You're not this dumb
You're not this dumb
You're not this dumb
You're not this dumb
“I have a plan - a moratorium on foreclosures for 90 days [and] freezing interest rates for five years, which I think we should do immediately,” - Hillary Clinton, January 2008
Bush Clinton Bush Clinton? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? And no, Barbara Bush 2016 is NOT a good idea either.
Wake up America. Before it's too late. Stupid decisions at the ballot box in 2000 and 2004 helped get us into this mess. Think before you vote. This is serious business.
January 22, 2008
Americans please put an end to this terrible terrible idea, and to stupid decisions at the ballot box
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Labels: bush clinton bush clinton bush clinton bush clinton god help us all
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I'm afraid if it came down to a choce between Huckabee V. Clinton, I'd have to do the unthinkable and vote for Clinton. She's a vile a corporatist Republican in sheep's clothing, but at least she's not openly anti-science and proposing one of the dumbest tax reform ideas ever created.
Oh, and Edwards deserves a lot of credit for opposing the Bush rebate-check voter bribe plan. Are any Republicans besides Paul against it?
news to me, please discuss if you know anything about it:
Economist Robert Kuttner has criticized the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act [by Bill Clinton] as contributing to the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis.
"but at least she's not openly anti-science"
Left-wingers frequently oppose science when it contradicts their beliefs. Recall the time when Laurence Summers was practically thrown off the campus at Harvard and the time when Al Gore had the scientist in energy department fired because he wanted do an expirement to see if UV radiation in antarctica was increasing.
Economist Robert Kuttner has criticized the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act [by Bill Clinton] as contributing to the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis.
That's a pretty stupid argument, since it was a bunch of congressional Republicans who actually did the repealing. (wikipedia entry on Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
On November 12, 1999, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed some of the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.
Too late now Keith.
Americans want socialism.
They want "free" health care.
They want "assistance" so they can "own" a home.
They want the ponzi scheme call social security.
They want everything, they want it now and they're going to vote for the guy/gal that gives it to them.
This is a battle that was fought and lost 15 years ago when Clinton 1 was elected. Remember back that far? He felt your pain. And how was he going to fix your pain? Raise taxes and give you lots of free shit. And every election since then has built on that with Bush and now Romney, McCain, Obama and Hitlery all feeling our pain and offering us their own way of helping us.
Don't worry Keith. Clinton and Obama are going to destroy each other before the Democratic convention and Edwards will get the nomination.
Funny how the entire GOP and its corrupt MSM are cheering for Obama while beating Hillary up. Something stinks. Out of the blue the racist Republican party and Faux News are in love with an African American democratic candidate for president? C'mon people, wake up! They want Obama to run against the GOP nominee because Obama is easier to beat. Wise up, people.
Listen up voters, if Obama gets to be the nominee, the Republican slime machine, along with the corrupt MSM, will destroy him fast, just like they did to Kerry and Howard Deen. And then you will end up with a Hickabee or a Keating Five warmonger Republican president again. Be smart independents, Afro Americans, women, and dems. Don't play into the GOP game.
Hillary is the only one who can face the GOP and its deplorable candidates, that's why all the GOP crooks and corrupt MSM want Obama to be the nominee. Nice try though, but that won't happen. The GOP is afraid to run against Hillary.
This is a really disgusting post.
I'd take Hillary before any f*cking republican. Seriously.
What the hell is wrong with you. How come you dont go after the republicans like this. Aren't they the cause of all this bullshit thats going on. Are you freaking serious?
FYI, the person who thinks the MSM wants Obama cause he will lose is a Hillary homer. Look, Hillary is the only way the Dems lose. McCain is hoping and praying Hillary wins cause if she does, he doesn't have to worry about the far right of his party fracturing, all he has to say is "Go ahead and run someone else, you want to elect HER"
You idiots talking about fascist this and loss of freedom that should look at Hillary's history. She marched with the black panthers. She wrote for communist newsletters. This woman is a dangerous power mad person who will stop at nothing to get her way.
Hitlery is morphing before our eyes. Her once svelte figure looks like is beginning to look like a pear.
Her face is changing. I fear she may have adopted her husbands prediliction for fried foods and McDonalds.
