November 21, 2007

HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day

Are you scared about what's coming next?

Do you think you'll make it through OK?


Anonymous said...

Halloween is over.....OR IS IT!!!

everyday more spooks are exposed

Anonymous said...

My family mostly gets what is coming too and have been commenting on how crazy the economic arrangements of the world were for a long time. I avoided getting into debt to start a small food producing farm thanks to this site and I am eternally grateful. Instead I got my family to sell their over valued suburban property so we could all move to a larger bit of fertile land in the country together and do it debt free.

We could use a couple of more years to be better set up to feed ourselves, but realistically it wont be economical to grow most of our own food until things get really weird financially. Some diversified savings are on hand and my parents managed to convert their meagre retirement fund into useful physical infrastructure.

Repositioning myself into a more secure job would be nice too, but it is getting hard to find a safe bet. Small business ideas about but the risks are considerable. Government work seemed stable but falling tax revenues could turn that system into a basket case too. Are there any jobs other than drug dealer and debt collector that will be viable?

Agent #777 said...

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought that I haven't heard anything about for a long time....I am not saying that it is true, just something to think about.

Does anyone think that the reason the US dollar is in decline might be due (in part) to counterfeiting?

It is well known that N. Korea has been ACTIVELY counterfeiting $100 bills for a while now.

Back into the Clinton years, there were whispered rumors that Hezbollah (Iran) was setting up a sophisticated operation in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon to counterfeit US. currency.

Counterfeiting has been an act of economic sabotage for hundreds of years. The Allies tried to counterfeit Deutchse Marks in WWII.

I wonder if the Iranians have succeeded in their counterfeiting operations. They would have a "double" success. The US is brought down a peg or two AND the price of oil goes up and up. Remember, oil is denominated in USD.

Any one else think about this? I hope this post doesn't get taken down.

Andrew said...

we will all survive, as like everything, this too will pass. the question for me is what will people learn? will this cause them to change their behavior.

i just hope this puts a dent in materialism.

Debbie said...

I don't know.

Princess Mononoke said...

Absolutely YES! I am NOT a victim of outside circumstances.

For starters, my neighbors and I started a neighborhood watch about two years ago. Spanning a two block radius. A few of the guys have taken on vigilante watch thru-out the nite. While the rest of us report on undesirables, graffiti watch and trash cleanup. WE chose as a community to NOT become victims. We live in a nice middle class residential neighborhood.

I should also note that when we discover undesirables (causing damage) in our neighborhood renting... we contact Homeowner and they're gone!

Cash Cash Cash is KING right now! I know it's been devalued. However, it's still exchanged for goods and services. I do NOT trust the banks right now. Just talk to someone who survived the 1929 crash and depression.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:48 am

I doubt the debauchment of the U.S. Dollar by counterfeiters remotely approaches that of Bernanke, Bush & Co. That said, they're not sticking a big, purple 5 on the back of every new Lincoln to win an art competition! The $100 is next, if I'm not mistaken. That's the one that matters.

Anonymous said...

Fortune--Freddie, Fannie seek a few billion

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are seeking capital to fill their reserves. They had better strike it big if they hope to weather the credit crisis - investors are worried.

When asked on a conference call if Freddie would have to raise as much as $4 billion by issuing shares, Chief Financial Officer Buddy Piszel declined to quantify the issue's size.

"It will be a large transaction," Piszel said.

Princess Mononoke said...

That photo is creepy if you stare at it long enough! It reminds me of "Dawn of the Dead" the original black and white version.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith, bad news. I just watched a special about the cost of food in the UK. Not good. A little sandwich with a glass of milk and a few fries has gone up by 46% since last year. Vendors are saying that they can't hold costs anymore and will start raising prices of food next month. Milk has gone up 28% in the UK! Prepare the wallet, Keith.

Anonymous said...

Look at this week's* THE ECONOMIST - the cover says it all...(*November 17, 2007)

Paul E. Math said...

I have long had a sense of foreboding regarding the economic future of the US. That foreboding has lately intensified into something akin to fear. I have never had this feeling before.

I have NOT adequately prepared. I have a decent salary but I live in a very expensive northeastern city and have not saved near enough to ride this one out. My job is connected to financial services and as such I see it as vulnerable.

My 401k is all in internationals, I don't own real estate and have kept my mandatory monthly expenses to a minimum. I shudder to think about what's going to happen to all these idiots carrying balances on their credit cards.

