Sometimes politics isn't about winning or losing an election. Sometimes it's about making a stand. Sometimes it's about planting the seeds for a future run. Sometimes it's about standing up for what is right, or fighting against what is wrong.
And that's where we are with Ron Paul 2008.
Ron Paul has absolutely no chance now of winning the GOP nomination. The Republican party has been hijacked by religious jihadists, who don't care about fiscal policy, or limited government, or businesses, or taxpayers. No, the vast majority of GOP primary voters are simply interested in who's the best evangelical preacher. Who hates gays the most. Who is against abortion the most. Who brings up the name jesus the most. And who does the best job pretending to be moral.
And as you know now, Ron Paul is NOT an attractive candidate for this crowd. He's too smart, and they're too dumb.
So I'm going to be giving again to Ron Paul's campaign on the 16th. I'm hoping to see him finish first or second in New Hampshire. I think it'd rock the world and punk the pathetic GOP field. But I'm leveling with you HP'ers, and some of you may be upset with me, but I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear, I'm just telling you how it is.
Americans are too clueless to elect Ron Paul as president. And GOP primary voters are even dumber.
But please, give to RP's campaign. Send a message. Do good. Try your best to be an agent of change. Fight against this cancer in the GOP. Send a message that Ron Paul needs to be heard. And on election day 2008, get ready to vote for an Independent candidate. Because both of these political parties that we're stuck with simply suck.
December 14, 2007
The Ron Paul December 16th Tea Party Money Bomb is just hours away. But understand that Ron Paul now has no chance of winning the GOP nomination
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Because both of these political parties that we're stuck with simply suck.
It is one party, two fractions.
Oh and yea, the media picks out our elected officials for us.
The cancer IS the GOP.
I'd like to add - don't just donate - buy Ron Paul's books from the campaign website and give them to your family as gifts this Christmas. The purchase of the books will contribute to the campaign and you'll be educating your family and planting the seeds of future revolutions. They'll also give you something to discuss over your Xmas get togethers and make for some lively debate.
I don't know why he ran as a Republican knowing what the party is today. He should have ran as Libertarian.
You do a disservice to liberty, Ron Paul, his supporters, and America with your defeatist words. Do you really think we'll have another candidate like
RP in our generation? This is America's last hope. If you don't believe me check out "End Game" by Alex Jone's. You sound just like the MSM telling people to donate even if he can't win. Are you a supporter? Sounds like you've been listening to the lies the MSM has been spewing. This last stand is for keeps. The new world order will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of global domination, so too the Ron Paul revolution won't stop until we get our country back. Why even donate? Save your money and your"statement" and let the rest of us spread the message of freedom, prosperity and peace.
In four or five years, the American people are going to be BEGGING for a candidate with a quarter of RP's integrity.
By then of course it will be much too late. RP is a one-time offer that will not come around again.
I donated and bought my RP bumper stickers because I plan on placing them in a place of honor for each of the next few elections. I will tastefully point out that the REST of America had their chance to turn things around, to avert total fucking calamity and they BLEW IT.
Too bad. So sad.
The United States of America and the people who inhabit it's confines IS NOT WORTHY of such a great man.
I agree. I'm donating even though he doesn't have a chance... especially because he doesn't have a chance.
It is no less than your duty as an American citizen to do everything you can possibly do to get Ron Paul into office.
Housing Panic,
Ron Paul can win. He's currently polling at 11.0% in South Carolina and I think we'll break the 12 million mark on the 16th.
Ron Paul does have a shot at the nomination!
"The Republican party has been hijacked by religious jihadists..."
Hmm, I didn't see more idiotic statement for a while... Go Ron!
Great point! I like Ron Paul too because I agree that sometimes the statement is just as important. Keep up the great work!
chin up, Keith. he's the only anti-invasion Republican during an unpopular invasion. the other candidates will splinter the pro-Iraq invasion vote. the Democrat front runners are not going to be popular with most of the country. there is a risk he could win.
Great accomplishments occur when a small group of individuals with "laser-beam" focus work in harmonious cooperation with each other, with a specific "vividly defined" goal written down! by Chris Lawton
I think that whomever is elected will have the unfortunate happenstance of inheriting the bridge of the Titanic post-iceberg.
