We just went through seven (soon to be eight) years of hell with Bush 2. After going through scandal and impeachment hell the three years before this. And now we're thinking of Clinton 2? Come on!
So the odds-on favorite to be the next President of the United States is THE F*CKING WIFE OF THE IMPEACHED LIAR? Wow.
Hopefully the behavior of Bill Clinton the past few days reminds voters of what a lying sack of sh*t this guy is, and his wife isn't much better. The Clinton campaign is a sad joke, and anyone considering voting for them (yes, 'them') is clueless. To have them back in the White House would be a disaster. Eight more years of party warfare, eight more years of paralysis in DC.
Memo to the Democrats - if you nominate Hillary Clinton, you will lose the next election, one that was yours to win. You won't stand a chance. You may like her, but America hates her and her lying husband.
Now, on to the Republicans. You're pretty f*cked too.
Ah, American Politics 2008. Gotta love it.
January 25, 2008
America, please tell me you don't want these manipulative scandalous liars back in the White House. End the Bill and Hillary show and move on.
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Labels: bush clinton bush clinton bush clinton bush clinton god help us all
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The weird thing is, Romney and is clean cut band of Mormons is starting to look good. . .at least he looks like a president - like Reagan - right out of central casting. . .at this point, anyone but Bush and Clinton. . .
who do you think is the best choice for the democrats?
I'd like to see Ron Paul and Bloomberg BOTH run as independents
I used to be a republican until they betrayed me. I would register with the constitution party if that was an option in my state. So I am no fan of any typical democrat.
But I don't see where she is worse than any of the other democrats. Also, apart from Bill's personal habits and being unrelentingly pro-abortion, he was a pretty good president.
As a woman I can't help thinking that most of this anti-Hillary bile is sexism.
How is it that she is worse than any other democrat????
who do you think is the best choice for the democrats?"
Ron Paul of course
Failing that, Obama would be an inspirational leader that might be able to bring the country together and serve as an ambassador to the world - trust me, the US is hated over here, becuase of Bush. That needs to be fixed.
I'm against a LOT of Obama's plans though, so not an endorsement.
For the GOP, besides Paul, I'm having a real tough time not hurling at any of their candidates. Romney is the least worst if that makes sense. He does have business and turn-around expertise and is all sunny and positive, but looks to be a flip flopping snake. The whole cult thing is troubling too.
And that leaves Bloomberg. If the Dems nominate Hillary, Bloomberg is the next president. If they nominate Obama, he wins and Bloomberg doesn't run. If Hillary wins the nomination and Bloomberg doesn't run, McCain or Romney win it all.
I don't want the Bill & Hillary show, but yesterday I saw a TV
ad for Obama where twice the
statement was made that
"she will say anything
to get elected".
Even if it was true, it can't be
proven, and it has no place in
a presidential campaign.
I'm thinking Edwards/Bloomberg now.
Let me see here...
1. You're ripping Clinton because...he likes fellatio from cute chubby women? Because he slept with a former Miss America?
Summary: Jealous much?
2. Hillary: Oh please, she's a politician through and through, and she doesn't believe in anything. If you look back at most of our presidents the last 40 years, you'll see that the ones that, in hindsight, did the best were the most politically-minded and least-faithful.
Summary: Strong moral fiber is great for a normal person, but as leader of the free world, you have to be willing to do what needs to be done regardless of what you believe. Otherwise, you get what we have: Bush. So Keith...your stance here makes 0 sense to anyone, including yourself if you think about it.
3. Ron Paul: This is dead and you know it, quit beating the horse - there's not even a full corpse left.
4. Romney: Eh, he's tip-toeing the line. I like the guy because he's got good business experience, but he'll also probably screw us all to help businesses if history holds true.
5. Bloomberg: he's not even registering in national polls is he? (ring) "Hello Keith, it's that other horse near Ron Paul...yeah, I'm dead, stop with the beatings please."
6. Obama: As inspirational as the guy is, the fact that he is running for president after less than a single term in the senate, which he only won due to the most bizarre set of coincidences known to man, makes me worried about him. It's like Edwards last time - if he'd just stayed in the Senate to ripen another 4-12 years, he'd be a great viable candidate.
7. McCain: If he takes Florida, he's getting the nomination and most likely the presidency.
I'm a reg'd independent because I prefer to think for myself, but McCain was my man last time, and his willingness this time to pander as needed to make it out of the primaries makes him even moreso this time around.
Ron Paul for the long haul.
Expecting Giuliani, Huckabee or McLame to drop out next.
If her last name wasn't Clinton, she would be a realtor or mortgage broker.
funny neo-con piece by Frum @ NYT you linked to. gotta love those 9/11-pumpers!
All of the remaining candidate are complete sacks of shit (except for Ron Paul that is).
They're all a bunch of clueless, power hungry, big government twits. There is only one choice and that's Ron Paul (not a freakin Bloomberg!! Sheesh!)
