The GOP just found out you can fool some of the people some of the time, but eventually the American people (finally) saw the sleaze, corruption, incompetence and recklessness of a fringe right wing party running unchecked and out of control.
The only problem? Now the Democrats have seized control. And I'm not sure they'll be much better. But at least there will be checks and balances again in government.
However, the affairs of America in 2007 will be conducted against the backdrop of a full housing panic, with a devastated economy, millions of families kicked out of their foreclosed homes, millions of newly unemployed REIC and a collapsed debt bubble. In addition, throw in North Korea, Iran and Iraq madness and it should be an interesting ride.
2007 is going to be a house-cleaning year. Wipe away the bubble, wipe away the excess, wipe away the mistakes of George Bush, wipe away the corruption and incompetence of the GOP. But it's gonna get messy. Really messy.
Get ready.
November 08, 2006
Exactly as HP called it: GOP loses control of house and senate. Get ready for a messy 2007
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Are you seeing numbers I'm not seeing? The senate is not yet locked up according to the news sources I've looked at.
Yes, drama queen again.
It is after midnight in Texas and the western states haven't been settled let alone Missouri. Lieberman won as an independent, many places split between the two main parties (as usual) looks like an 8 seat gain in the house and they still needed three seats to gain control of the Senate with a good possibility of picking up Montana. So maybe....control of both houses.
Why would you want to gain control of a sinking ship? If it sinks, you will be blamed and the Republicans will race back with full force in 2008. They should just let the Republicans continue their suicide mission for two more years.
Woo-hoo! Down with those that pander to the rich, the stupid, and the socially backwards! First good election news I have seen in 10 years.
The VA race is too close to call. Attorneys are in the air as I type. But it looks good!!! I keep thinking of the Don Henly song as applied to the rethuglicans: "This is the End of the Idiots."
I'm signing up for Henry Waxman's team. Let the investigations begin! Bu$hco is toast and the housing bubble is going to go into hypercollapse. The K Street representatives who keep the spotlight off FNMA will have a lot of work to do to keep this stuff all covered up now!
Thank god, a split congress and presidency!! This should slow down the idiotic policies of Bush, but equally great, Bush can Veto the stupid pet tricks of the Dems. Gridlock, the best thing for this country, honest to God, stop these idiots from passing laws. We don't need more laws/regulations that hinder this country and impinge on our freedoms.
So, yeah Dems win, but we're screwed no matter who wins....really.
It does appear that the dems are going to take control of the senate... They won't call it yet, but 11,000 votes in VA is actually quite a bit.
What will happen in the equity markets tomorrow? I don't think investors thought it would be this bad... certainly the markets don't like uncertainty, so if the election takes weeks to decide, that could be good for bears like me!
Watch for capital gains taxes to be doubled or tripled on real estate.
That will make sure the housing crash stays down at the bottom for a long long time.
Senate is locked up.
Bush = Prision
Cheney = Prision
Rove = Prision
Rumsfeld = Asylum
Delay = Prision
Foly = Sex Predator Ankle Bracklet
Sadam = Dead
Usama Bin Laden = Laughing his head off at America.
World sees Dems' win as a Bush rejection
TOKYO - Democratic gains in Congress were seen around the world Wednesday as a rejection of the U.S. war in Iraq that led some observers to expect a reassessment of the American course there.
The shift in power also was seen as a signal in some capitals that the United States would put a greater emphasis on trade policy and human rights.
Many watching the election said the results were a significant blow to President Bush's presidency.
Most read the MSM news and wonder what is going to happen.
A select few read HP and know what is going to happen.
Tomorrow's news today at HP
Want some fun? Go back through some of the older threads on politics here and read the fox news crowd's comments and predictions on the election - how the gop would hold the house and senate, blah blah blah
Lucky guess by HP? I think not.
Thank you, you Americans will not get the hose. It has been cancelled.
The Rest of The World.
Congrats Keith, your Dems won. All the problems are now solved. We can send all the troops home, everyone can marry each other, raise taxes back up, abort babies at 8.5 months, and spend even more.
There's gonna be some feces throwin' today!
Finally, I'm here in Virginia and Jim Webb Won and Allen won't be able to push him around. Webb will slap down that frat boy. Allen will cry and cry like all GOP, but you lost!!! Its a great day for active military, Webb has seen combat and Allen is a draft dodger and racist.
Only difference between Dems and Repubs is the way they spell thier names.
http://www.truthout .org/docs_ 2006/110606R. shtml
The Current Occupant, who is two years and three months away from retirement, was quoted last week as saying, "They can say what they want about me, but at least I know who I am, and I know who my friends are."
A pathetic admission of defeat for one who has owned all three branches of government for the past six years - did he seek power so that he could attain self-knowledge? If so, the price is too high. The beloved country endures a government that merges blithering corruption with murderous incompetence.
Congress, which once spent an entire year investigating a married man's attempt to cover up an illicit act of oral sex, has shown no curiosity whatsoever about a war that the administration elected to wage that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands and led our own people to commit war crimes and squandered hundreds of billions of dollars and degenerated into civil war.
