I would suggest that Bush in the end will be able to blame the Democrats for everything that now goes wrong in 2007 and beyond.
If they cut off funding for the Iraq debacle, they'll be defeatists who sabotaged our military and the Iraqi people.
If they investigate the corrupt REIC and modify laws to reign in the corruption and excess, they'll take the heat for crashing the housing bubble and economy.
"Pelosi" may quickly become a name associated with "Hoover" or "Mudd" in the American lexicon...
Call it Bush's Revenge. Or Rove's Misdirect.
November 08, 2006
Pelosi or Bush - who will Americans eventually blame for the housing crash, economic meltdown and loss in Iraq?
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I swear looking at the photo of Pelosi..anyone else see TransGender?
no, I don't think that Bush can deflect the "housing bubble" blame... one of my friends told me "you're right" because, while touring a $500,000 home, he was handed a promo piece which gave an "instant" $40,000 discount and other incentives-- he deadpanned: "I thought you had to beg for that stuff!"
People know that the economy is rocky under Bush and Pelosi, in her victory comments, and even the Fed, have talked about the problem of concentration of wealth...
schools have complained that "housing prices" have pushed familes out of communities and especially those with smaller means...
so how do we get back mixed socioeconomic neighborhoods that work?
I think we know who'll get the blame.
The Democrats better realize that this election had nothing to do with them pushing a liberal agenda on the American people. It was about conservatives that were fed up with the neo con's in the White House.
The quickest way for Bush to drop lower in popularity is to make a deal with the democrats to allow millions of illegals to become citizens. He's stupid enough to try this.
Blame it on Bill Clinton. It always worked before, why stop now!
Yep, the Dems are going to wear this.
When the recession around the corner hits, voters will not understand that the economy moves slowly and that we're paying for last year's party here.
Who's the bigger sucker, us or the democrats?
What happened to all the right-wing Repugnant wackos on this blog ?
It appears they've crawled away like cockroaches in a manic pursuit to get some Zoloft to deal with their depression and anguish after thier humilating defeat.
First order of business for rehab in order to recover and gain sanity is for them to take a deep long shower in order to cleanse their souls of the blood they've spilled in Iraq.
Wash up, losers!
Fannie Mae is now rallying. With the democrats in charge there will be no reigning fnm in and even the republicans could'nt reign it in with complete control.
I fail to see how you could still imply that this is all just a Rove masterstroke. Why people fawn all over his fat head like he's a genius, I'll never understand. Rove took an incumbent war-time President and nearly lost to John Kerry. Then he lost the House and Senate right afterward. What a genius.
Of course Bush will be remembered for everything. He's the President. Do you remember who the Speaker of the House was when the US pulled out of Vietnam? What about when we had gas rationing? Was that all laid at the feet of the Speaker of the House?
Get a grip.
I know people are stupid, but they're not that stupid. The housing crash has already been underway and people are aware of it, even though they don't want to accept it. The Dems will not get blamed for the housing crash. People also know that Bush is ruining our country with the Iraq war, this will also not be blamed on the Dems. Nice try but, Bush has been in office too long to not take the full blame for the mess he got us into...this is why the Dems are back, because Bush is a horrible leader and the Repubs are corrupt and balance needed to be restored...so that corrupt leaders could not get away with illegal wars and the consistent chipping away at our freedom. It really does not matter which side of the party you're on, it seems that whenever there is not balance in this country the people get screwed.
I despise Pelosi, but I believe Bush is going to be blamed for the housing crash. TJ is correct. In twenty years most people won't remember who Pelosi was (unless she does something extraordinary) and everyone will remember Bush and the housing crash.
The Democrats ARE to blame.
The libtard coastal scum created this housing bubble for their own personal greed, now they will make everyone pay for it. I smell a big kettle of stinking $hit coming down the pike. Eat it libtards.
What's she done to earn your scorn? Start war for no reason?