Anonymous said...

I am more depressed at the unbelievable ignorance of Americans in general, than I am frightened about what comes next, 99% here still don't have a clue. I am concerned, but I refuse to live in fear. That might be a good topic for a thread Keith, what percentage of HP'ers contacts (friends, family, co-workers, the community they live in, in general, etc,) STILL DON'T HAVE A DAMN CLUE, and where do they live. You don’t have to live in fly-over states to be surrounded by dumb, bible thumping, “DUMYA is the second coming of Jesus,” hicks!

Anonymous said...

I'm not ok, what am I going to do? I can't do it......

Anonymous said...

I like this blog (when it talks about housing) and hate this blog when it talks about politics (ie - Bush is war criminal none sense).

The US economy is going to get whacked - however - we still have less than 5% unemployment, companies (large and small) are still making their earning margins, we still lead the world in technology/development and believe it or not, the US deficit is pretty tame compared to many countries of the world (Japan, Italy, France, etc.). This all could change with a Hillary! election but them is where we are now.

Want to really fear something? - imagine islamic terrorists getting their hands on a Nuke or do a "Beslan" once a week. We are are war with an enemy that wants to destroy us. No appeasement or talking nice will change that. Housing, the economy or deficits will mean nothing if we are dead or slaves.

America will survive and do quite well as long as we keep economic opportunity and personal liberty alive.

Anonymous said...

just found out last night my older brother has a 7 year ARM. the home is very modest thought, not even twice the family income but it still kept me up most the night.

Anonymous said...

Back into the Clinton years, there were whispered rumors that Hezbollah (Iran) was setting up a sophisticated operation in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon to counterfeit US. currency.

Uh, Iran has been knocking off the Dollar for the past 25 years (to support their Black Market)& not just in Lebanon - this is OLD news & no secret....

Bill said...

Yes this will go down in history as the biggest scandle next to the enron/stockmarket scandle of 2000/01..we should have learned from that mistake,,but we didn't.....9-11 opened the door to even more scandle beyond our comprehension.

Now Middle class Americans work harder for worthless dollars,..I personaly work 2.5 jobs to choice..i refuse to be a debt slave..and pay worthless dollars for everything i require in life for myself as well as my family...It was all one big scam folks...why do you think all these top CEOs' are jumping ship...they are heading out of the country away from prosecution..while us bottom feeders have no choice but to live here and try to make ends meet and pick up the peices...We need a lynching folks..and we need to storm the White house and remove this scum. Our forefathers would have hung this bunch on the Cherry tree in front of the white house for all to see...the time has come to stand up..and SCREAM!!..ENOUGH!!! IS ENOUGH!!!..THIS IS MY COUNTRY...AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.!!!!

Anonymous said...

>> For starters, my neighbors and I started a neighborhood watch about two years ago. Spanning a two block radius. A few of the guys have taken on vigilante watch thru-out the nite. While the rest of us report on undesirables, graffiti watch and trash cleanup. WE chose as a community to NOT become victims. We live in a nice middle class residential neighborhood.

If you *truly* lived in "nice" neighborhood, you wouldn't need a 24/7 watch.

Anonymous said...

There is no way to prepare for every eventuality, however, I try to make sure that a huge segment of the U.S. population starts hurting way before it gets to me. You better come home keith, I think the S#^+ is about to hit the fan in the UK long before it gets to my hick a$$.

Anonymous said...

As long as the job market holds up, I should be fine.

Anonymous said...

I've always been a realist when it comes to analyzing and forecasting U.S. economic conditions, and I have to tell you- I think most Americans are underestimating how bad the coming financial storm will be. Beware the perma-bulls and perma-bears...

Mammoth said...

"Q of Day Nov/21 - Are you scared about what's coming next?"
Yes, because many still don’t have a clue. Something tells me that people are still not fully getting it yet. Here are what people are saying:

1) While signing the closing (i.e. SELLING) papers on my house on Oct. 31, the escrow agent was complaining about how the people in her office had been doing 50-60 closings each week, but are now doing only 15-16 closings per week.

“We’re having to take extra days off and use up all of our vacation time. Hopefully it will turn around soon,” she said.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
2) When I called my insurance agent to cancel the policy on the house that I just sold, she asked if I was in the market for another. One with a view. She told me that she bought two ‘investment’ houses in 2005 and three more last year – put 20% down on each one – and was renting them out.