Ron Paul is right on, unfortunately most morons will probably be willing to listen in 2012, after the crash.
This ship of fools (the public) will only learn after the harsh teacher of reality bursts their bubble (no pun intended).
Hopefully he will be willing to run again then.
Truly great minds are often (regrettably) ahead of their time.
Hold on a minute there, Mr. Fatalistic. Everything I've seen (admittedly, on the internets) indicates that RP supporters are registering as Republicans (for the states where it's necessary) and are definitely planning to vote in the primaries. So, while I agree that the rank 'n file '04 voters probably aren't hip to the good Dr., I think it may be a whole different ball of fish this time around. After all, we always have abysmal turnouts for elections (it's the American Way!), so how many Paulites will it really take to carry the day? Which brings up a request: can someone hunt up the turnouts for the various '04 primaries and caucuses (cauci?) so we can get a feel for how many folks it really will take to save the Republicans from themselves?
They're going to nominate the Huckster and he will be the GOP's McGovern. He seems to be the most pompous and pious of all those frauds. All that matters to the GOP is Jeebus and fighting Jeebus' battles around the world.
This country's simply finished. It's time to get the HELL out of dodge like Keith did.
We're on the path to becoming a 3rd world banana republic. Maybe we're worse than that because contracts still get enforced in banana republics. You know, if you reneg on a contract, you get your legs broken or something.
We passed the point of no return long ago. You can point to a number of milestones in this downfall.
1. 14th amendment and the associated fed powergrab.
2. spanish-american war where the US became an empire
2. creation of the FED and the 16th amendment.
3. The creation and support of the state of Israel
5. Meddling in the affairs of Iran and installing The Shaw.
4. vietnam war
5. watergate
6. hostage crisis
7. Iran-Contra
8. S&L Crisis
9. 2000 FL debacle
10. the repeal of amendments 1,4-8 with the patriot act
11. 1% FED Rate
12. Iraq
13. Housing bubble
14. Bailout
I think we hit the point of no return in 1986 with Reagan throwing in the towel in regards to spending, taxes, and immigration.
And on election day 2008, get ready to vote for an Independent candidate.
No, please don't do that. Vote for Ron Paul in the primary if you support him. But don't vote for him as an independent in the general election.
All that will do is guarantee a Hitlery victory, which will leave us more screwed than all the other candidates, and Bush, put together.
Ross Perot, anyone? That's how Clinton the First got elected.
I agree that the Republican party has been hijacked by the religious zealots, and I don't like it. But I'll take them over the socialists/communists in the Democrat party in a heartbeat.
The message I will be sending will be to vote for RP in the Primary.
And then again in the general election, even if I have to write it in.
Sadly, you are right though. Just today, I was again talking with a woman who says that her Southern Baptist friends are going to vote for Huckabee, because he seems like such a good man, and did you know he used to be a pastor?
But what do you want me to say? I live in a state where I heard the Democratic delegates are going to be ignored, because the state Dem party ticked off the National one by moving up the primary. Why would you waste your time voting in that scenario? Why not register Republican, so you would be voting on SOMETHING?
I guess the part that annoys me the most is that the Republicans are likely to look at the increased numbers of people registering in their party, and play it off as "Look, our message is resonating! Let's keep doing what we are doing, and more!"
No, it is RON PAUL's message that is resonating, and the only people joining this party want to vote for him.
If he does not get the nomination, I will be moving my affiliation to show my dissent. I do what I can...
And yes, I sent RP money. And yes, I plan on doing it again.
Good call on this one!
The worst thing ever for the prospects for liberty in the United States would be for Ron Paul to be president when the bag of shit that is this economy breaks all over the next presidents shoes. Better to waiting in the wings to help clean up the mess!
I'm still contributing on the 16th though!
Suzanne said she'll l&y me if ron paul wins so you'd better be wrong!