Many conservatives will make Pelosi the boogie woman, and I think it'll be easy to do. The republican attack machine will likely destroy her. The democrats will probably make Bush a more popular president in the coming months.
We saw this exact picture from opposite sides after the 1994 election, when Gingrich was villanized, and Clinton rose in popularity. The same thing is about to happen.
"I despise Pelosi"
Why, you goddamned moron? What's she done to earn your scorn? Start war for no reason?
I'm so sick of the goddamned idiotic contards posting here.
Disgorge. Your always get so touchy when someone offers an oppinion that differs from yours. I think you really need to lighten up a little bit. Why does it make me a moron if I don't like Pelosi? Does it make me less of a moron if you find out I don't like Bush either? I happen to despise Bush and Pelosi for the same reason. Because they are both extremists. I don't like Bush for putting his religeous views over proper governing. I don't like Pelosi for costicly pushing her ultra left wing agenda. I despise both of them for being big government spenders who don't give a rats ass about our country being broke.
You'll feel better when you realize that its okay.....nay..better than okay to loathe both sides! I'm no fan of Pelosi and am happy that she will make Chimpy's life miserable for the next two years! That being said, You would have to hold a gun to my head to actually get me to vote for her or someone like her!
Learn to be "democratic" in your hatred!
Yeah disgorge, pull your head out.
Maybe we can throw Pelosi a bone. How about a $100 billion "big dig" project or something?
Pelosi will set up abortion stands on every corner. At the abortion stand you will also be able to get a gay marriage done. Also they will raise your taxes to insane levels to fund the abortion mills and welfare for black people.
This country needs universal single-payer health insurance,...
God you're an idiot.
There's hundreds of lear jets the losers can't afford either. What's your point? You want me to pay for your communist assembly line health care comrade?
unwillingness to support a civil society or share wealth...
Ah, that's what it all boils down to isn't it? You want me to share some wealth with you libtards? HAHAHA!!!!
"This "democratic victory" was led by none other than Charles Shumer and Rahm Emmanuel... the two biggest Democratic Neocons"
Yeah... I saw the image of Nancy Pelosi hugging Shumer... I remember calling nancy about here warped obsession with defending Israel's actions...
What happened to all the right-wing Repugnant wackos on this blog ?
It appears they've crawled away like cockroaches in a manic pursuit to get some Zoloft to deal with their depression and anguish after thier humilating defeat.
First order of business for rehab in order to recover and gain sanity is for them to take a deep long shower in order to cleanse their souls of the blood they've spilled in Iraq.
Wash up, losers!
Karl Rove is nothing but a direct marketer who's using the techniques people use to sell penis enlargement pills, and applying it to politics.
He's no genius. He couldn't even shine the shoes of a true genius like Gary Halbert.
They don't call Rove "Turd Blossom" for nothing, because that's what he is. A large, fragrant cow pie....
When will people realize that you can not be a Republican AND not be a Democrat. What about us Libertarians. How are we copping out by disagreeing with "both sides" when there are more than two sides.
Also, Pelosi looks the way she does because of a face lift.
I ove the smell of insecticide in the morning as Republican right-wing cockroaches have been exterminated.
"anonsaid" AH!
I ove the smell of insecticide in the morning as Republican right-wing cockroaches have been exterminated."
I love it so much I sprayed my whole house this morning to savor the aroma.
full of racial hatred, greed, unwillingness to support a civil society or share wealth, and a resentment of things like abortion and gayness on Neanderthal religious grounds. Pathetic.
That is the way god wants in the USA, if you are so into sharing and paying taxes, please move on to the Soviet Union where your kind are welcome.
Hammer is a tool!
Let the Democrats hold the bag of sh*t left over from the Internet bubble, credit expansion, Greenscum's printing press, housing bubble and 2007 stock market crash!
Don't forget the phoney budget "surplus" from the internet bubble. Did those bozos really think that we would have capital gains like that for the next 10 to 20 years?! Add in the non-existent "recovery" of the last three years and you have quite a storm on the horizon.
