November 08, 2006

Today's biggest losers


Anonymous said...

You forgot the Repubs.

Anonymous said...

Bush is the biggest loser.
Mopre than anyone else, he caused the result, and he will feel the effect.

Anonymous said...

You think that Hannity and Rush are the losers here?

They do best when the Democrats are in power and have something to complain about.

You liberals are hypocrites since you support homos unless they are Republican. Then you criticize them for being gay, like it were some kind of sin in your eyes.

Jesus loves gays too!

David in JAX said...

Federline. He loses his gravy train and a bigtime hotty.

O'Reily, Hannity and Limbaugh (not sure about the spelling) are winners. Their listeners / watchers will be angry (like when Clinton was in office) and the money will keep rolling in.

Lareah is losing, but isn't the biggest loser. Yet.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

SecDef Rumsfeld Resigns according to AP. Effective immediately.

The Thinker said...

Loosing the Congress is not enough. Bush should be extradited to Iraq where he should answer for his crimes before an impartial tribunal.

Anonymous said...

anon property tax lover

just curious, what kind of year over year property tax increases have you seen over the past 4-5 years? do you enjoy being able to include them in with your mortgage interest as a reduction to your taxable income. well, if so enjoy the increases you're likely to see during the next few years, but don't get too used to being able to take all those nice reductions to your taxable income. last year there were quite a few "studies" at the federal level researching what kind of revenue could be raised by eliminating or reducing the amount of interest and/or or property taxes that is allowed to be used in those calculations. should be interesting in the next few years.

bahahahahahahah **all in cash***

Anonymous said...


Got it from an inside source at AP.. The exit polls in MT and VA show solidly blue. It is over Congress is controlled by democrats.

Anonymous said...

On the election eve, Bush said we have to stay in Iraq in order to defend their oil. I believe oil was the reason we went in in the first place. That is disgusting and is what you get when you elect oil men as President and Vice President.

InfidelSix said...

O'Reilly wasn't running for office.

He'll probably continue to dominate the ratings though.

P.S. You forgot Air America

Anonymous said...

Add Rumsfeld to that list of pictures...

That bastard is high-tailing it out of there now with his tail between his legs.

Anonymous said...

Screw politics- Let's get back to real estate. I am going to a foreclosure sale next weekend. I can't wait to pay pennies on the dollar!!!!!!!!

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Now we know. Rummey gets the blame and the boot. He pays the price with his job. Bush can’t go, so its is the SecDef that is sacrificed to Pelosi and Dem. crew.

Now, what is really a concern is Rummey's replacement, imo.

Rumsfeld is a Military man, straight forward, from back in the day. His replacement? Former CIA Director. NOW we see the Black Operations Expansion. The VP has a new playmate in his efforts to chip away at our freedoms. Oh, well, maybe we won't SEE it. Scary.

Bill said...

Where is the picture of Dumsfeld? good riddance neo-con loser!!!!!!!

Metroplexual said...

History will not be kind to this failed administration. Investigations will be conducted on war profiteering and outright theft. Many will go to jail even with alberto being ATTY Gen'l

Anonymous said...

boy they knew this was coming. i don't think bushie got up this morning and just figured well, "what if rummy decides to call it a day? who will my s.o.d. be? Hmmmm????" they saw the writing on the wall on this one a looooooong time ago.

unrelated...gas in st. louis just before election $1.97 on way to work. on way to polls after work, $2.17

10% increase in 6 hours - welcome to banana republic northern zone!


Anonymous said...


I remember Hannity got his first big exposure trying to "convict" OJ Simpson from his radio perch in Atlanta GA. You'd think he was an eye witness to the murders the way he went on and on.

Bill said...

Oh and I want a
LYNCHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!and my money back for a liars war...and for our veterans to storm the White House and demand more Pentagon Resignations...No Confidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The replacement?

It's the same old crap that W has done his entire freaking life:

Screw up royally. Get shitfaced drunk. Hangover, problem still there. Call Dad. Get Dad's rich and powerful buddies to pull his ass out of the fire.

Did you know that they reanimated James Baker (Dad 41's Secretary of State and long time insider) to head Bush's new "WTF do we do with Iraq?" commission?

And now Gates rising from the dead?

This is the 2nd term of George H.W. Bush, the "I told you so, son" part.

GHWB was always completely against the "crazies" like Cheney and Rumsfeld and the other neocons.

Cheney can't be fired. But he can be impeached and removed from office.

Metroplexual said...

Now that Dems will control both houses, does that mean Limbaugh might get funny again?

Metroplexual said...

How the hell is this guy some moral authority?

Bill said...

