[UPDATE] - CNBC pulled their debate poll, after Ron Paul took 75%+ of the votes (why does RP destroy the field in EVERY poll? Don't the other candidates have supporters with internet connections?). But MSNBC's poll is still up - VOTE HERE
Hot off the presses, here's the debate of tonight's CNBC debate, with Ron Paul laying it out. Too bad 99% of Americans aren't smart enough to understand what he's saying.
Because it's true.
Congressman Paul, I think you have questions and concerns about the bonanza in the hedge fund industry. Do you?
Mr. Paul: Yes. I think this is not a consequence of free markets. What's happening is, there's transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy.
Mr. Paul: This comes about because of the monetary system that we have. When you inflate a currency or destroy a currency, the middle class gets wiped out.
So the people who get to use the money first which is created by the Federal Reserve system benefit. So the money gravitates to the banks and to Wall Street.
That's why you have more billionaires than ever before. Today, this country is in the middle of a recession for a lot of people. Michigan knows about it. Poor people know about it. The middle class knows about it. Wall Street doesn't know about it. Washington, D.C., doesn't know about it.
But it's because of the monetary system and the excessive spending. As long as we live beyond our means we are destined to live beneath our means.
And we have lived beyond our means because we are financing a foreign policy that is so extravagant and beyond what we can control, as well as the spending here at home.
And we're depending on the creation of money out of thin air, which is nothing more than debasement of the currency. It's counterfeit. And it is a natural, predictable consequence that you're going to have people benefit from it and other people suffer.
Mr. Paul: So, if you want a healthy economy, you have to study monetary theory and figure out why it is that we're suffering. And everybody doesn't suffer equally, or this wouldn't be so bad.
It's always the poor people -- those who are on retired incomes -- that suffer the most. But the politicians and those who get to use the money first, like the military industrial complex, they make a lot of money and they benefit from it.
Mr. Matthews: Thank you, Congressman.
[UPDATE] - Bonus video - and damn, Ron Paul is the only candidate talking about the things HP is talking about. Republican should be proud, and instead they want him to go away. Shows you the state of the current Republican party.
October 10, 2007
Ron Paul at tonight's GOP debate on the Fed's blatant destruction of the US dollar and how that benefits the rich at the expense of the middle class
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Labels: corrupt fed policy, ron paul 2008, stupid fed policy, the downfall of the US dollar, the ignorant masses have no idea what's going on
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Is this guy really a Congressman? Good lord what state is he from West Paranoid?
why does cnbc bother with a poll? every paul kook out there is voting 100 times.
even you idiots can't possibly believe 75% of people support him
Saw Ron Paul yard sign around Seattle. Some people are waking up.
It's not paranoia, it's a simplified version of the Austrian theory of money championed by Ludwig Von Mises. Dr. Paul is quite the student of Austrian economics, he lays it out more clearly and simply than anyone I've ever heard before, including Mises himself.
Too late. Done deal. Bushco already gave his buds so much money that there is no way to repair the system in any way that is fair. Boycott everything.
Ron Paul is way too late. Where was he 7 years ago?
What the average voter hears:
blah industry blah currency blah blah wall street blah foreign blah *YOU HAVE TO STUDY* blah blah blah
How to ensure you get no votes in one easy step.
Ron Paul, voice of the middle class- god bless em.
I wonder why certain people who don't agree with this blog's views, whom always claim to be so right important in their own opinion, would even waste the time to post childish comments?
I certainly don't go around posting to any blogs, unless I felt passionate that they're either :
a) Right
b) COULD be right, and I don't want them to be.
RE: Too bad 99% of Americans aren't smart enough to understand what he's saying.
I think its more like: Too bad 99% of the American main stream media is still being controlled by the illegal BUSH-CO gang.
On the evening NATIONAL NEWS tonight after the debate, they reviewed the debate giving an equal amount of "air-time" to each canidate EXCEPT RON PAUL!
All of them = 15 seconds each!
Ron Paul - zero 0! Notta! Zip!
They didnt even show a picture of him, nor did they even say he was there!