They did not win any prize! If I were them, I would have deliberately lost all the elections until 2016!
"in Canada you cannot use your own wealth to "leapfrog" the surgery queues"
You can't leapfrog the queues, but nothing is to stop you from seeking surgery outside the system.
Plus, what's to stop you from going to the U.S. and getting surgery? Nothing.
Except the fact that with such high taxes you probably won't have money for either option.
Q: How do you tell the difference between a liberal and a conservative?
A: Easy. Watch a man drowning fifty feet offshore.
The conservative will throw out 25 feet of rope and shout "swim for it!"
The liberal will toss out 50 feet of rope, drop his own end, and go off to do another good deed.
Not to break the great Electoral College debate we have going, but did any one read this??
On Thursday November 2nd, Reuters News reported that Fed Governor Bies was of the opinion that the bulk of the housing recession was behind us. If Governor Bies is correct, this would go down in post-war history as one of the shallowest housing corrections on record.
Chart 1 shows a history of housing starts from January 1959 through September 2006. I have identified, admittedly somewhat arbitrarily, seven housing cycles prior to the current one. The average peak-to-trough decline of these seven cycles was 47.3%, ranging from minus 63.7% (January 1972 to February 1975) to minus 18.4% (December 1998 to July 2000).
Well... if the Dems and Bush manage to force an amnesty for illegal aliens down the American people's throat, that might just do it. But if the Dems are smart and hold off, then they may hold power a little longer.
Go back to your socialist paradise. What the f*ck makes you think this is the richest country in the world? That's crazy. It's been borrowing so much money and you want the government to pay for liver transplants for alcoholic illegal aliens? We have enough government spending already without new bogus promises from the federal government to pay for all the losers who can't or won't pay for their health care or get jobs that have health insurance.
Listening to you is one reason why I hope we have a civil war in this country. We can kill all the hippies between election cycles.
Bring on the Greater Depression!
Another Republican cockroach exterminated.
At first denial,then disbelief, then resignation and finally utter humiliation.
No, I see a woman of years (66) who has not run to the cosmetic surgeon in typical American fashion.
But when I look at George Bush, I swear I see a chimpanzee.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:05:43 PM
Pelosi consulted with Burt Reynolds and decided against looking like she had two rubber bands pulling her face tight.
This represents a complete collapse of the Bush administration. Rumsfield out!!!
"If they cut off funding for the Iraq debacle, they'll be defeatists who sabotaged our military and the Iraqi people."
They've been sabotaging for years now. Nothing new. You just know Bin Laden & Imadinnerjacket are throwing a Pelosi victory party right now ... god willing.
but just to follow the logic ... housing crash due to housing bubble due to credit expansion due to dot com bust.
So who're we blaming for the dot come bust?
Oh yeah, Bush.
Nice link. What happened to the price of Gold after that housing bust from 1972-1975?
I know you know, just pointing it for others to see.
Be careful. I wouldn't want to have to call you a sore loserman.
Pelosi will turn our precious daughters into hairy lesbian abortionists!
Nancy Pelosi eats fetal stem cells in her elitist chardonnay spritzers!
Pelosi will raise your taxes for free gay hookers to illegal aliens to advance The Homersexual Agenda!
Pelosi will make it harder for honest, hard working Republican billionaires to exploit people and the environment for obscene profits!
Nancy Pelosi will lie to get us into a futile land war in Asi....whoops.....never mind
Bush has mentioned getting off oil three times now.
This is a real shocker. The truth is now coming out. Iraq has failed, now we have to make another plan with energy.
And Iran is just one letter over, and so close too!
PanicEarly said...
"the members of the media need to use their questions to kick him to the ground, piss on him while he's down there, and then gloat about his beaten, urine-stinking body."
Liberals showing their true character.
tabasco jenkins said...
Be careful. I wouldn't want to have to call you a sore loserman.
