Or this:
Does Britney Spears serve as a microcosm for the housing bubble and crash, and represent all that is wrong with America today?
February 23, 2007
What's the bigger, more predictable, more spectacular meltdown happening in America today - Housing or Britney?
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Labels: britney bubble, britney crash, epic historic housing crash, housing bubble
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F&cking classic!
-sarcasm- The housing market is in a temporary decline, but eventually housing prices “always go up” so once the decline is over, your house will be worth more. -sarcasm-
Kinda like reincarnation once your dead you'll be born again.
These are troubled times!
Britney has rehab, what do homeowners have?
"[She is] a sick little girl ... we're just trying to take care of her and other than that I have no comment, other than there is no housing bubble"
Britney's father, Jamie Spears, speaking Thursday from his Louisiana home to reporters
Britney is on her way out for sure..I predict she will be found with a Shotgun wound to the head ie: Curt Cobain: Or a drug or the other will take place real soon.
2000: Hot, sexy, available
2005: First signs of serious trouble
2007: Complete meltdown
She has over $100 million in the bank and is surely debt free.
Over 95% of the Americans would eagerly change places with her as she evolves into Tonya Harding.
Never underestimate the stupids and white trash scum syndrome which is a major American trait.
Stuff like this, is part of what makes grown men pilot big planes into big buildings.
For the moment, all news is on Britney-wonder if she'll make it through 1 week of rehab?
I hope she's able to sell those two homes up for sale in Hollywood, she's going to need the money.
The NAR's wants the media attention focused on more stories about Anna Nicole & binging Britney until this market turns around this Spring!
Well, I've lived in the U.S. long enough to know 95% of the guys would still be lining up to bang Britney. Mental health problem? Who has a mental health problem???
"Britney has rehab, what do homeowners have?"
A: Large bonfire parties
i think britney's more honest than uncle ben!
"She has over $100 million in the bank and is surely debt free."
No, she's pissed off because her investment team put her all into mbs and real estate in Fla and the markets tanking...
"She has over $100 million in the bank and is surely debt free"
Thank you. The point is that she got it by being on the spotlight non-stop for a decade.
Now, she's got a choice, retire, isolate herself from the world, let everyone forget her (which they will since another diva will emerge overnight), and then she can decide what she wants to do for the rest of her life.
That's a choice many of us don't have. We have to work, pretend to fit into the corporate masters' plan we serve and hope that our 401Ks aren't ransacked by sleazy fund managers. I'll take Britney's spot over that of a typical worker anyday.
Its obvious, she needs a man and to go shopping.
Why doesn't it surprise me that the HP renting crowd knows all about Britney and Anna Nicole? I guess you people like to keep up on your own, ie white trash.
So renters, you all enjoy yet another weekend of coupon clipping, bus riding, library book reading along with watching hours and hours of "breaking news" regarding Britney on the 13" B&W tv. Save all those pennies and stash them under the mattress where the big bad IRS can't find them.
I'll personally be out enjoying myself and spending money. Golf this afternoon. I need a new BBQ and will go look at a few tomorrow afternoon, hell after HD and Lowe's numbers, they should be having good sales, right? And Sunday, depending on how co-operative the weather is, out on a friend's boat for his 30th birthday party.
Yup, just another weekend trying to survive Great Depression Part Deux.
Britney's Spears latest hijacks are probably nothing more than publicity stunts for an upcoming album. One thing's for sure, the girl knows how to keep her name on the front page.
Maybe Britney's next stunt will be to carve a big X into her forehead and proclaim that she has become one of Charlie Manson's nuns. That would be a real attention getter. After that, a few more 2-hour rehabs would be in order.
Finally, she can appear before a judge and argue that she should be chosen over Kevin Federline to have sold custody of their children.
Yes Kieth you are right...
But unlike home equity Britney's hair will grow.
I think
Thanks for the link- I guess that Jordan chick really does have bigguns...
Why doesn't it surprise me that the HP renting crowd knows all about Britney and Anna Nicole? I guess you people like to keep up on your own, ie white trash.
None of us here TRY to keep up on this is kind of news...its in our faces all day long- broadcasted by the same media thats tells us that "housing can only go up"
Drugs and alcohol kill brain cells. Alcoholism is a mental illness that causes emotional and mental difficulty in coping with others in society.
Housing bubbles cause financial damage which can lead to mental illness and homelessness.
Rehab, medication, and time can heal addiction, not head shaving. Head shaving is a negative action that will achieve a negative result and manifest anger.
Alcoholism can cure housing bubbles. Simply convert your bubble property into a rehab or sober living to make up the negative profit vs. earnings.
Those of you who purchased an ARM or interest only mortgage are the real white trash!!
You have this insecure need to "keep up appearances" while your rotting at the core!!
You may have a good credit rating for now, but you are INSOLVENT!!
Remember, Britney grew up in an upper middle class "keeping up appearances" neigborhood, and you just might be following her to rehab very soon, because bubbles of denial only last for so long!
And as for the people who ride the bus and read library least they are SOLVENT and mock and disrespect your kind and having a good laugh while your kind gets foreclosed!!!
Iraq, Iran, Britney, Anna Nicole, whatever - just keep the American people from realising their largest "asset" has just vanished, and they are in the poor house. . .
By the time Time Magazine does do a house story, it will be too late.