Hello??!! Can you hear me now?
Thats not American my friends. That's being greedy, selfish, un-American, false, un-patriotic communist slugs. I'll never watch NBC again. Never.
Say NO to:
Neo Bush Co
Go Ron Go!!!!
This guy is RIGHT ON !!
Ron Paul is a one eyed man in our land of the blind.
He is our only hope for our kids.
we are so screwed if Ron Paul doesn't win. it's not paranoid to talk about the collapse of a fiat currency. this has happened throughout history. are people really too stupid to realize you cannot have nearly the same quality of life on 1 salary like you could in the past? why do people just accept inflation and let the government transfer our quality of life to the military industrial-complex while our infrastructure at home crumbles?
- - -
Ron Paul 08
Is this guy really a Congressman? Good lord what state is he from West Paranoid?
WTF? Parinoid?
You want Parinoid? Bush and Cheney are STILL pooping their pants, thinking the poor and un-armed citizens of Iraq will be attacking America by boats and camels, or some caveman with a 1973 walkie talkie will overide the worlds largest military power machine and take-over America for the cost of just $12.82 - AGAIN! (thats 19 box cutter knives purchased at Ace Hardware)
But never mind that parinoid Bush has wasted over $1,270,000,000,000 (1.2 trillion dollars so far) and bush is still pooping his pants every day! There's another boogie man! Run! Hide! Kill him and his family too! Send 250,000 more troops before they get to America! .... Code Red! Order more bombs! Spy on all Americans! Take away the freedom rights of all Americans! If we leave Iraq now, they will just get stronger OMG!!!! Call 9-11! Help, help, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!
It's true. And guess what else happened? Back in Ron Paul's fantasy land?
When the USA didn't have a central bank and did have a gold standard, the owners of the banks and such STILL won and had mass transfers of wealth from poor and middle to them.
It worked differently: you had big financial panics (which were euphemized to "recessions" and then "depressions", but "panic was the original word")
and in these panics, the banks called in all their loans. They controlled the gold in the system and with a gold backed currency they needed to get the loans back when this stuff happened.
Of course people couldn't pay because there was a financial panic and they lost their job and their businesses, so the banks seized the collateral. The banks could and did demand FULL repayment at various times, not just this month's payment, but the whole thing. And all the banks did this at once so you coudn't go out and get a new loan right away. (Because there was a gold standard, the banks required these terms in their loans, since otherwise they themselves could be easily shut down and go under).
It was widely perceived to be a scam. And it was.
Remember, "thou shalt not crucify mankind on a cross of gold"?
This was precisely the issue. (Also they wanted to use more abundant silver in addition to gold since US domestic silver production was high and this would support an expanding and inflationary money supply)
With a fully paper-backed currency the theft is just smoother and less violent.
Sometimes the truth is difficult to swallow. Register Republican and vote for Ron Paul. This is your last chance to stop the Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank Corporation, from destroying everything you worked so hard for.
There are two great books that describe the role of the federal reserve in the financial markets and
the theory of capital.
The books are:
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by Ezra Pound &
The Theory of Money (?) by Luwig Von Mises.
I think that Ron Paul is much more informed that even his most stellar supporters give him credit for.
s this guy really a Congressman? Good lord what state is he from West Paranoid?
I know the truth sucks don't it..Don't be so stupid and naive all your life...
Yes, he's really a Congressman, and no he isn't paranoid. He is deliberately stating the issue in attention-getting terms. I don't believe for a minute that inflation is part of a grand conspiracy to impoverish the middle class. Nonetheless, inflation is the direct result of expansion of the money supply in excess of expansion of the goods and services available for purchase. It devalues each individual dollar while the entire money supply as a whole retains exactly the same value. That costs savers more than investors whose assets aren't directly denominated in dollars. And it will be a net benefit to debters, such as the Federal government. As a result, it is effectively a hidden tax on the middle class.
haha the poll is down!!
New tactic for flagging flippers in Connecticut to sell empty shell homes.
