Watch this video of Hagel from Sunday all but announcing he's running, with Michael Bloomberg on an Independent ticket.Hagel is one of the only anti-war Republicans (so far), and has military experience. He also recognizes that the current Republican party is a joke and nothing to do with Ronald Reagan.
Bloomberg has $5.5 billion in the bank and could easily outspend the Dem or Rep candidate. He also has a track record of successful businessman and successful big-city mayor.
So, knowing that Ron Paul is a longshot (although he'll help shape the debate for sure), if your choice next year is
Who gets your vote? And will it matter? (man what a mess on their hands in 09)
And go ahead and play soothsayer - who do you think the 2008 choice will come down to?
I'd go Bloomberg/Hagel. Cept if they are polling bad I'd have to go to the democratic ticket so as not to make them the spoilers.
Of the three I'd have to go with Thompson/Romney.
Bloomberg is a failed mayor. He is a joke compared to Giuliani. Crime is up in the city since Bloomberg took over. He wants to impose a toll just to enter the city. He's fiercly pro gun control, an issue most democrats won't even touch anymore because it almost guarantees you'll lose the election.
The problem with big city guys like Bloomberg (or Clinton or Obama) is that their policies are popular in the big city ghettos, but are repulsive to middle America.
Clinton/Obama would turn us into another Soviet Union or Red China. "Take from the rich and give to the poor!" They'd destroy the economy with massive tax cuts, as if we're not already on a slippery slope. They'll steal from the rest of us to bail out the dipshit option-arm homedebtors.
Thompson/Romney certainly isn't ideal but it's a far better choice than the others.
Newt Gingrich for president? It could happen.
In an interview with Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America," the former Republican speaker of the House said there was a "great possibility" that he would run for president.
Polls show that the Iraq War is a big undertow for Republicans. Gingrich said as far back as 2003 that Bush had "gone off a cliff" with the Iraq War. Gingrich believes the United States should get out of Iraq as soon as possible.
"I think we have to turn over policing responsibility for the Iraqis as rapidly as possible," he said. "Pull our troops out as rapidly as possible."
New Yorkers back Bloomberg over Giuliani in poll
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City voters would prefer current Mayor Michael Bloomberg over former Mayor Rudy Giuliani for president of the United States, according to a poll published in the New York Daily News on Monday.
Forty-six percent of those polled said Bloomberg would make a better president than Giuliani while 29 percent chose Giuliani over Bloomberg, according to the poll conducted for the Daily News by Blum & Weprin Associates.
By an even greater margin -- 56 percent to 29 percent -- those surveyed said Bloomberg was a better mayor than Giuliani, who was widely praised for his leadership following the September 11 attacks.
I'm all over this duo. I am sure Nigel votes for Obama or Hilary but nothing and I mean NOTHING beats Chuck and Michael - real conservatives who don't tell me how to live my life.
Hey Frank -
Spoken like a true authoritarian Republican! Woo-ha!
Bloomberg rocks and isn't a clown like Rudy. Chuck Hagel is a true American hero.
Rudy's one claim to fame is 9/11 and God bless him for keeping a calm head on that day but before that happened, NYC had it's share of problems with him as mayor. Bloomberg has been great.
Oh and welcome to the biggest city in the world. It's expensive running a city and why do you hate tolls? It's the righty thing to do right? Beats raising my property taxes right?
Gingrich has as much shot to be Prez as Casey Serin has of becoming an instant Millionaire. It's almost 1% of that kind of thing happening.
Newtie has skeletons in the closet that make him extremely unelectable.
BTW - Frank, stop with the lies about the Dems. They are no different from your beloved GOP. They tax and spend yet the right borrow and spend.
No fricking difference. Red China? Well, one could say the economy is better, right?
hagel/bloomberg would split the GOP vote causing Hillary to cake walk into 1600
OMG! Bloomberg/Hagel would rule!
I'd vote for Bozo the clown before I'd vote for that Morman from Hell, Romney.
But our votes don't matter if they aren't for a lovely Republican.
Hint: stolen votes 2000, 2004, 2008, ....................
wake me up when it's over...
Ron Paul. The system is broken.
Bloomberg isn't that popular in NYC. Ask an old timer.
Clinton is a joke. She is one that no democrat can beat in the primary, but no republican can lose to. She's shrill and repulsive and she irritates everyone, especially women. We'll see a record turn out in the elections especially among women if she's on the ticket, and we'll see a republican win by a record margin.
