of those bonds. The money will only be given to lower income people so it will probably be spent at Wal-Mart. Most everything you buy in Wal-Mart is made in China so they'll end up with most of the money. So for the next 30 years we'll be paying interest to the Chinese on money that we gave to them.
I don't know if I should laugh or puke. Since both parties want this I don't even know who to blame.
"So the crack-smoking welfare queen with 12 children will be getting $3900"
Hey, and don't forget those middle class families with all those deductions for their kids and mortgage interest. You know the ones, they all bitch about the AMT and about how high taxes are but aren't willing to pay for all the services they get.
But hey, just keep taking money from me the single dude with no kids and who pays 40K in taxes but yet cannot afford to buy a home.
Fu*king leeches. I hope you all go over a cliff in your Dodge fu*king caravan.
I'm buying booze and another boomstick.
I don't get a rebate. With a salary of $80,000 in a city where a crappy condo sells for $500K, I am apparently too rich for a stimulus. (I am also too rich to deduct any interest from my payments at 7.5% on the $120K I owe from college and law school).
Apparently in order to get help from the government, it's best that you don't go to school, don't work and don't save and instead sit on my ass, buy real estate I can't afford, deduct the payments and cry to Washington for more money.
Am I mad? Hell yeah I'm mad and I'm not the only one. Both Democrats and Republicans are in for a wicked surprise this year.
I'm buying each of the realtors in my area a Top Ramen Survival Pack.
>> Wipe my ass with it! 'Cause that's all the dollar is good for.
Doh! Don't waste it! Just sign the check over to me (you dumbass!)
A Mossberg shotgun and about 2000 rounds...No lie.
Muchas gracias presidente Bush y GOP. I'll use my check to pay off coyotes to bring my other 6 Mexican brothers and sisters and their children across the wide open border.
I love this country and all the hard working gringos who support us, los hermanos mexicanos. Gracias!
thanks; I'm going to take business losses this year; do you know if a business loss makes AGI lower if you have a business loss coupled with W2 income?
So the GOP administration has been good to your business, huh? Voting republican again or finally learned the lesson?
I will spend it overseas. Thanks American worker for subsiding my investments overseas.
I'm gonna use it to short the market...PUTS on the Q's, builders, banks or anything else I can throw a dart at in the WSJ
make too much. will have to stimulate my own package.
pwnd said...
Bailouts and taxes, those seem to be the biggest financial benefits to having a stay at home wife.
Amen brutha. I make $175K a year and will come in under $150K AGI and presto I get a $1200 gift. Plus I pay 1/2 the taxes I would pay if single.
What a fucked up system we have.
It's not the fact that I'm not getting a check that roasts my arse (although it is WRONG), it's the rationale that because I won't spend it I shouldn't be given the rebate that infuriates me.
Only give free money to those who will immediately give it to corporations, not to anyone who would dare save it for financial security. Our country is screwed.
What we have isn't a tax rebate, because I paid 40% of my salary in tax last year and I get nothing back. It's a massive subsidy to banks and corporations masquerading as free money to the people.
Can't wait to give 40% of my salary to the government again this year...
"I don't get a rebate. With a salary of $80,000 in a city where a crappy condo sells for $500K, I am apparently too rich for a stimulus. (I am also too rich to deduct any interest from my payments at 7.5% on the $120K I owe from college and law school)."
You went to law school and make only $80,000? Buddy you need to look for a new employer. Unless it was the Upstairs Hollywood Law School in which case, $80K is about right.
BUY AS MANY MREs AS F*CKING POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon who posted the idea about withholding charitable contributions: brilliant! I am with you
"Fu*king leeches. I hope you all go over a cliff in your Dodge fu*king caravan."
Hey angry guy,
It's the children of today that are going to be supporting your ass in retirement and changing your diapers, so get over it.
40%...dude top marginal tax bracket is 35%. Try again.
I guess I need to get an easier, lower paying job to qualify for these payments.