The contrast is deafening. Republicans haven't tolerated much dissent in their ranks, the voice of conscience has not been welcome, and now the herd finds itself on the wrong side of the river. It's discouraging seeing so many people go so wrong all at once. It makes you question the idea that each of us has unlimited potential for good.
Washington is a city where a bill to relax air-pollution standards would be called the Clean Air Act and a bill to protect government officials from war-crimes prosecution would be called the Military Commissions Act, and so a man's statement that he knows who he is and who his friends are needs to be taken as meaning the opposite, a cry for help.
You come to office as a uniter and you wind up doing the opposite. You stand for American values and you wind up defending torture and waste of resources. Knowing who you are is a minimal adult requirement, and you don't get there by being an object of attention. Retirement is recommended. The sooner the better.
Spic and Span???? Hardly - the same faces just a different party. You are disappointing me.
An 8 seat win in the house? Try 30. You see reality about as well as the President. It must be pretty comfortable still living in your mother's womb, huh?
Get ready for San Francisco family values! Gay marriage and abortion on demand will be the norm. I'm so excited I'm going go get an abortion just because I can.
Its a big win for the dems.
I still see the post 60s social order imploding, though.
Good job qweef, Your startin to amaze me with the things you predict.
good night for democrats. now, a bad day for the US.
the stock market is going to tank, gas prices will rise, and the clueless president will somehow claim victory, agree to work with the democrats, and then go right back to the same crap. cheney already said as much.
the best news of last night - the crazy red/square states in the middle, SD, AZ, MO, all proved to be socially progressive regarding abortion, stem cell research, and gay marriage.
oh, and congrats to keith on seeing the light, again.
I wonder if President Bush will still recognize his ass without Rick Santorum's nose stuck in it.
The economy can go to hell, and the Republicans could still be blamed with Bush still there as a figurehead.
The Democrats will just use the Homer Simpson excuse: "It was like that when I got here". Especially when we see the election-massaged GDP and employment figures revised.
Nancy Pelosi and Wallace separated at Birth?
This is too funny, Have a Look.
Break out the party Favors the Dems are back.
In reality Big deal, there is a hugh mess in washington, and a middleclass on the verge of extinction, an unjustifiable war with !Still! no exit strategy, Iran, Nk, and a Sh!t load of congressional scandals that have not even been brought to the surface yet.
Your right 07 is going to be very painfull for some no doubt, but at least The Dems put the breaks on the Neocon agenda, 2 more years of the same old same old, and we all might have been talking thru tin cans tied to a string on each end.
First Rule of order: Hearings into the Bush Wiretapps on American citizens, impeachable offence in my book. And dont give me this war on terror crap, there is no war on terror, unless of course we are fighting ourselves.
Great Aerosmith tune: Eat The Rich.
as a conservative all i can say is
1. i am glad i did not vote for them.
2. but i am glad they won.
a divided executive and legislative branch of government is probably best for this country.
Yea!!!! the Dems are back, balance again for our country. Impeach Bush!!!! Impeach Bush!!! Impeach Bush!!!
Let the recriminations, second-guessing, and the 2008 cycle begin!
Now Pelosi can run the country good, like California. ;-)
Yeah, now she can run it ....right into the ground!
Now Pelosi can run the country good, like California. ;-)
California's are smokeing to much Chronic, I cant believe they voted Schwarzenegger back in..again same old same old.
The whole administration is impeachable. My only regret is Pelosi already said they won't go after the Prez and Dark Lord. They should give as hard as they took under Clinton.
hey anon wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:52:03 AM:
WTF? how much has BUSH spent of your grandkids wealth to expand gubmnet? Bush never saw a spending bill he did not like.
forget the repub and dem parties both are crooked both steal your earnings both have stolen you SS contributions both have "gay bath house" stories in their closets.
expect an attack on US soil, and for congress to block retaliation.
Please! Its been 5 years and no such attack has occurred. So what your saying is attacks on us soil have been averted due to the fact that republicans have been running the show? BS!
fear mongering and possible this and possible that..the only attack has been on our brains, and up until now the tactics have worked IE: (HELOC).
Since when has Bottled water been considered a terror threat?..give the terror crap a break, the only terror thing i see is how far my dollar is going to go next year, now that is scary.
Thank Jeebus!
I live in MO, where McCaskill won, but our news media is not reporting a Dem win in VA- they say it is still up in the air. Our news media is extremely subdued in the election coverage. stem cell oponents have already vowed to make it the "new abortion" issue. I am a Dem, but was actually wanting the Rep's to retain control of both houses-so they could be held FULLY responsible for the mess they created and not have the option of laying the blame at the feet of the Dem's (and Bill Clinton of course).The American people have such SHORT memories that by 2008 they will blame the DEM's for the whole housing collapse, and vote the REP.'s back in. This was Rove's plan- let the Dem's win so that they can take the blame, and we can win in 2008!Because the American people are so stupid that they won't remember that it was us(the Rep.'s)who got them in to this mess.