That would be ironic indeed.
But I'm not the one who said "If we don't win then it's rigged."
"That would be ironic indeed.
But I'm not the one who said "If we don't win then it's rigged."
And I'm not the one who said "If we don't win then its because the voters want to be attacked by terrorists."
Which is more obnoxious and pathetic? I report, you decide.
What's that have to do with Sore-Loserman? Sore-Loserman is when you complain for 6 years about stolen elections when they clearly weren't stolen. I don't know how you apply that to me because I've neither stated or insinuated that any election was stolen.
We saw Dems practicing pre-emptive Sore-Loserman the last fews days. Today it looks more like ...
"Diebold! Stolen election! Um, never mind..."
Boy are you thick. No wonder you're a partisan Republican't.
You're the one that's hung up on what the world looked like 6 years ago and on your tired rhetoric about terrorists who your President can't catch because he doesn't give a crap about them. "Bin Laden's throwing a Pelosi victory party right now". That's what your tiny lizard brain typed out, even though Bin Laden has actually been counting his lucky stars that your idiot idol of a President let Bin Laden escape so we could go to Iraq instead. It must be strange to view the world through such cocked up walleye vision like you do.
Panicearly denies responsibility of authorship of what she posted but but doesn't deny embracing the certainly unhelpful and childish ugliness, over-the-top vitriol, and hate of the quotation, reinforcing that she has low character.
Yes, classy indeed.
tabasco jenkins said...
Boy are you thick. No wonder you're a partisan Republican't.
You're a typical libtard.
You think Pelosi is going to fight Islamofacism? She and her ilk are more concerned with not offending the feelings of the special interests and terrorists.
Got Burhka?
i think the repubs will have to be blamed for the housing crash, since they were the ones who claim increases in homeownership while in the majority. therefore,as they take the credit, they must also take the blame and face the music. they caused an unsustainable homeownership that eventually led to this demise.
First woman speaker of the house, right? Let's see what she can do. Hopefully she'll do better than other women executives. LOL
penisearly said...
yes its obvious i hate neo-con dimwits. and im in a celebrating mood along with billions worldwide.
In the days ahead you will get used to defeat at home and in Iraq. when are you going to face reality, GAME OVER
oh the housing bubble has burst, incase you are still hanging on :)
enjoy the next two years sucker.
You're not in a celebrating mood, you're in a gloating mood. At least you embrace you're pathetic childishness. And yes, the Dems have always demanded our defeat in Iraq. Maybe you're fantasy of running away will now be realized.
>> enjoy the next two years sucker.
I smell a whole lotta veto in your future.
Said newly re-elected Sen. Joseph Lieberman: “Thanks, Don, you've served the country but really we need somebody new there.”
Did Pelosi swallow yet?
tim73 said...
Fresh out from republican android farm? I know your responses are very limited but would you share us your opinion about France,
Why, cause I hate leftists and Islamofacists? Both those roads end in the same place.
France? just do some homework at wwww.littlegreedfootballs.com
France and Britain are both in trouble. They've invited their enemies in blindly with open arms and are now realizing they're f-ed. Their PC multiculturalism has enabled the jihad and the establishment of the caliphate. Their own laws are being used against them. It's plainly obvious, just keep reading the blogs. What's not obvious is why the MSM will not run stories about what's happening in France and London. Why doesn't Keith post about it?
All you libtards have let your thirst for power and your hatred for Bush blind you from the threat of Islamofascism. You play it off like it's a bunch of kooky klansmen and that it isn't a movement brainwashing children to kill jews and infidels in dozens of countries around the world. What are the Dems going to do about it?
Got Burhka?
Get a friggin' job disgorge!
You know what a "cloaca" is, so you can get a job on a poultry farm!
There was an article in the Wall Street Journal about an illegal alien who spent at least several weeks in intensive care as a result of infection. The guy had no health insurance, of course, and wracked up a $200,000 hospital bill. The Journal is all for cheap, illegal labor, so it's surprising that they even carried the story.