Of course, you don't decide guys. The Bingo Bettys and Slimjim Jimbobs and six pack Jacks of America will be the one's choosing your next big government dictator. You no longer have a Republic or a Constitution. All you have is another shitty "democracy" just like the Euros. But you probably didn't notice anyway.
I have to ask this question. Is it illegal for Bumblin Bill Clinton to be Vice President? Because, I'm thinking that old Hillary might just nominate him to be Vice President. Of course Keith is right; we get Bill Clinton either way, but I was just wondering if that old hag could nominate her hubby for VP.
I cant believe im going to say this as a life long repub. we need a protectionist for our next president- if we dont figure our how to reverse our trade imbalance were fucked! period! no nation creates wealth by borrowing and spending - a nation creates wealth by MANUFACTURING THINGS and selling them to OTHER COUNTRIES at a higher rate than it imports things- until we get china to depeg the yuan and start paying their people enough that OUR COMPANIES can compete we will continue to head down this suicidal path- now if you believe as i do WHAT party is more likely to impliment the needed policy-hint it wont be a repub. - the trick will be whether we can do it without the chinese dumping their HUGE supply of dollars and destroying our economy-
juries out on that one- - you could NOT PAY ME any amount of money to be the next president that has to face the monumental problems that will HAVE to be dealt with by the next commander in chief.
I'm a reg'd independent because I prefer to think for myself, but McCain was my man last time, and his willingness this time to pander as needed to make it out of the primaries makes him even moreso this time around.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? So now pandering is an admirable trait?
Idiots like you are the problem. Yeah, go vote for the guy that is most like Bush 3.0, the one that will most likely lead us into a war in Iran that will be even more disastrous than Iraq and a guy that is otherwise clueless on all issues. All because he's pandering and has a good chance of winning the nomination. Just compromise your ideals and follow the herd. Baaaaah! Baaaah!
Why don't you just squeeze a turd out into America's mouth and push America off a cliff?
We are going to need someone of the caliber of Franklin Roosevelt, not
a pretender. We are in for very hard times and we need someone with smarts, ability to think outside the box to find solutions, compassion for
everyone, and great communication and collaborative skills, because this ship is going down.
Stop with the slander and get frigging real...grandma pkk
I'm not sure if us being hated "over there" is a bad thing.
Maybe one day they will hate us so much they will refuse to take our financial aid.
They always hate us till they need us.
Let me see here...
1. You're ripping Clinton because...he likes fellatio from cute chubby women? Because he slept with a former Miss America?
Summary: Jealous much?
Jeez, completely clueless.
We rip clinton because he LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT. let me repet that in case you missed it:
I think this simple fact speaks volumes about how much you can trust bill\hillary.
Second, he was doing it with a low level subordinate. My company would immediately walk me out the front door without time to pack up my desk.
So, Keith, you are pro-life and anit-abortion like Ron Paul?
I cant believe im going to say this as a life long repub. we need a protectionist for our next president- if we dont figure our how to reverse our trade imbalance were fucked! period! no nation creates wealth by borrowing and spending
Protectionism doesn't work either buddy. That's just another economic intervention that socializes the cost and leads to less efficient and less comptetitive industry. The answer to economic prosperity is to return to what America used to stand for. Limited government regulation, low taxes by removing the burden of big government expenditure. That's what leads to real prosperity.
You know Keith...When Bush II ran it was kinda fun in a way...never had a Father/son combo and all that jazz but now? The fun is over and what a train wreck its turned out to be. The Clintons are trying to pull the same stunt.I have to believe the founding Fathers would have added another line in the Constitution if they would have known the power mongers would wrap up the white house for years using their wife,sons and daughters. Bottom line folks...the longer a family is in power...the more corrupt they become. NO MORE CLINTONS (Even distant cousins)
I'm supporting Paul til (or if) he drops out.
In the end though, I believe it will be Hillary v. Romney. Clinton appeals to all those who lived well in the 90's. How can she lose the nomination? She's Clinton's power-hungry wife.
Romney will pull ahead from Mccain once the blue states vote. They have more delegates and I think they better understand that a business man (although his flipping is troublesome, but hey, what's new for a politician, right) is a better choice than Mccain. Mccain has NO CLUE about the economy. And as that becomes the central issue of the day, his appeal will decline.
In my lifetime I have never seen an "American lovefest" overseas. Just times when they hate us less.
"Obama would be an inspirational leader that might be able to bring the country"
Whatever. Obama is an empty suit, far left liberal. He is a black Dukakis/Kerry/Mondale.
Anyone who supports Ron Paul and Obama has no clue what they're talking about.
HRC will gladly take the Patriot Act "tools" handed to her by GWB and Congress. Then all you libs and NOW sycophants will see what a pissed-off woman can do to satisfy her grudges. I say her grudges, because they are probably not the same as yours.
I just wonder, will all of the whiners who decried GWB as a "tyrant" utter a peep when HRC starts jailing critics and stripping away the freedoms our "living" constitution guarantees? My guess is the useful idiots on the left will cheer her on until their turn comes.
what financial aid? most of that goes US corporations..its a scam..a PR job to make j6p think america is doing so much good everywhere..NOT
Amusing clueless anonymous poster said:
What the hell is that supposed to mean? So now pandering is an admirable trait?