We do not deserve a patriot like congressman paul. The sheeple have no idea what confronts us all. We have a government that is debasing the dollar daily.
Let us eat the bush built scheitt sandwich all together now.
CNBS cocksuckers took down the poll... noice!
This is why we are set to decline into the dustbin of history. When people do not see someone who is closer to what our country was founded on then any other person running. We are being robbed of what so many fought so hard for and the masses are too dumb to do anything about it.
Too bad the powers that be want to keep the status quo. But then we all know there's no inflation even though wheat and corn prices have doubled since last year. Those computer floppy drives are cheaper than ever.
Once again, Ron Paul has proved he understands the situation and is willing to act on that understanding. Anyone who thinks he's paranoid doesn't understand money, the Fed, or even basic economics.
I know it's difficult to accept that you are being fleeced, because you have to accept that you've been supporting your own destruction for most of your life. Hey, I used to be a liberal, but I'm voting for Ron Paul this time.
Do you know anything about the banking system? The Fed creates money out of thin air. Like counterfeiters, who ever gets the money first benefits before a rise in prices. Do some studying yourself before you criticize others. Check out "money, banking and the federal reserve" on google video.
I'm voting for Ron Paul.
He won't win the primary, but it's a message to the irresponsible jackasses who are running the Republican Party.
If they pretend to hear the message, I just might show up to vote against Hillary's communist health care.
You're link is bunk, the annoymous poster is an idiot, and there is no coverage of Ron Paul anywhere.
God I love socialism.
Looks like he was winning!!!
They pulled the poll results and ended based on Keith's link
Daring!Everybody is listening, no one is hearing.The last days must be near.
Yeah!Everybody is listening,no one is hearing.
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what's that link again????
WHy does he call himself a libertarian when he sounds like a socialist?
If I thought he believed what he says I would vote for him.
Yes, of course he's a paranoiac. The dollar is trading at its lowest level EVER and the risk of a complete collapse of the dollar is real- hence the escalating number of foreign governments who are DUMPING THEIR TREASURIES (DOLLARS) and scooping up 1) assets 2) euros 3) gold 4) other foreign currencies.
Read up here if you can be bothered.
You can be uninformed about economic issues if it suits you. But you'd be wise to do what Dick Cheney has been doing for years- moving your money out of the united states and into other currencies and economies that aren't teetering on the brink.
will he repay fed investors at fair value......or 5 times book, to break even to total inflations... or get shot like alexander hamilton, sect of the treasury, and for the same reasons.
"RE: Too bad 99% of Americans aren't smart enough to understand what he's saying."
'They came first for the Communists...
but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
people think they're safe but they'll eventually learn that their money is worthless and their stocks are worthless-- all of gutted by a mountain of debt.
"All of them = 15 seconds each! Ron Paul - zero 0! Notta! Zip!"
you'll also notice that Ron Paul wasn't in any of the promotional debate photos! or post debate converage on CNBC! Isn't NBC owned by GE? Ron Paul threatens their bottom line by attacking their cash cow-- i.e. war profits.
God, you people see conspiracy everywhere. Let me spell it out for you.
The whole point of a poll is to get a representative sample. When you have RonPaulians voting 100X each that dramatically skews the process and the outcome isn't a reliable representation of what the population really believes. Do you really think Ron Paul is getting 75% support when he gets 1% to 2% (at most) from in-person and telephone polling?
They were right to take the poll down, as it was not valid.
I watched the CNBC poll last night, and emailed it to 50 friends.
Last checked, RP had 75% win, and this morning the poll has vanished.
Sh't Fraud MSM.
You in the MSM are scum. FILTH.
I don't watch TV any more b/c you are liars and corporate propaganda machine
"It's not paranoia, it's a simplified version of the Austrian theory of money championed by Ludwig Von Mises."
This is correct. It is no easy task to correct years of economic mis-education "taught" by the government schools in the few seconds alloted to respond to a question, but in this task Ron performs admirably. Rothbard's book will get you started:
"The books are:
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by Ezra Pound &
The Theory of Money (?) by Luwig Von Mises.
