1) Immigration
2) Iraq
3) Toxic Loans
4) Wal-Mart
5) The Fed
6) Fannie Mae
7) The Corrupt Congress
8) The Declining American Wage
9) Bush
10) Fox News
Feel free to pick your own topic for consideration, and feel free to rant away here on any ol' subject burning you up today.
Wild Card Post - just keep it clean.
November 21, 2006
Reader's Choice - which HP rant do you want next?
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declinding american wage please.
Toxic Loans! They are bubblicious!
fox news = faux news. My inlaws are so clueless about what is going on in the world because that is all they watch. They just parrot the talking points.
For example, when they asked me why the congress flipped, I said it was a number of reasons. They could only copome up with "it is because of the Iraq war". So I showed my father in law the exit polling data which showed these issues among others;
Iraq war.
My inlaws said but the economy is good! I had to explain the two tiered economy and how the gov't lies on CPI and that they are essentially being cheated because of it when it comes to pension and Soc. Sec. Fox news has created a class of catatonic misinformed automatons.
I 2nd michael's suggestion: declining american wage. I've never heard your thoughts on that before, Keith.
Anything but realtors, Jeez.
Consumerism ......
Hmm, looks like you did'nt like my #11) choice...... I guess I'll go with the invading criminal mexican savages.
i know that there's a lot of talk about the impact of illegal immigration to american wages.
is there anything else that has the direct impact besides illegal immigration? for example, wages with the current trade deficit, budget deficit, and perhaps off-shore outsourcing. let's see who is the greater of all evils and have a healthy debate about it.
There is a wealth of "cut-and-paste" illegal alien stuff to fill yards and yards worth of this blog...
The other day I saw an older black woman walking down the street, pushing a baby carriage with a half-breed - looking kid in it. Figuring this was another result of stupid fat white trailer-trash getting pregnant by a big black stud, I asked the woman if this was her son’s child.
She replied, “No, this is my daughter’s.” So I said to her, “If your daughter wanted an extremely small white d*ck, I would have been glad to offer her my services.”
She just looked at me kinda funny and went on about her business, ignoring me.
Just like everybody on HP needs to ignore me and the bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic nonsense that I post on this blog.
Silent Spring: The reasons that there will be no knight in shining armor to save RE.
im all for delcining american wages.
i think thats what it takes for the sheeple to wake up and bring the war home , the second american revolution.
people in iraq are dying while americans are shopping to excess, going broke, while they are whining about declining wages.
the world has changed, technology has changed, and you have taken your eye off the ball. wages will revert to where they were 300 years ago, before the industrial revolution.
why should anyone pay an american more than a mexican, a chinese or an indian for essentially the same set of labor skills?
you`ve gotten fat on hegemony, and looked the other way when your own nation invades sovereign nations killing untold numbers in illegal immoral imperialist wars, while signing away free trade agreements for capitalist overlords, and now you want sympathy so that you can continue your irresponsible debt laden "lifestyle".
get real and try doing something about it instead of looking for a poor mexican scapegoat.
Declining american MIDDLE class wages
Wages are stable. They have not declined/moved since the early 80's. Everything else has gone up. Wages have stayed the same.
It is not unemployment, it is underemployment.
Ya know, I agree with some of what you said above there viva. A hell of a lot of white Americans HAVE gotten fat, way too fat, and not just on hegemony. Many of these castrated, feminized lemmings (such as the one who posted under my name above) just don't know how to live within their means. Say, when you mexicans feel that you are here in sufficient numbers, and have enough of those fully automatic Bulgarian AK47's, will you do us all a favor and go after these whining sissys first? They really need a good lesson in diversity.
And not all white European Americans look the other way while we fight the jews wars, most do, but not all.
Hey Real Bob,
First, the survey you refer to was done over 10 years ago. Second, if you believe fox is the most unbiased news out there I have some koolaid for ya. Third, while the reporters were polled as voting dem, the editors, (the guys who decide what stories and how they are portrayed) are mostly republicans.
Fourth, a libertarian is extremist not middle of the road.
By the way another poll found that the more you watch fox news the more you are likely to have your facts wrong.
CODEX Please
"Disappearing Debtors." Not mailing in the keys, just packing up in the night and never to be found. Particularly in SoCal where there is a huge underground population.
Please Keith, tell us all again why fannie Mae doesn't get delisted for not posting its quarterly's and annual reports again? Whats it been, 4 years since their last annual report?
LOL Silly me, I thought the NYSE had strict guidelines concerning such matters, as I do not understand why FNM is 'above the law'. Or are they ammune to the law, ala G-dumb-ya?
On another note, it is my guess, that as soon as the republiban diehard faithful (neo-cons) figure out why they got tossed in the mid-terms; there will be a big push by faux to buy-up as much space on the I-net as possible; for their propaganda machine must remain in charge. At all cost. ROTFLMAO
"On another note, it is my guess, that as soon as the republiban diehard faithful (neo-cons) figure out why they got tossed in the mid-terms;"
How'd that happen? I thought Dick Cheney controlled all those rigged Diebold voting machines from a secret underground bunker.
Hey, is that a black helicopter hovering over your house?
Go back to the double-bubble bong and take another hit, hippy twerp.
modern-day slavery, oops, i mean illegal immigration, please!
It's criminal mexican invasion, c'mon get it right!
When the statistics show that over 90% of the media polled vote democrat.
OK, where?
And it doesn't matter what the reporters think, it matters what the editors let them do, and they now get their orders from their corporatist masters.
I thought Dick Cheney controlled all those rigged Diebold voting machines from a secret underground bunker.
actual evidence, i.e. "unadjsuted exit polls", shows a substantially greater vote for Democrats than finally reported.