Idiots like you are the problem. Yeah, go vote for the guy that is most like Bush 3.0, the one that will most likely lead us into a war in Iran that will be even more disastrous than Iraq and a guy that is otherwise clueless on all issues. All because he's pandering and has a good chance of winning the nomination. Just compromise your ideals and follow the herd. Baaaaah! Baaaah!
Why don't you just squeeze a turd out into America's mouth and push America off a cliff?
In a politician, doing what needs to be done is necessary. You're so confused you don't see that Bush's strong beliefs are what is causing all his problems - he refuses to see that he needs to do X and Y to get Z. So instead he just goes with his beliefs and attacks Tom Dick and Harry. Beliefs/values/ideals are something that good presidents must learn to bend/set aside/etc for the greater good of the country.
Ideals are something only the poor, young, old, or rich can truly afford to have - everyone else is repressing themselves by sticking to them.
As for the turd comment: if you hadn't noticed, this is now a Republican-values country, which means "Screw you, me first!".
I'm getting sick of all this crap about how Romney is a businessman, and is therefore some kind of economic genius. The fact that he once worked in private enterprise doesn't mean crap.
In the debate last night, he talked about how he would expand the FHA's loan limits to support larger home loans. That's the ticket, Einstein. What we need to fix the problems caused by too much loose credit is taxpayer subsidization of even more loose credit.
This guy is a freaking halfwit. "I know what makes businesses work. I know what makes jobs come and go." Give me a break. You know how to help run the Winter Olympics, moron. Big deal. That doesn't prove anything.
The first time I hear Captain Brylcream mention the problems caused by our central bank, or federal subsidization of debt, then I will start listening. Until then, I remain unimpressed.
Without monetary reform, all these tax cuts he promises are just a shell game. They won't do $hit.
"Give me control of a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws." - Baron M. A. Rothschild
Hillary will win the next 2 rounds
and will bring back prosperity to this country..
GO Hillary
She’s my Rambo
She’s my Reagan
I'd like to see Ron Paul and Bloomberg BOTH run as independents
So basically you're a Hillary supporter, ha?
Bloomberg is a police state totalitarian fascist.
I rather have them than Republican Fascists™ creating economic chaos, phony wars that cost taxpayers trillions of dollars, housing bubbles, skyrocketing deficit, value of dollar in the toilette, Fourth Reich, etc.
Oh, and one more thing (like Detective Columbo used to say):
Could we please Photo shop the American Flag out of this picture?...it should be Skull & crossbones flag.
As I said before, a black, a white and a republican walk into a bar...after Ron Paul wins a write in victory.
Here's a nice summary of all the Clinton people who have died because of the Clintons:
The GOP and its corrupt MSM bootlicker are in a mission to discredit Hillary and have Obama running against their Republican fascist candidate, only because they feel that Obama is much easier to beat. And they are right.
If Hillary drops out, the corrupt and republican controlled MSM will destroy Obama, just like they did to Kerry and Howard Deen.
The republican slime machine will start sending faxes to its bootlicker MSM to refer to Obama only by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama all the time, as they pound him with all kinds of sensationalism and cheap shots. And the American voters will buy it, as they did with Kerry and Howard Deen.
The Republican slime machine, along with its corrupt MSM, will do to Obama what they have been doing to the Clintons all along. The difference is that the Clintons are tougher, ready to face the Republican Fascists. Have yo noticed that the Clintons have become the new Britney Spears at the corrupt MSM? That's all they talk about, coming up with senseless gossip. It's all on the faxes they get from the republican machine.
Do you ever wonder why Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Mattews, Glen Beck, CNBC, MSNBC, etc, are suddenly in love with an African American running for president, while bashing the Clintons in a daily basis? Do you really think that these evil a$$holes want a democratic African American to be their president?
Please people, wise up and don't play into the GOP's game. They are afraid of running against Hillary because they know she'll win big. If you don't vote for Hillary, Obama will lose this election against the republicans, which btw will come up with another phony terror event right before the elections to make Obama look weak against terror and warmonger Keating Five McCain look good.
Wise up, people and don't follow the contrary opinions here in the blog, because they voted twice for Bush/Cheney, including Keith. These people have no credibility to pick a president. If a republican becomes president, I guarantee you that there'll be another phony war to continue making money to their cronies at taxpayer expense. These Republican crooks live out of phony wars and bubbles, especially when the economy and the dollar are dead. Don't let the republican slime machine manipulate you, because you will suffer and go broke with a republican as president.
Seven years of republican dominance. And look around you; have you had enough yet?
Price of oil right before the two oil men got into the White House = $8 / barrel.
Price of oil now = $88 / barrel.
Exchange rate right before the GOP took over the country: US$1 = Brazilian Real R$ 4.
Exchange rate now: US$1 = Brazilian Real R$ 1.78
By the way, most everything you eat comes from Brazil.
Is that clear enough for you? Time to change, folks. No more GOP running our lives.
