October 21, 2007

Halloween is coming up. Everyone pick a name. Anons are boring

You don't have to register to have a name. Just click "Other" instead of "anonymous" and type in any old name - YOU DON'T HAVE TO REGISTER. If you're too lazy to do that, just sign your posts with a made-up name at the bottom so we can keep track of your place in the conversation

flyingmonkeywarrior of course is the all-time best HP'er nome de plume. Beat that one.

Some name suggestions for inspiration:
* former realtor conman
* i didn't vote for bush
* jack tripper is god
* david lereah love child
* swanndiver
* mozilloisorange

For extra credit, for those of you who do have profiles, to add a picture to your posts, go find a picture on the internet somewhere, click on it, and copy the url. Then click on your blogger profile, click edit, and paste that url into the open field, and hit save. Presto. Go for something cool. Someone should be Angelo Mozillo or David Lereah. Now they're scary.


FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Thank you Keith. I am glad that you agree that ALL monkeys are not bad people.

Cow_tipping said...

I am cow_tipping, cos cow_tipping is like condo flipping - sooner or later, the cow is gonna get ya.

Anonymous said...

I am not here yet.

But I will be here eventually.

And, believe it or not, when I finally do arrive, it will be Ben Bernanke who ushers me in.

Look out everyone....
They can only keep me away for so long......
Don't be fooled by who they're letting in the door these days....
Cuz look out I'll be coming..

BWAAAHHH!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

christiangustafson said...

Another option is to use your real name and a picture of you and your first-born. This way you can make it personal with the REALTORĀ® parasites.

Anonymous said...


Scrotum warriors!

i.e. blowfly, honica......

Osman said...

Since I've always posted under my real name, maybe I pick an anonymous one. Hmm..

Anonymous said...

OK, from now on, I'll be a member of Royalty. That way, the coming global housing bust won't touch me; I'll be too rich to care.

Princess Mononoke said...

Hi Keith, finally I got my google account & pic set up.

Yes, you are right about the Anon biz. For the record, I'm the independent Mortgage Professional that's been very vocal about needing to push Fiduciary Duty. I'm new to blogging and loving it. Your blog is my first..aahhh! I have to say Thank You for providing this venue and allowing us all to vent!

BTW, I have to agree, flyingmonkeywarrior is an awesome chosen name. Happy Blogging everyone!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kieth...

You finally dug up a picture of a seriel killer for your blog.

Still you haven't made the connection to the Jason's of the world getting jobs in 'structured investment vehicles' on Wall St.

So I have to ask, who are you protecting on Wall St. that you go easy on them? And by them I mean the folks who've abused the credit market so much it's frozen...

Anonymous said...

I can refinance anytime I want...

rental patient said...

I'm crrrrazzzyyy!! Crrraaaaazzzzyy!!

Oh, wait I was right all along.



MrBill said...

oh nooooooooooo!

Anonymous said...

I'll alter mine slightly.