Yes, the Baby Boom Generation was indeed "The Worst Generation" (not everyone in it, but the generation as a whole).
A generation of greed, me-ism, over-spending, debt and not a care in the world about future generations. A generation who has taken the US to the brink of insolvency while awarding themselves massive entitlements, and a generation who is unrecognizable from the one immediately proceeding it - The Greatest Generation, who scrimped and saved, saved the world, and planned for tomorrow.
May 05, 2007
Are the Baby Boomers "The Worst Generation"? Let the epic Boomer / GenXY Battle begin
Amazingly, the Boomers even figured out a way these past few years with the housing bubble to transfer wealth from their kids and their kids kids to themselves. Uh, didn't that used to be the other way around? And since "you can't take it with you" what do they do? They go on a greed-filled pleasure spending binge, making sure they indeed don't take it with them.
Man, there's going to be an epic battle soon between Baby Boomers and Gen X / Gen Y. Once Gen X / Gen Y wake the f*ck up and figure out that the Boomers stole all their money and spent it. The Boomers didn't save for their retirement, so what did they do (led by Boomers Greenspan and Bush)? They artificially inflated the prices of their homes, and will live high on the hog off of the proceeds. Just in the nick of time wouldn't you say?
There's only one way to solve this latest raid by the Boomers on Gen X / Gen Y: don't buy any damn houses from the Boomers! And as soon as we get into power, take on Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare with a vengeance. We just can't afford it.
On housing, if (like in Japan) the younger generations figure out the scam, and stop buying houses from Boomers and start renting, prices eventually come back to reality, and the Ponzi Scheme ends.
Here's a classic series from Canada on the plight of Gen X - the first generation that will be worse off than the one before. And here's an article on the housing mess in England with a generational view.
It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts - let the Boomer/GenXY battle begin.
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Labels: baby boomer greed, ponzi scheme, transfer of wealth, what happens when nobody can afford to buy a home
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Boy ain't that the truth. I would never describe my parents as well off, but they are 100% more well off than their parents. How many people here can say that?
I think Keith is spot on in calling this early as usual. I haven't felt this sort of economic resentment toward my parent's generation other than mildly, but as I get into my 50's and they keep up with the mantra "we're so economically vulnerable" and I realize I'm the one out here on my own who can't retire and now will be expected to devote increasing amounts of time caring for them well, it's going to breed resentment and require some hard discussions.
It's funny, as we were talking about stock market crashes the other day my Dad said "well, you're young, you can recover from that." And my thought was, your house is paid for, you both have pensions, SSI, subsidized health care and drug coverage, you have us to move in with, just how bad do you think it can get for you??? In other words, just how much is enough for these people before they stop worrying about how everything impacts THEM.
My question to HPers, if you were a generation Xr born in the sixties do you ever get tired of parenting your parents? Ever wonder why you're so viciously independent. Take heart, you are actually a product of the least child centered generation ever born and raised in modern America.
Let the internecine warfare/diachronic competition begin.
internecine \in-tuhr-NES-een; -NEE-syn; -NEE-sin\, adjective:
1. Of or relating to conflict within a nation, an organization, or a group.
2. Mutually destructive; involving or accompanied by mutual slaughter.
3. Deadly; destructive; marked by slaughter.
Two words:
Soylent Green
Boy ain't that the truth. I would never describe my parents as well off, but they are 100% more well off than their parents. How many people here can say that?
Me. I am 33 and make more money today than my father did the day he retired.
I bought a home 6 months out of college and sold said home for $380,000 more than purchase price last year. That money is invetsed in a very diversified and rather conservative portfolio. I have a feeling I'm going to be just fine and won't be resenting my parents anytime soon.
The problem is not the baby boomers. It is predatory capitalism. Predatory capitalism hurts all of us except the very wealthy.
The very wealthy generally pass their wealth through their generations.
The issue is economic class and there are millions of baby boomers in the mid to lower economic class. Make no mistake this is class warfare, with the wealthy taking a greater and greater share of the economic pie.
One only need to look at the stats to prove this point.
The uber wealthy love nothing more then to divide us as different generations. Thus, we will not look at them.
The time to look at the greed of the top 1% is now before they steal more from the rest of us.
While it is true that the Boomers are a spoiled narcissistic generation, most of the Gen Xrs I see are just as bad if not worse. Maybe they learned well from parents, but they have to have eveything NOW. From college to a new house with 3 car garage equiped with 2 new cars. Not just any house, but one with at least an island kitchen, large bath with jetted tub and at least 2400 sq ft.
After all, why save for it when you can get it all on credit. And the kids? Ha, they know the day care nanny better that mommie. Furthermore, guess where much of the money comes from? Mom and Dad or Grampa. This phenomenon is not confined to the Boomers, but spawned by them.
Thank you, Keith, for saying it. It is so true. My father tries to make it as if his generation is the only one in human history that was so wonderful. Every generation before him was loserville, and the two since are losers as well, according to him.
Yet it is the "boomers" that have raped this country repeatedly. I'd like to see every "boomer" out of politics as well. Let them retire already.
Why is it the Republicans always preside over the busts?
Logans Run ,think Carasel.
Most Baby Boomers have paid into SS for 50 years by the time they retire .
I have no resentment toward the Depression/WWII generation for collecting benefits .
As far as the housing boom went it seems like the younger generations were the ones going for the real estate investment game as much as the Baby Boomers ,if not more .
I get sick of the younger generations thinking that all the Baby Boomers should do is save money so they can pass the money on to the youth instead of enjoying life like the Depression era didn't .All the spending of the Baby Boomers creates jobs . Go get into the Health care industry and make alot of money off the Baby Boomers if you want some money .
The younger generations are a me first entitlement group also and the battle regarding envy between the have and have nots has been around forever .If you think the Baby Boomers can live off the low one grand a month that SS pays your crazy . If Baby Boomers didn't save more they are going to eat it . Why do you resent Baby Boomers that paid into a retirement plan for years with their work ?
I would agree that the Baby Boomers had a greater America to work with than the younger people of today have .America is going down the tubes but is this because of Baby Boomers or because of Coporate America selling out America? Also Boomers fought in Viet Nam and got spit on when they came back .
I would agree that there should be resentment if you pay into SS and don't receive the benefits when you retire but alot of baby boomers don't think they will get their entitlements either after paying in for 50 years .