In a politician, doing what needs to be done is necessary. You're so confused you don't see that Bush's strong beliefs are what is causing all his problems - he refuses to see that he needs to do X and Y to get Z. So instead he just goes with his beliefs and attacks Tom Dick and Harry. Beliefs/values/ideals are something that good presidents must learn to bend/set aside/etc for the greater good of the country.
Oh yeah, you're making a lot of sense there. So we should compromise the fact that we don't want another warmongering twit in office that is likely to lead us to war in Iran just to get things done for the party? You're an idiot.
Take note. Worlds leading economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche is on to you. As you sing the collapse of the USA your masters in London march forward to make sure they come out on top as the crash continues.
January 25, 2008 (LPAC)--Lyndon LaRouche today called for the Federal Reserve to immediately raise interests rates--to above the rates of the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. LaRouche issued the call in the context of an existential threat to the United States, coming from the accelerating crash of the post-Bretton Woods monetary system and an all out assault on the U.S. coming from European oligarchical circles, led from London.
While the ECB and other European banks are raising interest rates to bring down the United States, through the triggering of a further crash of the U.S. Dollar, and through a massive move of European and European-steered capital into the U.S.A. to literally "buy up" U.S. banks and corporations at fire-sale prices, Bernanke and company at the Fed are playing into the European assault by further weakening the Dollar through their hyperinflationary interest rate cuts.
The raid on the U.S.A., LaRouche explained, is being run out of Europe, particularly out of London, and the only way to defend the vital national security interests of the United States is by raising interest rates, to protect the value of the Dollar. It were best, LaRouche added, to keep U.S. interest rates slightly higher than those of the ECB and the Bank of England. We are under attack, and it is time that some people in Washington woke up to that fact and determined to fight back. This is one measure that will get the Europeans, particularly the British, howling in anger--that their game is up. American patriots with brains, LaRouche concluded, will agree with me that this is what has to be done. I hope to hear other voices joining me in this call, particularly in light of reports that have crossed my desk, that Bernanke and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) plan to further reduce interest rates in a matter of days, when they convene their next formal meeting.
Protectionism doesn't work either buddy. That's just another economic intervention that socializes the cost and leads to less efficient and less comptetitive industry. The answer to economic prosperity is to return to what America used to stand for. Limited government regulation, low taxes by removing the burden of big government expenditure. That's what leads to real prosperity.
January 25, 2008 6:16 PM
Youre nuts. Everythig you wrote above "we have right now" and it's called a major existential crisis.
Get the F##k rid of free trade, de regulation, and globalization. Put government back on top ahead of private finance and the like.
Idiots who claim regulations and protectionism dont work are either bald face liars or idiots.
A bit off topic, but...do comic strip writers read HP? Today’s Hi & Lois comic is right on target, as far as HP’ers are concerned.
You have GOT to check this out!
Please be nice to Mrs. Clinton. You are going to make her cry :(
Yeh, that would look really good dealing with an enemy state.
"By the way, most everything you eat comes from Brazil."
Stupidest thing EVER said on HP. And that includes everything DOPES! has ever said.
Wow, HP has gone mainstream. LA Times says it's cheaper to get a new condo for cheaper while you have good credit, then foreclosure on your underwater one.
when are they going to trust a non-anglo for the white house?
bush - clinton - bush ...
this country is closed as hell.
Its whomever the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)determines it'll be.
McCain is a dangerous man. He is worse than Bush, and here is why.
1. He is angry and has a hard on for war. He will further bankrupt this country as he spends all of his energy and the country's money on war.
2. He will keep the borders open and give amnestry to all the Mexicans.
3. He has absolutely no understanding or interest in the economy, which is the #1 problem that America faces as we all know here on HP.
McCain needs to be taken down. Please don't fall for his "straight talk express" bullshit. He is Bush in disguise.
Here's what I hope happens:
For the GOP - Romney. For the Dems - Hillary. Ron Paul makes a
3rd party run - all the Obama people will migrate to him - they HATE Hillary. Romney will be exposed as the gasbag that he is and lose the GOP base as it turns to Ron Paul.
Ron Paul becomes president, and we all win.
Eight more years of party warfare, eight more years of paralysis in DC.
And caving to the militants would end party warfare? Give me a break. And if Republicans are washed away this election as they so deserve to be, then perhaps the paralysis really will be gone.
Anon said:
‘Please be nice to Mrs. Clinton. You are going to make her cry :(
Yeh, that would look really good dealing with an enemy state.’
Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned!
1) Mrs Clinton will be tested in her first year by the Islamo crazies
She will teach them a ‘non political correct’ lesson unlike bushie.
2) You can’t have it both ways.
On the one hand call her a mean bi**
And on the other call her cry baby.
I LOVE Hillary!
She’s got my unconditional vote
Oh BTW.. the real issue with Bill Clinton was not that he
‘lied under oath’
You all can say it over and over until you’re blue in the face.
It was the hypocritical evil right wing religo freaks, who sell secks in the name of ‘family values’.
