This guy is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to honest for the GOP. And for America. Too bad, 'cause a little honesty seems to be what's sorely needed right about now.
Ignorance is not bliss.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
This guy is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to honest for the GOP. And for America. Too bad, 'cause a little honesty seems to be what's sorely needed right about now.
Ignorance is not bliss.
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Labels: ron paul 2008
Oh I wish I was an American... Because I miss a libertarian like him.
Ron Paul Forces Rudy Giuliani into 9/11 Commission Report Gaff
Andrew Sullivan said it first after the debate:
"Paul, in contrast, had the balls to state the classic Republican position, and to defend it in the wake of 9/11. Man, that guy has some brass cojones. He even invoked Ronald Reagan in urging withdrawal from the irrationality of Arab politics ... Giuliani, interestingly, openly lied about Ron Paul's position on 9/11. Paul specifically did not make a statement, as Giuliani immediately claimed, that the U.S. invited 9/11."
And then today Patrick Buchanan who no one can accuse of being a "hippie" made a thorough and thought provoking statement that rang true instead of the usual right-wing sound bite pap put forth by those more shrill and less reasoned. In Town Hall he wrote:
"When Ron Paul said the 9-11 killers were "over here because we are over there," he was not excusing the mass murderers of 3,000 Americans. He was explaining the roots of hatred out of which the suicide-killers came.
Lest we forget, Osama bin Laden was among the mujahideen whom we, in the Reagan decade, were aiding when they were fighting to expel the Red Army from Afghanistan. We sent them Stinger missiles, Spanish mortars, sniper rifles. And they helped drive the Russians out.
What Ron Paul was addressing was the question of what turned the allies we aided into haters of the United States. Was it the fact that they discovered we have freedom of speech or separation of church and state? Do they hate us because of who we are? Or do they hate us because of what we do?
Osama bin Laden in his declaration of war in the 1990s said it was U.S. troops on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia, U.S. bombing and sanctions of a crushed Iraqi people, and U.S. support of Israel's persecution of the Palestinians that were the reasons he and his mujahideen were declaring war on us.
Elsewhere, he has mentioned Sykes-Picot, the secret British-French deal that double-crossed the Arabs who had fought for their freedom alongside Lawrence of Arabia and were rewarded with a quarter century of British-French imperial domination and humiliation.
Almost all agree that, horrible as 9-11 was, it was not anarchic terror. It was political terror, done with a political motive and a political objective."
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(Advertisement) Ron Paul gains with Internet, gets mixed results in debates
By JOE STINEBAKER / Associated Press
In most Republican presidential polls, Ron Paul appears well behind the front-runners — a little-known Texas congressman struggling to break free of "Undecided" and "Other" before he could take on the wealth and recognition of Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney.
But on the Web, Paul's supporters see him as a "modern day Cincinnatus" and "the 900-pound gorilla amongst spider monkeys."
Paul is hoping to use his high-profile debate appearances, voter frustration over the Iraq war and ballooning government programs to vault him into serious contention in the Republican presidential race. Although he remains squarely in the second tier of GOP candidates, Paul's campaign is expanding aggressively after what he considers fundraising and publicity successes.
Keith, the guy is way too honest for either Party. The elites of both could give a rat's ass about joe six pack. Don't ya get it? Ron Paul will be a popularist regardless of any Party connection.
The American people had better forget about labels. We aren't buying a can of soup when we pick a President.
Looking at the audience members reminded me of the audio/visual and chess club geeks from high school. So I guess that's what you losers do in between marathon games of dungeons and dragons, go hear extreme leftists speak.
Everyone needs a hobby I suppose.
So all we have to do is make nice with OBL and Co., do a little trading with them and all will be well. Ahhh haaa. OK I'm convinced, where do I sign up for the Surrender Party?
Good speech. Powerful ending "a president strong enough not to take more power than the president should have". I'm more of a left-leaning Democrat, and I would be happy with an old-school conservative Republican like Ron Paul. Bush is a plutocrat, and a more middle-of-the-road Republican would not piss on the constitution, lead us into war on false premises, destroy the economy, or even push religion over science.
Plus he's got a real set on him (brass ones) - not the fake macho, cod piece wearing, chicken hawk we have in the White House....
See also:
Rudy Giuliani vs. Ron Paul II
The Ron Paul Internet Dilemma
He's down to 4 of his 15 minutes...hope he uses them wisely
Ron Paul is too damn little, too damn late. He has no friends except some pathetic bloggers. I wish it weren't so, but there it is.
mort finally said something that makes sense.
I guess the people of the district he represents might disagree with you mort.