I think that Ron Paul is much more informed that even his most stellar supporters give him credit for."
It is no exaggeration to say that Mises' "Theory of Money and Credit" blew my mind. It is a genius book. But it is not the place to start!
The place to start, bar none, is
1. "What has government done to our money?" Rothbard
After that,
"Mystery of Banking" Rothbard
"Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles", DeSoto
At that point, you'll be a raving gold bug and will begin amassing your library, including "Human Action" and "Theory of Money and Credit".
Along the way don't miss "Panic of 1819" and "Fiat Money Inflation In France".
Ron Paul "REVOLUTION" signs are all over the freeway over passes and county roads, from AZ to NJ, to FL. In all corners of the country, on my summer trips, I saw Ron Paul revolution signs.
I have not seen a sign for any other shill.
how to make a sign,
this is the RP sign i was talking about
so lemme get this straight
Ron Paul wants to tax the rich, close the borders, disband the military and get rid of public educatio. Oh and while he's at it he wants to get down on his knees and give a BJ to Osama and say "I'm sorry for the inconvenience".
This is what's so great about this country. Even a complete nutjob like him gets a forum to speak. And his supprters, the HP nutjobs get their forum as well.
Ironiaclly if ron paul were ever elected he would bring this country to a Stalin like tyranny.
video on the RP signs.
Notice the news station interviews 3 WT bimbos, and 1 WT male bimbo.
Not one smart person is interviewed
Anonymous said...
Yes, of course he's a paranoiac. The dollar is trading at its lowest level EVER and the risk of a complete collapse of the dollar is real
EVER? Well sure if EVER goes back to the early 90s. 5 years ago the dollar was at its HIGHEST EVER. I didn't hear you wingnuts shit your pants back then.
I swear it's like you people are 12 year old girls and you're like oh my god so totally sure your bff is trying to steal your boyfriend.
In other words paranoid. Now don't you have a black helicopter to monitor or something?
Ron Paul is a 1 trick pony, the federal reserve. It's a nice trick and he has a point but that's ALL he talks about. He's like Tancredo who ONLY talks about immigration. Youu can't be a serious candidate with only 1 issue and an issue that is quite frankly about #20 on a list of issues people care about.
I know he gets 90% wins in online polls.It's the same people voting in each poll and voting multiple times. Truth of the matter is ask 100 people what they think of RP, 95 will say who? 3 will say isn't he that weird looking dude from Congress and 2 will say they like him.
You are on a fool's errand people. And if he decides to run 3prdparty style, all he'll do is give Hillary the presidency for 8 years and be forever known as the Nader/Perot of 2008.
What a legacy.
The CNBC poll is back on line! Oct 10th, 8:45 am EST
Ron Paul is at 80%!!!!!!!
Ron Paul might be well intended but like most Americans he doesnt understand how his own "stinking thinking" contributes to the very problem he wants to solve.
He says" hedge funds stealing are not the result of "free markets" but is the result of wealth transfer from one strata of the population to another. Well Mr. Paul how does this transfer of wealth occur? It occurs because weve allowed ourselves to be ripened for the picking by adopting "free trade" and "de regulation" as our main economic policy.
Well what the hell do you expect when you allow your country to be ruled by "free trade"? Hedge Funds exist only because we live in an unregulated economy or "free trade" economy.
If you dont like the hedge funds stealing from the population,then use the power of government to shut them down. Confiscate their assets and shut them down.
Ron Paul makes the same error when he claims to be a big proponent of the constitution and then blabs that he is for "small government".
The founding fathers who drafted the constitution "loved" government. They believed in a government committed to the general welfare.
I see Ron Paul signs all over the place here in Austin.
For the "Ron Paul supporters are spamming the polls" crowd
1) you can only vote once per IP address
2) Do the other candidates supporters not know how to get online and vote?
Ron Paul has overwhelming support on the internet and on free-thinking blogs (like HP). But that support is either not being registered by the call-my-landline-at-home pollsters, or that support is indeed small compared to the size of the ignorant masses
I suspect it's a bit of both
Anyone out there ever talk to a gallup pollster? Anyone still have a land line where you answer unidentified callers?