It was all about SECKS
I have still not seen a pic of Newt Gingrich’s mistress..
((the one he was doing while dragging this incredible woman (Hillary the poor wife that had enough pain from being publicly cheated on) out on the gutter))
Can someone please post a link to it here..
Go Hillary!
Tell us who is a better candidate. Please dont mention Ron Paul, he's not making it.
Any other candidate you think deserves a shot and our support.
anon @ 6:15 PM,
because in your small little mind you have to agree with everything the person you think is the best of the candidates.
There couldn't possibly be some things that you disagree with them on, but think are relatively less important than the stuff you do agree with them on.
No, everything's black and white. Ra-Ra-Ra for our guy. Boo-hiss for their guy.
I'm holding my endorsement as it that mattered until after the candidates are named and the Fall debates
Ron Paul all the way, but in my view he has 0% chance now that he's blown the early states
It's gonna be a matter of picking lesser of two or three evils I think
For Congress and Senate and local races my endorsement is in:
That part is easy. No exceptions.
I will vote for her if and only if she is the only choice against any republican. My guess is she will not do much of anything if she wins much like she doesn't do much of anything as our Senator.
Just a note to an earlier comment - I don't know anyone that is Pro-Abortion. I myself am Pro-Choice. I've never had an abortion and would never want to but I would not dare pretend to know God's mind and try to draw the line for someone else. No matter what you believe there are circumstances where it is imperative to have the choice.
because in your small little mind you have to agree with everything the person you think is the best of the candidates.
There couldn't possibly be some things that you disagree with them on, but think are relatively less important than the stuff you do agree with them on.
No, everything's black and white. Ra-Ra-Ra for our guy. Boo-hiss for their guy.
No, in my feeble little mind I see all the other candidates as representing the status quo. There won't be any significant changes that will repair the economy or stop the interventionist foreign policy that is so costly or breeds so much hatred toward the US around the globe.
These candidates don't understand the economic fundamentals and they ignore the lessons of history (even recent history). To varying degrees they are all openly hostile toward Iran which is not a threat to the US and we're just being led into another disastrous war like Iraq. Seriously, what is the significant difference between a Hillary, Obama, McCain or Romney?
Why compromise when the choices are so divergent from your beliefs? Why vote at all when the differences are so meaningless?
I'm sorry but I think your endorsement should be, vote against any republican first, than find the best DEMOCRAT.
Unless you want Bush to stay in the White House.
Peter Schiff Named Economic Advisor to the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Newly appointed Ron Paul economic advisor, Peter Schiff, issued the following statement about Dr. Paul’s proposed comprehensive economic revitalization plan:
“We need a plan that stimulates savings and production not more of the reckless borrowing and consumption that got us into this mess in the first place. Ron Paul’s plan is the only one that amounts to a step in the right direction. If you want meaningful change - for the better that is - Ron Paul is the only candidate capable of delivering it. The others merely promise to continue the failed policies that are at the root of our current economic problems.”
Peter Schiff is president of Euro Pacific Capital Inc, and a frequent guest on CNBC, Fox News, and Bloomberg Television. He is often quoted in major financial publications and is the author of the book Crash Proof.
In the past Peter Schiff said the following of Dr. Paul: “Ron Paul is the real deal, a true statesmen and citizen politician in the traditions envisioned by the framers of our Republic.”
Mr. Schiff is available for interviews regarding Congressman Paul’s economic policies.
Here is Ron Paul's plan for economic stimulus and prosperity:
"As for the turd comment: if you hadn't noticed, this is now a Republican-values country, which means "Screw you, me first!"."
Uh no.
It means: "Screw me first!"
"By the way, most everything you eat comes from Brazil."
Stupidest thing EVER said on HP. And that includes everything DOPES! has ever said.
You were saying? Here's an official report from the U.S. State Department:
Agriculture is a major sector of the Brazilian economy, and is key for economic growth and foreign exchange. Agriculture accounts for 8% of GDP (30% when including agribusiness) and 40% of Brazilian exports. Brazil enjoyed a positive agricultural trade balance of $43 billion in 2006. Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugar cane, coffee, tropical fruits, frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ), and has the world's largest commercial cattle herd (50% larger than the U.S.) at 170 million head. Brazil is also an important producer of soybeans (second to the United States), corn, cotton, cocoa, tobacco, and forest products. The remainder of agricultural output is in the livestock sector, mainly the production of beef and poultry (second to the United States), pork, milk, and seafood.
Here's more:
With a population of almost 200 million, Brazil is the world's leading exporter of sugar, coffee, beef and orange juice. Soybeans are Brazil's fastest-growing shipments, powered by the appetites of China's 1.3 billion consumers. Other major exports include aircraft, vehicles, iron ore, steel, textiles and footwear.
Below is a list of the top-ten countries purchasing Brazilian exports in 2005. Although the U.S. is the largest single country to buy the South American giant's exports, Europe represents Brazil's largest customer. In eleventh and twelfth place, the U.K. and France accounted for 2.2% and 2.1% of Brazil's exports respectively.