Mind you ,I don't think the Baby Boomers are a great generation ,but isn't it interesting how every generation resent anything another generation gets that they might not get?
I heard a younger person say one time that they resented that the Baby Boomers got to have free sex without worry of AIDS .
I'm just suggesting that instead of finding a generation to hate and blame all your problems on ,work to not repeat any errors of prior generations.I'm sorry that in America today the road is going to be harder and this in part is due to the population explosion that the baby boomers tried to address years ago but they were ignored by their elders .
Greenspan was born in 1926. He ain't no boomer.
Greed, financial illiteracy, and delusional thinking are not peculiar to one demographic group. They are endemic to humankind. Keith oversimplifies.
Yep, we Boomers are a bunch of spoiled brats...but so are all the subsequent generations. Boomers were just the leading edge of the "new breed" where ethics/morals have been totally abandoned.
It is interesting to note that I have been out looking for a house to rent and almost all the owners of these rental units are flippers under the age of 40 and in some cases under the age of I don't buy this GenXY 'purity" thing.
I agree with one of the above posters...the real culprit is predatory capitalism. We as a people Gen BXY need to band together and throw out the small group of elites who have hijacked our government and economic system.
Here is something better to think about rather than playing us off against each other. Why in a country of 300 million plus have the last 4 presidental elections included candidates from just 2 dynastic families?
Come on, where are CHOICES?
Is this all the better a country of 300 million can muster up? Unless of course the whole game is rigged....
Nothing makes sense in today's world unless you see it thru the eyes of a pirate (er I mean CEO) which case EVERYTHING makes sense.
The boomers are a disaster. Too bad we can't vote them off the island.
Oh well - eventually there will be enough screwed young people to outvote them.
As long as the Boomers don't change the rules...
question: Which non-3rd world country has a per capita debt worse than the USA?
waaa waaa waaa I didn't buy a home when I could for $200K becuase I thought I was smarter than everyone else and decided to rent instead. Now that home costs $600K and I will never afford it. waaaa waaa waaa. It's all the bommers' fault.
oh you generation of vipers. your day shall come, for even as ye mete it out, so it shall be meted out unto you.
just like the dirty commies who use kids to "cleanse" their parents! you really are filthy keith.
Yours is the generation of vipers. Enjoy your snake pit, you filthy xy- spoiled rotten-punks.
May you get just what you give. Shame on you.
I work for a nonprofit and all the baby-boomers who are in charge are giving themselves raises and making over 100,000 then they turn around and say to those of us making less than 1/2 of that there is no more money for raises this year. I call boomer bs! I am so sick of them!
I'm leaving and going to work for a for-profit company or the gov't soon.
And yeah the inflated prices in housing totally for thier retirement. Sick, greedy selfish people.
To the poster who said he bought a house 6 months out of college and sold it at a huge profit in their 30's....My question is how did you afford it? I take it you had a lot of help from either mom or dad or a generous benefactor.
99% of college grads could never buy a home right out of school as their student loans are ready to start being paid off while they work entry level.
Of course you wouldn't be resentful of your parents if they acted as a springboard for you.
It's great if they helped you out but you are in a serious minority.
LARS said:
"most of the Gen Xrs I see are just as bad if not worse. Maybe they learned well from parents, but they have to have eveything NOW.
Yes, and the boomers learned from their parents, whose generation financed the nazis via corporations such as IBM, GM, FORD, and saw two world wars. And they in turn learned from their parents, who endured Jim Crow Laws, and a horrific lack of personal rights and freedoms, and their parents saw civil wars and slavery. And before them was Inquisitions, torture, French Revolutions, etc. All they back to Adam and Eve who learned from their humanoid predecessors.
The current generation of punks, a vile snide vituperous lot, who rail against their parents, are no different than nazi youth or commie youth brigades.
Soon the punks will feel the lick of the flames that they fan against others. Yes they will.
Most Boomers are FAT and still think they are sexy. Maybe it was too much pot or drugs but they do not know they are old and missed the class on numbering your days. Most act like teenagers and do not act their age. Their brain seems to have stopped at 18. As a generation, they believe if they believe something it must be true: if I act young, then I am young. (No, you are just an old fool.) Also, they are preoccupied with sex at their age. I do not remember the greatest generation in their 60's talking sex, but these Fat, bald boomers can't get enough of it. If the Boomers were on the Titanic, they would be the first people into the lifeboats. Unlike, the old people who let youger people onto the lifeboats knowing they have lived their lives.
Well, just remember, all those boomers will hopefully leave their wealth to their kids... if they have any left.
Did you know that pre-boomer they could declare anybody insane and imprison them in an institution to be castrated, used for medical experimentation, or as slaves? Orphans were treated that way y'know? Not now, however, thanks to whom?
Someone like you who exercises free speech would be whisked away. You take for granted the internet, invented by boomers, which you use so easily. Not to mention medical and technological advances that make your fat assed little back-stabbing traitor punk life easier and free.
Truth is that you take for granted many benefits that boomers never had, or that boomers provided to you!
I won't list them, you know how to research, with the internet that boomers gave you. I challenge you to honestly appraise the personal freedom and quality of life changed by the boomers.
I was a kid during Vietnam, was brutalized and treated in a manner that kids and adults today are protected from. I was unempoyed, homeless, disenfranchised, and utterly powerless. I had as a boomer youth attempted suicide. Are you blaming me for the world's troubles? Are you blaming my innocent friends? You little schmuck! DAMN YOUR EYES!
I do not own a home, I rent and have a difficult time finding work. There is age discrimination, the corps only want young punks, they leave the elders to die, just as you do. But wait, your turn is coming, soon, my little pretty. You and your little dog Toto, you little BRAT!
How would you like to live in a pre-boomer "leave-it-to-beaver" world, you ungrateful little schmuck? it's all yours' nimrod.
How would you like to be imprisioned for your blog? Thank the boomers for your personal freedom of speech, twit.
If you can blame the boomers for all the troubles of the world, then just wait 'till your kids come after you with torches and pitch-forks, hmmm?
What effect do you punks play in the bubble and the world of hell? It's al your fault. Just you wait and see. You the man, Keith, you and your generation of vipers. And may you live a long hate-filled life.
"We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turnin'..."
"Me. I am 33 and make more money today than my father did the day he retired."
