Exit polls don't vote, but it looks like it's gonna be a real slow night for returns, so here's what we have to work with
Why, oh why, isn't voting all electronic, done at home, where if you wanted you could pull up your account on the phone or web and make and review your vote just like your bank balance or power bill? Silly Americans...
It's gonna be razor close in the Senate as expected... 50/50 or 51/49. Big races are Virginia and Missouri. The house is a done deal - I hope America is ready for Speaker Pelosi (eek!)
Early CNN Senate Exit Polls
ThinkProgress has obtained CNN’s early Senate exit polls. Early exit polls are highly unreliable, but information needs to be free.
D: 52R: 47
D: 53R: 46
D: 57R: 42
D: 57R: 43
D: 52R: 45
D: 53R: 46
D: 50R: 48
D: 53R: 46
D: 48R: 51
D: 46R: 50
November 08, 2006
Election Update: Here's the leaked CNN Senate exit polls for you wonks from Think Progress
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2000: Florida
2004: Ohio
2006: Virginia
Get ready for recounts
VA SEN [92.63% IN]
R- ALLEN 1,058,509 49.88%
D- WEBB 1,038,154 48.92%
Democrat wins Senate seat in Rhode Island
Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse defeated Republican incumbent Sen. Lincoln Chafee (news, bio, voting record) in Rhode Island on Tuesday, giving Democrats a key win in their effort to take over control of the Senate.
Haa CNN and exit polls about as reliable as Mr. Liareah.........
They threw out the Republicans. Not necessarily voting for Democrats, but voting against Republicans. The Right had their chance. They were wrong. As Trump says, “You’re fired.”
Get ready for the San Fransisco values you knuckle dragging republicans. Abortion on demand and bake sales for bombers. Soon GW Bush will be in prison for his war crimes. The people have spoken and they said the republican values are shit.
Dems bail on their vp candidate and he wins... go figure.......
The Republican senate candidate in CT will get single digits. Not good for their future prospects in that state. The Republicans there voted for a guy who will now census with the Democrats
VA SEN [94.19% IN]
R- ALLEN 1,074,414 49.67%
D- WEBB 1,062,469 49.12%
Senate comes down to this and there'll be an automatic recount now in VA
It's sooooo 2000!
A big opportunity looms for Keith. He can forget this dead-end blog, Madam-bitch Speaker along with her buds Rangle, Conyers and Franks, are going to show us how to really screw up an economy.
Broaden your scope Keith, it's time to unveil the "Economic Panic" blog.
Lets see. Dems take house. Now, we get the immigration bill through -- the big pyramid scheme needs new meat to fill those homes.
Prepare for 1/2 billion population.
I vote for gridlock!
Note to all republicans, if you love the USA you should kill yourselves now. Proceed to your garage and mount your belts around the ceiling, hook yourself up and do the right thing. The republicans are all homosexual.
Better to have barrios in Phoenix than ghost towns of empty tract homes. Get ready for the US joining the Third World in morals and wages!
Everyone knew that the common man was going to be the big loser in globilization. Ship those jobs to Asia where they can get by on $1 per day!
vincent: I did not know that they allowed people in the State Hospital access to the internet. Shame on your doctors! Back to your cell.
They threw out the Republicans. Not necessarily voting for Democrats, but voting against Republicans
I think it had more to do with too many conservatives being pissed off about the budget, the illegals & a failing policy in Iraq.
Here's the rear question:
Will the moderates allow the left in the democratic party to pursue its agenda, or will the democrats revisit their base vales of serving the PEOPLE instead of labeling people.
Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 12 years Tuesday night and made strong gains in the Senate, according to NBC News projections. Democrats cast the results as a sharp rebuke to President Bush and promised big changes in Washington.
here's what drudge is reporting (wrongly):
VA SEN [99.18% IN]
R- ALLEN 1,141,753 49.44%
D- WEBB 1,139,885 49.36%
I think the idiot reversed the two names! It's actually Webb who is up
Virginia -- 99% reporting % Votes '00 Inc % '04 Bush %
Allen (R) 1,138,676
Webb (D) 1,141,052
Other 25,512
here's the correct #s - amazing Drudge screwed up so bad
Just how big a Bush/Cheney mole in the Democratic party is this f-cking Joe Lieberman? The Bush/Cheney apparatus abandoned their own Republican candidate in order to make sure dirty Joe Lieberman made it back into the senate, and after his own party rejected him in the primaries.