America loves a winner and will flock thoughtlessly to a candidate if they believe he has the best shot of winning. We have seen this as each successive candidate rises and falls in popularity. In voting for the flavor of the day, these people trade their voice and convictions for senseless bragging rights. People, do not be in that flock. If you truly believe that Ron Paul is the best candidate, do not make that compromise when you are alone with your ballot. Keith, we cannot go gentle into that good night. If a Baptist Minister with no campaign money can go from 5th to dominate the current media coverage, then why not Ron Paul?
These wacky religious GOP faithfuls don't really think that Mike Huckabee is going to beat Billary, do they? One of the biggest reasons I think Ron Paul has a chance, is that the party will wake up and realize that he is the only candidate capable of beating her. These guys would probably rather lose than have someone threaten their military industrial complex Ponzi. I am going to register as a republican to vote for Ron Paul in the primary, but if he does not win, I probably will not even vote in the Presidential election. I voted the last 2 times, for the lesser of two evils, and wound up with the greater of two evils. If Ron Paul is not there, we are headed for a massive depression and a North American Union.
Keith, the Secret Society would kill Ron Paul if he had any chances of winning. Shady groups that pull a 9-11 have no problem creating "an accident" or "heart attack" to get rid of an undesirable candidate. Secret Society is here to stay.
They took the country hostage, always hiding behind fake patriotism, brainwashing the sheeple, working on the dumbing down of Americans. Just pay attention to what Ron says about the Fed: basically, a secret entity that the government doesn't control. And nobody finds that a bit odd in this country. What about the FCC facilitating the concentration of the media in the hands of the same shady groups.
The shady groups control everything in this country now: the media, the Fed, economic indicators, the stock market, trade, etc. The entire system is rigged by them. We're living in a true fascist regime but people are too stupid to even know what that means.
While watching the debates the other day, I broke my own rule and watched it on Fox News because they had a live ticker showing the responses from their in-house focus groups.
I found it a disturbing experience. Whenever Ron Paul started to talk, the ticker took a nose dive. When he said “follow the constitution”, those who labeled themselves as “conservatives” bottomed below the zero line.
If nothing else, this shows us exactly how far the neo-cons have perverted the Republican party.
Of course Ron Paul has no chance of winning the nomination. Of course he has no chance to win the general election.
They’re doing the same thing with him that they did with Perot. They’ll have a good old time laughing at the crazy old man. Then, years later, when he is proven right, they’ll change the subject.
Give to the tea party for yourself. Give to the tea party because RP’s message is more important than his winning the election.
Primary elections are about defining the party. $10 million cannot be ignored. The issues will be forced, even if our candidate doesn’t win.
The CON-trolled media does not even give Ron Paul a chance!!
But we knew that would happen (or anything else evil) after watching the WTC towers BLOWN to a pile of powder on 9/11, as the stupid chistians and dumb-nut republicans believe they fell down because of "melting steel beams."
Hell, a 3-grader can tell they blew up from controlled charges when watching the live videos re-played in slow motion. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!!!
Its no wonder why bush and cheney entered into the 9/11 investigations ONLY if they would not be required to take the oath.
Our US government is full of rotting evil maggots, supported by dumb-ass church-going sheeple, jews and criminal corrupt corporations.
Scientist have recently prooven that the HUMAN BRAIN IS STILL EVOLVING!
We just need to find a way to control the US governments criminals DNA lines so they stop breeding more criminals.
RP is going to be on Glenn Beck for an hour:
will you imbeciles get something clear please?
ron paul will not be president. ever. never ever. if he lives another billion years he will not be president.
you may now return to your fantasy land.
Holy shit. I actually agree with Frankie (6:45 post). Must be a full moon or hell has frozen over or something.
I have been donating and working for the campaign. RP is truly America's final Hope. I sincerely believe that he won't be getting the 'official' nomination, but the votes will be there and the elites will try and spin it.
I just hope that Dr Paul will then go either Independent or Libertarian and take away all those TRUE American voters with him. Then,we will have the battle lines drawn...
How it ends will depend on how fraudulent the elections of 08 turn out...
"I actually agree with Frankie (6:45 post)."
I generally do, but not completely here. Sorry, but I am not going to vote for someone I don't believe in. McCain and Rudy are out, even if they came to my house to campaign personally for my vote. I will have to see how I feel about the Huckster and immigration, as this is my driving factor in this election. Initial reports are that I would not be pleased, though.