Another reason Canada has cheap drugs is because of price controls. They and the Europeans just let Americans pay for drug research and development and get a free ride.
ps. I don't have any problems with gays. Why would I? I'm not religious.
Unlike Dems who hate gays who don't subscribe to socialism and have no problem destroying their lives by outing them. Or do you think that's an inaccurate statement?
Pelosi loves anyone with more pigment than she has even if they are Islamofascists who want to decapitate her and the homosexuals that brought her to power.
Disgorge: People like you who worry about whether foreigners love this country are just a bunch of rich, white, guilt-ridden, craven liberal scum. You weak-kneed pansy.
As much as I hate the Islamofascists, at least they are not worried about being loved and don't care what feminists think about them. The bright side is: If they take over, feminism is dead.
"All you libtards have let your thirst for power and your hatred for Bush blind you from the threat of Islamofascism. You play it off like it's a bunch of kooky klansmen and that it isn't a movement brainwashing children to kill jews and infidels in dozens of countries around the world. What are the Dems going to do about it?"
That's a pretty easy question to answer, get our troops out of officiating a civil war in Iraq and back to Afghanistan to finish the job that was deserted 3 years ago.
A better question would be, what are you Republican'ts going to do about it?
Judging by your rank incompetency, it doesn't look like much:
Empire of Ignorance
A few weeks ago, I took the F.B.I.’s temperature again. At the end of a long interview, I asked Willie Hulon, chief of the bureau’s new national security branch, whether he thought that it was important for a man in his position to know the difference between Sunnis and Shiites. "Yes, sure, it’s right to know the difference," he said. "It’s important to know who your targets are."
That was a big advance over 2005. So next I asked him if he could tell me the difference. He was flummoxed. "The basics goes back to their beliefs and who they were following," he said. "And the conflicts between the Sunnis and the Shia and the difference between who they were following."
O.K., I asked, trying to help, what about today? Which one is Iran — Sunni or Shiite? He thought for a second. "Iran and Hezbollah," I prompted. "Which are they?"
He took a stab: "Sunni."
.....which is why the American people rightly judged last night that our present administration needed a swift kick in the arse instead of just more empty rhetoric from mouth breathers like yourself.
Disgorge is back in his cell. I hope the meds are working.
Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss
Will Democrats repeal and impeach or salute and follow? Mobbed-up establishment sycophant Nancy Pelosi is nobody's savior, as sacrificial lamb Rumsfeld steps down
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
The Democrats have swept the House and the Senate may well follow but did 7/11 really herald the defeat of the Neo-Con agenda or will establishment sycophants like Nancy Pelosi hijack and misdirect legitimate discontent and shield Bush from impeachment while blocking efforts to repeal legislation he passed?
http://www.prisonpl anet.com/ articles/ november2006/ 081106newboss. htm
.....which is why the American people rightly judged last night that our present administration needed a swift kick in the arse instead of just more empty rhetoric from mouth breathers like yourself."
Straw man srgument. Need a wiki link?
Or maybe you can answer this question. Which is it, Sunni or Shia, that aren't following Mo's directives to kill the infidels and establish the caliphate?
You've shown that you're equally poor winners as much as you are Sore-losermen. Congratulations, you've got 2 years to raise taxes, initiate the draft, enforce eminent domain, and placate illegal aliens. Good luck w/ that and we'll see you in '08.
Oh, and appease terrorists.
Got Burhka?
The formal surrender to the Taliban will follow the Inauguration of the Democrat in January '09.
Which band of terrorists will the new leadership surrender to? They could not destroy the country in the mid 1970's, but did manage to surrender to the communists in North Vietnam.
Jimmy Carter's apology in '79 to the Ayatollah did not endear us to the Mullahs in Iran. I guess the country needed to surrender...
What actually happened is that the extreme vigilance of the observers stopped Diebold fudging the election.