You're going to have to be a little more transparent than that. Make money at what, as a salaried employee, as a salesman on commission? Are you in an urban area as opposed to your parents? How old are your parents now? And, BTW, just where did you get the money to purchase a house 6 months out of college? That's generally not something that kids raised in middle class homes are able to or even think about doing.
I grew up in a middle+ class suburban neighborhood. My parents, at best early early boomers, but more likely considered late industrial age in their 60s spent more than they made consistantly through my upbringing. Neither are necessarily expecting to retire at 65. Sure they will reitre and get their pensions, but there is a good chance both will go back to work after initial retirement because there are not enough quality employees to take over for them.
I loaned my way through tech school, then got a job that payed for night school to finish my BS. I bought my first house at 23 yrs old with about 8,000 down payment. Here I am 8 yrs later in great shape compared to >>>50% of america. I have a wife who stays home with my 3 kids, a simple life with no debt besides mortgage and a portfolio of investments that will keep me in fine shape through my declining years 30 yrs or more to come. Life is about income and about spending choices. Wealth is only a tool that can benefit you in declining years and your children. Figure out a way to spend less than you make and invest the rest for a long long time and you will be in good shape. No need to complain, make your own way.
I grew up in a middle+ class suburban neighborhood. My parents, at best early early boomers, but more likely considered late industrial age in their 60s spent more than they made consistantly through my upbringing. Neither are necessarily expecting to retire at 65. Sure they will reitre and get their pensions, but there is a good chance both will go back to work after initial retirement because there are not enough quality employees to take over for them.
I loaned my way through tech school, then got a job that payed for night school to finish my BS. I bought my first house at 23 yrs old with about 8,000 down payment. Here I am 8 yrs later in great shape compared to >>>50% of america. I have a wife who stays home with my 3 kids, a simple life with no debt besides mortgage and a portfolio of investments that will keep me in fine shape through my declining years 30 yrs or more to come. Life is about income and about spending choices. Wealth is only a tool that can benefit you in declining years and your children. Figure out a way to spend less than you make and invest the rest for a long long time and you will be in good shape. No need to complain, make your own way.
"Me. I am 33 and make more money today than my father did the day he retired."
Don't be too sure. Are you adjusting to inflation?
My parents are better off than myself by measures of magnitude.
My father, a WWII veteran, used his G.I. Bill benefit to buy many many homes during the heavy duty inflation days of the 70's. He made use of his 4% government money repeatedly to buy in a world of 18% annual inflation. He ended up a millionaire by using no money of his own, literally given his fortunes by the government with no effort whatsoever. He was the original 'flipper' and amplified the spread of his cheap government taxpayer money to the max.
And no, he never saw a day of combat, as he was assigned as an aircraft mechanic in India.
My mother, of course, didn't have to work a day in her life and became the most self-entitled monster on the earth. Everybody owes everything to her, because it all comes so easy, it MUST be that she deserves it! She is now 84 years old and literally makes everyone in the family (the few ones that haven't disowned her) miserable with her unceasing demanding attitude and manipulation bag of tricks.
Now 55 years old, I on the other hand have experienced all of about 10 years, in the 70's, when I felt I was financially making progress. However, since the 80's and beyond, it has been a steady grind downwards.
Each job came with fewer benefits and was progressively more unstable an organization that the previous one. Hard fought savings have eroded away to nothing, while the relative cost of living is far in excess of anything my parents ever dreamed of.
Even when my father worked for a living (in the 50's - 60's) his wages bought a fine suburban home on 25% of his take home. The very same house that now, almost nobody could qualify a mortgage for on 50% of their gross pay. He bought a new car every 3 years. Last new car I bought; 20 years ago and still keeping it running somehow.
I grabbed the shiney object of a new career in I.T. in the mid-90's, only to be pushed out by off-shoreing of my talents. Another example of how my generation get's it's clock cleaned at every turn despite our efforts to turn it around.
Now, with no prospect of any kind of pension and Social Security warning on almost a daily basis of insolvency, I wonder what the future can possibly hold and what survival will look like.
And no, my mother has no concept of passing on her estate to her children. She believes that it's ALL for her and somehow she will take it with her to her grave.
(and will figure out in her will, somehow, to do it...)
I wouldn't be half as bitter if the earlier generation had any sense of their most fortunate position in history compared to previous and later generations.
But they don't. They are simply greedy and bottomless pits of need that demand of everything and everybody, offering up nothing in return.
The generation battle began a long time ago in my world.
Can you back-up your charges with facts?
1) Who is the "boomers"? Are they white males of a certain age group?
2) What is the ratio of "boomers" to your generation-(v)ipers and other groups that have contributed to the bubble?
3) What portion of generation-v have been involved in the real-estate business or home owners, speculators, or investors?
4)Since you have profited neatly from the bubble and from fanning flames, what is your legacy? How is a "boomer" any more responsible than you and your gen-v?
Let me ask you this:
If President Bush were to institute a draft for Iraq, similar to Vietnam, would generation-v demonstrate?
Would you tolerate a Juden-Rine New Jersey beach, as "boomers" did?
What of the "bomers" who fought and suffered honorably for their country?
"Logans Run ,think Carasel. "
Think: Blowback from Gex X/Y towards those baby boomers.
Good one!
HA hHa.. someone said soylent green! I say that to my boomer mom all the time. Glad someone thinks like me out there(houslessgenx)
joey in NH
here did you get that canadian info keith? its from two recessions ago. those folks are pushing 50 by now. I don't care about a disgruntled canadian from 1990.
Keith should read Boomsday, if you haven't already. It's about a political satire by a blogger who starts generational warfare with the "wrinklies". It's by Chris Buckley, same author of Thank you For Smoking (better book than movie, though the movie is still good). funny book and a quick read
The biggest problem with the boomers is the indulgent medical care they'll demand and expect everyone to pay for.
Boomers, note: Regardless of whether you contributed to social security, don't delude yourself into thinking you've contributed sufficiently to Medicare. Develop a reasonable system whereby you contribute to your medical costs from your ss welfare. Or else, wait for the workers you are leaching off of to pull the plug.
I was listening to a gen-(v)iper talking the other day. He said that it's all the boomers fault, because the draft was unequal.
According to the gen-v dude, the resolution to our problems would be to institute a mandatory draft for all. He explained that would bring comraderie and a sense of fairness.