The worst that could happen would be to resemble the ugliest women foun in the world, from her husbands era: Madeline Halfbright (the one that only conveniently discovered she was Jeweish when she was fifty-five years old-Remember?) or equally as ugly/foul Donna Shalala.
This would guarantee doom for Hitlery faster than an affair with a monkey, whic could be, explained away...
You idiots talking about fascist this and loss of freedom that should look at Hillary's history. She marched with the black panthers. She wrote for communist newsletters. This woman is a dangerous power mad person who will stop at nothing to get her way.
Republican fascists, your cheap and pathetic boogeyman, like terrorist under the bed, socialism, communism, is old and nobody's buying anymore. That Karl Rove cheap trick is dead. You Republicans are afraid of everything, aren't you? Bunch of pussies. omg, the terrorist is under my bed, omg the socialists sat next to me in the Subway, omg I'm such a little sissy girl afraid of everything that doesn't exist. Be a man.
How about Jeb? Or George P (may not be old enough yey)?
Don't forget the free healthcare and fries that are being offered with that. Whoever gives me more freebies will get my vote. As long as the debt is passed on to the next generation, it's fine with me.
You left-wing fascist morons are just begging for the government to change your diapers like your mommy and daddy did. Guess what? They'll also give you a curfew and tell you what to eat for dinner. With freedom comes responsibility. You can't have it both ways, you rabid libtard morons.
Look at the left-wing attack machine foaming at the mouth. How dare you criticize one of their gods? You must be a right-wing fanatic. Four legs good, two legs baaaad.
Hitlary will be mummified and displayed in a glass coffin ala Lenin when she dies. I told you that those wacky left-wingers are a bunch of dailykooks.
"Hillary... a dangerous power mad woman who will stop at nothing to get her way"
Also, a manipulator and master of deception.
Here's some anti-science for you:
Numerous studies have shown that giving sick patients placebos have helped improve their medical condition in nearly 60% of the cases. Even placebo knee-surgery worked in 80% of the cases in one study. The surgeon cut the patient's knee and stitched it up to make the patient think surgery had been performed.
It's the power of mind over matter. There is no science to explain it, but every doctor in the world agrees that positive thoughts are crucial for better health.
How about the left-wing psychos who chimp out when it is suggested that men and women excel at different activities. They expect us to believe that men and women are exactly the same and have the same desires and instincts.
How many women enjoy spending the weekend in the garage building things or working on cars? How many men enjoy spending 8 hours at the mall shopping for shoes? Yeah, we're exactly the same.
Diebold's corrupt and cheating "voting" machines will be sure to keep the Bush Clinton garbage going for years to come.
Out of the blue the racist Republican party
You do know that more Republicans (percentage wise) voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats (percentage wise).
You do know that the Civil Rights Act was held up for about 5 years due to Democrat Filibusters?
You do know that the only former KKK member of the senator is a Democrat?
You do know that Republican Abraham Lincoln is the one that freed the slaves?
Marky Mark
This is the Best we have?
The face of Pure Evil!
I can see by the number of sheople uttering that vile lesbians name this site has been infested by jack booted communist wanna be Stalin suporters.The msm and corporate globalist pigs have been hammering one candidate, Romeney. George Bush is constantly pushes Hitlerys fat ugly ass as the true Manchurian candidate. Shes a bigger whore than that thing it claims its is married to. Be afraid globalist Hitlery trolls, McShitstain was never a real candidate for real repubs, but just an uglier fatter more corrupt version of Shitlery (if thats humanly possible). The globalist Bush/Clinton monster cannot control Romeney and their econmic collaspe is playing right into the good guys hands. It is unfortunate things have to get this bad in order to end the Bush/Clinton nightmare and the evil monster behind it.
The only thing that scares me about Hillary is that she wont do anything to change the status quo.
What scares me about the Republicans, EXCEPTION RON PAUL, is that they will destroy this country if left in power.
All of the sudden, its also the dems fault too. When things were good, it was only Republicans that were taking the credit, now they blame the Dems too. What a bunch of loosers.
Republicans, how do you feel about your freaking tax breaks now. Do you still want more. Loosers.