Limbaugh is a fat ass! Here he was dogging Clinton back in the day when all along he was nothing but a fat ass pill popping loser. At least Clinton was getting a piece, last time Limbaugh saw a piece Michael Jackson was still black.

Anonymous said...

you need to include rumsfeld. he just resigned today. ouch!

Anonymous said...

Republican right-wing cockroaches
all of them.
I love the smell of insecticide in the morning...exterminate all the hypocritical scumbags.

Anonymous said...

Another Republican cockroach exterminated.

At first denial,then disbelief, then resignation and finally utter humiliation.


Bill said...

That means Bush can appoint Lieberman to the job. Then the Republican governor of CT can pick a Republican to fill in for Lieberman.

Isn't that a nice scenario? And it's not impossible.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you guys are talking about, I've been a libtard all my life. Where do I get in line for the free money?


Go talk to Rumsfeld I am sure he has a closet full, but nothing for nothing you may have to drop to your knees and beg like the bitch that you are.

The Thinker said...

Heck of a job Rummy!

Metroplexual said...

Better a libtard than a republincompetent anonywuss.

Bill said...

Yawn anyone else finished with this topic yet?

Anyway in other News:

Vice President Dick Cheney arrived in Pierre, S.D., Monday morning for his first hunting trip since he accidentally shot a companion last February while aiming at a covey of quail on a private Texas ranch.

Metroplexual said...


You were too nice with these clowns' headshots. There are way better pics showing how ugly and dumb they really are.

Anonymous said...

Watch the stinking RATS leave the ship. Rumsfeld steps down, now to the jail cell. Cheney is next, what a crook. Does anyone believe after King bushes speech that he is still in touch with the real world.

Anonymous said...


"Heck of a job Rummy! "

Nice. Along those lines, I was wondering right away what date would be set for Bush to award Rumsfeld with the Medal of Freedom. Gotta be coming up soon.

Anonymous said...

"Thinker", what do you claim to
be thinking about? rotfl
The voters lost, getting some of
these hand in YOUR pocket Dems (no better than the hand in your pocket
Reps). Not enough Libertarians won.
I think I'm going to try and get
involved with the Libertarian
All you doom and gloomers are
pretty silly, all the same.....

Benvolio Montague said...

BTW, who's the ponce with the tats on the top right?

Metroplexual said...
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Metroplexual said...


That's Kevin Federline ya uh huh! Mr. Britney Spears.

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Senate will go to the Dems, just got the word form my guy in DC.

Anonymous said...

So what was it, a resignation or firing? Idiot.

These are the type of comments that are going to make Bush more popular. Leave to extreme idiots in both party's to make weak presidents, popular.

We all saw this with Bill Clinton ... the republican attack dogs ripped him and his wife to pieces, and look at what they created ... A popular president with no moral standing or compass.

The same thing will happen with the current ideologue. Watch and see!

Metroplexual said...


My guy in DC says the same.

Metroplexual said...

Oh yeah, Hannity Sucks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should focus on Britney being the loser. Not because she is divorcing K-Fed, but because she married him to begin with. And within a month of having a 2nd child with him, files for divorce? She's a throw away musician with a throw away attitude. Throwing away the father of her kids. He was nothing but a sperm donor. The guy doesnt have a chance to be with his kids, despite your beliefs about him, she's the real loser. Lacking any grace, living by her whims, powered by an inflated sense of self-entitlement.

blogger said...

FLASH: Rush Limbaugh admits he's been lying to his listeners:

believe my side is worthy of victory, and I believe it's much easier to reform things that are going wrong on my side from a position of strength. Now I'm liberated from having to constantly come in here every day and try to buck up a bunch of people who don't deserve it, to try to carry the water and make excuses for people who don't deserve it. I did not want to sit here and participate, willingly, in the victory of the libs, in the victory of the Democrat Party by sabotaging my own. But now with what has happened yesterday and today, it is an entirely liberating thing. If those in our party who are going to carry the day in the future -- both in Congress and the administration -- are going to choose a different path than what most of us believe, then that's liberating. I don't say this with any animosity about anybody, and I don't mean to make this too personal.

Anonymous said...

Why waste your time attacking Britney Spears? She's a moron. And always was, too.

Anonymous said...

Watch the stinking RATS leave the ship. Rumsfeld steps down, now to the jail cell. Cheney is next, what a crook.
OMG, I hope so. Now that Rumsfeld is history, please, God, get rid of Cheney too. (And, no, I am not taking God's name in vain. This is a sincere prayer.)

blogger said...

Long term readers of HP know I've been mocking the britney - kfed insanity and MSM coverage as a reprensentation of the shallowness of the American culture during the same period that the housing bubble was in effect.

