jin·go·ism Pronunciation: 'ji[ng]-(")gO-"i-z&m
Function: noun: extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy
November 08, 2006
America's not buying this crap anymore, right?
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You mean not buying that people who hate government turn out to not be very good at governing?
One would hope. I'm not that optimistic, though. Some idiots most certainly still buy it.
My take: Americans are so dumb when it comes to history that they didn't see a classic financial mania nor did they see classic jingoism, or if they saw either they chose to simply look the other way
I'm sure a whole slew of post-election books will be written and people will eat it up. You could stick Bill O'Reily, Al Franken, Anne Colter, or any one of these people's faces on a sheet of toilet paper and their die hard fans would buy it up.
That's a lot of flags in those pictures - was there a sale on China-made USA flags at Wal-Mart?
You forgot that blonde witch Ann Coulter...
I can totally understand why people would not like the republicans ... I'm to the right of center, and I didn't vote yesterday and actually enjoyed watching the neo con's take it in the ass last night. Don't get me wrong, yesterday was a good day for conservatism, NOT republicanism or the neo con's. Lots of conservative to moderate dems won, while lots of liberal republicans lost. If anything, yesterday was a win for the center.
However; here's the major problem. Where else are people in the center or fringes of center supposed to go.
I guess what I'm saying is, if you have ANYTHING to lose (wealth, liberty, guns, immunity from law suit, the 1st amendment, the 5th amendment, etc, etc, etc ..), how in the hell are you supposed to like this new group of fiends coming into office. I only wish Jim Webb could be the majority leader, and Heath Shuller could be the speaker ... but no, who do we get, left-wing nut jobs that will likely make Bush more popular.
Did O'Reilly get that jacket a the Wal Marts? I have one just like it. He's a righteous dude.
Americans are so dumb when it comes to history
Yeah, so are the British who have totally forgot about the US G.I. who sacrificed his life during WWII, and prevented them from falling into the arms of the NAZIs.
Enough of this ... FU*K the Euro's!
Does this mean that the Dems have a mandate?
Okay Keith,
The pics are a little smarmier, but still congenial. Gotta get uglier.
They have political capital.
Oh hey jeff are you still gay? Or did they cure you like they will cure Haggart?
That picture of Cheney makes him look like he's taking a crap.
All countries have permanent interests.
Do you really think that Iran's foreign policy is not belligerent?
When the jihadis take over Europe, all you metrosexuals will have your throats slit and your women raped.
Keith lives in Londonistan. That's gotta be a safe place during the next World War. The Muslims from France don't have to cross the Channel anymore, they can just go under it.
Can you get handguns in Britain? I know that they're illegal, but can you still get them? You might want to get one before the Muslims take over.
Nuclear 9/11 after Dems take over in 2009. Count on it.
I am gay and I do not want to get married. Good, God, divorce court like straight people, where the "man" assets are cut in half.
Though I'm sure that you put the pics of Limbaugh, Hannity and others up as a taunt, but really, those commentators are about to make a mint on the diatribes, books, and lectures to disgruntled Republicans throughout the land. If they voted their pocketbook, they probably voted for the Dems.
Limbaugh alone made millions on the dissatisfaction of the right with the Clintons.
Can you get handguns in Britain? I know that they're illegal, but can you still get them? You might want to get one before the Muslims take over.
Good Point!
What's at stake:
Women Drivers
Kite Flying
FOX News
Monday Night Football
San Francisco
Free Minds
Birth Control
Anal Sex
Oral Sex
Will & Grace
Van Halen
Led Zeplin
Britney Spears
The Bill of Rights
Matt Drudge
Daily Kos
Nancy Pelosi
NY Times
Las Vegas
Fast Cars
Fast Women
Internet Porn
Laguna Beach
South Beach
etc, etc, etc, Western Civilization
Ohh, but don't worry, if they win, well get plenty of:
Cropped Hands
Awful Music
Nasty Coffee & Tea
White Robes
Stupid Hats
Awful Architecture
Old Cars
Dirt Streets
Horny People
Big Brother
Bad Teeth
Bad Breath
However; we must not forget the shiny prize at THE END ... all those Virgins that moon god promised!
Don't think it can happen? Just take a look at the Middle East ... the land were millions of crazed zealots want to kill the free will of America.
extreme chauvinism or nationalism
Sounds like illegal mexicans.
Europeans are such p*ssies that I can't wait for the Muzzies to take over.
And people were wondering why wolf-packs of young Muslim males were ass-raping young Western women. See what you multi-cultis wrought?
you mean young Western women are good for anything else?
Crap is still a HOT seller.
What do you bet its the same anon twat verbally wanking away posting to himself while watching Fox news reruns?
How come no pic of Bumsfeld yet?
Congrats Keith. You finally called one right
I agree with keith - You'd think that a set of people so surrounded by shameless hucksters and ignoble salesmanship would be wise to the ways of those who'd dip into their pockets - with their "buy one get one free", the infamous mail-in rebates, "would you like to supersize that", "how about upgrade the rental to full size for only $5 more", " a spring roll to go with that?"- would be wise to the ways of marketing and manipulation - no such luck - they are such innocents in a sea of sharks.
