February 04, 2007

Fill in your own punchline (again).


Anonymous said...

Bush is the # villian for whiny, stupid, loser, leftie liberal Dems (such as 96% of the readers of this blog).

Anonymous said...

They hanged the wrong man in Baghdad....

Anonymous said...

Whatever...MSNBC Propaganda again.

Small Hat

Anonymous said...

Bush is the real terrorist indeed. Saddam and OBL are heroes to be celebrated for standing up to American opression.

Right you are KEIF.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't Lereah on that list?

Anonymous said...

What happened to this blog? Used to be populated by crazy right wing nutjobs like honica. Now all of a sudden it's DailyKos II with the crazies being left wing nutjobs.

Anonymous said...

The bush apologists are out again...

Anonymous said...

what happened a year ago? oh yeah bush wanted to sell US ports to terrorist sponsoring nations

spin that dumb nutz

Anonymous said...

Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, Perl, etc...ad nauseum.

They should all be tried for crimes against humanity and then publicly executed.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I heard a great analysis recently about how Bush's stubbornness and cowboy streak are presenting big problems for the trouble makers in Iran.

Basically they're afraid because they know he doesn't give a shit what the rest of America or the world think, he's gonna do what he's gonna do.

So this dick sucker might just be the guy who creates a negotiated way of keeping Iran from getting a bomb.

Anyone who wants to chime in with "It's OK if Iran gets a bomb", just Fuck Off. Share your insanity at mediamatters. You're crazy. You're a disgrace to Housing Panic.


Lincoln was hated by all in the South and most in the North during the civil war.

Anonymous said...

Bush may be a terrible president, and has had an ineffective and even bumbling administration, but if someone wants to call the Bin Ladens and Saddams of the world HEROES, FIND ANOTHER COUNTRY TO CALL YOUR HOME.

Disgruntled said...

Shrub may be a bumbling ineffective leader, with a catastrophic admininstration, but if you call Bin Laden and Saddam heroes, FIND ANOTHER COUNTRY TO CALL YOUR HOME!

Anonymous said...

Israel has nuclear weapons so why not Iran or Egypt?
The US does, why not Mexico or Brazil?
China does why not Japan?
UK and France do, why not Italy and Germany?

Open it up and spread it around...That's the cornerstone US foreign policy isn't it: "globalization and free trade".
You can only take American hypocrisy so far...this country has been exposed by Bush and the right-wing
to the entire world as a paper tiger with future generational damage.
And to the Keyboard Kommando Bush lap dogs on this blog, nobody gives ashit about your lies and excuses, just go VOLUNTEER and go to Iraq and fight, you FAGGOTS!!

Anonymous said...


the crazy guy in iran didnt get elected until after w invaded iraq

crazy is as crazy does!

Anonymous said...

Bush isn't all he's cracked up to be by either side. He's slightly worse than Clinton, who was slightly worse than Bush, who was slightly worse than Reagan.....OK even I can't say what's next on my list, but you get the point.

And as for cave dwelling zero infrastructure desert nomads even being on this list speaks volumes to our vulnerability and general ineffectiveness of the aforementioned list.

So get out and vote republicrat!

Anonymous said...


The Dubai ports deal... when Bush wanted to sell U.S. port control to teh nations sponsoring terror groups killing American soldiers in Iraq!!!! Thank God Peter King (R-NY) had the courage to speak up and thrawt the deal. His state suffered more from terror attacks than any other. That "deal" was the moment the Bush presidency was toast. But anything for a buck, right republicans?

"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" will be the photo op which will live in infamy!!!

Anonymous said...

"Bush is the # villian for whiny, stupid, loser, leftie liberal Dems"

"Now all of a sudden it's DailyKos II with the crazies being left wing nutjobs."

Umm...that guy was from the New Republic, known for its conservative slant. It was a lousy kind of poll, but it did not say Satan et al are heroes, just that Bush ranked as a more immanent danger (than a dead guy and a fictional characer???)

Bush is extremely unpopular. Bush messed things up and told multiple lies that dwarf any of Clinton's (impeached over a tawdry affair with an intern - how innocent-sounding by comparison!). Bush is "going it alone", acting above the law. Republicans can't work with him, he is incapable of admitting mistakes. True conservatives are upset with him. He will not go down in history as a Licoln-style visionary.

Anonymous said...

Dissent is more patriotic than anything. If you can't understand that you should leave our great country.

I don't know ONE Liberal who wants to defend Osama Bin Laden so stop with that Free Reppers stuff.

Us independents will win in the end and the crazies on both sides of the aisle can kill each other for all I care. Time to stop catering to partisans and find common ground and run this country CORRECTLY.

Fuck the right and fuck the left.

Anonymous said...