Ron Paul is obviously wildly popular with folks here and online. His supporters are accused of "spamming" the online polls, but don't the other candidates have any supporters with internet connections?
Serious question - why is Ron Paul so wildly popular online, but not popular (yet) with the general population?
And will he cross the chasm?
June 11, 2007
Why is Ron Paul so popular with HP'ers, with the online community, and with independents?
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Labels: ron paul 2008
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does he have a solution for global warming?
Don't you know, average Republican Screaming Monkey is able to read about ten simple sentences per week. Examples:
"NuuuuuKe IRAN!"
It has been proven under laboratory conditions that a picture of Ronald Reagan eating bananas makes them totally wild. The screaming usually continues well into night.
He can get some MSM coverage if he attempts to deliver some coffee and donuts to Paris Hilton and some of her new chums.
It's the message.
He's the only guy giving it - from either party. People are finally starting to realize that the boom-bust business is caused by government regulation/intervention. Couple that with RP's strict anti-war stance, and it's a win-win. There is no one else out there thinking about things and talking about them intelligently.
My wife said it best, and she's a hardcore democrat. "Ron Paul doesn't talk down to people like he's smarter or better than you."
RP is a nice guy, way smarter than the other candidates, but he's got a snowball's chance in hell of the nomonation. Remember Ross Perot, Alan Keys? Both touched a populist nerve but could never make it in the back room system the parties have set up to find "their guy". Ralph Nader, despite his streak of crazy socialism, told us the truth about our corrupt system.
Sorry boys and girls, if you want to fix the system you better be ready to pick up a gun and fight for your ideals 'cause the voting booth won't get you there anymore.
Read the part of The Declaration (the part they left off the wall of his memorial) where Jefferson tells you what to do:
"That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed; that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, & to institute new Government"
If he does get his message out, the fascist will have their way with him, in my opinion. The corporate backed military machine is to big and too powerful, complete with propaganda mouthpieces at everyturn.
My guess is the guy appeals to intelligent people. Do you think any other candidate know about the Austrian school of economics.
Ron Paul correctly sees the creation of the fed as the original sin.
Since the creation of the fed the concept of money has become ever more abstract. And it has been going on for so long that no people living today have experienced what sound monetary policy actually is.
This is why people are comfortable with taking on so much debt. They have no real concept of money, and therefore no idea of why owing 10 times your annual income is a bad thing.
It is why they think the value of real estate only goes up, or why they think appreciation of an asset is the same as income, or why the DOW breaking new records is a sign of a healty economy.
For so long problems created by loose monetary policy have been 'solved' by even more loose monetary policy.
Governments not only in the US but all over the world are running huge deficits that have no realistic chance of ever being repayed.
Maybe now it is finally the time to pay the piper.
"Why is Ron Paul so popular with HP'ers, with the online community, and with independents?"
Because they're a bunch of ignorant loons that can't digest anything more complicated than Paul's simplistic, unrealistic solutions.
Ron Paul is quite popular with people who actively seek out information, engage in debate with others, and in general, care enough to take the time to do these things themselves.
Ron Paul is unpopular with prople who prefer get their views spoon-fed to them by a bunch of pedantic MSM assholes -- people who are intellectually lazy, and are more than willing to buy the usual question-begging MSM exchange:
Caller: "Why shouldn't Ron Paul be president?"
Host: "Nobody will ever vote for him."
People who don't like Ron Paul are scared that he will take away the gravy train. They don't realize the train is pretty dried out anyway. They fixate on Ron's small government stance and interpret it into "oh my god, I can't buy all the crap I want. He's going to take away Social Security and make me save money." Never mind that Social Security probably won't be here (at least in its present form) ten years from now anyway.
The proletariat aren't told to like Ron Paul. I think it's as simple as that.
There's basically two realities in the US...the one promulgated by MSM (which is the simplistic sugar-coated explanations given by the other candidates and G.W. Bush) and then there's the reality found through intellectual exploration (i.e. that there's $60 trillion in debt, that foreign debt funds our economy, that our foreign policy has backlash).
A minority of people explore this second reality through online blogs and web searches, the rest of the people use the internet to look at porn and shop.
I first heard of Ron Paul through this blog, and when I did I was shocked because he was the only one saying the things I was finding out through books and online. If I never went to this blog I still wouldn't know or care much about Ron Paul.
So I think its that the people who take the time to learn or care about the real issues affecting this country also take the time to go to CNN and fill out a "who won the debate" poll and are probably well off enough financially to make a donation to him, etc.
i am still trying to figure out why time warner is allowing bill maher to do this. frankly i highly doubt bill maher's sincerity about all of this. i would hope that ron paul is suspicious as well. nothing happens by chance. there is a angle here somewhere, on that you can be sure. ron paul is no friend to the kinds of people who own media in this country and when these people allow him to talk on their shows, it causes caution flags to go up, imho.