Yes, the great minds of gen-v want to draft you and your kids and send them into harms way. That is the gen-v final solution, coming to you soon.
So when you blame the bubble on "boomers", note that there is an international bubble, consisting of millions and millions of people from diverse backgrounds, countries, religions, ages and races. You have made many enemies, not only of "boomers", but of your colleagues, whose mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, children, and friends you have so arrogantly callously attacked.
--oh you generation of vipers--
Worst generation ever by far. I am so sick of boomers they need to hurry up and die. I am sick all that s*it about how 50 is the new 40 no you are 50 and you are old get over it and start acting your age. There is something to be said for growing gracefully. They are the most spoiled, immature, and short sided generation. The world would have been much better off has they never been born. I will not be happy till they are all kicked out of their house and are eating Alpo straight out of the can.
If Obama gets elected the gravy train is derailed
Alpo! was that not on the list of reported animal feed poisionings, that has made its way into human consumptions already? Anyway, I have my own story that does not jibe with any of these upbringing stories, as at least, one can report that one does not know what one has till one loses it, and continues somewhat on......
I would like to present the following evidence to the jury.
Baby boomers are the generation that brought you racial equality and sexual liberation. (Neither of them are complete and perfect but what a huge improvement!) If you forget that, we all are in big trouble. Maybe the baby boomer baiters are just nostalgic for the “good old days”.
Are baby boomers spendthrift? Not as much as some simpletons think. The “greatest generation” lived on social security paid by the baby boomers but baby boomers were asked to pay in advance for theirs. Taxes went down and interest rates are low for everyone only because workers who are mostly baby boomers have overpaid 3.8 trillion into the “funds”, especially the social security fund.
I am gen X, clearly less well off with fewer career prospects than my parents, and parents generation.
My father had a fantastic science career, selected in the early space program years etc in the phase of booming scientific achievement and US economic growth. He'll retire on a superb 150k+ pension with great health benefits for life. Of course he is extremely smart and capable and earned it.
Parental house is now in a neighborhood where average income is $400k plus.
But even now, only a tiny fraction make it like that---if you hit the IPO lottery.
My parents' parents had some pretty tough breaks.
I wouldn't say it's boomers that's really the fault---its hypercapitalism times grasping greed.
Now, public sector unions are much too powerful and private sector unions much too weak. The only stable middle class jobs left are government.
Nearly entry level jobs (!, high school diploma) as a CA state prison guard pay $70K+ with gold plated benefits and effectively permanent tenure. And yes they are very much in favor of ever longer prison sentences and more prisoners requiring more guards.
An assistant professor at the University of California makes less. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get that and how smart you have to be? We're talking generally 4-7 years of PhD plus 2-3 of postdoc times being in the top 1%.
Then you go out in the private world and you're a pathetic peon ready to be outsourced to India or whatever.
the title to that picture should be .........two top level traitors shaking hands........
and we all know what happens to traitors don't we??? my prayer is that these men are brought to justice before they die of natural causes......this is my prayer......and not color of law justice, but constitutional justice by constitutional courts of law, with judges that are really judges and are not puppets for whoever is controlling them.....and justice will be swift and it will be final....
People (young or old) are most annoying when they don't know what they don't know.
If you are under 35 it is impossible for you to place yourself within the macro-economic/socio-cultural milieu. This isn't because you are stupid, this because you don't have a self to place anywhere yet.
By contrast, if you are older you should have a distinct and abiding sense of the way the world works and your place in it. It is simply stunted to not turn your energy toward the betterment of the greater world you as you age. I think the absense of this is what Keith is getting at; it seems many people over the age of 60 are sufferning from a form of generational arrested development.
This is going to sound harsh (well, maybe not compared to Keith but for me), but IMHO the boomers are the one's who fell for this line of Neo-con bullshit, they're the one's who vote en masse and now, when the promises are empty, they still want the all the benefits of the great society...without wanting to deal with the impact this will have on their children or their childrens children. They seem completely divorced from the idea that they have a role to play late in life and a skepticism they should have applied to the ideas that have so diminished the chance for a good life in these United States.
I wouldn't be half as bitter if the earlier generation had any sense of their most fortunate position in history compared to previous and later generations.
But they don't. They are simply greedy and bottomless pits of need that demand of everything and everybody, offering up nothing in return. The generation battle began a long time ago in my world.
Hey, Anon, it's the same with me. Your mother sounds almost exactly like mine. I even got training the mid-90s for an IT position (librarianship) which never panned out for me either. However, I just want to say that I know MANY people my age, fellow Boomers, whose parents did so well they gave their Boomer children lots of money over the years which they used for housing and investments. So my advice is don't blame every "Greatest Generation" parent for being a greedy, demanding pig. I think you can reserve that term just for our respective mothers....
The issue is economic class and there are millions of baby boomers in the mid to lower economic class. Make no mistake this is class warfare, with the wealthy taking a greater and greater share of the economic pie.
This is what I think too. Blaming a particular "generation" is just a red herring. We're in the middle of class warfare now but the Neocons have denounced the term so relentlessly as being a form of "Democratic whining" that few can recognize what's been happening to our economy over the years.
Baby boomers are the ones most heavily invested in the stock and housing bubbles. Most of them have most of their worth invested in these bubbles.
And when both the bubbles bust for good what do they do?
And yes that social security thing, will have no money left in it, in the next five to ten years.
Boy it will be quite a ride to go from paper millionaires to being broke.
How a compulsory military draft would be a huge benefit to our society and economy.
Simple; They teach you to work as a disciplined GROUP for the good of the WHOLE.
There-in lies one of the most huge failings the United States has inflicted upon itself in the last two generations, an all volunteer military.
Now we are stuck with nothing but generations of me-me-me individuals that are stupid to the core and have virtually no concept of community, responsibility to their neighbors or what greatness is built from.
And more tragically, who are we going to rely on when our country really needs self-confident team-workers that will be critical to a successful military defense when the time (inevitably) will come?
We sure don't have it now and if we don't get it soon, our country will simply give up it's soverignty because nobody has any idea of what it takes to bring about useful preservation.
Just look at what we have as a commander-in-chief... A useless dodger who faked a military commitment and then as president has gone about grinding down our military to something that is useless as is he.
Now the whole world is well aware that we have become a paper-tiger and how little underpinning we have left.
Even our so-called icons of leadership have now failed the test of good to our community.