“You know, these houses are worth less today than what you paid for them,” I told her. She sadly acknowledged that this was correct.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
3) The next-door neighbors of the rental house that I just sold, bought their house right at last year’s peak - $25K above what mine just sold for. They also told me that they bought it partially as an investment. With two families of mexicans now living next door, and few houses selling these days, it doesn’t look like their investment is appreciating much right now.

Yesterday I zillowed my old house, and guess what? It dropped over $13K in the past 30 days.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
4. A colleague of mine bought a house in June this year. He was complaining about how he had made an offer on another house that he liked more, but when the sellers found out that he was trying to obtain 100% financing, they refused to sell to him.

“What difference does it make to a seller, of whether or not I put a down payment on his house?” he grumbled. He was successful in getting the 100% financing, but when I told him this would be impossible today, he could not comprehend why.

How can people be so clueless these days? This guy is one of the most brilliant electrical engineers I’ve ever known; then again, with his high pay and yet with no ability to scrape up a down payment, he comes across as a complete financial idiot.

Oh well, kinda like the overeducated PHD or MBA who pours a can of oil into his car’s radiator instead of into the motor…
- - - - - - - - - - - -
5. There is a water line easement across my property, that serves the 1940’s-era house behind mine. When the former owner and I sat down to write it, I included the verbiage, “This easement is to serve only the EXISTING single-family house at [address].” This was done to ensure this property will not be developed into a strip mall or whatever, as it does front on the main road which goes through town.

In a conversation with the house’s new owner, she told me that she and her husband bought the place “as a live-in investment.” What they apparently don’t understand is that this land is worthless to anybody who would want to build on it, since this would violate the easement. Heck – if their house burned to the ground tomorrow they wouldn’t even be able to rebuild it, since the county will not issue a permit unless there is access to water.

No, something tells me that people are still not fully getting it yet, which is indeed scary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


A recent survey of NYU students found that a majority would forfeit their right to vote in next year's presidential election for year of free tuition.
A recent survey of NYU students found that 66 percent would forfeit their right to vote in next year's presidential election for year of free tuition.
Twenty percent would swap suffrage for an iPod touch!
You hear that, Barack Obama? You can make up the widening gap between you and Hillary for only $300 bucks a pop!
And yet, 70.5% percent of those surveyed said they believe that one vote really can make a difference.

Imagine, the Iranians, sitting on Billions of oil dollars could send teams to the U.S. to pay off our young voters to help get their Pro-Terrorist candidate elected.

Could our Freedom be FOR SALE for a piece of electronic crap?

Parents, educate your children that our Freedom is not a God Given Right!

Have we raised our children to be so materialistic and self centered that they will give up such a precious right as voting so they can have a new toy? Have they become so spoiled into not having to sacrifice and struggle to achieve success that they will give up freedom so they don't have to pay for school?

Thousands have suffered and died so we can say what we want, worship how we want, go where we want, and be what we want.


Scott_R said...

I am worried about what's coming - a depression is bad for everyone. That said, I'm in a pretty secure job and even if I slash my RE assets, I'm still in the black. It's getting hard to know where to hide on the securities market - commodities are a nice inflation hedge, but they're surely already over-inflated, and when the downturn hits, demand for raw materials will dry up - and that bubble will deflate. One is always tempted to hold lots of cash in these times - ready to go on a Schadenfreud-filled buying spree - but with the Fed killing the dollar as it is...well, CDs and Treasuries are kind of like stuffing the mattress...that money will be worthless in just a couple of years.

Where to hide?

But, yeah, even if I lose my modest wealth, I'll still have the roof over my head and food in the larder. I don't believe it'll hit, but if we face a real repeat of the 30s, I've got 5 nice acres of very fertile bottom-land, so we'll be able to plant and can more than enough..and the remaining 25 acres of woods are crawling with deer.

Anonymous said...

Montpellier said...
I am worried about what's coming - a depression is bad for everyone. That said, I'm in a pretty secure job and even if I slash my RE assets, I'm still in the black. It's getting hard to know where to hide on the securities market - commodities are a nice inflation hedge, but they're surely already over-inflated, and when the downturn hits, demand for raw materials will dry up - and that bubble will deflate. One is always tempted to hold lots of cash in these times - ready to go on a Schadenfreud-filled buying spree - but with the Fed killing the dollar as it is...well, CDs and Treasuries are kind of like stuffing the mattress...that money will be worthless in just a couple of years.