And this extends to politics and the talk show shills for the political parties; then you have to add in the tremendous ignorance about the rest of the world - for the run of the mill nation this wouldn't matter but for the citizens of the Empire of the United States its downright tragic. At least the working stiffs in Britain in the heyday of their Empire had an idea of it - even if it was a world populated by fuzzy wuzzies, darkies, bints and kaffirs.
Oddly, its not as if the info isn't out there - for free at that - CSPAN on Books, has authors talking about their non-fiction books for a full 36 hours every weekend - the channel is free to anybody with cable. I've learnt so much watching that over the last 2 year. but so few that need to watch, watch.
Weird, tragic and ultimately deadly.
Of course their buying Crap! Just look at this site!
A few pointed comments to the Big Government, Neo Con’s that now occupy the WH:
I have an uncomfortable feeling that this prosperity isn't something on which we can base our hopes for the future. No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income. Today, 37 cents of every dollar earned in this country is the tax collector's share, and yet our government continues to spend $17 million a day more than the government takes in. We haven't balanced our budget 28 out of the last 34 years. We have raised our debt limit three times in the last twelve months, and now our national debt is one and a half times bigger than all the combined debts of all the nations in the world. We have $15 billion in gold in our treasury--we don't own an ounce. Foreign dollar claims are $27.3 billion, and we have just had announced that the dollar of 1939 will now purchase 45 cents in its total value.
As for the peace that we would preserve, I wonder who among us would like to approach the wife or mother whose husband or son has died in South Vietnam and ask them if they think this is a peace that should be maintained indefinitely. Do they mean peace, or do they mean we just want to be left in peace? There can be no real peace while one American is dying some place in the world for the rest of us. We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it has been said if we lose that war, and in doing so lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. Well, I think it's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers. Ronald Reagan~October 27, 1964 “A Time for Choosing”
I intentionally posted pictures of these hucksters where they pose with the American flag.
When you wrap yourself in the flag, you must speak the truth. You must not be corrupt. You must be on the "right" side - of god and country.
Yeah, right. And Americans are dumb enough to buy it.
Maybe I should change HP's colors to red white and blue, and have an American flag flying in the upper left hand corner.
Hey, where are all the horror stories about those evil, rigged voting machines? Doesn't Karl Rove have a master control station in the White House basement where he sets the "real" outcomes in all those races?
Come on conspiracy types, clue us in, what the f_ck happened to the rigged election? If they could do it in '00 and '04, what heppened this time?
Oh, your guys won, so there's nothing to whine and bitch about.
Don't underestimate the stupidity and arrogance nor the vast numbers of American white trash scum that can easily be manipulated due to their poor education and defective gene makeup.
There's a lot of sic Republicscum out there, crawling around like cockroaches so keep the insectcide and and crusher handy.
why is O'Reilly in there? That's a bit of a stretch...
Disgorge said.... "I want a chimpeachment"
What do you have against congolisa rice?
Are you kidding? We elected a president who could barely make C grades and it's not the first time we've elected a puppet whose mannerisms draw the simple majority.
In general, our citizens have no understanding of history and no desire to learn. And thus, we're doomed to repeat it.
that Hannity guy is at the top of my list on who seems most phony and self aggrandizing and patronizing - I laugh everytime I hear that "well, you're a great American" and then his cult follower callers say "well, you're a great American" and then Hannity goes "no, you're a great American" it is the festival of smoke being blown up each other's asses that kills me and cracks me up - what a tool.
The culture war will continue to gain recognition if Pelosi pushes her agenda. Those guys will get rich off it and the liberals will finally have to take a position and reveal that most everything those guys say about them is pretty accurate. Air America will still go under.
have you ever asked yourself how and why those guys have risen to the top?
anyone with a brain sees right through them, but the masses eat it up. where are all the honest people with brains?
hmmm... perhaps it's designed that way...
I'm sure history is not done yet with Rummy, he's not going to be able retire and slither under the rock of anonymity like General Tommy Franks.
(Remember him? The guy who thought he was the next Norman Schwartzcroft?)
Over the next two years we will witness the dismantling of the Bush (43) White house.
John Bolton will NOT be back at the UN.
Rummy's Neo-Con Lieutenants are already packing their bags at the Pentagon.
Bob Gates will bring his own team in over presumed objections from Cheney's camp. (Dick Vader's hand picked henchmen fleshed out Pentagon org chart)
Have you noticed how Dick Cheney is suddenly "incommunicado"?
Bob Gates and Jim Baker (Daddy's Boys) will be taking Bush 43's whole team out to the "wood shed" (i.e. Rice, Cheney, and Rove)
I think the VP will suddenly find himself sidelined from here on out. (and bitter about it too)
Most of the next two years will have Cheney fighting off Congressional subpoenas. (heh heh heh..)
I wonder how long will Condi Rice will last before she bolts back to academia. (Where she came from.)
Bush and Cheney will soon be standing in a room full of strangers who will be "looking over their shoulders".
Bush will end his presidency showcasing the buffoonery he exhibited during their first 6 months in office.
And America will wake up in January 2009 from what most will consider "The Long Nightmare".
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