We are truely a broken nation.
Really kind of interesting that no one is mentioning the millions of third world illegals that are here stealing YOUR medicare, and social secruity, wic, welfare, ect. Most of whom, have never put a dime into the system.
How quick you are to blame the boomers for your problems. I say take a look around. there are millions marching demanding that we give them citizenship and all the benefits that go with along with it. Millions breaking the laws all the while both political parties turn a blind eye. Go ahead argue about generations as while you type your country is being occupied, even one of your own X'ers, Gavin Newsom, vows to make S.F. a sanctuary city for illegals. Think of that when you look at your check, YOU are paying for this.
The USA has become a nation of lazy cows. Like Casey Serin, the typical american dream is to find some sweet deals and become wealthy with no work. This is the boomer's fault. They pioneered the attitude and took the easy path for short term selfish reasons. Now the usa is hollowed out after decades of decline.
First I think people are confusing the baby boomers with their parents .(Baby Boomers are born between 1947 and 1964). Baby Boomers have not even started collecting Social Security or medicare yet .
So the generation that has been collecting benefits is the Boomers parents who are the Depression /World War II and Koren War Veterans .You have a free America because of the hardships those people went through .
The boomers hated their parents just as much as the younger generations hate the boomers .
Every generation has different crosses to bear and the truth lie in the fact that each generation is a victim of the times .
The boomers faced Viet Nam , civil rights ,birth control , freedom of speech ,womens rights ,inflation ,and etc. etc.
I don't think very many people would of wanted to trade places with the Depression /World War II generation because they had it really bad .
Everybody should just quit trying to blame their parents for their woes in life and grow up and make the best of the world you live in . Stop hoping for prior generations to die off because one day the youth will be old and you won't want your youth to wish you were dead .
I am in the middle of the youth and the old people and I want the best for the old people as well as the best for the young people .You judge a society by how well they treat the young and the old in my opinion .
"Anonymous said...
My parents are better off than myself by measures of magnitude.....I wouldn't be half as bitter if the earlier generation had any sense of their most fortunate position in history compared to previous and later generations......The generation battle began a long time ago in my world."
My God! That was an excellant post. I related so much, I damn near cried! Like you, my generational battle also began too early in my life! One bright spot though, Mom will have to leave it to someone, NOBODY has yet to take it with them! Don't think that my mom didn't try!
What's with that anon who keeps bringing up the "viper" thing?
Relax and take a lude.
Boomers are the locusts referred to in Revelation.
I really can't wait for them to get all old and frail and take advantage of them and steal their money.
Gen X and Y are going to pass laws to take all their money and possesions. It's gonna be great because they're all gonna cry.
Most of the people that I know that have medicare pay 90 bucks a month out of the SSI check for it and they have to have a supplement plan that cost another 100 to 200 per month .So that's 200 to 300 a month its costing most seniors for medical coverage right now . This does not include co-pays for services and drugs that add up also . So if you think that seniors are getting medical coverage free your crazy .
Inflation has hurt seniors on fixed incomes alot also .
A senior who hasn't started on Medicare yet who is in their 60's has to pay 800 a month to get good coverage if they don't have a employer who pays some of it .
Enjoy cheaper health payments while you can in your youth because the older you get the more they charge you . Right now the Baby Boomers are paying the highest share of the medical insurance costs because they don't qualify for medicare and they don't qualify for the lower cost they charge younger people .
These are all just labels. People are individuals, some good, some bad. Individuals are accountable only for their own actions (or inactions), not those of some mythical "generation" to which they supposedly belong. These notions of "greatest generation," "boomers", "gen-x," "gen-y" are just an invention, a mirage, and a tool to confuse and separate people from each other and from themselves. Also, it's an excellent tool to cultivate envy, mistrust, and anger. I've seen all of those in the postings here. Take responsibility for yourself and your own life, do the best you can with the resources available, and maintain integrity.
I’m 50, I guess that makes me the tail end of the Baby boomers.
I bought gold when it was 35 dollars an ounce and have continued to add to the stash weekly since 1974.
I bought my first house when I was 28. I played the real estate game ever since. I sold all 18 of my properties except the one I live in before September 2005.
I bought Microsoft, Intel, AOL and sold them in 1999.
I also worked my ass off; started 3 businesses, and sold them for big bucks.
I still put in 50+ hours a week.
As a baby boomer, I learned two words that gen X and Y never did; Its called Work Ethic.
I paid into Social Security, I paid hefty taxes and I am also the guy Democrats want to take tax cuts away from.
To blame your woe on me has nothing to do with me being a baby boomer.
Opportunity is everywhere for those who want to work for it. If you pansy ass pantywaists think my generation is responsible for your condition you are going to wake up one day and figure out how wrong you are.
I still have about 15 years before I retire. I could do it now, but I prefer to stay busy and productive.
So resent me if you wish, I don’t really give a shit.
Stop being a pussy and start working on your own future instead of playing the victim who can only blame others for their worthless existence.
I do intend to spend every dime I have amassed before I die. I’m going to have a ball.
It's not that simple. Unfortunately, there are 150 million Americans who watch assiduously American Idol, voted for Bush twice, and believe that the bogeyman terrorist is hiding under their bed.
It will be very difficult for people to stop buying homes from Baby Boomers or leverage themselves to death. This country is filled with sheeple, and that's how the corporations and the secret society like it. It's a waste trying to talk common sense to those people. As you can see by some posters here, even frugality has become a sin.
I already got my organic little farm in another country, which has plenty of food, natural energy, water, stash of several currencies and metals, and ethanol for vehicles. Good luck to the people who never plan ahead and live for the moment. This American party will end badly, especially with the current deficit colliding with the future tsunami of Social Security and Medicare benefits.
Lessee here.
"Baby Boomers" have stolen all your money?
You, the same people that haven't yet worked a day in your lives?
So what if you missed the no-down/alt-A/stated income mortgages (that's if mom & dad didn't already give you the money.)
Gimme a break.
It's the leading edge of the Boomers, the ones who seem to be "winners," that you should watch to know exactly what NOT to do.
In the 80s, then then-young boomers believed "dressing for success" in power suits would help them get ahead. Suits filled up millions of closets, but the actual economy still downsized and globalized. When business casual dress took hold in the 90s, the suit thing was dead. Sincere blue wool won't keep you in the middle class, it turns out.
