George Bush stole at least $2.4 Trillion from the American people, and Congress (and 51% of voters) went along for the ride. $2.4 Trillion? I thought oil revenues would pay for the war? I thought it was only $110 billion? I thought we'd be greeted as liberators? I thought the mission was accomplished?
Folks, you wonder why our dollar is becoming worthless and our nation's infrastructure is falling apart? Look no farther than the $2.4 Trillion George Bush and Dick Cheney wasted on their wars. And the fact that we financed these wars by borrowing from China and foreigners versus asking for any sort of sacrifice on the home front will make matters down the road that much worse.
2001 - 2008 will be looked at as a wasteful, shameful and corrupt period of American history, with the short-lived housing bubble gains (we're rich! we're rich! who cares about anything else!) having helped cause a mass hypnosis.
Your kids, their kids, their kids, their kids and their kids will be paying for George Bush's mistakes. And Americans who voted for this trainwreck (twice) will be to blame.
The U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money, according to a study released on Wednesday.
With President George W. Bush indicating a large contingent of U.S. troops likely will be engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan for many years to come, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated the total tab for the wars from 2001 through 2017.
CBO estimated that interest costs alone from 2001-2017 could total more than $700 billion.
October 25, 2007
$2,400,000,000,000 - The Congressional Budget Office finally admits the truth about George Bush's Wars
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Labels: corrupt government, the worst president ever, wasteful spending
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Afghanistan was 100% justified. Too bad Bushco decided to divert the resources which are still badly needed in that ongoing conflict trying to finish up some old business.
I agree George Bush is still pumping away...but the Chinese are the ones holding the Lube.
Check out these charts..the Chinese were buying massive amounts of treasury's in 06...And our Fed did not notice or our congress?..Or did they not give a shit, as it is all part of the big plan?
It's truly unbelievable how much money this is costing on lies! Yet somehow we will pull more $$$ out of our asses to help the people in California just like we did in New Orleans. Where does this $$$ come from all of the sudden? I have never seen a dime of help from our goverment for anything! It's unbelievable
rich in fl
I'm not a fan of George Bush either, but the war on islamic fundamentalism is NOT George's war ... it was started by the islamists. Are you stupid or something? It doesn't matter WHO was in the White House ... anyone president on September 11, 2001 would have responded in the form of war. You're a pretty smart guy, but you are short sited on this one.
There wasn't a single Iraqi on those planes. There were no WMD. Saddam wasn't involved at all. Bush lied people died and we look like fucin morons end quote.
I'm not a fan of George Bush either, but the war on islamic fundamentalism is NOT George's war ... it was started by the islamists. Are you stupid or something? It doesn't matter WHO was in the White House ... anyone president on September 11, 2001 would have responded in the form of war. You're a pretty smart guy, but you are short sited on this one.
Funny I never seen any Islamic fundamentalist in my back yard...Maybe it was Al'CIA'da.
And 9-11 is on its way to being exposed for what it inside job...just not yet.
Nobel Prize physicist have said the way those buildings came down is impossible with Jet Fuel..which was burned off on Impact..Ya we are the stupid ones.
And by the way who the f@ck are we to police the world..? Islam has been fighting inside wars for hundreds of years..if anything we are in the way...
Kill each other..what reflection does that have on me..or Joe six pack ..nothing...oh thats right cheap gas...
Let's not get into war talk - stick with housing please!
Having watched both the housing bubble and what I now term “the war for Suburbia” from the sidelines, I think this was one of those deals where the county got into the wrong war at the wrong time with the wrong attitude and with what will come to pass as the wrong leadership (at least for the second half – Bush’s second term). I don’t use a lot of gas personally (drive about 70 miles per week) and I’m waiting out the housing bubble and don’t attach my personal self worth to the size of my shack but that isn’t the norm in America anymore. That is a very contrarian viewpoint and many Americans believe that those kinds of attitudes are for losers or washouts. Most suburban Americans today drive between 200 – 300 miles per week just getting to and from work and most Americans who have the capacity to do so buy a McHouse in McSuburbia with a McLoan obtained from a McMortgagebanker with borrowed money and then fill it with McThings to the extent that they can. And, sadly, they instill these same values in their offspring. They know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Well Suburbia, get ready to take it up the McAss via higher McTaxes and hope and pray your leadership provides some McLube.