You do know that the only former KKK member of the senator is a Democrat?
You do know that Republican Abraham Lincoln is the one that freed the slaves?
Marky Mark
Woodrow Wilson was KKK. He showcased the 1915 movie "The Klansman" renamed Birth of a Nation right in the Whitehouse.
Neither party is inherently good or bad. If this was 1860 then I would be in the party of Abraham Lincoln. If this were 1934 I would be a Democrat voting for FDR, if this were 1960 I would be a Democrat voting for JFK.
Marky Mark,
I am aware that those statements are true. Do they mean that the republicans still think like this? Hell no.
As a minority, I tell you they dont. The most racist party is the Republican today (dont even mention Rice, shes meaningless). The party that fights for the rich is republican (i.e. Tax Cuts). The party that fights for the caucasians is the republican. Period.
I would be a Democrat voting for JFK.
Largest tax cuts in American history (up to that point)
Pro-gun (NRA Life Member)
Anticommunist and not afraid to use troops for America’s national interest
Anti-abortion (we can assume by being a ardent Roman Catholic)
JFK would be shunned by the left today...
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
“To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required”
“Lift your eyes beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, beyond the freedom merely of this city of Berlin, or your country of Germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere, beyond the wall to the day of peace with justice, beyond yourselves and ourselves to all mankind.”
“Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.”
— JFK, neocon.
Marky Mark
Actually, the weakening began in 1987.
In the spring of 1987, the Federal Reserve Board votes 3-2 in favor of easing regulations under Glass-Steagall Act, overriding the opposition of Chairman Paul Volcker. The vote comes after the Fed Board hears proposals from Citicorp, J.P. Morgan and Bankers Trust advocating the loosening of Glass-Steagall restrictions to allow banks to handle several underwriting businesses, including commercial paper, municipal revenue bonds, and mortgage-backed securities. Thomas Theobald, then vice chairman of Citicorp, argues that three "outside checks" on corporate misbehavior had emerged since 1933: "a very effective" SEC; knowledgeable investors, and "very sophisticated" rating agencies.
Hi, trolls!
How quickly you selectively ignore the fact that the bill repealing Glass-Steagall was veto-proof.
Didn't matter if Clinton signed it or not - under 100 votes against the bill in both the house and senate.
Once again.. Bill Clinton did not repeal Glass-Steagall. Republicans in Congress did, and were prepared to override him.
Supply-side economics is kaput. Cutting taxes favors only the rich.
With freedom comes responsibility. You can't have it both ways, you rabid libtard morons.
January 22, 2008 2:56 PM
Excuse ME! I swear you Bush/Republican loyalist are really a piece of work! You have absolutely NO objectivity whatsoever.
FREEDOM! Are you f&*ken kidding me! All YOUR master and friends do is create and instill fear in the PEOPLE! That's NOT a definition of a TRUE leader! They don't give a flying $hit about YOU or me at ALL!
WAKE the f&*k up and get a f&*ken clue would ya!
No matter how you racist Republicans whine, Hillary will be your next president. And you know it.
The democratic party and the voters won't fall for the racist Republican GOP trick of pushing Obama, with the help of the corrupt MSM. The word is already out there that the GOP and the corrupt MSM want Obama because he's easier to beat. The African American community knows that, too.
Hillary is your next president. Better get used to it. Enjoy.
— JFK, neocon.
Marky Mark
JFK was a neocon? Hardly, JFK was the last American System President that weve had. 45 years of free trade, globalization has brought us to the brink of a new dark age.
JFK also spent billions on the Moon Landing project. The baby boomers today would go crazy "my money, my money, not with my money".
Hilary's candidacy is picking up steam because she is addressing the lower 80% income brackets and discussing the broken down economy and potential solutions.
And dont tell me about Ron Paul. That guy couldnt find his ass with both hands. I had him tell me personally that he doesnt trust the congress, or the government to intervene in this crisis. He would just allow the laws of the jungle to sort it all out. Paul is a moron, Hilary plans to use the power of government to fix this crisis. For that you have to give her kudo's. It shows more guts than the other pretenders.
news to me, please discuss if you know anything about it:
Economist Robert Kuttner has criticized the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act [by Bill Clinton] as contributing to the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis.