In the 90s, the newly middle-aged boomers decided for some reason that gigantic SUVs were the thing to have--by hook, crook, or lease. Who cared if they only got 13 miles to the gallon? Well, more people care now that gas is $3, a price that will soon seem quaint.
In the 00s, it was housing. McMansions with soaring lawyer foyers and kitchens the size of entire restaurants flew up in remote exurban cornfields all over America. Prices flew up, too. But now that mortgage credit will have to tighten and thousands of foreclosed properties will be competing for an ever-limited pool of buyers...
It's still true, guys. (I'm a boomer, too, incidentally). Whatever the most publicized wing of the boomer tribe does is what journalists write about, and it's ALWAYS a horrible idea whose time comes--and goes in a horrific meltdown.
Housing will be no different. Patience.
Billionaire talk, "Well, take a look at this. It is so, easy to manipulate the public. They are fighting among the generations."
"Yes" says the second Billionaire. "All the better. Now they won't be looking at us and we can take more of the wealth for ourselves."
"Let's just hope they keep it up. Whose idea was to start the intergenerational warfare anyway? We need to make sure he/she is taken care of." Said the first billionaire.
"You are right. How clever. Yes, let's make sure they are well compensated" Said the second billionaire.
"Imagine, they can't even figure out the R.Reagan, GWH Bush, W. Buffett, A. Greenspan and so many others that are shifting the wealth from them to us are not boomers." Said the first billionaire.
"That's why we deserve the wealth, we are soooo much smarter then they are. Can you imagine if these incompetents were in control of the wealth? Said the second billionaire.
Easy to blame another generation for a country's problems rather than the total mindset of everyone.
With the x or y or whatever you call them blowing the living fuck out of each other in their classrooms it appears there will be less pigs at their trough anyway.
The 'Boomers' may be the worst as of now. But this bunch right now that's in the 15 to 21 or so range is the most self-absorbed, i want it now, you can't tell me what to do bunch to come down the pike!
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying it's power. Have nothing to do with them! 2 Tim 3:1-5
Some pretty sobering words from some obscure
(in today's world) book called the Bible!!
Those words are from long ago, but very relavant to what's going today!
"I do intend to spend every dime I have amassed before I die. I’m going to have a ball."
Good luck with that. I hope you don't develop a terminal disease. Then you'll realize that life is really not about amassing massive wealth. I don't mean to pick on you, but everyone in your generation is the biggest money grubbing, materialistic group of spenders this world has seen. It really isn't healthy for this planet for people to own several homes, burn tons of fuel for disposable 'things' and vacations.
Life and living well is about the small and simple things--seeing a sunrise, drinking an ice cold beer, a walk in a forest, good friends, watching insects, meditation, etc.
"Worst generation ever by far. I am so sick of boomers they need to hurry up and die. I am sick all that s*it about how 50 is the new 40 no you are 50 and you are old get over it and start acting your age. There is something to be said for growing gracefully"
You sure hit the nail on the head!
I bought gold when it was 35 dollars an ounce and have continued to add to the stash weekly since 1974.
I bought my first house when I was 28. I played the real estate game ever since. I sold all 18 of my properties except the one I live in before September 2005.
I bought Microsoft, Intel, AOL and sold them in 1999.
I also worked my ass off; started 3 businesses, and sold them for big bucks.
I still put in 50+ hours a week.
As a baby boomer, I learned two words that gen X and Y never did; Its called Work Ethic.
I paid into Social Security, I paid hefty taxes and I am also the guy Democrats want to take tax cuts away from.
To blame your woe on me has nothing to do with me being a baby boomer.
Opportunity is everywhere for those who want to work for it. If you pansy ass pantywaists think my generation is responsible for your condition you are going to wake up one day and figure out how wrong you are.
I still have about 15 years before I retire. I could do it now, but I prefer to stay busy and productive.
Another sickening anonymous coward bragging about his alledged riches. It's no wonder so many people in the world hate America ever since the baby boomers started this narcicistic way of thinking.
Hey jackass! Take ypur wealth to your grave and rot there, you miserable human being!
""That's why we deserve the wealth, we are soooo much smarter then they are. Can you imagine if these incompetents were in control of the wealth? Said the second billionaire.
I'm sure you thought you went over the top by posting this here, but you didn't. Not only is this not funny, there is no point made here.
"Really kind of interesting that no one is mentioning the millions of third world illegals that are here stealing YOUR medicare, and social secruity, wic, welfare, ect. Most of whom, have never put a dime into the system.
How quick you are to blame the boomers for your problems."
Because the massive illegal immigration started with the boomers thirst to save a buck and hire them to manicure their lawn.
" even one of your own X'ers, Gavin Newsom, vows to make S.F. a sanctuary city for illegals. "
That's because Newsom is an ultra liberal in an ultra liberal city.
"I’m 50, I guess that makes me the tail end of the Baby boomers."
Translated from baby boomer sophistry " I guess that makes me the donkeys ass".
Alan Greenspan a boomer? Are you kidding? Maybe if by "boomer" you mean a guy who fired cannons during the Civil War...
To the posters that bring up the point that the baby boomers had it made in the shade based on the time they were born ,and they blew it .
I guess you would have to grow up as a baby boomer to understand the psychological forces we were dealing with . Our parents were shell-shocked because of the Depression and WORLD WAR II. All they cared about is saving a dime and boomers felt they needed to rebel against our parents fear of Depression . Boomers felt unloved and that all our parents cared about is capitalism . So peace , love and rock and roll was a way to try to seek balance in a world where only money mattered .
Boomers in their youth hated capitalism and the concept of war .Boomers tried to go for saving the earth ,living off the land ,making love not war ,working on civil rights and womens rights .
The boomers eventually needed to get jobs and grow up because they found out you could not live on love .
Boomers did have the benefit of a good job market . Any boomer that had a good work ethic could get ahead in life .
Now the younger generations are faced with a a job market that is not as good and Coporations that do not offer as many benefits as the boomer employers did .
Inflation has screwed everybody .
All the causes that are becoming so important today the boomers tried to work on in their youth ,but they were unsucessful with alot of the causes .Eventually the boomers like everyone else started to realize that the system is rigged .
I'm a Gen X. My father left my mother well-off but died when I was four.
She blew all my inheritance, all the properties, all the stocks, all the jewels, savings, etc, by playing bingo, living large, co-signing and lending money to crooks disguised as friends & family, and being irresponsible.