1. USA (18.9% of total exports)
2. Argentina (8.4%)
3. China (5.7%)
4. Netherlands (4.5%)
5. Germany (4.2%)
6. Mexico (3.5%)
7. Chile (3.1%)
8. Japan (3.0%)
9. Italy (2.7%)
10. Russia (2.5%)
"Here's what I hope happens:
For the GOP - Romney. For the Dems - Hillary. Ron Paul makes a
3rd party run - all the Obama people will migrate to him - they HATE Hillary. Romney will be exposed as the gasbag that he is and lose the GOP base as it turns to Ron Paul.
Ron Paul becomes president, and we all win."
Uh no.
How about this:
For the GOP, McCain.
For the Dems, Hillary.
Ron Paul sweeps up the Hillary refugees, splits the democratic vote and McCain wins.
We all die.
A woman that stands by her man, like Hillary.
Gets my vote.
This in itself gives her an edge over the rest of the idiots running who have zero integrity.
You have got to admit the Clinton days where great times for this Country.
Hey Keith,
One of your questions should be:
How far down the Road to Serfdom are we today?
The Illustrated Road to Serfdom
Voting the Republican rascals out might make you feel better, but it won't make any difference to the corporate machine. The race is staged to make you FEEL like you have a choice.
BTW, if you want to vote out the Republicans, keep in mind the banks and corporations WANT Hillary most of all. Why? Because her healthcare plan will generate enormous profits for them.
Why all the Hillary hate?
I mean sure she's a scumbag politician but so is everyone else running(with the possible exception of Ron Paul which I will believe if and when I see it). Why single her out for the 5 minute hate? Personnally I hate them ALL!
They complain about the problems we have today!
Same problems before them, during them and after!
They never fixed a F**KING thing!
Told ya. Bill Clinton running again making policy. When he was at his limit he didn't want to quit, he said he'd stay on until they figured out the Florida hanging chad thing. He said he was too young for this to be it. Hillary was trying to get legislation passed as if she were president, every one had to remind her she was not president. Remember white water and vince foster (i think that is his name)committed suicide. Remember Gennifer Flowers and that woman who's name escaped me her husband was pardoned. People are just forgetting the history with these two and Chelsea is still not easy on the eye. Hillary has been called Gay (not that I have a problem with that)hard, and probably a few other offensive names. When Clinton went into office they were paupers by Washington standards only 1 million in the bank, but now Clinton is a paid advisor to a Dubai firm making 10 million a year. There are so many issues with the Clinton's and as we know power corrupts. Why would you all do this yourselves again, 16 years of Clintons dictating your lives. Who said Bill Clinton was all that great a president anyway, didn't he sign the FREE TRADE agreement and now we are in this mess. No jobs, plenty of Mexicans, jobs going overseas. The elimination of the middle class it's be poor or be rich but nothing in between. I don't know the answer but she isn't it. I don't believe that bullshit about taking the tax status of the oil companies. She ever do that you will pay 6.00 a gallon because once one has unlimited money (oil companies)they are not going to just walk away smiling. I know sense everything is so fucked up leave Bush in office and make him fix his fuck ups and didn't everyone know that when Clinton left office the economy was starting to tank and Bush got caught with the beginning of Clinton's downward stroll. Just a thought, pass me that first stone.
Sorry, Superman is unelectable, so you're going to have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Take your pick:
1) Lex Luthor
2) The Joker
Jesus has low poll numbers. Don't waste your vote:
1) Satan (GOP)
2) Lucifer (Dem)
Protectionism doesn't work either buddy. That's just another economic intervention that socializes the cost and leads to less efficient and less comptetitive industry. The answer to economic prosperity is to return to what America used to stand for. Limited government regulation, low taxes by removing the burden of big government expenditure. That's what leads to real prosperity.
Competeing against ten doller a day labor. Screw thst, I mean, you go live in that communist gulag you traitor on their wages. Better yet, get your eletist ass on down to Mexishithole. Free trade, you day traders make me want to puke. The destruction of the middle class or the destruction of the US economy has everything to do with a bunch of corpoate and ploitical whores selling this country out to a bunch of communists and third world scum. Move to China drink the water and breath the air, see how long you live. Protectionism! Retard.
Melonie Griffiths-Evans...
Home buyer, mother of 3, facing eviction, AND A REALTOR.
Bad borrowers send rest of us to poorhouse
Griffiths-Evans screamed that she was going to get a taxpayer bailout “whether you like it or not! We’re gonna get help from the legislators and the people in power to help us!”
Radio clip
Picketing at her house
STFU!!! Let the Dems nominate her so they can lose!!
Yours Truly
If Hillary gets the White House, will she bring the china back? ...and the silverware... and the furniture? I'll bet the storage bill is really gettin' big!
Oh BTW.. the real issue with Bill Clinton was not that he
‘lied under oath’
You all can say it over and over until you’re blue in the face.
A sitting president lying under oath is the real issue? He was almost impeached over it. He should have been impeached for perjury. But lying is ok if you are liberal.