Also isnt it obvious that if "pathetic bloggers" were so pathetic trolls like you wouldn't bother to comment? You may be to young or ignorant to understand this though.
the love affair between Ron Paul and bloggers shows just how out of touch bloggers truly are.
Oh and anon 4:10 before calling others names, look to yourself pal...too and to are two separate words. Someone with a 4th grade and higher education would know that.
Bloggers are pathetic. But just like their hero Dr. "Blame America First" Paul, can be quite entertaining.
The district he represents in in Texas. 'nuff said.
I have never trusted people with two first names.
I like a lot of what Ron Paul has to say, but I have to disagree with the "leave them alone and they will leave us alone" theory.
Peace goes by the wayside when resources become scarce. Probably most of the wars in history have been fought over gaining more land or better land to feed growing populations.
Add to that the incredibly evil docrines of Islam. Islam has a mandate to spread itself, and violence is actually a preferred technique. We are having problems with Islam because more and more muslims are literate and not having to think about survival all the time. They actually have time to learn what their founder preached - which was mostly kill the infidel, and give some of the loot back to Mohammed.
I agree with Tom Tancredo on this - the terrorists use whatever excuse is most convenient.
>>>Osama bin Laden in his declaration of war in the 1990s said it was U.S. troops on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia,<<<
Osama is not the leader of Sadui Arabia. What if some nut-job Brits threatened to attack the USA if we didn't break off ties w/ Great Britian? Would we try and rationalize and jutify them? Would we actually break-off diplomatic relations? The Ku Klux Klan and its Timothy Mcveigh-types could probably come up with similiarly racist blackmail demands as well. That doesn't make them right.
He said a few really naive things. And he confuses AQ (global jihad movement) w/ the general (occupation) insurgency. AQ wants us to stay in Iraq? They're getting creamed there. They want us out so they can set up they're Taliban-like Islamic state. They would definitely rather we leave.
He is amazingly naive to think this will all just go away if we leave.
The Islamist movement is founded in the fascist Wahabbist movement, funded by Saudi-Arabians, and is spread by brainwashing in madrasses world-wide.
Guys, those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Whatever reasons Al Qaeda gives for hating the US (including our meddling over the middle east), they hate us. If we leave they will be emboldened to attack further - DON'T KID YOURSELF (ESPECIALLY YOU KEITH - you are usually good at avoiding self deception). Anyways, that is just an excuse these guys give to pursue there policies of hate. Isolationist policies, by liberarians types in the US, in the 30s worsened WWII.
If we are really heading into a depression (which I think is possible) revisiting failed policies of the past is hardly the right approach.
Long live Israel ... thank god they finally have a homeland.
I agree it would have been easier had the moved to Austriala, but I can appreciate after the holocast that they wanted to go home.
The a good ally that helped us during the cold war, and we shouldn't stop backing them now.
Phil -
P.S. These Al Qaeda guys have a connection that if you trace back through history, ultimately leads to the same guys that shut down the overland trade route, that lead to the age of exploration and the rise of the western world ... and ultimately the switch in world leadership from Muslim to Christian countries. Its there own damn fault and there just mad about it. We'll probably have to kill them all, just like the Nazis.
We do so little to help moderates in those countries combat these bastards. The last thing we need to do is back out now.
'Democracy is incompatible with Islam' - Ayatollah Komeni
Many people above are misinformed on the effects of our foreign policy. Here are some words from the 9/11 Commission, the CIA, and Bin Laden himself:
The 911 Commission Report: During the 9/11 Commission hearings, Vice Chair Lee Hamilton asked, "What motivated them to do it?" FBI Special Agent James Fitzgerald answered, "I believe they feel a sense of outrage against the United States. They identify with the Palestinian problem, they identify with people who oppose repressive regimes, and I believe they tend to focus their anger on the United States." 9/11 Commission testimony June 16, 2004
One of the countless expert CIA statements: Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief Michael Scheuer has bluntly stated, "The politicians really are at great fault for not squaring with the American people. We're being attacked for what we do in the Islamic world, not for who we are or what we believe in or how we live." Lou Dobbs CNN
Osama Bin Laden statement: In response to President George W. Bush’s statement in an Address to a Joint Session of Congress and to the American People, "They hate ... a democratically elected government. ... They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other,”
Bin Laden in a video response stated, "The White House (is) hiding the truth ... the reality is that we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries (Arabian Peninsula)."
It's very difficult to inspire a man to commit suicide for a vague philosophical idea like "we hate the infidels!".
But when hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East are killed, it is very easy to understand their desperation. Suicide attacks are their only effective way to fight back.
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