Didn't think so
Meanwhile, Ron Paul won last nights debate. The other candidates mosh together into a unmemorable puddle. And then there's Ron Paul - the only anti-war, anti-government, anti-debt, anti-spending candidate.
In other words, the only true Republican.
Let's see if Ron Paul has anything to say about the hedge funds running the elections/candidates from behind the scenes.
Oct. 9, 2007 --Reports in the {Washington Post} today that
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has assured the private
equity funds that taxes on their managers' incomes will not be
raised, has prompted EIRNS to take another look at the nature of
the Hedge/Private Equity Fund lobby. According to the Post, Reid
has promised to table a Senate bill introduced by Sen. Max Baucus
(D-MT) and Charles Grassley (R-IA); and a similar House bill
introduced by Reps. Charles Rangel (D-NY), and Sander Levin
(D-MI), would raise the tax level to a "normal" corporate income
tax level. The private equity/hedge fund lobby has been
hysterically trying to stop these bills, and now, reportedly,
Reid has capitulated.
How deep into Congress does the vulture penetration go?
In the case of Democrat Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), he hired
Moses Mercado, a lobbyist for the vulture funds, Carlyle Group
and Blackstone Group, to his campaign. Mercado's firm, Ogilvy
Government Relations, is the main lobbying agency for the hedge
funds and private equity funds attacking Congressional attempts
to tax them. The Barack Obama Presidential campaign announced in
late September that it would hire Mercado. Obama's campaign
fundraising efforts began last December 2006, when billionaire
George Soros convened a council of investment bankers to back
Obama, seen as a safe alternative to the Clintons.
Moses Mercado is a former top aide to DNC chairman Howard
Dean. Mercado's insider status with Dean -- as their faction
squeezed funds to Democratic Congressional candidates despite
warnings from the Bill Clinton forces -- has been publicly lauded by
Mercado's lobbying boss, Wayne Berman.
Berman's Ogilvy firm, formerly known as the Federalist Group, was
one of the two centers of the Tom DeLay/Dick Cheney corruptionst
machine in Washington.
In another case, former professional basketball star Earvin
"Magic" Johnson is currently campaigning against proposed
legislation to raise the taxes of hedge fund/private equity fund
managers. Johnson is a principal spokesman for the Access to
Capital Coalition, formed Sept. 7, 2007 with money from such
giant funds as Carlyle Group and Blackstone Group. The Coalition
is billed as representing minority groups and women who happen to
be operators of such funds. At the same time, Johnson raises
funds for Hillary Clinton's Presidential candidacy.
Magic Johnson owns his own private equity enterprise, which
is part of a billion dollar partnership called Canyon-Johnson
Urban Funds. This is managed by Canyon Capital Advisers, a hedge
and reality fund unit spun off from Michael Milken's operation
within Drexel Burnham Lambert. When Milken went to prison for his
junk bond outrages, the men who helped him shape his deals,
Joshua Friedman and Mitchell Julis, went off to form Canyon.
Friedman, Julis and their partner Robert Turner (who
directly manages Johnson's money in the Urban Funds) all still
speak at events sponsored by Michael's "Milken Family
I used to work for Gallup, and I don't see how their methodology holds up any more where people are going off the grid and using their cell phones exclusively.
Meanwhile, Ron Paul won last nights debate. The other candidates mosh together into a unmemorable puddle. And then there's Ron Paul - the only anti-war, anti-government, anti-debt, anti-spending candidate.
In other words, the only true Republican.
Hear Hear!!
RE: As long as we live beyond our means we are destined to live beneath our means... And we're depending on the creation of money out of thin air, which is nothing more than debasement of the currency. It's counterfeit.
Only the Federal Reserve can legally create money out of thin air. When ordinary people make funny money, it is called counterfeiting. This sounds like a double standard to me.
And what happens to those who live way beyond their means by trying to create money out of nothing? They end up broke and served with divorce papers.