January 22, 2008 11:01 AM
I don't believe it was Billie Boys idea. Credit for the legislation goes to Newt Gingerrich and his Contract on America. But Billie Boy did sign it. But then I never considered Bill Clinton to be much more than another Republican in Demonrat clothing.
You do know that more Republicans (percentage wise) voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats (percentage wise).
You do know that the Civil Rights Act was held up for about 5 years due to Democrat Filibusters?
You do know that the only former KKK member of the senator is a Democrat?
You do know that Republican Abraham Lincoln is the one that freed the slaves?
Marky Mark
Come on, bringing facts to an argument with a lib? they don't listen to fact.
I don't believe it was Billie Boys idea. Credit for the legislation goes to Newt Gingerrich and his Contract on America. But Billie Boy did sign it. But then I never considered Bill Clinton to be much more than another Republican in Demonrat clothing.
January 22, 2008 5:00 PM
I think Phil Graham played a major role in overturning the last legislation of the FDR New Deal era.
Phil Graham's wife Wendy Graham played a major role in keeping derivatives from being regulated.
Now that the $700 trillion derivatives market is collapsing maybe we should thank Phil and Wendy Graham. They sure love America.
But Billie Boy did sign it. But then I never considered Bill Clinton to be much more than another Republican in Demonrat clothing.
I consider Bush to be a Democrat in Republican clothing. Do you left-wing morons get it now?
Hilary's candidacy is picking up steam because she is addressing the lower 80% income brackets and discussing the broken down economy and potential solutions.
she says she is but she won't. She sat on walmarts board of directors. amazing how dems who are so against walmart ignore that fact.
Let's see, when a Democrat does something bad, then they're really a Republican?
Sounds like you libtards are on the animal farm. Four legs good, two legs bad.
BTW - where was Hitlary when things were being broken the past few years? Isn't she from New York? Wall Street is right under her mustache and she didn't notice any of this happening? Well, she must be a Republican too. All those Democrat senators who voted for NAFTA must be Republicans too. John Edwards made millions working for a hedge fund? He must be a Republican too. John Kerry is a billionaire? He must be a Republican. Chuck Schumer wants a bailout for Wall Street? He must be a Republican. Robert Byrd is a KKK member? He must be a Republican. Jim Traficant and William Jefferson took bribes? They must be Republicans.
You left-wing sheep are pathetic and delusional morons.
Hillary caught seeding the audience
Not that others don't do it. I always suspect that the questions asked by "random" audience members (for any candidate, not just Hillary) are prepared by the candidates themselves.
"but at least she's not openly anti-science"
Here's the "science" of the global warming crowd:
They say that cold spells prove global warming.
They say that warm spells prove global warming.
This is the behavior pattern of a charlatan, people. And in the case of Al Gore, he's a charlatan who makes tens of millions of dollars from you idiots who believe the global warming myth and continue to buy his books and DVDS.
All the while he's laughing at you from his private jet while consuming 10,000 gallons of jet fuel a week and dumping massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
And dont tell me about Ron Paul. That guy couldnt find his ass with both hands. I had him tell me personally that he doesnt trust the congress, or the government to intervene in this crisis. He would just allow the laws of the jungle to sort it all out. Paul is a moron, Hilary plans to use the power of government to fix this crisis. For that you have to give her kudo's. It shows more guts than the other pretenders.
You dumbass. You don't make any sense. Why would you trust a bunch of elected morons in Congress to make high level decisions about how the economy or anything should be managed? Law of the jungle - where did you get that idea dumbass? Free market competition is the only way businesses can be run efficiently and make optimal use of resources. Bureaucracy has no incentive to be efficient. Bureacracy does not have an incentive to be competetive. Bureaucracy always leads to cronyism and corruption.
You would think that by now, in our enlightened, technogically superior age that people would understand this. How many historical examples of failed central planning do you need?
Seriously dude, you need to pull your head out of your ass. You're not even with arguing with when you make ignorant statements like that.
Paul is the only decent candidate, Edwards number 2 but he ain't a black man or woman.