Marque & reprisal. That's why I'm voting for Ron Paul. Why waste the money on traditional warfare against terrorists who have no standing army to attack?
Ron Paul 08
Therewas a lot of "MCreferences in the last comment!!
there the liar is sitting there in that schoolroom down in florida during the 911 attacks. having been told that a plane had hit the world trade center, bush sat for almost 30 minutes in that classroom. strange, very strange. i think he has earned a rope around his neck after all of this damage he has done to this country and its constitutional form of government has been finally sorted out. of course we will have to petition the good people of paraquay to allow us to extradite this prick along with the rest of his miscreant family members who will probably be living in what they assume , will be safe environs on their 200,000 acre ranch down there....
Let's not get into war talk - stick with housing please!
Like everything happens in a bubble onto itself.
No connection between war and housing right?
When the bubbles at home begin to collapse, the PTB decide it's time to reinflate the war bubble.
911 was just in time for the crash. What's it going to be this time?
Bush is a traitor and a disgrace.
How he is not impeached for his outright treason against the people, the laws, and the Country. Biggest disgrace to the USA in history, anyone who thinks otherwise if a fool and a moron.
That is all.
Wow, look at how much younger he looks in that photo compared to today! That job really ages people.
WarS? As in plural?
Oh so now you liberals don't think Afghanistan was worth it either?
You Ron Paul nuts get nuttier by the day.
There wasn't a single Iraqi on those planes. There were no WMD. Saddam wasn't involved at all. Bush lied people died and we look like fucin morons end quote.
you are right, they weren't there when we invaded but they ARE THERE NOW, which, unfortunately, is why we should stay to finish it.
The war in Afghanistan is righteous, though we f'd that one up too. Should have gone in big time, simultaneously in on two fronts to pinch osama off in the middle.
here the liar is sitting there in that schoolroom down in florida during the 911 attacks. having been told that a plane had hit the world trade center, bush sat for almost 30 minutes in that classroom. strange, very strange.
Did you expect him to rush to the scene? planes have hit skyscrapers before and I am sure the then sitting presidents didn't immediately jump up to take care of the situation. It was an hour or so before people really came to a general agreement (I'm talking about more than one person realizing what was going on) that we were under attack.
There is nothing bad about the wars. It is a great way to give our newly unemployed contractors, Realtors, and manufacturing workers new jobs.
Gotta agree with dopes-We're all Dopes!
Reality-We have no country,community,and our sense of rsponsibility has been replaced with trying to survive a system imposed on men ,and women that makes honesty impossible.
And 9-11 is on its way to being exposed for what it inside job...just not yet.
Nobel Prize physicist have said the way those buildings came down is impossible with Jet Fuel..which was burned off on Impact..Ya we are the stupid ones.
I am amazed that people can be this gullible. Hey do you also think the moon landing was filmed in Hollywood? God damn it man, you need some help.
You all can't possibly believe even 1/2 the shit you type. Come on Keith fess, up, you are doing all the posting as Anon to stir things up. I'm on to you dude. Nobody could possibly be as insane as your "readers".
The war spawned chaos and civil war inside Iraq, and robbed the Middle East of a Sunni Iraq that stood as a very powerful anti-Iran force. And now we find out that Saddam had agreed to exile, while maintaining Sunni rule in Iraq, but GWB refused the offer.
Everyone with half a brain predicted this disaster. It is why Bush I, Brent Scocroft, et al. decided Saddam should NOT be removed.
All the weapons inspectors in the position to know knew that there were no WMD.
And the $2.4 trillion has a LOT of bearing on the housing slump. This country's mountainous debts (and the temptation to rev up the monetary printing presses in lieu of asking Americans to pay directly for the war through taxation) are causing the world to lose confidence in the dollar and causing long-term interest rates to rise.
End this war NOW!!!
Katie O in Houston
Folks who were around then remember what happened to the American economy as we were winding down the Vietnam war. Huge war expenses plus unprecedented price shocks from the oil embargo by the then new OPEC, sent our country into economic turmoil (stagflation, price controls) that led many to question the capability and usefullness of government. It partially resulted in the Reagan revolution.