It starts with liar's loans and ends with foreclosure and maxed-out credit cards. The good news is that CASEY'S BACK!!! He has a new BLOG, a new attitude and a scheduled appearance on the Dr. Phil show.
(As if Dr. Phil can fix this train wreck.)
RE: As long as we live beyond our means we are destined to live beneath our means... And we're depending on the creation of money out of thin air, which is nothing more than debasement of the currency. It's counterfeit.
Only the Federal Reserve can legally create money out of thin air. When ordinary people make funny money, it is called counterfeiting.
And what happens to those who live way beyond their means by trying to create money out of nothing? They end up broke and served with divorce papers.
It starts with liar's loans, and ends with foreclosure and maxed-out credit cards. The good news is that CASEY'S BACK!!! He has a new BLOG, a new attitude and a scheduled appearance on the Dr. Phil show.
(As if Dr. Phil can fix this train wreck.)
Ron Paul is not allowed to effectively run for president.
Why do you suppose the msm gives him no coverage, unless it's with a negative undertone?
Are any of you now starting to think that the msm may be owned and con-trolled by an element who's interests are not in the best interests of the U.S., like I've been saying for so long?
There are two things about Paul that are unnacceptable to the people who really run this nation (no, it's not Bush co. stupid) and their state sponsered msm.
#1 Is obviously his opposition to the swindling parasites at the fed reserve.
#2 Is his unwillingness to send our service men to slaughter in the middle east, creating more enemies for ourselves, while serving the best interests of the satanic, terror state of israel.
As I remember, I was the first person to bring up Ron Paul on this blog some time ago, I assuredly still think he's the only viable option out there (the others are just bought and paid for puppets A&B). Realisticly though, he has'nt a chance in hell.
Keith as much as I like Ron Paul, no way he is at 80% support. Any online poll can be manipulated and you know that. I could get 100 IP addresses to vote on that poll easily. And it just makes a joke out of the whole thing. Mention Ron Paul winning a debate by 25% to 20% for Giuliani and people take notice. Say he won it by 80% and they laugh at you.
"Ron Paul wants to tax the rich, close the borders, disband the military and get rid of public educatio."
First of all, Ron Paul wants to get rid of the personal income tax and replace it with {drumroll} . . .NOTHING!
Second, you appear to be an outstanding example of the product of public educatio.
Staggering the ignorance of the many on a man with such a straight forward message. You really have to be brain dead to say he wants to tax the rich, or have your head buried so far in the sand and are in such denial anyone and I mean ANYONE outside your myopic simple mindset is not going to make it through your thick skull...regardless of clarity of message and honesty and intelligence of the candidate.
Another product of our school system and a kool aide drinking MSM believing jack ass.
It worked differently: you had big financial panics (which were euphemized to "recessions" and then "depressions", but "panic was the original word")
Oh, yeah, it's so different now with the Federal Reserve keeping prices so stable. The only bubbles since the creation of the Fad have been in the bathtub, right?
I don't believe for a minute that inflation is part of a grand conspiracy to impoverish the middle class.
So inflation is just an accident then? Someone sure benefits.
My grandmother didn't work. My mother didn't work. If we are financially better off than in the past, why does everyone have to work these days?
Oh and while he's at it he wants to get down on his knees and give a BJ to Osama
No, that's Bush. 1.2 trillion spent and the largest nation on earth still hasn't found Osama (who is still releasing videos), eventhough it's now torturing prisoners for the first time in the history of the U.S.?
"even you idiots can't possibly believe 75% of people support him"
No, just 75% of the people who can use a computer...new fangled technology and all...
Anonymous said...
"even you idiots can't possibly believe 75% of people support him"
No, just 75% of the people who can use a computer...new fangled technology and all...
October 10, 2007 4:48 PM
He gets 100% of the lowers who have nothing else to do but vote in online polls over and over and over again. Unfortunately for Dr. Ronnie and his idiot followers that is a very small slice of the electorate.
Thanks for reminding us of this unfamiliar thing called the Constitution.