The Bilderberger candidate will win....and she is.
"You do know that more Republicans (percentage wise) voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats (percentage wise)."
Time to play "win a clue". In 1964, there were Southern Democrats, Democrats and Republicans.
Southern Democrats then were white racists, and they were Democrats only because they were still pissed off at Lincoln, and they were a little suspicious of yankee banker's manipulations.
Today, they are 100% Republican.
He later represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from 1954 to April 1956 and November 1956 to 1964 as a Democrat and from 1964 to 2003 as a Republican.
Notice that "1964"? There were plenty of others.
In actual reality it is Republicans who have been obstructionist to civil rights for minorities, unless they're rich and Cuban.
Typical Rovian trick to slime Democrats by baffling with bullshit.
"Hilary plans to use the power of government to fix this crisis. For that you have to give her kudo's. It shows more guts than the other pretenders."
Spoken like one of the typical pussy-whipped, metrosexual office drones seen all over the USA. What's the matter weasel, do you miss your mommy so much you're ready to hand your freedom over to Nurse Ratchet? She can't fix jack shit, and neither can any other politician because losers like you are waiting around with your thumb up you asses instead of taking care of yourselves.
Do the world a favor and grow a pair.
Good. The lazy and retarded Johnson has dropped out of the race. Next Republican retard to drop will be cross dresser Giuliani, and then Hickbee, the ultimate Republican hick who doesn't believe in evolution.
Hoo-wee, this GOP party is dead, finished.
Don't forget the free healthcare and fries that are being offered with that.
Yeah, and we're all going to enjoy it as you spin your hamster wheel to pay for it. I'm just going to kick back and let the Republicans pick up the tab from now on.
You go Hillary!
"No matter how you racist Republicans whine"
ummm... the fact is that more Democrats are racist, you dumbshit!
"Funny how the entire GOP and its corrupt MSM are cheering for Obama while beating Hillary up. Something stinks. Out of the blue the racist Republican party"
Democrats are more racist than Republicans area, dumbshit!
This is a really disgusting post.
I'd take Hillary before any f*cking republican. Seriously.
What the hell is wrong with you. How come you dont go after the republicans like this. Aren't they the cause of all this bullshit thats going on. Are you freaking serious?
Moron! Aren't you aware that Hillery panders to corporate interests by supporting outsourcing and more H1B visas?
When I have brought that up to you in the past, you never respond, you scared little coward.
Economic plan and who is ahead in the GOP:
I almost didn't click on this thread, because I knew it would quickly degenerate into a Republican-Democrat debate. Of course, from the very first reply, it did.
Focus, people, focus. The original post was about Hillary's plan for a 90-day foreclosure and five-year interest-rate freeze, not a referendum on her candidacy.
Anyone with comments about Hillary's housing plan? I think her plan sucks. But that's just me.
Anyone else?
Hill's plan = worst plan ever.
Of course, if as she's as effective with this as she was with passing universal health care back in '92 I'm not really too worried about it.
But if the vote-grubbing "conservatives" show their true colors and pass it, just like they have continued to pass SOCIALIST (ooohhh!) programs like welfare, corporate welfare, tax cut w/ spending increases, expanded government, farm subsidies, etc.-well then I'm afraid that will probably bring this whole mofo down.
Checks and balances went bye-bye long ago. We wouldn't have all of these "lib programs" w/o a complicit Republican party (and vice-versa.) We're left with one party (the Kleptocratic party?)borrowing money against our futures and auctioning off our natural resources to the lowest bidder, in order to keep themselves wrapped in silk.
Of course candidates promise the moon, if they said "Hey, morons--stop buying stuff you can't afford and driving so much!" they'd be, run out of town on a rail (or the 12 people still voting regularly would just vote against them.)
Keep up the name calling, stay divided, be their lapdogs, they love it!
Diebold + engineered media will decide this election.
Case in point: New Hampshire.
Do you really believe the "live free or die", independent state of NH overwhelmingly wants Hillary?
I've been predicting this since before Hillary was a Senator. Looks like I was dead on.
Notice how ALL the Republicans attack Hillary during their debate. It has been installed in their minds that Hillary is a forgone conclusion.
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