Where to hide?

But, yeah, even if I lose my modest wealth, I'll still have the roof over my head and food in the larder. I don't believe it'll hit, but if we face a real repeat of the 30s, I've got 5 nice acres of very fertile bottom-land, so we'll be able to plant and can more than enough..and the remaining 25 acres of woods are crawling with deer.

November 21, 2007 3:19 PM

What you do not understand, and what most people here do not understand, is that if we have a 30's scenario within the next few years it will not be like the 30's. People are no longer willing to work with their "brother", its a me first attitude at whatever cost. If we experience another 30's incident, society WILL melt down, and anarchy WILL reign.

After the citys have been ravaged, people will turn to the rural areas - no one will be safe. The government knows that if another Great Depression hits martial law WILL be enacted.

Anonymous said...

What's funny is that in something like the Great Depression, very very few (bluebloods basically) are immune - everyone else is a potential target.

On that note, the only investment you can make that has never, ever, in modern history decreased in value, is education. I finish my MS next year and MBA in '09. Since they're raising sales tax/etc in MD for next year, we finished the last of our big purchases this year so next year is just saving, investing, school, and paying off the 0% debts we borrowed.

More and more people are coming by to look @ houses in our neighborhood - best school in the county/area is 1/4 mile away. Fundamentals always matter - and I now get to fill my spare time with OT to help save/invest even more...with a bit of luck, 200 hours by end of January. That'd let us meet our savings goal for '08 by 2/1...good times. ;)

Life is what you make of it.

Anonymous said...

>> But, yeah, even if I lose my modest wealth, I'll still have the roof over my head and food in the larder. I don't believe it'll hit, but if we face a real repeat of the 30s, I've got 5 nice acres of very fertile bottom-land, so we'll be able to plant and can more than enough..and the remaining 25 acres of woods are crawling with deer.

And the hungry, murdering masses will run over you and your land. Good luck with that! How fun it'll be - you can't even go pick/defend your own food because of all the potshots being taken at you from across the field. All you folks who think you'll just move to the middle of nowhere and grow your own food are fooling yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda nervous as Ive been jobless for 4 months and construction doesn't look to improve anytime soon. We have planned ahead though and have enough savings (and no mortgage) for even a long term recession.

What scares me is there are so many people that have no clue, and haven't done a thing to weather even a months worth of unemployment. That said who is going to pay to help bail these people out and in what manner? I am thinking one way or another, we will be on the hook along with others that still have resources available for the taking.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:39 PM

Wow, what a way to think.
Check with the Year 200 survivalists, see if their dire predictions came true.

There will be a recession or depression, sure. But c'mon.

Anonymous said...

Total denial here in zip 81521. Unemployment is at a record low of 2.8%, and the stores are jammed. Hundreds of houses under construction within 5 miles. City government is planning for a 10% increase in tax revenues next year and they see no end to the gravy train.

Man is this going to hurt.

Anonymous said...

"I am more depressed at the unbelievable ignorance of Americans in general, than I am frightened about what comes next, 99% here still don't have a clue."

You are 100% CORRECT !!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:39 said
People are no longer willing to work with their "brother", its a me first attitude at whatever cost. If we experience another 30's incident, society WILL melt down, and anarchy WILL reign.
Oh, You think society "WILL" get like this. Common, come to Los Angeles. Its already like this and has been for some time. There is no such thing as "brother" but rather "VATO" or "Carnal". Crime is rampant, trash is litered all over the place. And everyone drives a Hummer or F-150.

But dont worry about the last part- ANARCHY. According to LAPD, crime is down and everything is under control. Wait a minute, I dont know if we can believe those statistics, LAPD union is asking for salary increase. No wonder crime "reporting" looks rosy.

Anonymous said...

Are you scared about what's coming next?

Yes I am very concerned about what is coming and I believe what is coming is the Great Depression of 2008.

Do you think you'll make it through OK?

Realistically, there are too many unknowns to answer this accurately. One could only hope so.

I've been kicking the idea around for months now whether to take the remaining equity in my house to buy some gold and hoard some cash.

I see a very bad moon arising and am not quite sure what to do about. Although, I am sure I should be doing something.

Anonymous said...