So the GOP administration has been good to your business, huh? Voting republican again or finally learned the lesson?
it's really a moot point since I made enough in W2 but the law says, I think, that I can take losses for two years after a profitable year; the "stimulus package," especially, might make "taking a loss" worth the cost of filing a loss.
the sad thing I learned-- when I had a business, was to show no profit by writing off everything you can;
I called my senators office today and they told me the current problems weren't caused by fraud but by "loose lending standards."
after I told them that: "I can understand your perspective but this situation is much worse than enron, more important to investigate than steroids in baseball because the dollar is tanking and shouldn't require the government to 'take over mortgages which were based on illegal fraudulant appraisals!"
they wanted me off the phone and kept telling me that "no fraud was involved,..."
so we'll get a lousy check but be getting a much bigger real-estate bill from uncle same!
i make 42k/year, so i qualify. I'm converting it to Canadian dollars, and adding it to the rest of my savings, as i am moving there in August. I'm a US native, however i'm done with this country. Been planning this out for about 2 years, almost there.
I already spent it on a Dell 3007WFP-HC and a PS3 40GB.
I'm still a consumer whore, but I keep my savings up-and-up.
"You went to law school and make only $80,000? Buddy you need to look for a new employer. Unless it was the Upstairs Hollywood Law School in which case, $80K is about right."
Hey jackass, I went to Yale. Ever heard of it? In some places it's still considered a great thing to work for the poor and underserved and not for rich corporations that pay you $200K a year to screw little people.
I hope to buy a house or a flat in 4 years time with 80% down...
*Actually, I won't qualify for the rebate. I intended to buy those items for months now, but waited to get enough discounts.
The PS3 40GB is costing me $280 shipped instead of the MSRP of $400+tax. I get a $100 credit rebate from Sony Card and I tricked the Amazon Gold Box to give me a $20 off reduced offer. Plus I'm getting 5 free Blu-Ray discs via MIR.
I'll buy silver.
Frank@Scottsdale-Sucks.com said...
Nothing. Just deposit it, I suppose.
January 25, 2008 6:04 AM
So the big best selling author/business genius is admitting he makes less than $75K? No wonder they wouldn't let you into axis/radius.
Can't you guys figure out that these checks are for sheep, up the wazoo in revolving debt, to give to bankers? Bankers need their balance sheets to look good for next quarter. Then there'll be a fake rally again "on the good news".
The people running this country are composed mainly by bankers, oil, arms mfrs, and rogue CIA and Mossad and MI-6 agents. Hence so many fake wars, endless financial bubbles, several attempts to destabilize the Middle East for oil profiteering, bailouts at taxpayer expense, mass immigration to dumb down America and depress wages, etc.
The entire system is rigged and you're a bunch of puppets. You could change all that by brute force, becoming smarter and skeptical, and voting right, but everyone in America is too lazy. The shady group running the show knows that and takes advantage of it. Enjoy your Lazy Boy chair and Faux News.
go to costco turn it into a cash card and use it to pay for that overpriced gas for a while. let the government pay for me to get to work for a while. i wish i could travel around on tax payer dollars for a couple of years, but then i am not an elected politicians. so they don't give a damn how much it hurts to pay a good chunk of your money for gas. the reason gas should be cheaper here is because we are the one's who are financing all these other countries and that is the least they could do instead of sticking the knife in deeper. assholes.
I don't get any. I thought this was only for the poor.
Assuming we qualify for it, I'll send $200 to the Humane Society (TONS of homeless animals due to high foreclosure rates); maybe another $100 to Paul if he's still in the race. The rest goes to paydown debt which ultimately benefits Wall St.
Honestly, how much more crap do we really need? Everyone's been buying useless crap for the last 7 yrs and they want us to buy more? What's the point, that will only help foreign economies since domestic products are virtually gone. In the end, we lose either Wall Street or China win.
First of all they won't give me one. Savers lose on the deal.
Second if I was going to get a rebate check I would buy some more gold coinage. Sorry Bush, no spending here.
However, J6P will probably spend his on:
Cell bill
Electric / water bill
Maybe lottery tickets, but no way will they pay the credit card or house payment.
Stick it to The Man by putting it in my Roth IRA. Forget spending it, that's what Congress wants me to do. I was just going to save it, but then I would be paying taxes on the interest. This way, I get to keep the money and all my profits! I recommend everyone else do the same to send a message to D.C.
"It's the children of today that are going to be supporting your ass in retirement and changing your diapers, so get over it."
Get your head out of your ass. How are they going to support me when our country is $53 Trillion in the hole?