"America loves a winner and will flock thoughtlessly to a candidate if they believe he has the best shot of winning. We have seen this as each successive candidate rises and falls in popularity. In voting for the flavor of the day, these people trade their voice and convictions for senseless bragging rights."
Boy, if this does not describe a "friend" of mine perfectly. He says that he has to look at "who can win", and can't even begin to tell me who he thinks is a good candidate. But he is convinced it is not Ron Paul, even though he cannot name a single view espoused by Paul that he does not agree with.
Of course, this same guy has "owned" his house for 13 years, and in that time has managed to increase his mortgage by over 48%, and this is just the refi cash-out. I don't know what he might have put on the HELOC he also has on top of that. But the interest is tax deductible, right? Maybe he thinks that makes it a sound financial strategy.
@ Truth is truth
Oh please. Enough with the crazy "controlled demolition" theories.
I won’t bore the blog with all of the details of why your theory is wrong, except to mention:
1. The puffs you see coming out the windows are a result of the air being compressed as the tower came down. Just like an accordion, the pressure built up, and the result was the air blowing out the windows on the way down.
2. No one says that fire MELTED the supports. The building came down because the fire WEAKENED the metal. That and the fact that large sections on two sides of the building were knocked out. See this photo.
3. Controlled demolitions don’t start at the top. See this photo.
4. In order for the “inside job” theory to hold water, you have to assume that such a vast conspiracy could be pulled off successfully and kept quiet. Given the fact that you can’t keep an oval office BJ secret with two people in the room, I doubt that the current administration has the skills necessary to pull off and keep secret such a thing.
Paul at 11% in South Carolina poll
Ok, I have some extra cash to blow.
Need your advice on finding an extremely wasteful cause.
Which of the following is a bigger waste.
1)Buying a 700 sq ft condo in Phoenix with a view of a parking lot for $1.3 mil
2)Donating money to Crack head Ron Paul
3)Buy 600 tractor trailer loads of Barbie dolls
4)All of the above
GOP Can Learn from Ron Paul
By Kimberley Strassel
Ron Paul is no compassionate conservative. His supporters love him for it.
If there's been a phenomenon in this Republican presidential race, it's been the strength of a fiery doctor from Texas and his message of limited government. As the GOP front-runners address crowds of dispirited primary voters, Mr. Paul has been tearing across the country, leaving a trail of passionate devotees in his wake.
Paul rallies heave with voters waving placards and shouting "Liberty! Liberty!" Money is pouring in from tens of thousands of individual donors--so much cash that the 10-term congressman recently admitted he wasn't sure he could spend it all. A fund-raising event on Guy Fawkes Day (in tribute to Mr. Paul's rebel persona) netted his campaign $4 million, the biggest one-day haul of any GOP candidate, ever. He continues to inch up in the early primary polls, and even bests Fred Thompson in New Hampshire.
Mr. Paul isn't going to be president. He trails in national polls, in no small part because his lack of a proactive foreign policy makes him an unserious candidate in today's terror world. But his success still holds lessons for the leading Republican candidates, as well as those pundits falling for the argument that the future of the GOP rests in a "heroic conservatism" that embraces big government. Mr. Paul shows that the way to many Republican voters' hearts is still through a spirited belief in lower taxes and smaller government, with more state and individual rights.
I like Paul for many reasons. But Allowing Iran to create and transfer dangerous material to their cohorts’ could result in the end of civilization as we know it. Allowing all nations to fight their silly religious wars with modern technology is NOT acceptable. Paul would have been great long ago, and many of his ideas will be good in the future.
I like Paul for many reasons. But Allowing Iran to create and transfer dangerous material to their cohorts’ could result in the end of civilization as we know it. Allowing all nations to fight their silly religious wars with modern technology is NOT acceptable
Are you people for real? Seriously, with the myriad of problems facing this nation, THIS is the one that worries you??
My friend, Iran is not going to give nukes to ANYBODY. Pakistan is nuclear AND is a breeding ground for terrorists. Yet did you see nukes being passed off to the Taliban or some other Camel jockey?