I am pulling for Ron Paul even though he may be the first republican I have wanted to vote for. On a side note I like his music too. That jamaican reggae is just killer.
It'sfunny that Keith and many others bitch about dems and reps blindly following anyone with a D or an R next to their name. You are no better as you seem to blindly follow anyone with an I next to theirs.
I seriously thik Hagel has mental issues. Bloomberg has been a piss poor mayor. Thompson? Are you fucking kidding me? Romney..sure I'd vote for him if the election were for best Ken Doll look-alike. These options make Hillary and rudy look like Kennedy and Reagan.
if those 3 pairs are presented to me for a vote, then i am going to sit on my hands.........
Gingrich is a piece of trash. He has no chance and knows it.
I would go with Clinton/Obama because that gives the best entertainment value. Who cares if they damage the country, because they could never top the damage der Chimpster has done over the past 6 years.
or Ron Paul
Draft Bloomberg but pick a non-white male for a running mate. Send ideas to
Go Ralph Nader with anyone for vice. Hope he does in the Dems again. Not that Reps are much better, but at least they march a couple of steps behind the Dems towards the total socialist, fascist, nanny empire we're heading towards!
bloomberg probably would. I can't stand Guiliani.
"cause Hillary to cake walk into 1600 "
Hillary's negative factor is too big. I can't stand her and would either not vote or vote for an unnamed republican.
Ron Paul or nothing.
F boomberg
F romnoid
F hitlery
F hussein obrother
F Guido-ani
F mkcainiac
Bloomberg said that the problem with illegal immigrants is that the city can't identify them to give them their needed social services. Because they may not come forth given their immigration status.
With Wall St. taxes soaring (NYC has a city tax), why would they need MORE money? What happens when that gravy train stops?
Bloomberg "doesn't want to tell people how to live their lives"? Really? What about the smoking ban in bars? All bars.
You people are clueless.
Newt has no chance, he is blamed for shutting down the govt with the "contract on america" thingy, he cheated on his wife. he is poison.
Bloomberg/Hagel have my vote. A true entrepenuer. he will not be kissing anyones ass for a donation.
Anybody but a republican. I wouldn't piss on a republican on fire much less vote for one. They're EVIL.
Frank's still upset that Hayworth got his ass handed to him. What he doesn't realize is that all chickenhawks eventually fall under the axe! Taste like chicken?
Ding dong, the Hayworth's gone...
You forgot McCain/Lieberman.
If Bloomberg/Hagel do run as independents you have guaranteed that Hillary will be in the White House in 2009.
I think the Dems know that Hillary can't win a majority of the votes in this country (she is too divisive), but she could win a plurality against two other candidates. Gee, isn't that how her husband won elections?
>>>Bloomberg is a failed mayor. He is a joke compared to Giuliani. Crime is up in the city since Bloomberg took over. <<<
Yet according to the "official" crime stats, crime is down. NYC mayors seem to think that b/c modern medicine is keeping more shooting and stabbing victims alive, then crime must be down. Read today's NYC papers. There are numerous reports of shootings and stabbings. Just like the 80's, but with no body-bags. And some people want to bring this style of lying, er management, to DC? No thanks.
I'm no soothsayer but I did work at the White House, so I'll throw in my two cents worth. Clinton & Obama are too polarizing - far too left wing to attract the median voter (and he who does that wins the election). The median voter is a moderate individual. Moderate candidates such as McCain and Romney have a better chance of winning based on politics but have other issues - McCain would be the oldest President ever elected, and Romney is a bit of a flip-flopper as well as being Mormon which could cost him votes. Newt will be viewed as having been too far removed from politics for too long even though he was in DC these last 10 years working for AEI. Fred Thompson has the star power - and don't underestimate that. He's no Schwarzeneggar but he is Reaganesque, in form. Guiliani - have you seen the documentary "Guiliani Time"? You need to watch it. It's doubtful that Americans would elect such a corrupt individual - and no Bush bashing on that one. Bloomberg and Hagel on the same ticket is too Ross Perot to me - could be a shadow candidacy but no front-runner.
But one thing you can count on for sure:
the North American Union is coming.
Clinton/Obama are an empty skirt along with an empty suit. Neither have done a thing in their brief political careers. I would go for Bloomberg/Hagel. My personal preference is for Tancredo/Paul. Whoever shuts down the border and stops the welfare to lazy asses and corporations would get my vote.