That's the same crazy-eyed look of that whack job Marshall Applewhite of the heaven's gate cult!
Where the F**K is Ross Peroit?
automatic recount in VA, but Webb wins
50/50 senate right now, and we'll see how MT and MO go now...
1,143,144 50%
1,140,879 49%
from cnn
Dems take Senate 51 to 49. GOP gets massively crushed in the house.
The bums just got thrown out. Now new bums move in.
2007 is gonna be a wild year.
lieberman said he will vote with the dems. he wants his chairmanship. However it'll be a fragile and weak majority in the Senate for the Dems, unlike the house where Pelosi will be powerful.
lieberman said he will vote with the dems. he wants his chairmanship. However it'll be a fragile and weak majority in the Senate for the Dems, unlike the house where Pelosi will be powerful
You dont know what youre talking about. Cheney nearly broke his arse campaigning for Dirty Joe.
Few political objects demonstrate the Apostle Paul's
warning, respecting things seen "as in a glass, darkly," than the case of that real-world fascist object, seen by credulous dupes of frankly fascist Silly Bill Suckley's electoral fun-house
mirror, as"Let's Pretend Democrat" and Senator Joe "Batistiano"
Lieberman. This is the same Lieberman widely viewed
enthusiastically, in that fun-house mirror, by some DLC
chameleons, as the prospective 2008 running-mate for putative
Republican Presidential candidate John McCain. In fact,Lieberman's assigned role as fellow-traveller of McCain would be the same part which Lieberman accomplice "Big Sister" Lynne Cheney has played in deploying the brutish part played in the Bush administration by "Big Shot" Dirty Dick.
The most important danger from a Lieberman candidacy, is that Bill Suckley's Joe, a prospective Goering of a U.S. fascist
dictatorship, is not as brutishly crude and stupid as "Big
Sister's" hit-man Cheney.
In any McCain-Lieberman candidacy,
continuity with the Bush-Cheney tyranny is provided by "Big
Sister's" close ties to Lieberman in their practice of fascism on
U.S. college campuses.
P.S. -- The marriage of "Big Sister" to Dirty Dick has given new
meaning to the phrase "shotgun marriage." Obviously, Big Sister
has good reasons to keep those handcuffs locked to the bedstead
when hubby is not tethered with the other dogs, as to a nightly
site outside the residency at the Naval observatory. One never
knows exactly, when, where, and how either of that pair might
take their pleasure on a given occasion.
Most expect that Mr. Lieberman will quickly be welcomed back into the Democratic Party fold, even if he has a somewhat icy reception from its liberal wing. Mr. Lieberman has promised to caucus with the Democrats, to protect his seniority: “That’s important to my state,” he said in the Fox interview on Tuesday.
serving the PEOPLE instead of labeling people.
In a word, no.
The Dems have to lable us to protect us from ourselves, we are to stupid to do anything without them.
Have a Nice Day.
THAT! Is going to be speaker of the house?
I moving to Mexico, no mexicans there!
Most expect that Mr. Lieberman will quickly be welcomed back into the Democratic Party fold, even if he has a somewhat icy reception from its liberal wing. Mr. Lieberman has promised to caucus with the Democrats, to protect his seniority: “That’s important to my state,” he said in the Fox interview on Tuesday.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:05:46 AM
Lieberman is part of the Bush/Cheney war party. His entire political career is based on organized crime, the likes of Michael Steinhardt who's father Red Steinhardt was Meyer Lansky's jewel fence. He's also backed by William F. Buckeley and right wing Cubans from the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Cheney campaigned harder for Lieberman than he did for his own parties candidate for senate.
Pelosi will definitely spit.
Quit deleting my posts!
Liberals true character exposed - In their own words:
vincent said...
Note to all republicans, if you love the USA you should kill yourselves now. Proceed to your garage and mount your belts around the ceiling, hook yourself up and do the right thing. The republicans are all homosexual.
Why are you lionizing this carpet-muncher?
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