Iran wants nukes for the exact same reason everyone else wants nukes: because it gives you leverage. It puts you into the class of countries that can use the mutually assured destruction mantra at the bargaining table.
Now consider this: it is actually VERY EASY to track where a nuclear bomb originated from based on an analysis of the weapons grade uranium and plutonium that are part of its fission package. So its analgous to robbing a house and leaving your fingerprints and DNA everywhere so David Caruso and the CSI team can nail you to the wall.
That being said, any, and I mean ANY nuclear attack on this nation could be tracked to its source.
And if we ever did get hit by a nuke that we discovered originated from Iran, what exactly do you think our retaliation would be? We would call NORAD and send about 20 of our MIRVs (the big H-bombs) flying overseas and turn Iran into a giant, glow-in-the-dark parking lot! Do you honestly think the regime over there doesn't realize this? Do you honestly think they are stupid enough to create one measily A-bomb to give to Achmed the mis-guided Islamist to use over here when they know they have no fall back?
Do we have any reason to worry about a terrorist getting hold of a nuclear bomb? Absolutely. But the source will NOT be Iran. (Or North Korea) The source will likely be Russia, where a black market exists for those types of weapons. And from the terrorist's standpoint, it's the most obvious decision. Because they KNOW we can track the source of nuclear material and the also know we could NEVER retaliate against Russia!
Use your brains a little folks and stop drinking the Faux News kool-aid. We have issues to deal with in this world, but Iran with a few measible A-bombs is no major threat to us.
remember when ross perot said that the country was being taken over by meskins (mexicans), that the sucking sound you hear will be jobs leaving the country if the free trade agreement is signed. well is now 12 years later and everything perot said has come to pass. everyone called him racist, (calling them meskins no less)crazy and didn't know what he was talking about. The msm said the free trade agreement was good for the country and the world. now look at what has happened you hear more spanish than english and china has now become the supplier of the worlds goods. unfortunately i was very young when perot made a bid to run for president so i am only familar with those particular comments. but i do remember he sure didn't care for the media chasing his daughters around and didn't like them getting into his personal affairs. now the media says maybe perot was right. too much to late ya think. sounds alot like ron paul senerio. in about 10 years you'll hear the media say maybe ron paul was right but by then the damage has been done. and there is no way to change the course of inevitablity. now american's want to hold china responsible for taking their jobs or not having any american made products well that is what perot said but no one wanted to believe him because they were thinking of big dividends from wal mart. you made your bed now lie in it. if you sincerely want change vote for the candidate who is thinking outside the box and maybe real change will occur.
Very disappointed in you Keith.
How about you wait to make this post until:
1) RON Paul sets fundraising record on Dec 16th.
2) Ron Paul Blimp makes it to Newhampshire and get publicity
3) Ron Paul appears for 1 full hour on Glen Beck show on tuesday night
Oh please. Enough with the crazy "controlled demolition" theories.
I won’t bore the blog with all of the details of why your theory is wrong, except to mention:
1. The puffs you see coming out the windows are a result of the air being compressed as the tower came down. Just like an accordion, the pressure built up, and the result was the air blowing out the windows on the way down.
2. No one says that fire MELTED the supports. The building came down because the fire WEAKENED the metal. That and the fact that large sections on two sides of the building were knocked out. See this photo.
3. Controlled demolitions don’t start at the top. See this photo.
4. In order for the “inside job” theory to hold water, you have to assume that such a vast conspiracy could be pulled off successfully and kept quiet. Given the fact that you can’t keep an oval office BJ secret with two people in the room, I doubt that the current administration has the skills necessary to pull off and keep secret such a thing.
You should try reading a book once in a while. Start with "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out". You can get that at Borders. You'll see that it blows your arguments out of the water. This is a topic that is too important to casually dismiss.
I used to be on the fence on this issue but after doing more research I'm inclined to think that it is far more likely that those 3 steel framed buildings were brought down (perfectly straight down) by controlled demolition. There is too much evidence to show that and the "official" explanations do not explain how fires weakened the steel and brought about a complete collapse straight downwards defying the law of least resistance. Please do some reading and watch "Loose Change: Final Cut" and the many more 9/11 videos on Google video.