Hagel talks a good game but doesn't follow through with many "no" votes when it comes to war issues. What little I know of Bloomberg I probably wouldn't vote for him. He seems a bit authoritarian. Ron Paul would be ideal but oh man, if he were to be elected I fear he would be dodging bullets on a weekly basis if he attempts to interfere with the Federal Reserve and private banking cabal that calls the shots in this country.
Government Working on Plan for Aftermath of Nuclear Bombing of Major City
I vote for Dick Cheney to light up a nuke in San Francisco, when Nancy Pelosi is back visiting her friends there, and then martial law. Then we will be safe.
i have news for some of you folks. reagan was a traitor to his country. he talked the talk but he didn't walk the walk. when you investigate how this man got where he got in life, then you will understand him and also understand how things work in this country. reagan was all mobbed up even before he moved to california. like they say, it is not what you know, it is who you know....reagan was very close friends with the jewish and italian mobs out of chicago, who took over hollyweird back when and reagan knew some of them before they became rich so naturally they helped him out.......they probably figured he was a schmuck, but what the heck. he knew how to act for the cameras and he did what he was when someone tells me that someone is reaganesque, i just have to schrug that comment off as being from someone who is ignorant of the reality of the situation. my friends, reagan was not a conservative. he just talked like one sometimes....frankly the only man worthy to be president is ron paul......they are already attempting to discredit him and destroy him even now...since ron paul does not dance to the tune of the banking establishment and/or the corporate world, he is a clear and present danger to them. because in their world, people are bought and sold for money. ron paul is a man of integrity and honor.........the ruling establishment cannot stand this light for they are use to staying in the darkness....they worship darkness and all it gives them in this world for if the truth was known, they worship the evil one.....yes things, are all connected all goes back to who you worship and this determines who you serve.....ron paul wants to shine a light on this darkness so that all may see it as it is.....God bless him. He is going to need it. For if he ever gets to the point where he might win, i think they will take him out somehow and make it look like a accident....such a heart attack or a traffic accident, etc.....or a plane crash....they have many ways to do what they need to do when it needs doing....and they will do it.......because they have done it many times before......JFK was not the first one to die because of them. and he won't be the last.....
..........TINKER ALERT...............something about superheated fuels burning 5 times more efficiently, and tubings around radiators into combustion chambers, simplistic? but like gas at 65 cents a gallon? scuttlebutt?
earth to HP:
earth to HP:
Ron Paul has 0 chance of winning. My dead 3 legged dog has a better chance of winning than Ron Paul. If George W Bush has a sex change and runs as Georgina W Bush, he/she will stand a better chance to win than Ron Paul. There is a better chance of aliens landing on earth tonight and telling us all the meaning of life tha Ron Paul winning. The chances of me having a 3some with Angeline Jolie and Linday Lohan is 10,000,000 times more likely to happen than Ron Paul winning.
Get it wingnuts? Ron Paul will not win. Repeat after me, Ron Paul will not win.
"Ron Paul would be ideal but oh man, if he were to be elected I fear he would be dodging bullets on a weekly basis if he attempts to interfere with the Federal Reserve and private banking cabal that calls the shots in this country."
So sad and so true...
I am social democrat and fiscal conservative- Bloomberg/Hagel gets my vote.
Anybody but a republican. I wouldn't piss on a republican on fire much less vote for one. They're EVIL.
+++++My sentiments exactly. We're gonna be in Iraq until H*** freezes over because all those Republican Senators refused to override Bush's veto. In my book, ALL the Repukes are evil and should be run out of town on a rail....
i think giuliani is gay. i ask you. would any of you vote for a man who likes to dress like a woman?
chuckie hagel is a owner of a electronic voting machine company. it just so happens he owns the electronic voting machines that were used in his very own election and in the last two national, my ,......isn't that sweet?..
politics and the nice.....all the king's men are scumbags.......isn't that special.....
Personally I would go with Thompson/Romney. It just seems that is what the country will most likely choose as they are rather 'safe' candidates. Plus to me they just seem to make a really good team.
Intrigued and want to know more? Read what Christopher Ruddy has to say.
I'm having a problem deciding on a strategy here do you vote for:
a) the republican who will do the least damage, but will at least be forced to sleep in the bed his predecessors made
b) The democrat who will be slaughtered when this house of financial cards falls and will probably try to help, but it will be the wrong kind of help directed at paying the electorate off rather than moving them forward.
To me it's a decision of who is going to usher in the first third party president.
I would also love to see Vegas odds on what happens to the price of oil immediately after GB and company leave town. If you're going to be faced with a windfall profit's tax better start getting those profits in the bank.
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