Thank goodness MSNBC has a live internet feed today - I'm watching the US election unfold from my laptop in London - life is good. But it'd be better if every single damn incumbent gets tossed tonight.
I'll leave this as an open thread - but I'll ask for some blog courtesy:
1) No f**king swearing! Kids read HP too
2) No hate or racism
3) No threats
4) Don't feed the trolls
5) Ignore honica completely
That America has degenerated into name calling, uncivil and boorish behavior when it comes to politics is just a sad representation of what America itself has turned into. I am hopeful HP'ers can have a civil chat as this unfolds.
Enjoy! God I love election days! And this one will be one for the history books, you can count on that.
November 07, 2006
2006 Election on HP: Post breaking news, exit polls, voting experiences and have a good chat
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I see we're already starting with malfunctioning electronic voting machines. Looks like we'll have this one settled by January.
News Flash:
"Dick" Cheney, is caught in a Voting Booth looking at Georges Bush, News at 11:00.
"That America has degenerated into name calling, uncivil and boorish behavior when it comes to politics is just a sad representation of what America itself has turned into. I am hopeful HP'ers can have a civil chat as this unfolds."
ROTFL! Yeah,... right!
Could somebody tell me why voting machines are used? I mean, just one good reason other than they're easy to rig.
The most important institution in a democracy is the process of counting votes. Pencil an X in the box like every other developed country guys.
Scale is not an excuse either. If you have a million or a billion, it just ends up as a fraction of your population needs to work in the polls to hand count them.
It's so obvious that this is a huge opportunity for election fraud, I can't believe the US does this still.
Could somebody tell me why voting machines are used? I mean, just one good reason other than they're easy to rig.
If it prints out a vote reciept for you and posts results to a register, why couldn't it be as secure as any ATM system? Or do you think that it's easy to hack an ATM and empty everyone's bank account?
If it prints out a vote reciept for you and posts results to a register, why couldn't it be as secure as any ATM system? Or do you think that it's easy to hack an ATM and empty everyone's bank account?
Remember everthing even ATM'S are a network controlled computer of sorts, everything is hackable, if you have the right resourses.
Anyone else catch "Hacking Democracy: on HBO recently?
If I was cynical before watching it, i'm toxically cynical now
ATMs are hard to hack because the people who buy them want them to be hard to hack.
Apparently voting machines are easy to hack because the people who (ultimately) buy them (large R donors, indirectly) want them to be easy to hack. The companies which make them want to make money and they do that by pleasing their ultimate customers.
There is no need for a computer in a voting machine.
Computers are good for things which are repeated many many times and must be done quickly, like credit card transactions.
Voting happens 2 or 3 times a year at most. Reliability and transparency is much more important than speed.
Canada hand-counts every single physical, optically readable (i.e. human marked) ballot, in public, in the presence of multiple parties.
Ballot boxes need to be locked and transported, openly, by armed guards and monitored every single moment from voting to counting by multiple, independent people.
It's not just the machines making the ballot, but the hidden machines which count the ballot.
anyone say the word "disenfranchise" yet today?
anyone hear the MSM report that polling places are swarmed, record turnout, blah blah blah? Every year, like clockwork, then when the #s come in it's the worst turnout ever
and anyone know if any exit polls got leaked on the 'net yet?
If it aint broke why fix it?
Where's f@cking honica?
Shut up anonypuss, I hate you.
Where's f@cking honica?
Out with Borks Bitch, sharing matzah balls, and writing their names on each others underwear so they dont get lost at Camp Yiddish.
where oh where is our Ben Franklin? would you kindly emerge oh moderate political voice of reason and progress. polarization will only keep this country in a state of suspended animation.
Smug Bastard
Obama is our Thomas Jefferson. Just watch.
"Canada hand-counts every single physical, optically readable (i.e. human marked) ballot, in public, in the presence of multiple parties."
The best ballot system I've seen so far in Canada was a scantron type ballot in a municipal election. Mark a sheet of paper, a machine scans the result, the ballot can be counted manually if need be, electronic results can be tabulated instantly.
I was given the choice between electronic or manual ballot this morning. I took the manual. Don't trust the electronic scammers.
my brother took the FBI exam on that scannable type testing paper.
he failed horribly. so did a bunch of others, including a PHD.
after investigating the reults further they realized there was an error in the grading.
he passed along with the PhD.
gotta love anecdotal evidence.
I would never vote for someone whose name rhymes with Osama. Besides, this guy is a Democrap.
No swearing or racism? This blog is no fun anymore.
There's that name calling taught so well by Rush, Sean and Fox
Anyone ever (EVER!) have an issue with an ATM transaction?