And your response will be but but but bush lied! Well, get him under oath and then get him to lie. If he does then kick him out.
F'ing libs and their i'm ok, your ok, everybody does it attitudes are wrecking this country. Actually, it is ok with them as long as they don't disagree with it, then the tolerance BS goes out the window.
I am an independent who thinks both parties are mostly sh*t right now.
My prediction: Hillary 40%, Romney 37%, Ron Paul 23%
and hillary will claim a "mandate"
Just a note to an earlier comment - I don't know anyone that is Pro-Abortion. I myself am Pro-Choice. I've never had an abortion and would never want to but I would not dare pretend to know God's mind and try to draw the line for someone else. No matter what you believe there are circumstances where it is imperative to have the choice.
in general I am pro-choice but I do draw the line and become anti-abortion somewhere in the 2nd trimester.
I'm sorry but I think your endorsement should be, vote against any republican first, than find the best DEMOCRAT.
Unless you want Bush to stay in the White House.
Man, we are so f'd.
Wake up! Wake up! ignore the dem vs repub BS. Nearly all of them are incompetent. a bunch of monkeys. the dems are letting bush control them! feeble minded bush! they guy who doesn't read books for christ sakes. they guy who can't seem to string more than 4 words together into a sentence.
I personally believe that term limits should include family members.
I also think issues like race, and homosexuality is outside the scope of all government in a society that claims all men are created equal.
Under the constitution abortion is outside the scope of Federal business and should be left to the states.
All these hot topics divert from the purpose of government under the constitution and divide the people making it easy to manipulate their votes.
I love reading all these great ideas about what party or which candidate is best. If you truly believe that things will change with a democrat or republican in office your out of your mind.
Those of you who are quick to blame the republican party for all the evil in the world are in for a big shock. I know bush is an evil bastard who invaded iran but I also know clinton bombed the piss out of innocent women and children in yugoslavia. I also know that everytime that piece of shit ejaculated on an intern he launced a cruise missle on some third world asprin factory so save your outrage.
I actually hope the dems get control of the executive branch and keep the legislative so all the dems get to find out what the repubs already know, both parties are corrupt political money grubbing tools.
Yeah, Romney is so awesome he needs a prompter during the debate. What a freakin joke!
I now believe our economy has been purposefully destroyed. The American middle class is being brought to their knees. This nightmare could not be occuring any other way. I believe this election has become a sham. Where is Eisenhower, Patton, Washington, will the military stand with the people. Have the one worlders already won. God I hope those of you who think me mad are right. God help us all if am right, there will be now place to run if our country falls.
I find it so funny that McCain and fixing the economy are even mentioned in the same sentence. His knowledge of economic policy is sparing at best. Where is the media regarding his history with the S&L crisis. Remember that old chestnut?? With so much in the media about fraudulant lending, subprime scandals, etc. why has his involvement in the last lending scandal not been addressed.
He is the last of the Keating Five still in polical arena. Yea, right he'll save us from the mortgage crisis. Keith, how bout a history lesson about the S&L crisis and McCain's involvement.
Wake up! Wake up! ignore the dem vs repub BS. Nearly all of them are incompetent. a bunch of monkeys.
The 'incompetence' trick is the oldest in the book. It is basically the same with the upbeat and sincere speeches.
Read the Obama speech and you immediately think of change and better times. Barack for president.
The ones that aren't clueless read through the happy 'Karl Rove' lines.
*mission accomplished in Iraq (F* up enough, embassy installed)
*let's bomb the crap out of Afghanstan to a far greater extent
Result of Obama: more endless war (War on Terror) against an invisible enemy. The looting of the Treasury for the benefit of a few will go on.
Obama: shame shit.
So forget incompetence. These guys know what they are doing.
I unapprove of this post: Bill did lie.... He lied about SEX. Put any Republican under oath and ask him about his Sex Life and I wonder how many would Lie?
Again... lets get it right people that Bill Clinton was Impeached By the Republicans because he lied about Sex! This only proves one thing: Republican care more about what goes on in the bedroom and what you say on the phone and how much money they can take from you.
Anon said:"Here's a nice summary of all the Clinton people who have died because of the Clintons:
Dont forget to mention Hilary's failed plan to overhaul the healthcare system, & the Clinton's 'White Water' scandal.
Anyone notice hilary has stopped using her maiden name since running for president? Interesting...
hilarys no better than any other politician who will do and say anything to get votes.
We need 'new blood' in the White House. I dont care who it is, just someone that hasnt been in before.
Either Ron Paul (wont happen) Obama, or Romney.
Any of the above three except Hilary, Mccain, and Edwards.
ladi di will you marry me?
All of them? Like Ron Paul?
re: Ron Paul and Peter $chiff
You morons give $20M to Ron Paul. And you pay $20 for $Schiff's book. Then they get together and compare stories.
They are playing you people like chumps and laughing all the way to the Cayman bank.
ANON said:"Who said Bill Clinton was all that great a president anyway, didn't he sign the FREE TRADE agreement and now we are in this mess. No jobs, plenty of Mexicans, jobs going overseas. The elimination of the middle class it's be poor or be rich but nothing in between."