After my mom died, I had to pay for a bunch of back taxes on her little house (the only thing left), as well as funeral and other expenses. One of the pensions my father left to her, the only one she couldn't possibly lose it even if she tried hard, paid $5k per month + house paid off + good health insurance. Before she blew everything off, her income was in excess of $15k per month. My mother never worked a day in her life.
I have a huge age gap with my siblings, who are baby boomers. They never paid for crap, went to private universities, got nice cars by 16, and enjoyed the money until there was nothing left from my father's estate by the time I was 10. I was the only one in the family who started working by age 15, out of the house by 18, bought my first car with my own money, paid for my own college education, and never went back to live at home even during my toughest times (and I had plenty). My BB siblings did all that, plus had babies without having a pot to pi** in.
During all my adult life, while living far away from home, neither my mom nor my brothers ever sent me a xmas card, b-day card, or called me to check how I was doing...not even an email. They only called when there was bad news or bills to pay. After I paid for most expenses, they took over my mom's house and everything that was inside of it.
Baby Boomers suck! Bunch of selfish and irresponsible bastards. I know a bunch of baby boomer stories like mine.
BTW Baby Boomers, thanks for destroying the environment with your sick consumerism and by voting into office war mongers and oil men.
"These notions of "greatest generation," "boomers", "gen-x," "gen-y" are just an invention, a mirage, and a tool to confuse and separate people from each other and from themselves."
Apparently you never had a freaking Marketing class in your life. I had 4 in B-School and work daily with that crap.
Do you really believe that Fortune 100 companies base their multi million dollar ad campaigns on "inventions"? These mega-companies must be all stupid. I suggest you read a book about marketing.
"While it is true that the Boomers are a spoiled narcissistic generation, most of the Gen Xrs I see are just as bad if not worse."
Yep, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. They (both generations) deserve one another, IMHO.
"Every generation blames the one before"
Mike and the Mechanics
The Living Years
Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door
I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got
You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts
So Don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different date
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be O.K.
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
I wasn't there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn't get to tell him
All the things I had to say
I think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I'm sure I heard his echo
In my baby's new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
Lyrics > Mike & the Mechanics Lyrics > Mike & the Mechanics The Living Years Lyrics
"I have a huge age gap with my siblings, who are baby boomers. They never paid for crap, went to private universities, got nice cars by 16, and enjoyed the money until there was nothing left from my father's estate by the time I was 10. I was the only one in the family who started working by age 15, out of the house by 18, bought my first car with my own money, paid for my own college education, and never went back to live at home even during my toughest times (and I had plenty). My BB siblings did all that, plus had babies without having a pot to pi** in.
During all my adult life, while living far away from home, neither my mom nor my brothers ever sent me a xmas card, b-day card, or called me to check how I was doing...not even an email. They only called when there was bad news or bills to pay. After I paid for most expenses, they took over my mom's house and everything that was inside of it."
Be glad of those experiences - they make you far more tough, creative and resilient than the majority of the people you will ever meet. Each of us is shaped by our experiences.
"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And – which is more – you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling"
I think the younger generations want everything now . Do you really think that it didn't take years for the average baby boomer to build up wealth ? After you put 50 years into working than you tell me if you think you should be killed off like your children want .
The baby boomers will pass on their wealth to their children (if there is anything left) ,but you spoiled brats don't like the fact that Boomers might spend some of their own earned money on medical care or trying to have a nice retirement .
Many boomers are going to be starving in retirement because they didn't save enough and that will be their own fault, but why should you resent the boomers that did save for their retirement ?
If your employer doesn't offer benefits than you must provide for the future yourself .
it just seems like the whole world thinks they should get everything for free without working for it and anybody who has something should just hand it over to someone else .Look at history and you will see how much people liked to raid or steal other peoples wealth they worked hard for . Raiders of the lost ark .
There are many people who would be just very happy to take over America or defeat it because they know that the youth of America are a bunch of give me give me brats .
Sure the baby boomers were the first generation in America that got the benefits of mass production and a good job market after the war and depression . Sure some baby boomers abused the the great blank slate they had to work with .
i don't know why people don't want to save for the future but maybe it's because the youth do not believe there is any future ,so they live for today .You have to know that there might not be a future and work toward it anyway .
The baby boomer tried to fight against war that would blow up this earth also.
We live in a world of a battle between the have and have nots .This has been going on since the dawn of man .At least in America we have laws that try to protect a person earning their way to a better life .
I worked 16 hour days for years of my life to try to get ahead and I'm a baby boomer . I admit that one could get ahead in the timespan that I was working but it wasn't easy . My depression era parents didn't give me anything . In fact when I started building wealth I gave my parents alot of things they could not afford .I would always visit my parents and give them respect .
I would suggest that instead of hating the people who brought you into the world ,just work to get what you want in life .
"Did you know that pre-boomer they could declare anybody insane and imprison them in an institution to be castrated, used for medical experimentation, or as slaves? Orphans were treated that way y'know? Not now, however, thanks to whom?"
I think you're exaggerating, but we really should still institutionalize people then we might avoid situations like Virginia Tech.
Greenspan's not a Boomer, you moron.
"I think the younger generations want everything now . Do you really think that it didn't take years for the average baby boomer to build up wealth ?"
Yeah, and then what do they do with it? The blow on bingo, selfish crap from China, gas guzzlers SUVs, expensive hookers or imported wives from Russia or Thailand, flipping properties, living large beyond their means.
Baby Boomers don't help their kids getting started in life knowing that good jobs and affordable housing are tougher to get these days, thanks to BB's irresponsible behavior. BTW, thanks for voting Bush and Cheney into office twice, making our future even more difficult and screwed up.
I really don't agree with this reasoning that making the kids of baby boomers go through hell in purpose, with a high probability of not having crap for retirement, is a great strategy to tough the kids up and make them succesful. That's another classic selfish excuse of disgusting Baby Boomers.
I have lots of rich friends that had an easier start because their parents helped them out financially, by paying for their expensive medical or law school, funding their business projects, helping them focus on their goals instead of distracting crap like health insurance, food, and a roof over the head. That's why the rich gets richer in this country, because they pass the wealth and knowledge to their kids, use their connections to get them good jobs, business contracts, or set their practices. Life is short and freaking expensive, so I would appreciate if my parents didn't blow all the money in BS and helped me out to save years of wasting my time with odd jobs, while my friends are going to good universities and starting early in life, to get all the opportunities first (like cheaper housing).