Voting should be an ATM, a 800#, the internet or mail in - you chooose. Polling stations should all close. We're in 2006, and acting like it's 1706
Keith, you are too excited about this election. Nothing will change no matter who wins.
re·pub·li·cant (rĭ-pŭb'lĭ-kənt)
Of, relating to, or characteristic of failing at almost everything
One who can't balance a budget, can't win a war, can't protect their country, can't manage disasters, can't help stealing from taxpayers, can't stand up to oil companies or middle eastern monarchies, and can't stop their own ranks from constantly engaging in forbidden homosexual activity.
two words: subpoena power
Even if they impeach bush and cheney the corporations will just find someone more hideous to run the country. All the same worn out faces year after year and still the people think their vote matters. bwahaha!! The only thing that matters is money.
The reason we have the stupid computerized voting machines in Florida is because Democrats screamed bloody murder over the punch out ballots, which always worked fine till Al Gore's followers (many having already voted in New York) couldn't figure them out.
Florida switched to computerized voting machines because the Democrats insisted, and now they're the ones complaining because there is no paper trail. Well, when there WAS one, they ignored it, looking for dents and dimples on punch out cards, and trying to divine the voters' intentions rather than accepting the rules: no punch out, no vote, no exception. They tried to get more and more recounts in Democratic counties so they could keep adding new "wins" (translation: imagined dimples), re-checking the punch out cards over and over and over and over, and the Democratic Fla. Supreme Court couldn't have been happier to accomodate them, even though they were violating the state Constitution. When the U.S. Supreme Court jumped in and said "stop!" the Democrats screamed that the justices involved were all Republicans (not true). Somebody needed to stop the circus. The Democrats and their judges clearly intended to recount and recount and recount imagined dimples and dents till they won. The picture Keith has posted of the idiot "counter" staring at a Florida punch out card looking for dents and dimples says it all.
Had the laws been followed, and only the PUNCHED votes counted, the whole mess would have been over a day. Had the Palm Beach fossils who had already voted in New York been prosecuted for voting twice, as they should have been, the indignant protests would still be going on. Also, may of them, too old and senile to vote, where wheeled in by relatives WHO VOTED FOR THEM, another law violation that should have disqualified the votes of all involved.
I am not a Republican, in case anybody decides to trying throwing that one in my direction.
Hey, if those blue state buffoons are stupid enough to vote for that Arkansas reject, carpetbagging Senator Clinton then they deserve the government they have now. Huge Wall Street bonuses, that's all they care about, that's all they get. Can't wait 'til they line up to vote for Billary for president so I can laugh at the "first lady". You sure look pretty in that party dress William. Bwahaha!!
GOP Spins Exit Polls Ahead Of Vote Fraud
Pre-empting dirty tricks allegations, Republicans debunk historically accurate forecasts
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
In the early hours of voting on the mid-term elections, the GOP is already trying to spin exit polls in order to lessen suspicions surrounding expected attempts at vote fraud that will emerge later today
"The best ballot system I've seen so far in Canada was a scantron type ballot in a municipal election. Mark a sheet of paper, a machine scans the result, the ballot can be counted manually if need be, electronic results can be tabulated instantly."
-- uhhh, kinda like what a computer might do - except it spits out the paper FOR you.
Pelosi preemptively delegitimizes
“Either we win or you cheated!”
Election totally bogus and Diebold conspiracy proven ... unless democrats win.
Poll Workers Struggle With E-Ballots
Forbes, NY - 1 hour ago
By DEBORAH HASTINGS 11.07.06, 3:59 PM ET. New voting machines confounded some poll workers around the country on Election Day, and ...
Electronic voting shapes up as election debacle
CBC News, Canada - 1 hour ago
After warnings that electronic voting could cause trouble in Tuesday's US elections, there are signs of "what now appears to be a growing debacle," the CBC's ...
Computer Glitches Frustrating Voters
Washington Post, United States - 1 hour ago
By Alan Cooperman and Amy Goldstein. Technical problems with new voting machines frustrated some voters in Indiana, Michigan, New ...
Glitches galore as US votes
News24, South Africa - 1 hour ago
New York - Programming errors and inexperience with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts during Tuesday's US elections ...
Poll Workers Struggle With Vote Machines
Forbes, NY - 2 hours ago
By ANICK JESDANUN 11.07.06, 2:52 PM ET. Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll ...
Election Day Brings Lines, Scattered Machine Errors (Update2)
Bloomberg - 1 hour ago
By James Rowley and Jeff Bliss. Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Reports of long lines, voting machine malfunctions and court disputes over ...
New headaches for the voters
International Herald Tribune, France - 2 hours ago
By Brian Knowlton / International Herald Tribune. WASHINGTON: New voting equipment was used Tuesday in nearly one- third of US precincts ...
US voters entangled in voting machine problems
Irish Examiner, Ireland - 3 hours ago
Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts in today’s US elections ...
Reports Of Problems Pepper Election Day
CBS News, New York - 3 hours ago
(CBS/AP) Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts early Tuesday, delaying ...