I like Ron Paul, and would vote for him in a minute if he could muster enough attention to get on the ticket. Hell, I dare say Ron Paul could save the Republican ticket, at least for voters like me, when I've sworn I would NEVER vote Republican again (after Bush).
The problem: Paul would NEVER get support of the ticket to mount a serious challenge. For one, he speaks the truth! That's a very dangerous trait, and could get someone killed!!
But even as important, he's not telegenic enough for most Americans (much like how Perot wasn't). He uses big words that make people feel stupid. He needs to spiel mindless platitudes, and harp on those Al Qaeda, and the internets.
The reality is that most voters don't understand the big words spoken by Paul, or the issues at stake, but simply rely on analyzing non-verbals to try and read the speakers emotional content.
Welcome to Idiocracy.
Read "The Irony of Democracy: the ignorance of the electorate" if you think Mike Judge invented the concept of the idiots controlling the direction of our Nation...
Ron Paul IS popular "off the net". The "scientific" polls being done are NOT scientific, and sometimes Ron Paul isn't even offered as a choice in the polling. The MSM is trying to squelch Ron Paul. AND...his Internet popularity is NOT due to spamming.
Despite current national polls showing Paul to be the favorite candidate of at most 3% of Republican leaning voters,[51] Paul is getting strong support on the Internet. The term "Ron Paul" has been measured as the top Internet search term by[52] since May 9, 2007, which ranks popularity in the blogosphere. The U.S. News & World Report article titled "Ron Paul's Online Rise"[52] states "Technorati spokesman Aaron Krane confirmed that, to the best of the company's knowledge, the online support for Paul is genuine. (Tech-savvy devotees occasionally attempt to enlist programs called "bots" to artificially boost their candidate on search engines, but Krane said Technorati is usually able to detect and delete the cheaters.)
Because they're a bunch of ignorant loons that can't digest anything more complicated than Paul's simplistic, unrealistic solutions.
You're the ignorant loon for thinking Ron Paul's solutions are simplistic and unrealistic. Ron Paul is a highly sophisticated and practical guy who understands that we can't go from our current horrible policies to radically different policies overnight.
The problem: Paul would NEVER get support of the ticket to mount a serious challenge. For one, he speaks the truth! That's a very dangerous trait, and could get someone killed!!
But even as important, he's not telegenic enough for most Americans (much like how Perot wasn't). He uses big words that make people feel stupid. He needs to spiel mindless platitudes, and harp on those Al Qaeda, and the internets.
The reality is that most voters don't understand the big words spoken by Paul, or the issues at stake, but simply rely on analyzing non-verbals to try and read the speakers emotional content.
This is an unfortunate attitude. Ron Paul is extraordinarily plain-spoken...
It's interesting that here we have one blogger saying Ron Paul using fancy words too much, and another saying he is simplistic.
I for one think most Americans are much smarter than they're given credit for. But we're also soft and lazy, and are perfectly happy to be dumbed down, as we have been.
When someone comes along who doesn't insult our intelligence, we rise to that and light bulbs come on.
does he have a solution for global warming?
Dumb question...who DOES have a solution? Do we really look to a President to "solve" global warming?
Set a tone where it can be addressed honestly and with less rhetoric - sure, a President can do that.
He can get some MSM coverage if he attempts to deliver some coffee and donuts to Paris Hilton and some of her new chums.
That's brilliant!
Ron Paul is the only one who doesn't treat his audience like idiots who can't respond to sentences that don't contain the syllables nine-el-ev-en.
Did you know that KBR charges the government $99 to wash a bag of laundry in Iraq?
Did you know that instead of replacing a blown tire on a truck in Iraq, they just literally blow up the truck and order a new one?
Did you know that in Kuwait, Halliburton leases Ford Explorers for secretaries who have no need of transportation, and pays 7000/month for the lease?
Your tax dollars at work.
Look for "Iraq for Sale" on Google Video.
someone said:
"It's interesting that here we have one blogger saying Ron Paul using fancy words too much, and another saying he is simplistic."
It depends on what he's talking about: if you've seen the footage of him talking about Iraq, then he's fine. However, see how he talks about the weakening U.S. Dollar and yen carry trade, etc, and he launches into the usual techno-speak that few, aside from blog geeks, can follow.
Ron Paul's professional background as a doctor (M.D.) shows, in that he has that same tendency to assume people know more than they do. His message appeals to intelligent people, and that's exactly the root of his problem!
The greatest strength of someone like Reagan is the ability to dummy-down/simplify difficult concepts, or at least make people THINK they understand the concepts (even if they don't).
I am a moderate conservative and Paul is the messiahs that will bring back traditional conservative values to the the republican party and kick out neoconservative bs.
i dont want the US to become a third world mexican hellhole like most "mainstream" politicians.