Until 2000, exit polls were very accurate at confirming election results, as they are in all Western democracies. Suddenly, in the US, they started getting bad, and nearly always they favored Democrats versus the final vote.
Leading Economic Noise
The Conference Board released the Leading Economic Indicators for October 2006 on November 20th.
Here are the highlights:
* The U.S. leading index increased 0.2 percent
* The coincident index increased 0.1 percent
* The lagging index increased 0.2 percent
more smoke and mirrors
"Until 2000, exit polls were very accurate at confirming election results, as they are in all Western democracies. Suddenly, in the US, they started getting bad, and nearly always they favored Democrats versus the final vote."
LOL! Why bother having formal elections with actual voting? Let's just walk down the street and poll a sample of the public! Exit polls are more accurate!
Hey dumb mass, have you ever heard of early voting? About 1/3 of the votes where I live are cast long before any of those exit poll wonks take position. Those people are as obsolete as CNN/HN and Al Franken.
There's 11 million reasons to choose immigration...
11 million lol, Do really believe there are only 11 million?
Toxic loans. We need to incourage savings!
You wanna talk about "toxic" loans when we have tens of millions of mexican savages invading our country? When our sons and daughters are fighting and dying in a jewish war in some arab hellhole, while 99% of our congress are guilty of high treason, and a private jewish owned and controlled bank is printing our money? Jesus man, let the idiots that took out a toxic loan learn the hard way, it's the only way they will learn at all.
Don't forget that criminal mexican invaders now kill more people each year than were killed on 9/11. Ahhhh yeah white man, you gotta LOVE that diversity!
Thats right broker, the FED is still committing theft, and in fact, at a much higher rate today. How long will we allow the jews at the federal reserve to do this? And if we ever do stop it, what would be the punishment most fitting? Ofcourse we would have to sieze all assets of the owners and their families, but should they be lynched along side the treasonous polititions in D.C. or just be taken out with a bullet to the base of the skull?
How about how political correctness is destroying America and its will to challenge the enemy? I was disgusted to hear that Brown university canceled a lecture by an Arab woman who wrote, "They call me an infidel" who was going to speak on how her religion has been hijacked and also on women's status in respressive Islamic states and they canceled her as being "too controversial" because they didn't want to offend the muslims on campus who protested that someone dare say anything bad about Islam (which she didn't). No different than German's canceling an opera or not publishing cartoons because they fear muslims.
Have you watched Freak show? Talk about offending jews and christians, but hey free speech right? Even though Honica bashes Jews and I find it offensive and mostly error I still respect his right to say what he wishes. So political correctness seems to be an issue to discuss.
The only thing that bush has won in his life is the Alfred E. Newnam look alike contest.I feel sorry for Alfred.
What about freedom of information? How many of us have learned far more in the last 5 years from the internet than from public education and the MSM? I'd like a discussion on how we can protect our access to information and how we can protect that information source.
How about a discussion of corruption in Congress and how to shine light on every vote on every bill that is passed. Include the earmarks and all other spending. After all - it's OUR money!
Let's talk about BLOGS and their impact on public opinion (at least on the opinions of the readers).
We can talk about the REIC and their defensive stand.
We can even pick fights with the REIC and MSM.
We can make it personal.
Freedom is what we should be talking about. Freedom from the Fed the manipulative media and freedom from excessive foreign influence in our government.
Political correctness destroying America?
“American motion pictures and television - which have promoted negative images of non-Caucasians, including Native Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans - since the 1950s have singled out Arabs and Muslims, more often than any other ethnic-religious group, as objects of hatred, contempt, and derision. (Because Arabs are the world's most numerous Semitic group, this hostility against them is literally anti-Semitic.)” Click Here
I think you need to go watch arab news and islamic websites and television stations to see the hatred spewed out against the west, jews, Israel. The cartoons make anything the Danish printed look childish.
Growing up I never heard Arabs viewed negatively other than in the war against Israel, but not termed in words as "the axis of evil" until Bush came along. Osama has been attacking the west long before 9/11 and the Arab media has villianized the jews along with so many european countries for the past 100 years.
If the current attitude about muslims is incorrect the muslims are responsible because they have the ability to speak out and correct the distortion. If Islam is really tolerant and peaceful then they can prove it to the world by showing tolerance and peaceful intentions toward the west, toward jews, torward christians instead of blowing up Budhist temples in Afganistan, killing and persecuting christians in Indonesia, forbiding missionaries in Islamic countries, killing converts, the list goes on.
Trust me, I believe those who do the things above may constitute less than 5% of muslims and maybe another 20% have sympathey with their views but that leaves us with 200-250 million radicals which can cause a whole lot of trouble.
I personally think that 100 years from now Islam will control at least 1/2 the planet. I also think that moderate Islam offers more to the world than Christian fundamentalists. The Islam of History in Spain and other countries 1,000 years ago was much more progressive than any other religion on earth. Unfortuneately too many muslims today have turned to stone, locked in the past instead of responding to the future. As one Iman said, "We teach our children to die for Allah but it is harder to teach them to live for Allah."
Every group is a victim of their evil stereotype.
Deflection is used a great deal in arguments. If someone is fixed on a particular opinion and they are confronted with a fact that is counter to what they want to believe, deflection is often used. Deflection is when the focus of a debate shifts and effort is required dispell a different issue. Instead of a quest for the truth, the discussion becomes like a tennis match where the different sides are hitting a ball of accusation back and forth.
really good read, I am starting to think that 'they' want a de-valued us dollar, but why?
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