Exactly right, clinton signed NAFTA on January 1, 1994...
Just another reason we dont need another clinton in the white house.
Bloomberg? Its NY, the Fed, and Wall Street that caused this mess all Bloomberg's buddies and you all want to nominate Bloomberg? Get Bloomberg and they'll definitly be a war with Iran further crashing the economy. Idiot sheeple you deserve your rulers when you refuse to recognize who they are.
re: Ron Paul and Peter $chiff
You morons give $20M to Ron Paul. And you pay $20 for $Schiff's book. Then they get together and compare stories.
They are playing you people like chumps and laughing all the way to the Cayman bank.
January 26, 2008 3:22 PM
"Bullseye"...boy I love the truth. Anywhere and anytime there is nothing like the truth to give you a jolt.
Thanks Mr. Poster, that was sweet.
Did Borat shave his head?
Failing that, Obama would be an inspirational leader that might be able to bring the country together and serve as an ambassador to the world - trust me, the US is hated over here, becuase of Bush. That needs to be fixed.
I'm against a LOT of Obama's plans though, so not an endorsement.
So Keith wants Obama just for LOOKS. But Obama's plans will be OUR problem bec KEITH DOES NOT LIVE IN THE U.S. ANYMORE. Thanks Keith. As long as you are not gettng teased in the pup anymore, we'll pick up the tab.
Keith don't be selfish. If you cannot support what he's going to DO don't support HIM.
BTW, the guy in the middle of the pic is a slum lord that regularly donated to Obama since he was in the Illinois State house.
Obama will change things indeed!
Obama's church:
We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.
There is a video also.
"I myself am Pro-Choice."
Pro-choice? Yeah, I choose to drown my kids in the bath tub. How's that for choice? You give a pat answer when you don't even know the question.
"...I would not dare pretend to know God's mind and try to draw the line for someone else."
False humility is a great way of excusing yourself from doing the right thing.
You don't know the mind of God??? How about "Thou shalt not murder?"
People, once for all, can't you see that this daily Hillary & Bill bashing from the MSM and Republicans is an evil plan to have Obama nominated?
The GOP knows that Obama is weak and it will destroy him when running against a Republican candidate, just like they did to Kerry and Deen.
Do you really think that this sudden love for Obama from types like Hannity, Chris Matthews, Glen Beck, Faux News, etc, is sincere? C'mon, wake up. The Republcians are afraid or running against the Clintons because they're tough as nails. Obama is easy to beat and the GOP knows it. If Obama gets the nomination, he's toast.
Since the people is too stupid in this country, let them have another Republican president. Eight years of Republican administration, Republican majority in the Senate and House weren't enough. Look what they did to this country and to the rest of the world. And the idiots like Oprah, want to repeat it again. See, that's why you can't be optimistic about the future because the problem with this country is the dumb people, and that won't change because they just get dumber and breed in an exponential rate.
Anonymous said...
"By the way, most everything you eat comes from Brazil."
Stupidest thing EVER said on HP. And that includes everything DOPES! has ever said.
You were saying? Here's an official report from the U.S. State Department:
Get a dictionary and see what the word most means.
To the poster who objects to the phrase "pro-abortion": Pro-choice is a pretty blatant euphemism. What choice are we talking about here?
If abortion wasn't so ugly people people wouldn't try to avoid even mentioning the word.
Funny it's the pro-life people that are all for distributing information about abortion, from providing ultrasound machines at pregnancy crisis clinics to distributing brochures that show the stages of fetus development, to
doing surveys about what women who have had an abortion think about it, to warning women about the increased risk of breast cancer after having an abortion.
Also, you have heard how most of the abortions in the world are used - for sex selection? Ever think about how freedom of choice is playing out/will play out in China and India? It's not going to make women freer, it's just going to make them more valuable property.
PS I am not full bore pro-life, at least at the policy level. I would draw the line at 6 weeks, when brain waves are detectable in a fetus. I would also bow to the realities of the current political climate and give exceptions for all the hard luck cases - rape where the woman was too traumatized to act earlier, incest, or a severely deformed fetus.
Keith; Let's stay on subject with economics and housing, theres enough about these 2 candidates and Bill that the media CIRCUS continues to distract us with. Your feeding them.
As far as Ron Paul maybe he;ll pick up some steam but it's the fricken media that is calling the election allready.
As far as Americans hating Clinton that is totally wrong. There was some bad policies like NAFTA and CAFTA but Clintons overall managed the country well and the Monica thing is soo old news only Limbaugh fans and Fox news fans really use that anymore. Cmon now he lied so what every polition lies just like sales they tell you what they are gonna do to make the sale(get your vote)
The GOP and its corrupt MSM bootlicker are in a mission to discredit Hillary and have Obama running against their Republican fascist candidate, only because they feel that Obama is much easier to beat. And they are right.
If Hillary drops out, the corrupt and republican controlled MSM will destroy Obama, just like they did to Kerry and Howard Deen.
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