Iraq is lost, lets get the hell out.
How about some fiscal sanity?
really, paul is the only sane dude in the race.
republicans may have lost their way, but democrats are at least as pathetic.
Obama, Hillary, Kennedy....all losers.
In 1992, I was 18. I was a Perot supporter. I voted for him and was excited to be supporting an independent. Ha take that mom and dad, see I'm still rebellious. However I grew up and realize now looking back what a crazy fuck Perot was.
Ron Paul is the Perot for today's 18 year olds. Texan in his late 60s, whiny voice, absolutely insane, the more things change the more they stay the same.
I can see high schoolers and college kids excited about him. They also got excited about Nader, the left's version of the crazy presidetial candidate. What I can't understand is why anyone older than 25 could possibly support him.
And we think flippers ,and FBs are lost? Voting is the same as 10% down on ten houses with no way to pay it back.They're both copouts.
They have never done the bidding of voters,nor should they.Your purpose for life is not your neighbors.
Maybe we should all vote to keep the prices of homes high by decree so as to not let the FBs be harmed by real life?Guess what? Anyone who votes against that loses,but so does everyone else.
Ron Paul's professional background as a doctor (M.D.) shows, in that he has that same tendency to assume people know more than they do. His message appeals to intelligent people, and that's exactly the root of his problem!
The problem that you perceive him to have, that is.
There's nothing remotely like Ross Perot about Dr. Paul. Ross showed that a third party candidate is completely nonviable no matter how much money you have. Ron Paul is showing that money means nothing without a message ... all these losers with big bucks are worthless, ideologically dead weight - no solutions, no substance, nothing. We (average american joes) are sick and tired of people treating us like sheep to be fleeced.
It's as simple as that. Donate $10 a month to keep him in the race, if you value having somebody stirring the pot at the least.
It's funny how on this blog I read over and over how inflation is killing us. How there are no jobs. How nobody has any money. And yet here you fucktards are sending money to Ron Paul. Here's a thought, don't squander your meager $11 an hour paycheck on useless shit like that and mayeb one day you too will be able to own a home and get ot of that hovel you call a rental.
Bret Moore, a candidate with lots of money and no message may indeed be "worthless".
But these days a candidate with a message and no money is irrelevant -- no one will hear their message.
Worthless with money trumps irrelevant every time.
Ron Paul has been busy hiding his Libertarian
"philosophy". If you look beneath, you realize
again that you can't make a confirmed robotic
technician into a genuine global thinker.
We keep playing a Presidency game;
and we get Nixon, Carter, Bush(s),
Clinton, and …. Ron Paul ?
This is your Presidency on democracy-of-the-simple.
Any questions ?
-Rabin-Hussein binTalal types need
not apply.
(and where is Ten Bears when we
need him ?)
The masses are very comfortable right now. When that changes, the masses will begin to pay more attention and throw off our corrupt, acquisitive, and unnecessary elite.
In the meantime, this current elite has proven to be very good at keeping the masses dumbed down and happy.
Ron Paul might be a little early, but unless the Internet is squashed, truth will eventually win out.
I can see high schoolers and college kids excited about him. They also got excited about Nader, the left's version of the crazy presidetial candidate. What I can't understand is why anyone older than 25 could possibly support him.
What you are trying to say is that now that you are older, you have lost the ability to question the status quo, you have lost hope for real change, you have lost your spirit of critical analysis.
It happens to many of us. But it's YOU that is off track.
It's simple.
Ron Paul consistently votes and advocates policies that go directly against the metastasizing monopoly of U.S. empire, i.e., no foreign aid, no foreign entanglements, no NATO, no U.S. bases all over the globe, no IMF, no World Bank, no Federal Reserve, etc.
Since the "mainstream" is simply the media conglomerate that functions as the brainwashing machine for the empire, do you think it is going to start pimping Ron Paul?
That's about as likely as a mass defection from the mainstream media. The so-called "online community" represents a fractional defection from the MSM, and only a small fraction of those defectors actually take Ron Paul or any politics seriously.
I should add that the exact same situation can be found in France. Sarkozy is a cozy with Likud, U.S. Zionist empire, and the usual media mogul types. The independent-minded candidates in France are all marginal.
Let's face it, modern "democracy" is just a tool of the Zionist-Imperialists, who, if you didn't already come to this conclusion, are simply MONOPOLISTS.
It's all about making the world safe for their monopolies.
Ron Paul seems nice enough, and quite intelligent, but some of his positions (unrestricted guns, pay-as-you-go medical care, elimination of income taxes, etc.) are not practical, however supposedly constitutional. And he comes across as a lightweight. When opponents throw ridiculous jibes at him, he doesn't respond forcefully or confidently. Meekness is not an attractive quality in a world leader. We had that with Jimmy Carter, and I'm still nauseated.
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