If the housing bubble was written as satire, I feel the Britney/Kfed stupidity serves as an interesting backdrop to a world having spun out of control

It's interesting that they started and ended at the same time. Perfect, and predictable, bookends.

Anonymous said...

Most of these guys fly around in their private Gulfstreams, and you call them losers? Watch as the MSM does a 180 and starts reporting about the wonderful economy and how well the war is going. And watch as the new Congress gets down to "business", as in ass-raping S-corps, homeowners, anyone with an IRA or HSA, and in general people with more than $100 in a checking account. LaQuisha, Julio, and Antoine will be right there cheering them on.

Emigration counseling should be a booming business as more people get wise and then get the hell out of this place before '08.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your election forcast Keith

I have lots of shares in Sinclair Broadcasting that are going cheap, get em before nancy pelosi has her investigation in media ownership

What odds do u think the democrats have forgotten the 2004 swift boat film?

Jip said...

Infidel Six,

Air America is just a Bizarro World version of Vanity and Lamebrain and therefore never relevant to begin with

Anonymous said...

The funny thing will be when liberals realize that the worst is yet to come. Voting for a party of nothing means will have 2+ years of evil downturn.

In democracy's you get what you vote for. That means you'll be getting hosed with more taxes.

The rich don't pay tax. YOU pay tax.

Anonymous said...

You think that Americans are the only ones who are shallow and worship celebrities?

WTF do you think happened in August of 1997 when that stupid c*nt Princess Diana died? You would have thought that the world had ended the way the Brits carried on about her. She was just their version of Britney Spears. A pretty, dumb, shallow c*nt that got divorced from her husband. All she had to do was show up at official functions and complain about land mines.

Her last days were spent diddling some rich Muslim playboy.

The British are much bigger whiners than people in this country.

How can you complain that Americans are dumb? They are educated in Publick skules.

BuckNekid and Mabel Wonderful said...

Too bad this HP has degenerated to this.

If it is not related to the housing bubble and its effects on the economy, society, etc,especially if it is bitter partisan politics, we should steer clear of it.

It just boggs the forum down.

Bill said...

WTF do you think happened in August of 1997 when that stupid c*nt Princess Diana died?


STFU you homo and show some respect, never ever call your mother a c*nt.

Paige Turner said...

Too bad this HP has degenerated to this. If it is not related to the housing bubble and its effects on the economy, society, etc. especially if it is bitter partisan politics, we should steer clear of it. It just boggs the forum down.

You got that right. The election's over!

Why get involved in bitter partisan politics when you can go shopping for f*ck me pumps?

Paige Turner said...

After Kevin turned Britney into a trashy wench, she dumped him.

But Kevin's not a loser.

I'd love to have Kevin turn me into a trashy wench.

Kevin, I know you read this blog. I gave you my number at Johnny Depp's party.

Call me!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

K Fed getting millions! I really don't consider a nobody with millions losing!

Anonymous said...

Let's all wait for borkafatty's response!

Christina said...

I'm so pleased I could only identify one person of those photos. Are they celebrities? Would someone who watches television be able to identify them?

Anonymous said...

If you take into account how much they earn, the looser is actually you :-) Beyond, they don't care what we think and we don't care what they say.

Paige Turner said...

Christina said...
I'm so pleased I could only identify one person of those photos. Are they celebrities? Would someone who watches television be able to identify them?

They are all celebrities. Watching television could help identify these guys, but someone who reads only Housing Panic might still know who they are.

The Rogues Gallery appears to contain pictures of (from left to right, top to bottom):

* Dr. David Lereah, lying asshole who is chief economist of the National Ass. of Realtors.

*Kevin Federline, also known as the former Mr. Britney Spears.

* Bill O'Reilly, author who warns of the collapse of Western civilization.

* Sean Hannity, religious zealot, author and talk show host.

* Rush Linbaugh, dope fiend who tells us what to think and what to believe from his radio pulpit.

Bun Bun said...

Since when does making millions or flying around on a private jet have anything to do with quality of person? To base a person's character on such a hyperinflated-terd-with-wings philosophy is exactly the problem. The Bubble IS a satire, and they are the perfect bookends. Now if only there was some sort of reflection by the markets of what it's really like out there.

Bill said...

Let's all wait for borkafatty's response!


Boy the cockroaches have discovered this place in a bad way, to bad to, the thing with roaches is once you get them they never go away.

Anonymous said...

borkafatty, why do you call yourself a cockroach?

Anonymous said...

Alright, I gotta know. Who here actually thinks there has been some great changing of the gaurd? Do you not think we will be invading Iran within six months now on the jooz behalf? Are we now now longer israels bitch?

Anonymous said...

Are we slightly biased? Where are the rest?