EXACTLY. Besides the MSM coverage of voting problems, the DNC fielded 7000 attorneys in the field on election day and the NAACP, the People of the American Way and other groups sent another 2000 attorneys to monitor the vote. The Repubs were too scared they'd be found out if they fixed the election so they backed off. And thank God for that....
Literally the BIG PICTURE:
What Will Happen When the Commander-in- Chief Presidency and the Unitary Executive Theory Meets What's Left of the Republic? The answer on this one is relatively uncomplicated and less than three months away from being in our faces; it's the Mother of All Constitutional Crises. But writing that now, and living with the reality then, are two quite different things. So when the new Congress arrives in January, buckle your seatbelts and wait for the first requests for oversight information from some investigative committee; wait for the first subpoenas to meet Cheney's men in some dark hallway. Wait for this crew to feel the "shackles" and react. Wait for this to hit the courts -- even a Supreme Court that, despite the President's best efforts, is probably still at least one justice short when it comes to unitary-executive- theory supporters. I wouldn't even want to offer a prediction on this one. But a year down the line, anything is possible.
http://www.tomdispa tch.com/index. mhtml?pid= 138154
Tomgram: Plebiscite on an Outlaw Empire
Outlaw Empire Meets the Wave
5 Questions for Our Future
By Tom Engelhardt
The wave -- and make no mistake, it's a global one -- has just crashed on our shores, soaking our imperial masters. It's a sight for sore eyes.
It's been a long time since we've seen an election like midterm 2006. After all, it's a truism of our politics that Americans are almost never driven to the polls by foreign-policy issues, no less by a single one that dominates everything else, no less by a catastrophic war (and the presidential approval ratings that go with it). This strange phenomenon has been building since the moment, in May 2003, that George W. Bush stood under that White-House- prepared "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln and declared "major combat operations have ended."
That "Top Gun" stunt -- when a cocky President helped pilot an S-3B Viking sub reconnaissance Naval jet onto a carrier deck and emerged into the golden glow of "magic hour light" (as his handlers then called it) -- was meant to give him the necessary victory photos to launch his 2004 presidential reelection campaign. As it turned out, that moment was but the first "milestone" on the path to Iraqi, and finally electoral, hell. Within mere months, those photos would prove useless for anyone but liberal bloggers. By now, they seem like artifacts from another age. On the way to the present "precipice" (or are we already over the edge?), there have been other memorable "milestones" -- from the President's July 2003 petulant "bring ‘em on" taunt to Iraq's then forming insurgency to the Vice President's June 2005 "last throes" gaffe. All such statements have, by now, turned to dust in American mouths.
Linking to an article that shows that 2 leading Republican congressmen and an FBI official don't know the differemce between Sunni and Shia is not a straw man argument. It is emblematic of the ignorance and incompetency of the administration that got us in the mess we're in, on many different levels. That you cannot see it just shows your ignorance as well. Christ, even Rush Limbaugh admitted he didn't want to be supporting these idiots the last few years. I don't know what it would take for you to open your eyes, your skull is that thick.
This c*nt is a multimillionaire hypocrite who bans unions from businesses that her family controls.
But, don't expect that to be reported in the New York Times.
Reading what you liberal bums write only demonstrates that wealth leads to complacency leads to decadence and then decay.
The barbarians will take over and slit your throats as you deserve. I hope their knives are dull.
It is a straw man argument b/c IT DOESN'T F*CKING MATTER to an FBI agent which particular sect the Islamofacist belongs. Your implication is that he is incompetent as manager and investigator b/c he doesn't know the answer to a question not relevant to the mission of the FBI. That is called a straw man argument dip$h*t. Look it up. Further, your idiotic point seems to falsely assume that every democrat would know.
ONE MORE TIME - ANSWER THE QUESTION. Which is it, Sunni or Shia, that aren't following Mo's directives to kill the infidels and establish the caliphate?