BushCo is way beyond Reagan. This group is in an alternate universe. He and the Congress have run up costs so great that we will not be able to pay them back. The ONLY way we could is if some new revolutionary technology were to be invented that would generate enormous wealth, a portion of which would pay down this debt through increased tax receipts.
Problem is, you can't just dial up a new revolutionary technology when you want it.
All of us will soon face the unpleasant facts that a bunch of idiots and criminals, masquerading as leaders, have plunged us into extraordinarily tough economic circumstances. We are going to lose amenities-a reduced lifestyle.
MSM, Oprah, education, Britney Spears, everybody is going to have to deal with it. Like it or not.
We are in the first stage of this meltdown right now. And you can see how fiercely people are trying to deny reality.
Hang on to your hat. Unfortunately, more pain to come.
wow, he sure looks a lot younger in that photo - a little confused but still, much younger.
"Afghanistan was 100% justified."
Yes it was. Nothing like a little manufactured justification to get things rolling:
I know this is very unpleasant to contemplate, but at least watch the first section on building 7. Quite an eye opener.
I challenge anyone to substantiate the idea that there were any "lies." Nobody in the administration ever said that Iraq was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks. There are absolutely some links between Iraq and AQ in the pre-9/11 era. More important, the fear was that an unstable, anti-American ruler would share weapons with AQ. No WMD? Well, it's true that none were found months later when we started searching. Does that mean that they weren't there before the invasion? I suspect that they snuck across the border to Syria, and that is supported by at least some of Hussein's former henchmen. Regardless, the proper question is whether it was reasonable to believe there were WMD there. And if you say no, then just as culpable as the Bush administration are the Clinton administration, the Washington Post, and the intelligence agencies for most European countries.
Only a criminal who "knows about a crime" would just sit there - and gaze into space.
If that person did not know about such a crime, they would have jumped off their chair!!!!!!
"Sir, your house is on fire! Oh?.... No big deal."
There is 100% proof that 9-11 was conducted by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION and their supporters.
If you dont care you should.
Here's a quick video of proof.
We've already lost the war. We are slowly bleeding ourselves to death and the U.S. will be insolvent in a generation or two.
The Cold War finally collapsed the Soviet Union under its own weight and it looks like the same is happening to the U.S. with its War on Terror. So sad.....
Yes, I have also questioned several times, why would the President stay in a children's classroom for half an hour after being told about both planes crashing on 9-11? I have found no legitimate answer that works. And yes, this entire episode has too many unanswered questions which fly at the face of reality. The lies just compounded from that point on, concerning Iraq.
And yes, having major consequences
relating to the economy and morality of the USA as a nation, it is a issue here.
I'm not paying for anything.
I'm gonna ex-pat all my money and family outside the US....
anon666 said...
We've already lost the war. We are slowly bleeding ourselves to death and the U.S. will be insolvent in a generation or two.
We are insolvent now. We are working off of our last few credit lines. Looking at the charts of housing resets, it looks like 2012 will be a very bad year for all of us. Unless of course our national credit lines run out before then. Which given the fact that we have ripped off everyone that feeds us with our phony paper CDOs, (England is asking to be paid by the U.S. government for their looses of phony paper)our line of credit could be much less than we are assuming.
Actually, the Mayans predicted that the end of the world as we know it will happen on December 21, 2012. I'm not Mayan but they predicted their own demise pretty well? Your dreaming if you think you have a few generations in the future to begin worrying about the state of our sorry affairs. The U.S. is worse than insolvent. We are a Debt Nation that doesn't even have the grace to be nice to our creditors. Our Treas. Sec Paulson goes to China and whines and complains that they just aren't doing enough for us. We retire in 2013. Canada is looking really good from here.
"The Cold War finally collapsed the Soviet Union under its own weight and it looks like the same is happening to the U.S. with its War on Terror."
Does that mean that the terrorists are winning?
P.S. Osama wrote in the 90's that he wanted to suck the U.S. into the Middle East and slowly wear us down. It looks like his plan is working rather well :(.
You Bush Bashers couldn't pour piss out of your boots if the instructions were written on the heel!
hopefully all of this financial mess with FINALLY open the eyes of all of the sheep in this country.
IMO, we are going to be headed towards a revolution soon. Our leaders in DC should be hung for being traitors to this great nation.