Only weak people get scared.

Anonymous said...

I personaly work 2.5 jobs to choice.


HUH? I thought everyone on HP made $250K a year. Nice to know you are honest about why you are here. Well done.

You are angry and bitter and most of all jealous. So you bitch and whine about Bush and Bernake and the NAR and Fox News and Walmart and China. The fact you have to work 2.5 jobs is nobody's fault but your own. If Mickey Mouse were president you'd still be a loser with 2.5 jobs.

Anonymous said...

Your Jewish Master said...
Anon 3:39 PM

Wow, what a way to think.
Check with the Year 200 survivalists, see if their dire predictions came true.

There will be a recession or depression, sure. But c'mon.

November 21, 2007 4:05 PM

Are you kidding me? What I said was true. Have you looked at peoples mentality today? Its one of greed. In the 20's and 30's very few people had wealth, and partied like it was 1999, today EVERYONE believes that they have wealth, albeit pseudo in nature. Coupled with this mentality, it is the American "dream" to have whatever you want now.

If a depression hits, people will not know how to cope. Anarchy will reign until the government enacts martial law. Why do you think so many of the laws have been changed in recent years? Why so many FEMA camps? People will not work together as they may have 80 years or so ago, because as a society we have become independent, and have drifted away from family oriented values.

Shit, 50-60 years ago you could leave your house unlocked and go shopping, etc. Try doing that today! So what has changed? As I said it is peoples mentality and how society has molded them to be self centered and non carrying about others. If we have a depression multiply this ideology by a factor of 1000...

Anonymous said...

>> Wow, what a way to think.
Check with the Year 200 survivalists, see if their dire predictions came true.

Oh, so since nothing happened then, it can't happen now? That's like saying "I wasn't in a car accident yesterday, so I won't be in one tomorrow." Dope!

Roccman said...

Got bunker?

Anonymous said...

> On that note, the only investment you can make that has never, ever, in modern history decreased in value, is education.

While I agree with you, it probably won't help anybody to get a degree while going DEEP INTO DEBT for it. When I hear about 700k of debt for a medical doctor couple, I wonder if they can recoup their expenses in a long depression.

Anonymous said...


Good choice, I'd read up on herbs
and medicinal plants and start growing them....with the intent to
sell them. If I get my little plot
of land, as planned (with family),
that's what I intend to do..There is
room for more than one of those...
Get birds now for food and eggs, and
fertilizer. Hens for eggs, turkeys
for meat, guinea fowl to eat ticks,
bugs, ducks for slugs...pkk

Anonymous said...

Dear education has never gone down in value, you need to take a look at all the PHD's in Russia that are listed on the web for anything availible. Just trust God, make wise decisions and don't take the coming evil mark to buy or sell. I know it sounds radical and far fetched, but it's spoken about in one of the oldest books in the world.

Princess Mononoke said...

Anonymous said...
>>If you *truly* lived in "nice" neighborhood, you wouldn't need a 24/7 watch.
November 21, 2007 2:21 PM

Who's neighborhood do you think hoodlums are going to want to HIT??? Come on, you can't be that stupid?

We've observed homeless & others cruise our neighborhood on bikes. Some have vans, some worked in teams etc. scoping out the area, watching US. So we decided to start watching THEM. Sure, you're right we don't have to, but we choose to because we want to preserve our neighborhood.

Bob Hope's estate is 5 minutes away. We are surrounded by all the main studios. It IS a pretty nice neighborhood and WE would like to keep it that way!

Anonymous said...

I've got a van / parked out in back /
And loaded with weapons /
Packed up and ready to go

DeNial, that very long and unctuous river, originates here in Seattle, and its sanctimonious and entitled blue waters run deep.

They don't even know that they jumped in with lead-filled lifejackets on.

My WIFE thinks I am insane. My family won't talk to me, cuz if I just had a corporate job, all would be..... that I won't soon have to make the awful decision, do I feed my dog to my kid, or my kid to me dog.....

Welcome to Life during wartime, the war of all versus all.

Anonymous said...

We sorta not only deserve this but need it...Feel bad for the poor and old but man American society has now become one huge fast food eating, Judge Judy watching, soda guzzling, 4 x 4 wheeling, cruel Jackass, materialistic bunch of morons.

The generation under mine HAS NO ambition and no hard science or math skills to hold any technical jobs.