At the very least - a new completely independent investigation is needed. Not an investigation run by George Bush's hand-picked selection of Neo-cons and lawyers but actual independent scientific experts.
Use your brains a little folks and stop drinking the Faux News kool-aid. We have issues to deal with in this world, but Iran with a few measible A-bombs is no major threat to us.
Exactly. Of course, hard hitting logic like that can not counteract the onslaught of false information that comes out of our so called free press. America is too dumb and lazy to pick up a book or try thinking for themselves. Basically, we're fucking doomed.
I'm going to be asking people to contribute tomorrow, but I wanted everyone to be clear that you're not contributing to win the GOP nomination. That is no longer possible
So if you contribute, and you should, it's to send a message. It's to fund Ron Paul all the way through the convention. It's to have our issues heard. And it's to rebel against the religious zealots who've hijacked the Republican party
@ anonymous
I’ve seen loose change. And I’ve actually read quite a few books in my time.
I won’t say that loose change is an outright fraud; because I believe that the authors believe what they are saying.
I will say, however, that it is bad science.
“My friend, Iran is not going to give nukes to ANYBODY. Pakistan is nuclear AND is a breeding ground for terrorists. Yet did you see nukes being passed off to the Taliban or some other Camel jockey?”
Do you not understand that many people in Pakistan would love to get their hands on those nukes? Do you not understand that if they were not there it would be a safer world? Their own government is concerned!
“That being said, any, and I mean ANY nuclear attack on this nation could be tracked to its source. “
Do you think these Allah loving fanatics care if they die?
“Do we have any reason to worry about a terrorist getting hold of a nuclear bomb? Absolutely. But the source will NOT be Iran. (Or North Korea) The source will likely be Russia, where a black market exists for those types of weapons. And from the terrorist's standpoint, it's the most obvious decision. Because they KNOW we can track the source of nuclear material and the also know we could NEVER retaliate against Russia!”
OK, Russia has loose material thus the black market. Do you not understand that if Russia did not have this unfortunate situation the world would be safer? I certainly hope you agree with probabilities. The day that some jackass comes to power (including in the United States) and uses this shit in a very detrimental way is very possible in the years to come. Having more of this material spread around the world only increases the probabilities!
“Are you people for real? Seriously, with the myriad of problems facing this nation, THIS is the one that worries you??”
WTF!!! Yes this would be on top of my list!!!
I'm contributing on the 16th!
"...has no chance of winning..."
Great attitude Keith.
Thanks for the lift, Keith.
This has been a real upper!
It would be a shame if Rudy or McCain got the nod, but with very slim margins. RP could still run as an L or I, and have a shot at winning.
But then again, he would ruin the biggest thing he has going for him - his word and integrity. He has said on numerous occasions he will not go third party.
I'm not ready to throw in the towel. I am giving on the 16th and will continue to campaign for him.
If he doesn't win the primaries, Ron Paul MUST go independent and continue on with his campaign towards president.
The future of our nation depends on it.
Ron Paul, Hope for America!
I’m beginning to think the lack of sunshine in Europe is getting to your head.
How can someone who appears intelligent promote an idiot like Ron Paul
I just don’t get it..
Anonymous said...
"Need your advice on finding an extremely wasteful cause.
Which of the following is a bigger waste.
1)Buying a 700 sq ft condo in Phoenix with a view of a parking lot for $1.3 mil
2)Donating money to Crack head Ron Paul"
How about getting yourself a brain transplant before calling other people crackheads?
P.S. Keith - feel free not to post my answer if you think it is inappropriate.
I knew some of you would be upset with me saying RP has no chance to win
But I'm going to call it like I see it. If you want spin and lies, check out
I WANT RP to win. I WANT GOP voters to be smart.
But he's not going to, and they're not.
The Republican party has lost its way. Fox News and Rush have turned it into some bizarre religious cult. The party of limited government, low taxes, low spending and rational foreign policy is dead.
Now, it's simply the self-proclaimed Party of God.
And thus, it's a joke.
RP is running as at Repbulican and not as a Libertarian (as he should) because he knows you have to be Dem or Rep to win. Because we have a corrupt 2-party system.