The crooks in DC are ruining it for all of us!!!
Look no farther than the $2.4 Trillion George Bush and Dick Cheney wasted on their wars.
They didn't waste any money per se. That was a deliberate plan to transfer taxpayer money into the pockets of their cronies, such as Blackwater, Halliburton, and other parasite companies controlled by Secret Society groups like Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, etc.
You people have to understand that this shady group that controls the government and manipulates the MSM and Wall Street (Fed), only profits from chaos like phony wars, natural disasters (Katrina), economic bubbles, phony terror threats, etc.
This is only the beginning because the shady group is not done with your wallet yet. Don't be surprised if your kids or grandkids become homeless in the future.
Just look how the once insignificant heroin production has been booming in Afghanistan since Bush & Co. invaded that place. Heroin addiction is the new world health crisis, thanks to the US that allows poppy growers in Afghanistan to increase production ten fold.
Now the shady group (along with one of their most important members, the Israelis) is picking a phony fight with Iran, to continue raping our country and our future. Don't believe a word that comes out of Israel or any Israeli interest group set up in this country to brainwash the sheeple and buy our Senate. They just want Americans to do their dirty little job.
I'm not a fan of George Bush either, but the war on islamic fundamentalism is NOT George's war
Ladies & gentlemen, let's say hi to the sheeple, GOP troll, or Israeli disinformation agent du jour. Why don't you do the planet a favor and just die?
Let's not forget the $2.3 trillion that was accidently "misplaced" by the DoD.
More money for the Pentagon, CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports, while its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.
"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.
$2.3 trillion — that's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.
Conveniently, all those financial records were lost in the explosion at the Pentagon on 9/11.
Wow, look at how much younger he looks in that photo compared to today! That job really ages people.
Oh, no, 8 years on top of middle age men ages people. Or do you really think that 8 years passed after you are already 50 just makes men young?
Bush is the dumbest prez ever
Yet he is also a mastermind of 9/11
Do you wackkobs realize how stupid it all sounds?
Guys, the 9/11 conspiracy theories sound like a grand remake of Russian conspiracy theories on 1999 terror bombings in Russian cities. In 1999-2000 there was an opinion, supported by a Berezovsky-sponsored documentary, that the bombings (with fatalities numbering in hundreds) were orchestrated by security services to justify the invasion of Chechnya and to install Putin as president - and, of course, to oust Berezovsky. Then I read the same story in English, with basically the same plot but fatalities 10 times larger.
Do the similarities reinforce conspiracy theories? To me it's double negative: neither in Russia, nor in US was there anything more than NEGLECT on the part of government. Coupled with strikingly successful execution on the part of those whom we used to regard as barbarous zealots.
Hey Keefer,
$2.4 Trillion? I thought the Dollar is worthless.
Ron McPaul claims that Gold is the only real currency, so for all you McRon supporters
this war is cheap, measured against that Dollar / Gold chart, you show here occasionally
$2.4 Trillion today is only worth few ounces of gold that was probably bought when gold was at $15 an oz.
by the 'inside fed banker' cabal.
Man, stick to housing..and question the EU media alot.
area 51 said...
I'm not paying for anything.
I'm gonna ex-pat all my money and family outside the US....
October 25, 2007 6:48 PM
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Git my flag!!!!!
9-11 got out agin!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:
‘Ladies & gentlemen, let's say hi to the sheeple, GOP troll, or Israeli disinformation agent du jour. Why don't you do the planet a favor and just die?’
The one thing all those who are anti the ‘Iraq war’ have in common is a deep hatred of life.
At the root they’re frightened that the good people ‘America’ will win. and Iraq will become a normal place.
Hence the Bush bashing.
Wars are not perfect they never are.
No one wants war.
But the war on terror SAVES LIVES.
There will be no need for money if we dont crush Islamo Fascism
Anonymous said...
WarS? As in plural?
Oh so now you liberals don't think Afghanistan was worth it either?
You Ron Paul nuts get nuttier by the day.
October 25, 2007 4:21 PM<<<
so , anyone that thinks these wars are wrong is a liberal huh? man , you have much to learn grasshopper.
apleanee said...
"We are insolvent now. We are working off of our last few credit lines."