We need a wake up call! For whatever reason the "Great Depresion" was a spanking for the stupidity of the "Roaring 20's."

This one will be no different.

Anonymous said...

Hey Montpelier... may not be a Vermont native, but you're learning some real basics.

If your native neighbors will overlook your "flat lander" status, they'll join forces with you to protect all the surrounding land.

Go Green Mountain Boys!

Scott_R said...

Jewish Master - yes, I'm with you - if we have a bad recession/a real depression, it will be bad, but I don't foresee martial law and rampaging loot & pillage urban refugees. These folks are more than a little nuts. For starters: if we ever had that kind of breakdown of society, we'll have a transportation breakdown as well. By my bottomland, etc., I mean only that I'll be able to eat well and not be so stretched on the grocery budget. You folks are a bit whacked out thinking there won't be food. There will be plenty of food, but it's gonna cost a larger percentage of our income than we're accustomed to.

I live in a bit of the rural south; I grew up in a blueblood home and we grew and canned a significant portion of our own food on the farm. We also shopped at the grocery store. A lot of my neighbors still do this, and I fully intend to, economic armageddon or not.

These "Omega Man" predictions highlight what I believe is a fundamental problem: people have no living memory to speak of. We have had anarchy, domestic terrorism, massive unemployment, bank failures, massive bankruptcy and foreclosure, etc. before in this country - really, the period between the McKinley Administration (which is truly the presidency Bush-II aspires to) and the ascendancy of FDR was full of massive unrest - and several sharp and severe economic upheavals. We survived them, and the ultimate response, each time, was to pull together. I think we tend to look back remembering only the nice stuff, and forgetting the bad...if we remember at all.

Anonymous said...

androphage said "Repositioning myself into a more secure job..."

I don't know how much income do you need to supplement your needs. But if you don't care, getting a 6 month to a 2 year (AA degree) in health care field would be thus far most secure right now. Remember that a patient needing a medical help or assistance cannot be outsource abroad. Getting a medical technician type job would only require months of formal training and can get you into the workforce immediately. Some hospitals are willing to sponsor employee as long as you commit to work for them for a number of years.

In the meantime, just continue your plan to grow your own food.

Anonymous said...

People will not work together as they may have 80 years or so ago, because as a society we have become independent, and have drifted away from family oriented values.

Yeah, all those nice values like mob lynchings of black people, detention camps for Japanese Americans, redlining of black/Irish/Italian neighborhoods, experiments on the mentally retarded in government hospitals, denial of the right of women to vote, denial of jobs to women, rampant homophobia, and all the other lovely things of that utopian environment.

Shit, 50-60 years ago you could leave your house unlocked and go shopping

More romantic Norman Rockwell bullshit. You can leave your house unlocked and go shopping now, too. And just like "80 to 100 years ago," someone will come along and rob you blind if they can.

Anonymous said...

HPers said:

"Anarchy will reign."
"You can unlock your house and go shopping, with no problem>"

Guess what in Central Valley California, bad guys posing as cops, pulls over their intended victims and robs them at gunpoint, including their vehicle.

Anonymous said...

King of the Bitter Renters
Anon 5:28 PM

Frank Scottsdale

Would you guys consider getting in touch with me? There is an open thread a little ways down my blog. I am turning an idea over in my devious little mind.


BTW I did buy gas masks after 911. But then realized there was truly no where I could escape to. The trap of an urban life.

Anyone into the Clash?
"The ice age is comin,
the sun's zoomin in,
meltdown expected,
the wheat is growin thin,
a nuclear era, but I have no fear,
cause London is drowning and I,
I live by the river!

Anonymous said...

"...Does anyone think that the reason the US dollar is in decline might be due (in part) to counterfeiting?..."


Absolutely, and the leader of the biggest counterfeiting ring is Ben Bernanke a.k.a. Helicopter Ben.

If you increase the supply of something (dollars, labor, etc.), then, everything else being equal, its value goes down. That's why loose US monetary policy is bad for anyone earning and/or holding dollars. That's why offshoring, use of H1-B indentured servants, and illegal immigration are bad for anyone who works for a living.

Anonymous said...

Happy Homedebtor said...

"... the only investment you can make that has never, ever, in modern history decreased in value, is education..."


What happens to the value of your "investment" as more and more white collar American jobs are offshored to Asia and/or more and more H1-B indentured servants are brought over to do the work for half (or less) of the normal market salary?