Honestly, has ANY other candidate even employed that word consistently as a catalyst for their platform?
Your blog is first rate. Love the content and analysis. I just shake my head at people like Larry Kudlow nowadays.
I am a Democrat, but after seeing democrats candidate doing nothing but tring to bail out the stupids and irresponsible my vote is for Ron Paul.
Anonymous said...
I am a Democrat, but after seeing democrats candidate doing nothing but tring to bail out the stupids and irresponsible my vote is for Ron Paul.
October 10, 2007 6:00 PM
Your vote will not be for Ron Paul if he doesn't win in the primaries. In most states, you cannot vote in the Republican primary unless you are a registered Republican.
If you are a registered Democrat and want RP to be nominated, you must switch your affiliation to Republican in order to make your voice heard. (I know it's disgusting, but you can switch back once the primaries are over.)
Ron Paul wants to tax the rich, close the borders,
Yea, outrageous, huh? Imagine forcing people to obey our laws and immigrate properly. How un-american.
For the "Ron Paul supporters are spamming the polls" crowd
1) you can only vote once per IP address
2) Do the other candidates supporters not know how to get online and vote?
it just goes to show you how stupid the Ron Paul haters can be. They constantly blame the Ron Paul online polling wins on people voting multiple times. That is the oldest trick in the book, don't they think msnbc and such have already planned for that?
I know he gets 90% wins in online polls.It's the same people voting in each poll and voting multiple times.
You can't easily vote multiple times. If you can, why don't the other candidates supports vote multiple times too?
I really don't think that the other candidates supporters follow their candidates online. What other explanation is there?
I could get 100 IP addresses to vote on that poll easily. And it just makes a joke out of the whole thing.
if it is so easy why don't the other candidates supporters do it then?
I am a Democrat, but after seeing democrats candidate doing nothing but tring to bail out the stupids and irresponsible my vote is for Ron Paul.
Is it just me or is Hillary coming out with another give away every week?
first it was the baby bond (as if we really need any type of incentive to increase our population) now it is the "401k" account. Isn't this 401k account just a step towards privatizing social security????? One of the arguments against privatizing SS was that people couldn't be trusted to manage their own money but now they can?
Ron Paul, if you are reading this blog, please take the campaign money you have left and support a candidate who you feel also shares your interests but has the "look" that people here seem to feel a candidate needs to qualify as president.
Ralph Nader might have meant well, but the end result was the wrong candidate being put into office.
You are just too honest, and get right to the point - people here just don't want to hear the truth so clearly as you have stated it.
However, I am glad that your words did get out to the public to some degree - despite the media's efforts to down-play or cut-down your air time.
Extra butter please!
I'm surprised they haven't kicked him out of the Republican party.
(why does RP destroy the field in EVERY poll? Don't the other candidates have supporters with internet connections?)
There just is not enough of them! If people voted for their pocketbooks not the propaganda, we would have a colation government. It would fall along class and racial lines, with lots of cross over. This counrty would not be a superpower. Because the poors and blacks and the M-C would be voting for safety and schools. Only Bush II et al would vote for attacking Iraq.....
"right to unionize"?
"civil liberty"?
He does not sound like a Republican!
I said: It worked differently: you had big financial panics (which were euphemized to "recessions" and then "depressions", but "panic was the original word")
Somebody else said:
Oh, yeah, it's so different now with the Federal Reserve keeping prices so stable. The only bubbles since the creation of the Fad have been in the bathtub, right?
No, prices are more consistently inflationary now, and economic fluctuations in output and employment (real, not paper economy) have been less severe than the 19th century. This has been studied extensively.
Greenspan bubbleblowing is not the only way the Fed can work.
I think the capturing of Congress by big financial industry money (D & R alike now) is worse than the Fed.
RP is the thinking man's candidate. That said, he has a snowball's chance in hell of being President because 1) 50+% of voters are women and his message doesn't connect well with them, and 2) most Americans are too ignorant to follow his thoughts through a single sentence. We live in an MTV/sound bite/ADD age where anyone like RP who speaks in complete sentences is suspect or ridiculed.