Well Britney shaved her pussy and her head for all to see and there is nothing left to protect her plumbing and roof. She's overvalued and hyped up so much , like the stability of real estate as an investment that her very fabric is unravelling. Sure , as a long term investment housing has always been a good bet, like the stockmarket. However for those astute enough to buy low and sell high, if you sell when the market has peaked and buy when it has tanked , then you could very well be much better off in the short term and the long term. I just don't buy the argument that you have to get in now at insane prices or you will never get in and be shut out from the eternal tap on untold wealth. That is as lame as Britney's attempts at recovery. It just doesn't wash.
2000: Hot, sexy, available
2005: First signs of serious trouble
2007: Complete meltdown
Don't leave us hangin' dude!
Which one are you talkin' 'bout?
It's called a diversion. Like Anna Nicole, it's a fluff piece designed to distract from more serious issues...
Housing haircut.
Britney is starting to look like one of those Manson cult girls. What a train wreck.
That's what a home debtor in trouble looks like. I believe Promises in Malibu has plenty of rooms for up-side-down home owners.
They are offering a new session on how not to get so greedy and be happy with simple life you can afford.
Anyone notice that in the bottom photo of her, she looks like some white trash thug about to smash a car window open? About the only giveaway that it isn't a male is her thighs, which somehow manage to remain sexy-looking.
"I'll personally be out enjoying myself and spending money. Golf this afternoon. I need a new BBQ and will go look at a few tomorrow afternoon, hell after HD and Lowe's numbers, they should be having good sales, right? And Sunday, depending on how co-operative the weather is, out on a friend's boat for his 30th birthday party."
Ugh, I'd hate it if I could only do that stuff on the weekends. Thank god I sold, parked the proceeds in Treasuries, and am now semi-retired. Be sure you're back at your cubicle bright and early on Monday morning, there's debt to service!
"Kind of begs the question, why are you here following everything we say?"
It's called trolling. He's actually not doing a bad job.
She shouldn't have shaved her head, she has an ugly shaped skull bone. Yuck!
Broker leaves you broke said:"Kind of begs the question, why are you here following everything we say"?
Hi Broker, I didnt make that statement - Anon said it, look again.
I'm here because I believe there is a housing bubble!
"Anonymous said...
...The point is that she got it by being on the spotlight non-stop for a decade."
Right On!
Britney knows the first commandment of being a celebrity:
Drudge said she had lice.
Someones KooKoo for cocopuffs!
Regarding Britany's new crome dome:
At least now the drapes match the carpet.
(Rolls eyes.)
That girl is down right ugly with no hair!
You might have wanted to think this one out a little more there Britney!
The photographers first follow her because the public likes her. Then the paparazzi is incentivized for getting "the shot". Meltdowns sell, and pretty soon it becomes self-reinforcing. Since they sense Britney's on the edge they will be relentless in their pursuit of her until they break her for everything they can get. Bout the only place she can go is one of those isolated mountaintop monasteries, and shaving her head is a good start. Going to rehab just tells the paparazzi the circus tent has gone up.
Keith, you did a fundraiser for Casey. How about one for a plane ticket to get Britney to an isolated mountaintop monastery?
That looks lke the typical tycoon-wannabe homedebtor smashing up their HELOC'd giant SUV before the repo man comes to take it and the house.
Foreclosures are going thru the roof of the giant crapbox McMansions. What a wonderful world.
No, but Anna Nicole Smith does.
If I hear one more news report about her bodyguard's friend's gardener's niece's aunt who was there when she died, I'm going postal.
My fellow Americans we are proverbally fu&*ed if this is the top news story for 6 days straight...
Britney we here at HP love you! Please tell us what to do with our money and homes. I look up to you - I believe you might even be the savior.
Please do not wear a crown of thorns, we have lawyers today to inflect pain.
Bush is the baby's daddy - you heard it here first.
"I'll personally be out enjoying myself and spending money. Golf this afternoon. I need a new BBQ and will go look at a few tomorrow afternoon, hell after HD and Lowe's numbers, they should be having good sales, right? And Sunday, depending on how co-operative the weather is, out on a friend's boat for his 30th birthday party."
I doubt that you have any friends (with or without a boat) or have enough money to even know what a golf club looks like. If you had either, you would not be trolling this blog, you impotent little piece of trash!
"So renters, you all enjoy yet another weekend of coupon clipping, bus riding, library book reading along with watching hours and hours of "breaking news" regarding Britney on the 13" B&W tv. Save all those pennies and stash them under the mattress where the big bad IRS can't find them."
Hmmm, I am currently a "renter" living in Los Angeles with a $325K per year income, $500K in cash savings and $250K in stocks. I've never clipped coupons or watched a 13" TV. You better watch your manners my friend, you'll be double-bagging my groceries in a few years when you're upside down on your house and your friend's boat is being sold at a repo auction.
I have freinds with yachts, last names are the same as the National brokerage firms and diplomats, went to college on a golf scholarship and have been an HPer since day one, so sorry I could not get that to you sooner.
"And Sunday, depending on how co-operative the weather is, out on a friend's boat for his 30th birthday party."
ahhh...your friends boat.
Looks like you are already a good mooch.
It will come in handy in the future after your leased BMW x5 and Audi A6 are reposessed and you will need to "mooch rides" from your friends.
Britney donated all her hair to Donald Trump for a new toupee. She heard about his massive haircut, and was compelled to do something about it.
that little whore got way over paid for slutting around and teaching other young girls to act like tramps too, so what goes around comes around.
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