Blindly following conventional wisdom in times of rapid change can easily lead one tragically astray.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all those nice values like mob lynchings of black people, detention camps for Japanese Americans, redlining of black/Irish/Italian neighborhoods, experiments on the mentally retarded in government hospitals, denial of the right of women to vote, denial of jobs to women, rampant homophobia, and all the other lovely things of that utopian environment.


Wow the publik skool propaganda machine did a number on you. Tell me oh wise one, did anything good EVER happen in this country? You fucking moron.

Anonymous said...

If it hits the fan I'm going to Australia. I have a house there paid in Cash. See ya mates!

Unknown said...

Have we raised our children to be so materialistic and self centered that they will give up such a precious right as voting so they can have a new toy?

All the likely candidates suck, only differing in the exact manner in which they plan to screw up the country. The vote is pointless. The question I hear is "would you like a free ipod?"

Anonymous said...

The vision dims and all that remains are memories. They take me back - back to the place where the black pump sucked guzzolene from the earth. And I remember the terrible battle we fought - the day we left that place forever. But, most of all, I remember the courage of a stranger, a road warrior called Max.
To understand who he was, you must go back to the last days of the old world, when, for reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior nations went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all.
For without fuel they were nothing. They had built a house of straw. People stopped in the streets and listened: for the first time they heard the sound of silence. Their world crumbled.
And only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. At last, the vermin had inherited the earth. And in this maelstrom of decay, ordinary men were battered and crushed.
Men like the Warrior Max, who in the roar of an engine, lost everything and became a shell of a man. A burnt out, desolate man, a dead man, running from the demons of his past. A man who wandered far away. And it was out here in this blighted place that he learned to live again.

Anonymous said...

did anyone notice part of todays sell off as CNN reported is American Express. It was downgraded to sell because of sub prime exposure. Now that one shocked me because no one had even mentioned American Express anywhere. And so the point is if American Express can hide and then sneak in a quick oh we lost this much money at the end of the work day the day before thanksgiving when no one is listening. Oh dear what other surprises do these OLD financial institutions have laying in wait. What surprises will we hear at 5 pm friday the day after thanksgiving while everyone is wasting money shopping for XMAS so all the CEO'S get their bonus. What disasters are being hidden until 5 pm Dec 24, 5 pm Dec 31. Save food and water and go to COSTCO and buy those survival supplies instead of MORE toys for your kids and perhaps yourself.

Anonymous said...

we choose a "community" to make victims of those we deem to be undesirous...

Anonymous said...

how do you pay property taxes on your food producing acres during a depression, and with what? just try to stop some local tax now, that comes from the teachers unions? you will be robbed of those securities

Anonymous said...

another "entitled bunch with a right to your propertys

Anonymous said...

tittle becomes "recogizable thief" when "hungry" comes into effect...........

Anonymous said...

home town property taxes went up 100 oercent in 3 years, to pay for the dumbing down of the incompetant and ignorant to how to feild hand self sufficient and self sustaining community... or for a gigantic waste..

Anonymous said...

you mean those were bad guys posing as cops who have been pulling me over and robbing me all these years????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

yeah just plant some medicinals and herbs and plan to sell them....while you do your 2 to ten in the slammer???????????

Anonymous said...

i cant wait for the cheerleaders of these politicians to get louder.....maybe i will be able to throw up all this bad taste and bile all year long.......

Anonymous said...

bob hopes studios....try reagans mother in laws house.....if you might like to make up your own jokes as to the reasons and means and methods using conventional comic reliefs................ahole..

Princess Mononoke said...

Anonymous said...
November 22, 2007 6:16 PM

You're the A$$hole! More like an idiot. Try learning how to write complete sentences.

An undesirable person is someone who comes into a neighborhood to steal, kill and destroy property!

Princess Mononoke said...

Anonymous said...
>>bob hopes studios....try reagans mother in laws house.....
November 22, 2007 6:16 PM

I take it you’re not familiar with Burbank, Toluca Lake, or Studio City, Calif. U.S.A.

You’ll find people of every race, creed and color living in the area. It’s a diverse community. Needless to say, we would like to keep graffiti out, identity theft out, and home invasion robberies out! Capeesh?

Princess Mononoke said...

Speaking of spooky, watch the trailer of Stephen King's new movie release "The Mist".