Shouldn't we all bring them to the drunkfest and cash them at the casino? :D
Wait, how do they determine if you made 150k or not - 2007 income, or 2006? A lot of people won't have filed taxes yet for '07 when the determination is made, so let's hope it's based on '06!
Andrew Hack why don't you die. My country is the greatest country in the world. The greatest country that ever existed. Without us, where would the rest of the world be? America's greatest gift to the world is freedom. We export freedom and prosperity throughout the world.
January 25, 2008 3:49 PM
The Americano is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
The mentality of the average Americano is just amazing, if not stupefying.
A Circuit City Sale Associate is able to buy a house.
A Shoe Sale Man is driving an Audi.
An uneducated, illiterate, ignorant Ford factory auto-assembly worker makes $40/hour.
The Iraqi has Weapon Of Mass Destruction.
Talk about brain-dead zombie, blind-as-a-bat crapper. Maybe that is the reason why there is such word as "Trailer White Trash"...
put into my house, um.. i mean depreciated asset..
but it will be nice to add to my emergency fund while I work on getting completely out of debt.
Since my latest offer on my house (bought in 05 in KY) was a shocking 70k less then what I paid.. I've decided I am going to keep the house.
It's worth more to me as a cheap (but nice) family renter then something some guy thinks he can get me on.
I know the knife cuts both ways, just keep that in mind as you jump for joy over this huge correction.
That house that I speak of with a meager 3% appreciation each year would be worth 278k today and I paid 281 for it in 05.. that's fine and dandy and acceptable change
but after putting 30k into mechanics, siding, nice furnance etc.. that offer pisses me off.
My listing is at 259k.
Tell me HP smarties.. what would you do if you really wanted a house ..
Am I buffering someone giving them the price of 03? I'd be willing to go a few thousand lower...
anything less is such a loss it's less money right now to just let the slow bleed of paying the mortgage..
Just curious your thoughts..
I countered with a little off.
OH, and BTW, I was told I can't qualify for a short sale unless my credit score is in the toilet, I don't have any money at all.. (they seriously expect me to take cash advances on all credit cards,drain 401k and borrow from anyone, but they get their money for their investors.).
This is GMAC who just bought my PRIME mortage (or maybe conforming) whatever from American Home Morgage..
What a bunch of crap!
Sorry for the rant, it's been a crappy day..
I earned $400K last year so won't get jack.
For your rebaters I recommend you send the money to Al Queda or perhaps Osama Bin Laden where it actually may be put to better use. Everyone should do this to teach this corrupt administration a lesson.
Coke out.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Strippers and blow
January 25, 2008 6:57 PM<<<
man i like the way you think. tell me. are you going to vegas?
I'm buying silver.
"Fu*king leeches. I hope you all go over a cliff in your Dodge fu*king caravan."
January 25, 2008 7:33 PM
You can't be serious but for sh@ts and giggles...Get some perspective.
I'm not sure just what "services" you are referring to. Mortgage interest deductions phase out and those dependent deductions you refer to go to paying daycare expenses so my wife and I can work to support our family of 5. We pay 50% more in taxes and then an annual daycare bill that is still more than your taxes.
You have no dependent expenses (i.e. full control over your expenditures) and obviously make a decent income and yet you don't have the financial intelligence to figure out how to afford a home. Pathetic. Let's hope you are sterile so your ignorance won't be passed on to future generations.
We both work hard for a living, manage to take care of 3 kids, and are not complaining. It is tragic that the future of America lies with whiney, narrow-minded, intitlement seeking, sh@ts like you - maybe that's the problem.
I assume you are young and inexperienced rather than a middled-aged rat living in your Mom's basement. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Your parents must be proud. Have a nice day.
Buy foreign currency. LOL
Glock 19 and anything left goes to ammo.
Gold, Guns and Butter.
lots of pissed posters here...i'm not amazed at what the go't is doing. because the whole fu_king finacial system is at risk. they have no other option but lower rates to 1% and reinflate the next bubble. the euro is too strong and will fall, and so will gold and all commodities as we enter recession. and, the fed will start the next bubble...i'll be watching to join in this time. but, it is also true..that i am also thinking being reponsible is not in my self interest. I think we are rewarded in the usa by being in massive debt because who is more screwed the creditor or debtor....i'd rather be a debtor! I know a guy got a condo to make money, bought at the top-lost his job, now is ust hanging out rent free until foreclosure. i want free rent too!
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