What happened to all the right-wing Repugnant wackos on this blog ?
It appears they've crawled away like cockroaches in a manic pursuit to get some Zoloft to deal with their depression and anguish after thier humilating defeat.
First order of business for rehab in order to recover and gain sanity is for them to take a deep long shower in order to cleanse their souls of the blood they've spilled in Iraq.
Wash up, losers!
As a big hater of America I'm saddened, two more years of total republican power and the USA would have been destroyed. The Dems will only make things better which ruins my hope for the downfall of US.
Don't give Rove so much credit. The American people will continue to blame Bush. Before the whole Foley affair, most people had no idea who Dennis Hastert was, what makes you think they'll immediately get to know and blame Nancy Pelosi?
Rove was more worried about saving Bush and himself from investigation than he was about hatching some master plan to blame Democrats by letting them win in 2006.
Plus, the Repubs might still hold onto the Senate no matter what by firing Rumsfeld and replacing him with Joe Lieberman, allowing the Republican Governor of CT to appoint a Republican replacement in the Senate.
The real story here is that the President's power (and Karl Rove's by extension) is finished, kaput, no longer. He is a lame duck in every sense of the word now, and the last 2 years of his administration will be spent meeting with his lawyers to discuss the investigations they're under. It's called accountability, and it will be a first for GW to have to face it in his privileged life.
america hater said...
Are you one of the Dixie Chicks?
not sure what you are smoking Ken.
The dems will be afraid to do anything that might sway the precious few swing voters back to the republicans.
Dems regained congress not by winning but by just being there while the repubs screwed it up.
Actually, that is they way it has been for a while. The party in control losses control because of what they do and not what the other party does. Pretty sad, really.
I love the smell of insecticide in the morning as Republican right-wing cockroaches have been exterminated.
"anonsaid" AH!
I love the smell of insecticide in the morning as Republican right-wing cockroaches have been exterminated."
I love it so much I sprayed my whole house this morning to savor the aroma.
AH! I love the smell of insecticide in the morning as Republican right-wing cockroaches have been exterminated.
This Friday night I'm gonna party like it's 1999. (Cue Prince's music.)
The real story here is that the President's power (and Karl Rove's by extension) is finished, kaput, no longer. He is a lame duck in every sense of the word now, and the last 2 years of his administration will be spent meeting with his lawyers to discuss the investigations they're under. It's called accountability, and it will be a first for GW to have to face it in his privileged life.
Right you are. GW has been skimming along for years, letting his Daddy (and friends) clear the way beforehand or clean up his messes afterwards. I truly hope Dubya will finally have to face the consequences of his actions. It's about time....
Plus, the Repubs might still hold onto the Senate no matter what by firing Rumsfeld and replacing him with Joe Lieberman, allowing the Republican Governor of CT to appoint a Republican replacement in the Senate.
Now, THERE'S a depressing thought. OTOH, Bush said very recently that Rumsfield and Cheney will be with him until the very end. Besides, since these two guys do most if not all of Dubya's thinking for him, I can't see Rumsfield being shown the door before the end of GW's term.
Ain't over till it's over. BTW, the Democrats DO NOT control the house. House requires 2/3rds majority.
And the indies have basically destroyed the Demos chances of controlling the Senate.
Just wait ... wait and watch.
Another Republican cockroach exterminated.
At first denial,then disbelief, then resignation and finally utter humiliation.
Let the Greater Depression begin!
Bring on the Hoovervilles!
I'm buying an RV so I can park it in front of million dollar homes and dump my black water tank before I drive off.
Tabasco J.
Good point! I never thought of that (replacing Rummy, I think it is a very likely scenario. Anyone who believes that Lieb. will side with the party that turned their backs on him is a fool. Anyone remember that the reason Lieb. lost was because he was so chummy with the Bushies? I would hate to see Rummy go though...his lunatic rantings are so entertaining!
black water tank before I drive off.
Thats Gray Water..Trailor Trash! hahah! Just Kidden!
Oh and not to get Honika into to her Jewinsky fit, ..what does Israel have to say about Dumsfeld's Resignation>???
They have to be gearing up to attack Iran now that Rummy is gone.
Listen to Keith. Don't feed the trolls!
>abort babies at 8.5 months, and spend even more
abortion and teen pregnancy was WAY down under Clinton, dumbass.
Terrorists. Right.
If there were any terrorists in this country there is no lack of havoc they could wreak. I really don't want to mention things but how difficult is it to start a forest fire and then claim credit for it?
There aren't any terrorists in this country. The "terrorists" are just a bunch of suicidal whackos in the Middle East that slipped us a sucker punch. Suicidal poeple are not rational. They cannot have any purpose except to vent their rage by suicide. Any long term planning is beyond them. GW took it as a personal insult and went insane.
RIGHT ON TONY! "Gridlock, the best thing for this country" :-(
It is a lock on the Senate for the Dems.
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