And that's what has to change and that's what will change with the 2008 Presidential winner being an Independent candidate.
Michael Bloomberg will be the next President of the United States if he runs.
Democrats and Republicans are hated. It's time for something new. And Ron Paul and his supporters helped start a revolution, one he couldn't finish himself.
Give on the 16th. Be part of something big.
I bet Greg Swann is voting for Mike Huckabee
Ron Paul/Michael Bloomberg ticket for a third party-independent run.
Keith is in good company by promoting Paul on his blog. Many other bloggers agree with him.
Keith do you not realize how retarded you are for saying that before a single ballot has been cast.
Are you basing your opinion off corrupt landline polls of senior citizens.
Get real. If Ron Paul loses in Michigan, SC, NH, NV, and Iowa then you can make this post.
Saying he will not win before a vote is cast is seriously retarded. We really have no idea the level of support out there based on the MSM coverage.
You are letting the media win.
Keith, you're too far away to notice what's happening here.
At least in Phoenix, RP supporters have overrun the local precincts. We are Precinct Committeemen and will soon be delegates.
The country is so apathetic, noone is involved in the parties anymore so it was easy to take them over.
You underestimate us.
The 16th will shock the media. Followed by media events. Xmas is the time for socializing and RP will be discussed.
On the 31st we will shock the media again when RP pulls in more than any other candidate for the quarter.
And then there's this friggin' blimp floating up and down the eastern seaboard.
We don't have to convince the sheep by Feb 5th. We only have to wake up the top couple % of the population. The sheep will follow along later.
Keith, you aren't a seer and have no on-the-ground knowledge. You are thousands of miles away in a different country.
But you do affect opinion. This was one of your worst posts. What was the point? So you can say you're right in the future? Go place a bet on if you want validation.
I did. I voted the max ($250) for RP to win at 15:1.
The thing that makes the GOP dumber than dumb is that they will be voting for Hillary when they vote for anybody but Ron Paul. HC will beat any of those guys except him. The Clintons wrote the book on electioneering. She carpetbagged NY for Christsake.
So to the Rush Limbaugh crowd, you were told what you needed to do. When HC is president because you were to much of a socialist to vote for a fiscal conservative, you have no-one to blame but yourselves.
Chris and App - I understand where you're coming from, and trust me, I'd LOVE to be wrong.
But I'm going to be asking people to give $$ to RP today, and morally I had to let them know that I don't see RP winning. Giving $$ is the right thing to do, fighting the pathetic GOP field is the right thing to do, supporting RP is the right thing to do, but I don't think he can win.
The minority may be fired up, but the majority rules. And the majority is clueless. C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S.
Huckabee is going to win. GOP primary voters want Mr. Jesus. They don't care about fiscal policy, or iraq, or the deficit, or anything that matters to us. They just want whoever is most religious.
But RP's one stand is New Hampshire, where independents can vote. He should spend every penny he raises there. He has to win it. But even if he does, the media won't allow him to run free. They'll call it a fluke. And the fix is in.
Keep fighting though. I wish I was home I'd be in Iowa myself. And I hope I'm wrong about how stupid GOP voters are. But I know I'm not.
I like Paul for many reasons. But Allowing Iran to create and transfer dangerous material to their cohorts’ could result in the end of civilization as we know it.
Wow, there are still idiots who believe in the bogeyman Iran, which is another lie from the oil men to keep the price high. Hard to keep positive when you hear stupidity like that all the time from so many fools. We're doomed!
I repeat:
Price of oil right before the two oil men got into the White House = $8 / barrel
Price of oil after the two oil men/secret society took the country hostage with your help = $90 / barrel
Wake up, sheeple!
$237K raised in first 25 minutes
pace of $9500/minute or nearly $14M
obviously sustainable pace, I am hoping for $6M!
People are everything. Without people this country would be nothing. Until the majority of these people unplug themselves from the system they will continue to be robots. Human robots on auto pilot going through the motions day after day oblivious to there surroundings. Politics are not the answer for this state of corruption, people are the answer and until we unite plug your nose for its thick air to breath in America, because we are living within the stench of pure evil.
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