February 04, 2007

The Corrupt David Lereah is a big fat liar. And now a verb.

After awhile, liars can't stand up to the light of day. Put the glaring spotlight on glaring lies, and over time, even the braindead MSM eventually calls a spade a spade (for evidence, just look to the roasting Bush and Cheney are taking now, vs. the "yee-haw, let's ride on tanks" just a few years ago).

Twist at Doom points the glaring light on The Corrupt David Lereah, and predicts that he'll be the next proper name turned into a verb (as in "To Google").

As a noun, Lereah will now equal liar or cheater or con man. To "Lereah" as an active verb will be to con, to lie, to deceive, to sucker, to cheat, to steal. And on the passive side, to get screwed, to get reamed, to get taken etc.

"Oh, man, I bought a used car today, and boy did I get Lereahed!". "My salesman was a real Lereah". "I got caught cheating on my girlfriend but it's OK guys, I just Lereahed my way out of it"

Doom put Lereah and the NAR's monthly PR headline up against the home sales YOY numbers for your enjoyment on the chart above. Nice work Twist.

In the English speaking world, we have had a way of recognizing those men who, for better or worse, have epitomized a concept in our eyes- we name that concept after them. In 1814, Elbridge Gerry's name became synonymous with redistricting political districts along party lines, or "gerrymandering." In the 1920s, Charles Ponzi's name becamsynonymousus with "swindle." In 1987 the term "borked" was coined after Robert Bork, who failed to be confirmed for the Supreme Court after intensive questioning during Senate confirmation hearings.

I believe that you sir, like Robert Bork, are destined to become a verb as well.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the media reports his lies when the numbers themselves tell the real story

Anonymous said...

Relatively few people outside of the housing world even know Lereah. The new verb for lying in the future will be:

I'm going to bush my way out of it.

He bushes all the time.

If you bush to me one more time, I'll lereah you!

Anonymous said...

David Lereah will never be hated, because he is telling the American public what they want to hear. The politicians and the fed will make this dream come true one way or another, since it is cheaper then a revolution

Anonymous said...

Medias number one job is to stay in business. Survey after Survey shows more people watch when you tell lies that make them fell good.

This is made easy with a population with a very low IQ.

Paige Turner said...

"The Corrupt David Lereah is a big fat liar. And now a verb."

Speaking of Lereah Schemes, the new one from Pulte Homes is a doozy. On page 3 of today's San Francisco Chronicle Real Estate section, Pulte offers irrefutable evidence that the housing slump has ended and a new burst of home appreciation is eminent:

"Most of the negatives in housing are probably behind us..." -- Alan Greenspan.

"Economists Say the Worst Of Housing Bust is Over" and "Economists see housing rebound by end of '07"

(I believe The Corrupt David Lereah, Chief Economist of the National Ass. of Realtors, was involved in all of the above prophesies.)

If "housing prices are hitting bottom, according to many experts", the value of Pulte's vast inventory of unsold houses will soon be experiencing tremendous gains in value. Why then is Pulte throwing in over $100,000 worth of incentives?

Check it out HERE.

Anonymous said...

bought my house in the mid hudson valley, NY in 2000 for $145k, sold in 2005 to FB for $469K.
Boy did i pull a "Lereah" on this guy.
Ha ha ha ha ha.. knee slapin' ha ha ha ha ha.
my plan is to buy my house back for about $180k next year.
Teee Hehehe hehe hehe.

Anonymous said...

forget all that for a second. I want to know who the fuck wrote the headline

"Some Predict That The Worst Of Housing Slump Has Past"

Has Past? Ugh. Not even newspaper editors can write anymore.

Anonymous said...

He forgot the name "Benedict Arnold," being synonymous with traitor.

Ironically, it was George Washington who was the real traitor. He was a British officer in the 1750's. Then he led the rebellion against his legal sovereign in the 1770's. That's the very definition of "Traitor."

But he got lucky and ended up on the winning side. The winners get to rewrite the history books.