Calculation 2006: Are the Voting Machines Doing Their Job?
BetaNews - 4 hours ago
By Scott M. Fulton, III, BetaNews. As morning ended on Election Day in the US, voting precincts throughout the country are, as expected ...
Electric Politics
National Review Online, NY - 4 hours ago
By John R. Lott Jr. & Bradley A. Smith. We have seen this before. In the 2004 elections, Democrats screamed that electronic voting ...
Voting problems crop up early
MSNBC - 5 hours ago
Kiichiro Sato / AP. WASHINGTON - Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers ...
Watchdog fears poll problems
News24, South Africa - 6 hours ago
New York - With a third of Americans voting on new equipment and voters navigating new registration databases and rules governing acceptable IDs, election ...
Poll Workers Struggle With Vote Machines
San Francisco Chronicle, USA - 7 hours ago
By ANICK JESDANUN, AP Writer. Programming errors and inexperience with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds ...
Long lines, problems with voting machines reported across Ohio
Kansas City Star, MO - 6 hours ago
AP. CLEVELAND - Longs lines, problems with ballot-reading machines and some frustrated voters who left polls without casting ballots ...
Voting machines woes cause early delays, MI - 7 hours ago
By ANICK JESDANUN. AP. (AP) — Electronic voting machine problems frazzled voters and election workers in dozens of precincts as ...
Voting Machines Woes Cause Early Delays
Forbes, NY - 8 hours ago
By ANICK JESDANUN 11.07.06, 8:48 AM ET. Voting machines began wreaking havoc the minute the polls opened Tuesday, delaying voters ...
Dicey machines, shady tactics and a blast from the past
Yahoo! News - 9 hours ago
Tuesday's elections won't just be a referendum on which party controls Congress. They'll be a test of whether American voting procedures ...
My name is Edgar J. Steele.
Today brings the most important American election ever held. Or the least important - I'm not sure which. Of one thing I am certain, however: there is no in-between. The answer turns upon whether things already have gone too far.
Certainly, America's laws, procedures and governmental structure make it possible for those now running things to ignore this election's results, regardless of the outcome. I speak, not simply of the Patriot Acts, but particularly of the laws pushed through and signed within just the past month or so.
Framework for Tyranny
The structure now is in place for turning America into the largest concentration camp since Mao Tse Tung ruled over China, with tracking and enforcement capabilities that once appeared only in Joe Stalin's wildest wet dreams.
A few days ago, President Bush signed away the last vestige of the US Constitution with something called the "Military Commissions Act" (MCA). The MCA allows government officials to designate any American an "enemy combatant" on the flimsiest of excuses.
Read the rest here:
Bottom line is REPUBLICANS WILL WIN AGAIN!!! Yes, the Republicans will win again.
The majority of Americans are white Christian women, and they vote primarily REPUBLICAN.
Therefore, there is no hope for the Democrats or the country. No hope at all.
Give it up.
There was no Monster Raving Looney Party candidate here in Boulder CO, land of the Naropa University, so I didn't vote - so don't blame me if it all screws up.
LOL. go watch the hbo's 'hacking domecracy'
'democfarcy' I'd say.
your vote does not count.
The fox is in the hen house.
Republicans implicated in posting plans for a nuclear bomb on a public internet site. People have been jailed for less.
Nice to see uber-prick Santorum bite it tonight, although now you'll see him on Fox News full time vs. just part time
This blog has too many idiots. I'm conservative, but hope the libtards win because it's the libtard masses that will disproportionately bear the brunt from the effects of a Democratic win, and then "maybe" they'll learn. If not, they just get spanked over and over and over again, something they, like Borkafatty and Tabasco Jenkins probably already enjoy in a non-metaphorical sense : )
nice to see the fox news anons with the "libtard" name calling
anyone who says "demorat" or "republipuke" etc sounds like the idiot they likely are
memo: if you want to be taken seriously, make an argument, drop the names
I can't wait to see Halliburton execs under oath before the House Democrats - ", Mr. Lesar, tell us about those no-bid contracts..."
Should be fun.
If not, they just get spanked over and over and over again, something they, like Borkafatty and Tabasco Jenkins probably already enjoy in a non-metaphorical sense : )
Your right I love getting spannked, but seeing your mother in a tight leather Bustya is a sight for sore eyes to say the least.
nice pic borka. hehehe
I like your Gif also F.M.W
Anonymous said...
'I can't wait to see Halliburton execs under oath before the House Democrats - ", Mr. Lesar, tell us about those no-bid contracts..."
'Should be fun.'
Do you mean the no-bid contracts Halliburton signed DURING THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION? Much of what we see today is something earlier contracts mandated, and could not be changed, even if Bush were inclined to do it differently. Halliburton has had contracts with the government for many, many years--long before this current administration came to power.
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