Yeah, you are right, I think I mis-used the term 'insolvent'. The definition implies that you are insolvent when your 'liabilities' exceed your 'assets'. Yes, we are already there.
I guess what I was saying that the game will end in generation or two when the rest of the world cops on and quits subsidizing the U.S. as it won't be in their best interest anymore. Your post was spot on.
BTW, I'll mark my calender for Dec. 21, 2012.... probably have a BBQ or something...
Haaaaa, Haaaaa, Haaaaa @
A bunch of sheeples listening to your master sheperd: "The one and only: SHRUB and SHOOTER". Shame on the Americano for not using their brain as God had created them to be used wisely. Or maybe the Americano do not have a brain at all...
$2.4 trillion is $12k for every working American.
We could have bought an electric care for every American for the price of "protecting our oil interests in Iraq".
$12k would buy a lifetime supply of gasoline.
Wake up. It has nothing to do with oil and nothing to do with terrorism. It is 100% about supporting the dollar and making a few people incredibly rich.
9/11 is absolutely awash in very dodgy circumstances, bizarre coincidences and unanswered questions. At the very least there needs to be a full independent investigation.
Larry Silverstein (the owner of the three towers that collapsed) admitted on camera that WTC 7 was pulled on the afternoon of 9/11. It's clearly a controlled demolition and "pulled" means controlled demolition. Setting a building up for demolition takes weeks so how do you explain that?
There are so many other questions that have been raised and never answered. Go watch "Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Republic" or "Pandora's Box - Flight of American 77" on Google Video. Instead of dismissing 9/11 truthers as loons why don't you try countering their arguments intelligently?
Here is that quick NEW 911 video proof link - with corrected youtube link location- from my previous post - my fault.
USE HEADPHONES if you have them!
Von, GR
PS. Even a 3rd grader can tell that the WTC towers went down by controlled demolition, why cant our elected officials?
Come on folks, play time is over. Back to your hovels or trailers.
Here comes the Civil WAR ! !
They got the guns, the righteousness and the HATRED!!!!
The question will be soon; Are you a Serb? (Repug) Or a Croat/Serb (Democrat/illegal)
To the Slaughterhouse! (read it. The best book about war ever written)
The only thing is when will the killing start. With the assassination of Hitlery? The threats have been on this board already. Shame on Keefer for printing them.
"It's clearly a controlled demolition and "pulled" means controlled demolition."
Since when can the government get anything done in six hours (like wire a building for demolition). Or keep a secret for that matter.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by complete and utter incompetence...
Since when can the government get anything done in six hours (like wire a building for demolition). Or keep a secret for that matter.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by complete and utter incompetence...
The government is incompetent but the shady group that manipulates and keeps the government incompetent purposely is not. That group is very smart and hides behind the so called incompetent government, while manipulating sheeple like you. Otherwise, how Bush (Skull & Bones) would become a president twice? Just look the Fed actions and Wall Street right now and who's profiting. Oh, and one more thing, this group loves incompetence because they profit from chaos and economic bubbles, like those millionaire contracts deriving from Katrina, all the billions that disappeared from Iraq (conveniently blamed on incompetence), the current housing bubble that strangely enough the Fed and MSM didn't know that was going on, but many independent Bloggers did. Why do you think this group never makes an effort to catch Bin Laden? Because Bin Laden alive fits better their interests. What would be Blackwater without wars? Never underestimate the power and intelligence of the the shady group who's on the driver's seat, because pulling a 9-11 for those people is a piece of cake, especially with so many sheeple.
I agree that Bush should be executed - then again, so should many of the elites.
Finally!!! I would keep hearing Kudlow on CNBC rant and rave that the Iraq war has only cost us taxpayers (get this) $500million?!?
I couldn't believe my ears. I felt like I was from outer space or better yet crossed over into another dimension! LOL
CBS 60 minutes revived journalism with this great peace digging into the truth in GREAT detail about how the funds were spent, I mean squandered! I've been looking for the archived video. I haven't been able to track it down.
I'll post URL as soon as I find the video for all to watch and decide for yourselves how this war was mismanaged in a HUGE way! and with our money.
I found it YEAH! CBS 60 minutes calls it "The Mother of All Heist". It's only 13 minutes long.
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