How did Lincoln Chaffee lose and Lieberman win? Both those results are good news for real conservatives? I guess they must've both passed the Zarqawi-sect test.
The reason for the results last night was as much due to Republicans abandoning conservative values and massive media bias as anything else.
That's what you get you pinko commie gays lovers!!!!!
Bush of course!
He's a big dumb fratboy remember!
A dolt! A hayseed! A cowboy!
Well if he is all of that, how could someone so dumb plan a 9/11
Sounds pretty smart for an idiot!
It's the female version of Marshall Applewhite of heavens gate cult fame!
Party of the people my Ass!
Just look at Pelosi's family wealth!
Makes the Bush's look like paupers!
You flucking moron, making the point that the Repub idiots you support and were/are in charge of our country's foreign policy are ignorant and incompetent by linking to an article that shows these 3 people do not even now, 3 years into the Iraq war, the difference between a sunni or shia, is not a straw man argument:
1) the FBI's number one point man on national security.
2) the Republican vice chairman of the House intelligence subcommittee on technical and tactical intelligence.
3)The Republican head of the House intelligence subcommittee charged with overseeing the C.I.A.’s performance in recruiting Islamic spies and analyzing information.
That is not a straw man argument! That demonstrates that Republicans were/are in charge of making policy about major foreign policy decisions they had absolutely no clue about, or interest in learning about.
That is how, if you have no intellectual curiosity, you end up getting our country stuck in the middle of a sunni/shia civil war in Iraq for no goddamned reason!
And no, the election results had nothing to do with media bias you neanderthal. It had to do with the Democrats winning 24 of 33 Senate races due to the breathless incompetence of the current government in almost every fashion, whether it be the pointless war we are stuck in, appointing a horse show administrator to head FEMA, dozens of Republican congressional indictments, the fact that wage growth has been stagnant for 6 years while cost of living has been skyrocketing, tax cuts that have benefitted virtually nobody when adjusted for inflation, Bin Laden being allowed to escape because of a half hearted military exercise in Afghanistan, non-stop fear tactics by the same administration that let Bin Laden get away, skyrocketing energy prices, skyrocketing education costs, skyrocketing health care costs, and general annoyance at the stupid gasbags on TV and talk radio who cater to the lowest common denominator such as yourself.
And don't tell me to answer a question that makes no flucking sense, as there is no almighty directive from Mohammed for all muslims to attack infidels and form a caliphate. That is an interpretation of a man's words from 1400 years ago who was fighting in a war during the time that is being made by a few deranged lunatics and is not a central facet whatsoever in the 1000 year old schism and present day conflicts between sunnis and shiites, you complete utter fool. Sunnis and shias have a historical feud going back hundreds of years that has more to do with revenge for what each side has and continues to see as unjust assassinations, killings, and wars undertaken by hundreds of different historical figures, and has about as much to do with the "infidels" of the West as you have to do with somebody capable of critical thinking.
Now unplug from the internet for a while and get yourself an education.
You flucking moron, making the point that the dem idiots you support are ignorant and incompetent...
Can we finally switch to RE topic?
It will absolutely fall on the heads of the Dems.
Once the recession gets going, they'll be trying to duck and cover. But Joe Sixpack doesn't understand economics. He will just understand that the economy went from a 5-year low in unemployment to massive unemployment as soon as the Dems got into office. And the value of his home crashed.
And if there's another attack on America by terrorists after the Dems dismantle the Patriot Act - guess who will get blamed?
one reason more for me to move back to Europe...
my country is the richest in the world - Switzerland - but those red-neck dumbos who never left the US still think they are the greatest.
uuuuu - the list of why this country sucks is long:
-terrible healthcare
-no health insurance (even if you have coverage, don't think they actually pay...)
-China owns the US
-too much Taxes for Military and other nonsense
-miserable school system (and expensive!)
-idiotic immigration law
-under paid jobs
-over priced housing
you want me to go on?
I don't understand nothing from this blog
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