Like it or not we will have Hillary as President. The worm has turned, the republic is finished.
"He gets 100% of the lowers who have nothing else to do but vote in online polls over and over and over again. Unfortunately for Dr. Ronnie and his idiot followers that is a very small slice of the electorate."
Ever notice how none of these Paulbashing knob jobs name their hero candidate? Wonder why that is exactly...cranial rectosis impairs vision? Just a thought.
I’m an HPer who would never even consider voting for Ron Paul, and I would discourage anyone with common sense to waste a single vote on this moron.
I don't watch TV any more b/c you are liars and corporate propaganda machine
I surf the net daily, and have not watched any T.V. for months now.
IMO most folks watch T.V. and therefor thier political views are not there own. The T.V. media programs this sheeple how to think.
The tide is turning as more an more folks wake up and realize that the T.V. media is BULL SH!T.
The bloggers are going to win this war because we have reached a critical mass that the media and gov't can't control. However this war has just begun and may take years to win.
yea like NOBODY lies on the internet
damn you people get stupiders by the second
I’m an HPer who would never even consider voting for Ron Paul, and I would discourage anyone with common sense to waste a single vote on this moron.
This blog is not for dumba$$ people like you, who throw pointless mud at Ron Paul. Your comment proves that you are the moron.
If you don't like some of Ron Paul's positions, be specific and tell us what you don't like. The rest of us HP's will then decide if your points are valid or not.
Anonymous said...
I could get 100 IP addresses to vote on that poll easily. And it just makes a joke out of the whole thing.
if it is so easy why don't the other candidates supporters do it then?
October 10, 2007 6:59 PM
because the other candidates' supporters aren't bored teenagers. They are also smart enough to realize that spamming online polls isn't exactly the best way to get your guy's message out.
If Ron Paul were a serious candidate he'd know that. But he is a fringe candidate and it really doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do, he'll end up with 0.1%...maybe 0.5% in Idaho and Montana where the serious wingnuts live.
More people will vote for Mickey Mouse than Ron Paul.
So now only Paul supporters are allowed to read HP? Go to hell idiot.
Ron Paul is a pacifist socialist/communist.
My only question is why is he running for the GOP nomination? His natural home is beside Hillary and John Edwards.
And for those of you who support him, why not vote for Dennis Kucinich and keep your Dem registration.
Stop making life so hard on yourselves.
So now only Paul supporters are allowed to read HP? Go to hell idiot.
Thank you for proving my point that you are the moron!!!
you want specifics?
HE IS AN INSANE PERSON who thinks 9.11 was an inside job. He wants to eliminate the military. He wants to eliminate public education. He wants to stop all trade. He wants to visit and negotiate our surrender with Osama.
Is that specific enough for you? Now I hear Alcan is having a special. Buy 1 roll of tinfoil, get 2 free. Better hurry.
Annon sez:
why does cnbc bother with a poll? every paul kook out there is voting 100 times.
even you idiots can't possibly believe 75% of people support him
Yes, guess the Ron Paul supporters are the only ones with internet access....Kooks indeed.....Remeber the Mainstream media--Dewey Wins.
Anonymous said...
you want specifics?
HE IS AN INSANE PERSON who thinks 9.11 was an inside job. He wants to eliminate the military. He wants to eliminate public education. He wants to stop all trade. He wants to visit and negotiate our surrender with Osama.
O.k., when did he say this? Where and when did he say this? Well? No he said that 9/11 was blow back and that we should negotiate with countries--yes very weird ideas shared by 9/11 commission and rest of world. Good god, we deserve the government we have. So many people like these lying idiots we deserve as a nation to get bitch slapped
Wow, the anti Paul people sure have shown us the mettle they are cast from. I fear for our Country, especially reading these replies people this dumb can buy a computer and operate it and type. They don't say who they are going to vote for, then they don't say what they don't like, then when they DO say what they don't like they get it wrong or are retarded and believe in unsafe borders etc.
We deserve everything we get and we are gonna get it.
CNBS is gonna feel this one:
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