If you really think that having a tough life makes you successful, Africa would be a first world continent. It's stupid to think that making your kids suffer, instead of sending them to Wharton or Harvard, makes them more apt to succeed in life. Baby Boomers never respect the value of a dollar, that's why they come up with stupid excuses like that. Baby Boomers, the generation that destroyed the planet.
Funny story. A few years ago, I was taking a Marketing class (top 10 in the country) in a reputable B-School, given by a professor that was nominated "Marketing Professor of the Year" by BusinessWeek.
The professor told us that marketing companies don't like to target Gen Xs because they are too shrewd and cynic (= savvy). In other words, it was much easier for marketing companies to target the other generations because they are dumb, easier to fool.
True story, ask any marketing professional. No wonder Karl Rove makes Baby Boomers his bitches.
"it just seems like the whole world thinks they should get everything for free without working for it and anybody who has something should just hand it over to someone else."
Gen X & Y is not asking for free goods. But we believe that BBs should treat life like an airplane toilet: you leave it in a better condition than it was found.
Baby Boomers' selfish legacy is the environment in shambles, a huge deficit, SS and Medicare insolvent, bubbles on every sector of the economy, an immigration out of control, higher poverty, the dollar weak, made all of us China's bitches, jobs with depressed wages, and no benefits, educational system broken and expensive, obese kids with diabetes, and the list goes on and on. You BBs should be ashamed of yourselves.
Go lease another Corvette you can't afford and import a bride from the Philippines, bunch of freaks.
The baby boomers will pass on their wealth to their children (if there is anything left) ,but you spoiled brats don't like the fact that Boomers might spend some of their own earned money on medical care or trying to have a nice retirement .
Thats just horseshit! BB HAVE NOT SPENT jack shit into SS, with regards to current and future output. Basically your welfare programs are tanking this generation and the Nation. Step up to the plate and demand that you get what you put into it and not a thin red cent more? Ain't going to do it are you? Didn't think so...
sinis .
Do you have any idea how much a baby boomer puts into SSI after 45 to 50 years ? Alot more than the little benefit that you end up getting .
Just like I thought some of you have rich kid envy . If you weren't born with a silver-spoon in your mouth ,than get over it. Your not mad at baby boomers ,your mad because you weren't born into a rich family .Are you going to mess up you life because of your envy and really think that you can't make a good life for yourself unless you get what the rich kids get .
Life is not fair ,get over it . I think you also might feel that being rich is the only way to a happy life , which isn't true . Just do the best you can with what you got and have been given . What other choice do you have because it's not going to get you anywhere wanting to be a rich kid and resenting that your not .
I would agree that people who are poor have a harder time making it and they might not ever reach the heights that rich kids can .I know the young people today have alot of anger . The world is getting more dog eat dog and I don't like it as much as you don't. I wish the best for you younger people and you people are smart enough to make great headway on the earth I think .
Welfare programs started with the "New Deal " because of the depression .
Are you really blaming Baby Boomers for keeping welfare programs for the poor that were started years before BB's were of age ?
Civil rights was a very important issue during the 50's and 60's ,and even now they are .I lived in a time in which I saw black people not allowed into places .
The baby boomers were born into a society that was sick in many respects . I can tell you for a fact that BB's in their youth thought that materialism sucked .Where do you think the patched bell-bottom jeans came from .If you listen to 50'-70's music you could get a idea of what the thoughts of baby boomers were .
But like any generation Baby Boomers were a product of what was dished out to them .
I had no idea until I started reading blogs that the younger generations had this much hate for the boomers .
If you want to blame something for the state of the world today ,maybe it was TV that messed everything up .
I hate shopping, and I hate buying things. It's a waste of time and mostly unpleasant. I am quite happy with very few possessions, and this helps to save time for things that matter. Modern marketing is quite alien to me, and I think that it has helped to drive this country into the abyss. It's an accelerant for greed, like gasoline for fire.
Nobody age 18 or over is owed a thing by their parents, including any "inheritance." It's their money and their choice. If one's parents are rotten people, then leave them be and move on. Let 'em go. You'll be better off in the long run. You don't owe them anything either, by the way.
These nonsensical government programs will inevitably fail, and these false ties between younger workers and older retirees will fall to pieces, as they should.
I don't believe in public schools, either! They're a boondoggle and a disgrace! Not to mention an indoctrination center for government propaganda...
It seems like Gen XY want to take the bus ride without paying the fare .
Dump the generational BS. There are plenty of people that fill the boomers "character" in other generations, and there are plenty of good, hardworking, conscientious people in the boomer generation.
The boomers certainly were poised to take advantage of the credit bubble, more so than other generations, but still that credit bubble was not the doing of a generation, but of the central banks.
Generational bickering will go nowhere.
Whiny, hateful, miserable always gloomy Gen XY. Good. I'm glad your future will be something to whine about. I hope it is endless suffering without any hope. Your miserable shitty asses will reap what you sow. You will be buried in shit because you are shit
"Whiny, hateful, miserable always gloomy Gen XY. Good. I'm glad your future will be something to whine about. I hope it is endless suffering without any hope. Your miserable shitty asses will reap what you sow. You will be buried in shit because you are shit"
And you are the type of baby boomer that I will be happy to shove in the shittiest, most run-down retirement home I can possibly find. Have a good day, sir.
Now for the rest of the Baby Boomers, I know that there are a lot of good ones out there, and the idiot I quoted and replied to gives you all a bad name. I know how that feels...I'm a Generation Y (22 years old) and I'm given a bad name because of all the punk ass "gang bangers" and hip-hop dipshits running around. And I just know 50 years from now, future generations will blame me for something that the rest of my generation did even if I had no part in it. I KNOW that's going to happen for sure.
So the blame game serves no purpose. The real question is: What do we do now? We just might have to go back to the old days where the whole family lives under one roof. Grandparents can stay at home and help raise the grandchildren while the parents are at work. That way, we have children who are actually taught right from wrong, and then we won't have to worry about another Virginia Tech or Columbine.
This is just my vision, I don't know what's really going to happen. Maybe it's something really good....maybe it's something really bad...All I know, is that shit has to change-and soon!
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